Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition...
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Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension?
Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?
Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!
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Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?
Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!
12 JAN 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Rainy Encounters: Finding Friendship in Jakarta's Food Street
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Pengunjung berdesak-desakan di sepanjang jalan makanan yang ramai di Jakarta.
En: Visitors were jostling along the bustling food street in Jakarta.
Id: Udara begitu lembap dan harum, penuh dengan aroma sate yang dipanggang, nasi goreng yang dimasak di wajan besar, dan asap dari makanan yang menggelegak.
En: The air was so humid and fragrant, filled with the aroma of grilled sate, nasi goreng being cooked in large woks, and steam from sizzling foods.
Id: Hujan deras tiba-tiba mengguyur, membuat orang-orang mencari tempat berteduh.
En: Suddenly, heavy rain poured down, prompting people to seek shelter.
Id: Adi, yang baru saja tiba di Jakarta untuk perjalanan kerja, merasa lelah dan tertekan.
En: Adi, who had just arrived in Jakarta for a business trip, was feeling tired and stressed.
Id: Pekerjaannya menuntut banyak perhatian, membuatnya sulit untuk menikmati waktu bebas.
En: His job demanded a lot of attention, making it difficult for him to enjoy any free time.
Id: Dia berdiri di bawah payung besar sebuah warung kaki lima, mencoba melindungi diri dari basahnya hujan.
En: He stood under a large umbrella of a food stall, trying to shield himself from the downpour.
Id: Warung itu menjual martabak yang terkenal enak.
En: The stall sold martabak that was famously delicious.
Id: Di sampingnya, Putri sedang menikmati suasana jalanan.
En: Next to him, Putri was enjoying the street atmosphere.
Id: Dia adalah seorang blogger makanan lokal yang sangat menyukai atmosfer jalanan yang ramai ini.
En: She was a local food blogger who loved the hustle and bustle of this lively street.
Id: Matanya bersinar saat melihat berbagai hidangan yang menggiurkan di sekelilingnya.
En: Her eyes sparkled as she took in the various tempting dishes around her.
Id: "Hai," sapa Putri sambil tersenyum. "Ikutan berteduh juga, ya?"
En: "Hi," greeted Putri with a smile. "Taking shelter too, huh?"
Id: Adi mengangguk, sedikit terkejut dengan sapaannya.
En: Adi nodded, a little surprised by her greeting.
Id: "Iya, hujannya deras sekali. Kebetulan lagi di sekitar sini," jawab Adi dengan suara pelan.
En: "Yes, the rain is quite heavy. I happened to be around here," replied Adi softly.
Id: "Kalau tertarik, coba deh martabak di sini. Salah satu yang paling enak di Jakarta," saran Putri ceria.
En: "If you’re interested, you should try the martabak here. One of the best in Jakarta," Putri cheerfully suggested.
Id: Adi ragu-ragu sejenak.
En: Adi hesitated for a moment.
Id: Pikirannya masih dipenuhi deadline dan presentasi kerja yang mengganggu.
En: His mind was still filled with looming deadlines and bothersome work presentations.
Id: Namun, sopan santun membawanya mencoba mencairkan suasana.
En: However, politeness led him to try and lighten the mood.
Id: "Baiklah, mungkin memang perlu coba sesuatu," katanya.
En: "Well, maybe I do need to try something," he said.
Id: Perbincangan mereka dimulai dari rasa martabak yang lezat, berkembang menjadi cerita-cerita ringan tentang kota, sampai akhirnya Putri mengisahkan betapa beragamnya kuliner di Jakarta.
En: Their conversation began with the taste of the delicious martabak, evolving into light stories about the city, until Putri shared how diverse the culinary scene in Jakarta was.
Id: Sambil berbagi sepiring martabak yang baru dimasak, Adi menemukan dirinya mulai merasa lebih santai.
En: While sharing a freshly cooked plate of martabak, Adi found himself starting to feel more relaxed.
Id: Ia menyadari, mungkin jeda singkat ini bisa membantunya melepaskan tekanan kerja.
En: He realized that perhaps this brief break could help relieve his work stress.
Id: Hujan semakin deras, dan mereka terjebak lebih lama di bawah naungan warung.
En: The rain poured harder, and they were stuck under the shelter of the food stall for longer.
Id: Namun, itu memberi mereka waktu untuk saling mengenal lebih baik.
En: However, it gave them time to get to know each other better.
Id: Putri dengan kegembiraannya menyulap setiap makanan menjadi cerita menarik, sementara Adi merasa tertular dengan semangatnya yang menular.
En: Putri, with her enthusiasm, could turn every meal into an intriguing story, while Adi felt infected by her contagious spirit.
Id: Setelah hujan mulai mereda, Adi merasa tenang dan segar.
En: After the rain began to subside, Adi felt calm and refreshed.
Id: "Terima kasih telah berbagi tentang kota ini," ujarnya.
En: "Thank you for sharing about the city," he said.
Id: Putri tersenyum, "Senang bisa berbagi. Mungkin kita bisa eksplor makanan lain di sini lain waktu?"
En: Putri smiled, "Glad to share. Maybe we can explore other foods here some other time?"
Id: Adi mengangguk, "Boleh. Kita tukar nomor telepon saja, siapa tahu bisa ketemu lagi."
En: Adi nodded, "Sure. Let’s swap phone numbers, just in case we can meet again."
Id: Senyum mereka menandakan sebuah koneksi baru yang tak terduga telah terjalin.
En: Their smiles signaled an unexpected new connection that had been formed.
Id: Di tengah keramaian Jakarta, keduanya menemukan kebahagiaan sederhana dalam pertemuan tanpa rencana, menambah warna di hari mereka masing-masing.
En: Amid the hustle and bustle of Jakarta, they both found simple happiness in an unplanned meeting, adding color to each of their days.
Id: Adi melangkah pergi dengan langkah yang lebih ringan, menikmati momen kecil yang menyegarkan dari rutinitas yang biasanya menguras pikiran.
En: Adi walked away with a lighter step, enjoying the refreshing small moment away from the usually exhausting routine.
Id: Putri pulang dengan perasaan puas, mengetahui bahwa minatnya bisa menjalin komunikasi yang tak terduga dengan orang lain.
En: Putri went home feeling satisfied, knowing that her passion could foster unexpected communication with others.
Id: Sebuah pertemuan yang dipermudah oleh hujan, memberikan mereka kedua arti baru akan kehidupan yang mereka jalani.
En: A meeting facilitated by the rain, giving both of them new meaning in the lives they led.
Vocabulary Words:
- jostling: berdesak-desakan
- bustling: ramai
- humid: lembap
- fragrant: harum
- sizzling: menggelegak
- shelter: berteduh
- downpour: hujan deras
- prompting: membuat
- looming: mengganggu
- bothersome: mengganggu
- shield: melindungi
- stall: warung
- tempering: mencairkan
- culinary: kuliner
- diverse: beragam
- intriguing: menarik
- enthusiasm: kegembiraan
- contagious: menular
- relieve: melepaskan
- foster: menjalin
- unexpected: tak terduga
- refreshing: menyegarkan
- facilitated: dipermudah
- saunter: melangkah
- pleasant: sederhana
- atmosphere: atmosfer
- sparkled: bersinar
- tempting: menggiurkan
- swap: tukar
- connection: koneksi
12 JAN 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Race Against Time: A Thrilling Jakarta Mall Adventure
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Di sebuah pusat perbelanjaan yang ramai di Jakarta, terdengar suara gemuruh orang-orang yang sibuk berbelanja memanfaatkan diskon besar-besaran setelah Tahun Baru.
En: In a bustling shopping mall in Jakarta, the rumbling sound of people busy shopping could be heard, taking advantage of the huge discounts after the New Year.
Id: Putri, seorang gadis yang lucu dan ceria, sedang bergegas dengan langkah sedikit panik.
En: Putri, a cute and cheerful girl, was hurrying with slightly panicked steps.
Id: Ia perlu membeli hadiah ulang tahun untuk temannya, dan hanya memiliki waktu 15 menit sebelum acara tukar kado dimulai.
En: She needed to buy a birthday gift for her friend and only had 15 minutes before the gift exchange event started.
Id: Saat itu musim hujan, dan rinai gerimis menari di atap mal, membuat suasana semakin meriah.
En: It was the rainy season, and the drizzle danced on the roof of the mall, adding to the festive atmosphere.
Id: Putri menghela napas, menyadari ia terlupa membawa daftar belanja.
En: Putri sighed, realizing she forgot to bring her shopping list.
Id: "Tidak apa," gumamnya kepada diri sendiri, "aku pasti bisa mengingat sesuatu yang bagus.
En: "It's okay," she muttered to herself, "I can surely remember something nice."
Id: "Di tengah keramaian, ia bertemu Budi dan Adi, yang juga sibuk dengan urusan masing-masing.
En: Amidst the crowd, she met Budi and Adi, who were also busy with their own errands.
Id: "Budi, Adi!
En: "Budi, Adi!
Id: Bantu aku dong, cari hadiah cepat!
En: Help me out, find a quick gift!"
Id: " seru Putri.
En: Putri called out.
Id: Budi, sambil menggendong barang-belanjaan, tertawa kecil.
En: Budi, carrying shopping bags, chuckled.
Id: "Putri, kamu selalu begitu sih, nanti-nanti terus.
En: "Putri, you're always like this, putting things off.
Id: Mana sempat bantu, aku harus cari sepatu buat acara nanti malam," ujarnya.
En: No time to help, I have to find shoes for the event tonight," he said.
Id: Adi menimpali, "Aku juga lagi buru-buru, ada promo flash sale di toko sebelah.
En: Adi chimed in, "I'm in a rush too, there's a flash sale at the store next door."
Id: "Putri berpikir sejenak untuk membeli kartu hadiah.
En: Putri briefly thought about buying a gift card.
Id: Tapi, ia ingat bahwa temannya baru saja pindah ke apartemen baru.
En: But, she remembered that her friend had just moved to a new apartment.
Id: "Ah, pasti ada yang lebih spesial," pikirnya, menepis ide kartu hadiah.
En: "Ah, there must be something more special," she thought, dismissing the gift card idea.
Id: Dengan cepat, Putri menyelinap di antara kerumunan, mencari-cari barang yang cocok.
En: Quickly, Putri weaved through the crowd, searching for a suitable item.
Id: Matanya tertuju pada toko dekorasi yang penuh warna-warni.
En: Her eyes landed on a colorful decor store.
Id: Di sana, di sudut etalase, ia melihat sebuah hiasan unik yang cocok sekali untuk apartemen temannya.
En: There, in a display window corner, she saw a unique ornament perfect for her friend's apartment.
Id: Namun, tangan lain juga meraihnya pada saat yang bersamaan.
En: However, another hand reached for it at the same time.
Id: Putri tersenyum sopan pada wanita muda di sampingnya.
En: Putri smiled politely at the young woman next to her.
Id: "Maaf, saya sangat perlu barang ini.
En: "Sorry, I really need this item.
Id: Saya sudah lama mencarinya sebelum akhirnya menemukannya hari ini," katanya sambil pura-pura tampak sedih.
En: I've been searching for it for a long time and finally found it today," she said, pretending to look sad.
Id: Wanita itu tertawa, tertular oleh semangat Putri.
En: The woman laughed, infected by Putri's enthusiasm.
Id: "Baiklah, ambil saja.
En: "Alright, you can have it.
Id: Sepertinya kau lebih membutuhkannya," katanya sambil menyerahkan hiasan itu.
En: It seems like you need it more," she said, handing over the ornament.
Id: Dengan perasaan lega dan gembira, Putri segera menuju kasir.
En: Feeling relieved and happy, Putri quickly headed to the cashier.
Id: Hatinya ceria, bukan hanya karena mendapatkan hadiah yang sempurna, tetapi juga merasakan serunya petualangan belanja di saat-saat terakhir.
En: Her heart was joyful, not only because she got the perfect gift but also because she felt the thrill of a last-minute shopping adventure.
Id: Di dalam hatinya, Putri berjanji pada dirinya sendiri untuk lebih baik dalam merencanakan waktu ke depan, meskipun ia juga tahu bahwa ia akan tetap menikmati adrenalin berbelanja di menit-menit terakhir nanti lagi.
En: In her heart, Putri promised herself to be better at planning her time in the future, although she also knew she would still enjoy the adrenaline of last-minute shopping again later.
Id: Saat ia keluar dari mal menuju acara ulang tahun, hujan semakin deras.
En: As she exited the mall heading to the birthday event, the rain poured even harder.
Id: Tapi kali ini, Putri tak lagi khawatir.
En: But this time, Putri was no longer worried.
Id: Ia tahu, ia telah berhasil menyelamatkan hari itu dengan cara yang mengesankan, meski dalam waktu yang sangat singkat.
En: She knew she had successfully saved the day in an impressive way, despite the very short time.
Vocabulary Words:
- bustling: ramai
- rumbling: gemuruh
- discounts: diskon
- drizzle: gerimis
- festival: meriah
- realizing: menyadari
- muttered: gumamnya
- amidst: di tengah
- errands: urusan
- chuckled: tertawa kecil
- rush: buru-buru
- apartment: apartemen
- weaved: menyelinap
- ornament: hiasan
- unique: unik
- reached: meraihnya
- pretending: pura-pura
- infected: tertular
- enthusiasm: semangat
- relieved: lega
- thrill: serunya
- planning: merencanakan
- adrenaline: adrenalin
- impressive: mengesankan
- successfully: berhasil
- drizzling: rinai
- exchange: tukar
- lurking: mengintai
- timidly: timidly
- handing: menyerahkan
11 JAN 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Journey to Kampung Air: Discovering Roots Over Water
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Di sudut Kalimantan Selatan, terdapat sebuah desa unik bernama Kampung Air.
En: In a corner of Kalimantan Selatan, there is a unique village called Kampung Air.
Id: Desa ini tidak seperti desa lainnya.
En: This village is unlike any other.
Id: Rumah-rumahnya berdiri tegak di atas air, tersambung oleh jembatan-jembatan kayu sempit.
En: Its houses stand upright over water, connected by narrow wooden bridges.
Id: Ayu, seorang siswi SMA yang mencintai sejarah dan kebudayaan, menerima tugas sekolah untuk menjelajahi warisan budayanya.
En: Ayu, a high school student who loves history and culture, received a school assignment to explore her cultural heritage.
Id: Musim hujan baru saja dimulai ketika Ayu memutuskan untuk mengunjungi Kampung Air.
En: The rainy season had just begun when Ayu decided to visit Kampung Air.
Id: Bersama dengan Rizal, temannya yang gemar fotografi, dan Lila, sahabat terbaik yang meskipun skeptis, selalu mendukung langkah Ayu.
En: Accompanied by Rizal, her photography-loving friend, and Lila, her best friend who, although skeptical, always supports Ayu's ventures.
Id: Di bawah langit kelabu yang menggantung berat dengan awan hujan, mereka bertiga menaiki perahu kecil menuju desa.
En: Under a gray sky heavy with rain clouds, the three of them boarded a small boat heading towards the village.
Id: "Aku ingin mengabadikan keindahan desa ini," kata Rizal, kamera tergantung di leher.
En: "I want to capture the beauty of this village," said Rizal, his camera hanging around his neck.
Id: Lila mengangguk sembari memegang erat tas pelindung air miliknya, "Jangan sampai kamera basah, ya.
En: Lila nodded while holding tightly onto her waterproof bag, "Make sure the camera doesn't get wet, okay."
Id: "Ayu duduk diam, memandang rumah-rumah kayu yang berwarna-warni.
En: Ayu sat quietly, gazing at the colorful wooden houses.
Id: Setiap rumah berdiri di atas tiang, berderap di atas air yang tenang.
En: Each house stood on stilts, poised over the calm water.
Id: Dia merasa senang, tetapi juga sedikit gugup.
En: She felt happy, yet a bit nervous.
Id: "Apa aku benar-benar bisa memahami budaya yang kaya ini?
En: "Can I really understand this rich culture?"
Id: " pikirnya.
En: she wondered.
Id: Seiring mereka menyusuri jembatan kayu, senyum hangat penduduk menyambut.
En: As they walked along the wooden bridge, warm smiles from the residents greeted them.
Id: Ayu berhenti di sebuah warung kecil.
En: Ayu stopped at a small shop.
Id: Seorang wanita tua menyuguhkan teh hangat dan kue-kue tradisional.
En: An old woman offered them warm tea and traditional cakes.
Id: Sambil menikmati suguhan, Ayu mendengarkan cerita tentang asal-usul Kampung Air.
En: While enjoying the treats, Ayu listened to stories about the origins of Kampung Air.
Id: “Hujan adalah bagian dari hidup di sini,” kata wanita tua itu.
En: "Rain is a part of life here," the old woman said.
Id: “Seperti air yang mendukung desa ini, begitu pula hujan mendukung kehidupan kita.
En: "Just like the water that supports this village, so does the rain support our lives."
Id: ”Saat mereka beranjak pergi, hujan mulai turun, deras.
En: As they were about to leave, the rain started to pour down heavily.
Id: Rombongan kecil ini seketika berlarian mencari tempat berlindung.
En: The small group immediately ran to find shelter.
Id: Mereka menemukan sebuah awning kecil, cukup untuk melindungi mereka dari hujan.
En: They found a small awning, just enough to protect them from the rain.
Id: “Hujan kali ini sangat deras!
En: "This rain is really heavy!"
Id: ” seru Lila agak berseloroh.
En: Lila exclaimed, somewhat jokingly.
Id: Rizal berusaha menutupi kamera dengan jaketnya sambil tetap memotret keindahan sesaat di bawah hujan.
En: Rizal tried to cover his camera with his jacket while still photographing the momentary beauty under the rain.
Id: Dalam perlindungan sederhana itu, Ayu merasakan sesuatu yang mendalam.
En: In that simple shelter, Ayu felt something profound.
Id: Dia melihat sekeliling, menyadari kebersamaan mereka adalah bagian dari perjalanan mengenal diri dan budaya.
En: She looked around, realizing their togetherness was part of a journey to understand herself and the culture.
Id: “Mungkin, memahami budaya bukan soal meraih semua pengetahuan,” pikirnya, “tapi justru menikmati setiap momen kecil yang berbagi cerita dan kebersamaan.
En: "Maybe, understanding culture isn't about acquiring all knowledge," she thought, "but rather enjoying every little moment that shares stories and togetherness."
Id: ”Hujan tak kunjung reda, namun Ayu tak lagi merasa bimbang.
En: The rain didn't let up, but Ayu no longer felt uncertain.
Id: Dia menemukan koneksi yang dicarinya—melalui senyum warga, cerita yang dibagikan, dan kebersamaan yang menghangatkan hari.
En: She found the connection she was looking for—through the smiles of the locals, the stories shared, and the bond that warmed the day.
Id: Dengan hati yang berseri-seri, Ayu merasa lebih dekat dengan akarnya.
En: With a beaming heart, Ayu felt closer to her roots.
Id: Ketika mereka akhirnya pulang, Ayu tahu apa yang akan ditulisnya.
En: When they finally returned, Ayu knew what she would write.
Id: Ini bukan sekadar tentang Kampung Air, tapi cerita perjalanan dan persahabatan.
En: It wasn’t just about Kampung Air, but a tale of journey and friendship.
Id: Tugas sekolah akan sempurna bukan karena data yang lengkap, tetapi karena pengalaman yang mendalam dan ikatan yang terjalin.
En: The school assignment would be perfect not because of complete data, but because of the deep experiences and bonds formed.
Vocabulary Words:
- unique: unik
- upright: tegak
- narrow: sempit
- assigned: menerima tugas
- heritage: warisan
- accompanied: bersama
- skeptical: skeptis
- gray: kelabu
- boarded: menaiki
- capture: mengabadikan
- poised: berderap
- stilts: tiang
- calm: tenang
- residents: penduduk
- offered: menyuguhkan
- shelter: tempat berlindung
- awning: awning
- momentary: sesaat
- profound: mendalam
- realizing: menyadari
- togetherness: kebersamaan
- acquiring: meraih
- let up: redah
- uncertain: bimbang
- smiles: senyum
- bond: ikatan
- beaming: berseri-seri
- tale: cerita
- ventures: langkah
- experiences: pengalaman
11 JAN 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Rain, Roots, and Revelations at the Borobudur Festival
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Hujan rintik-rintik membasahi daun-daun yang hijau di sekitar Candi Borobudur.
En: The gentle drizzle dampened the green leaves around Candi Borobudur.
Id: Suara gamelan terdengar lembut di kejauhan.
En: The sound of gamelan music could be heard softly in the distance.
Id: Ayu, Budi, dan Sari berjalan perlahan menuju pintu masuk candi.
En: Ayu, Budi, and Sari walked slowly towards the entrance of the temple.
Id: Festival Budaya Borobudur sedang berlangsung, dan suasana begitu meriah.
En: The Festival Budaya Borobudur was in full swing, and the atmosphere was so lively.
Id: Ayu merasa antusias.
En: Ayu felt excited.
Id: Dia berharap bisa merasakan momen berharga di tempat bersejarah ini.
En: She hoped to experience precious moments in this historic place.
Id: Dia ingin lebih dekat dengan akarnya dan mempererat hubungan dengan Budi dan Sari.
En: She wanted to connect more deeply with her roots and strengthen her bond with Budi and Sari.
Id: Ayu berhenti sejenak, memandang megahnya candi yang menjulang di depannya.
En: Ayu paused for a moment, gazing at the majestic temple towering before her.
Id: "Lihat, betapa indahnya," katanya penuh kekaguman.
En: "Look, how beautiful it is," she said in awe.
Id: Budi, dengan semangat petualangnya, melihat sekitar mencari sesuatu yang menarik.
En: Budi, with his adventurous spirit, looked around for something interesting.
Id: "Ayo, kita jelajahi!
En: "Come on, let's explore!
Id: Siapa tahu kita bisa menemukan sudut tersembunyi," ajak Budi semangat.
En: Who knows, we might discover a hidden corner," Budi eagerly suggested.
Id: Dia ingin membuat kenangan yang lebih berarti bersama Ayu dan Sari.
En: He wanted to create more meaningful memories with Ayu and Sari.
Id: Sari, yang selalu terorganisir, memeriksa jadwal acara di tangannya.
En: Sari, who was always organized, checked the event schedule in her hand.
Id: Tapi diam-diam, hatinya dipenuhi kebimbangan tentang karirnya.
En: But secretly, her heart was filled with doubts about her career.
Id: Dia mencoba tersenyum, mengikuti langkah Ayu dan Budi.
En: She tried to smile, following the steps of Ayu and Budi.
Id: Dia berharap perjalanan ini bisa membawa kejelasan untuk pikirannya.
En: She hoped this journey would bring clarity to her mind.
Id: Mendadak, langit berubah gelap.
En: Suddenly, the sky turned dark.
Id: Hujan mulai turun lebih deras.
En: The rain began to fall more heavily.
Id: Ayu ragu sejenak, namun tekadnya bulat.
En: Ayu hesitated for a moment but was determined.
Id: "Ayo, kita lanjutkan.
En: "Come on, let's continue.
Id: Ini pengalaman yang kita cari, kan?
En: This is the experience we're seeking, right?"
Id: " katanya menyemangati.
En: she encouraged.
Id: Mereka bertiga bergegas mencari tempat berteduh tanpa kehilangan semangat.
En: The three of them hurried to find shelter without losing their spirit.
Id: Di salah satu sudut tenang candi, mereka menemukan tempat berlindung.
En: In one quiet corner of the temple, they found a place to take cover.
Id: Air hujan memantul di batu-batu purba, menciptakan simfoni alami yang menenangkan.
En: The rainwater bounced off the ancient stones, creating a soothing natural symphony.
Id: Di sana, Ayu duduk diam sejenak, matanya terpejam.
En: There, Ayu sat quietly for a moment, her eyes closed.
Id: Dalam hatinya, dia merasakan kehadiran nenek moyang yang seolah bercerita melaluinya.
En: In her heart, she felt the presence of ancestors as if they were telling stories through her.
Id: Budi dan Sari duduk di sampingnya.
En: Budi and Sari sat beside her.
Id: Mereka merasa momen ini sangat berarti.
En: They felt this moment was very meaningful.
Id: Tidak hanya hujan yang menyatukan mereka di bawah satu atap, tetapi juga kehangatan persahabatan dan keterhubungan batin yang hadir begitu nyata.
En: It wasn't just the rain that brought them together under one roof, but also the warmth of friendship and the real presence of spiritual connection.
Id: Setelah beberapa saat, hujan mulai mereda.
En: After a while, the rain began to subside.
Id: Bersama-sama, mereka melanjutkan perjalanan, menikmati keindahan candi dan festival.
En: Together, they continued their journey, enjoying the beauty of the temple and the festival.
Id: Ayu tersenyum, merasa lebih terhubung dengan sejarah dan teman-temannya.
En: Ayu smiled, feeling more connected to history and her friends.
Id: Hati mereka ringan, dan rasa syukur menyelimuti perjalanan mereka kembali.
En: Their hearts were light, and gratitude enveloped their journey back.
Id: Kenangan ini akan selalu tertulis dalam benak mereka, sebagai cerita tentang hujan, persahabatan, dan pencarian makna di antara dinding kuno Borobudur.
En: This memory would always be engraved in their minds, as a story about rain, friendship, and the search for meaning among the ancient walls of Borobudur.
Vocabulary Words:
- drizzle: hujan rintik-rintik
- dampened: membasahi
- majestic: megahnya
- towering: menjulang
- awe: kekaguman
- adventurous: petualang
- eagerly: semangat
- organized: terorganisir
- doubts: kebimbangan
- clarity: kejelasan
- hesitated: ragu
- determined: tekadnya bulat
- heavily: lebih deras
- soothing: menenangkan
- symphony: simfoni
- ancestors: nenek moyang
- bond: hubungan
- engraved: tertulis
- enveloped: menyelimuti
- subside: mereda
- journey: perjalanan
- spiritual: batin
- meaningful: berarti
- hidden: tersembunyi
- presence: kehadiran
- lively: meriah
- seeking: mencari
- memories: kenangan
- roots: akar
- historic: bersejarah
10 JAN 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Braving the Storm: Ayu's Determined Journey Home
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Di tengah hujan yang mengguyur deras, Ayu berdiri di depan gerbang sekolah pondok mereka di pedesaan.
En: In the midst of the pouring rain, Ayu stood in front of the gate of their countryside boarding school.
Id: Meski tempat itu dikelilingi kehijauan nan subur, suasana hujan membuat Ayu semakin merindukan rumah.
En: Even though the place was surrounded by lush greenery, the rainy atmosphere made Ayu long for home even more.
Id: Jakarta yang hiruk-pikuk, rumah keluarganya, dan lampu-lampu kota, semuanya membayang di benaknya.
En: The bustling Jakarta, her family home, and the city lights, all lingered in her mind.
Id: Liburan Tahun Baru ini seharusnya membawa Ayu pulang, tetapi badai ini mengancam untuk menghancurkan rencananya.
En: This New Year's vacation was supposed to bring Ayu home, but the storm threatened to ruin her plans.
Id: "Ayu, kamu beneran mau coba lewat jalan itu?" tanya Raka khawatir.
En: "Ayu, are you really planning to try that route?" Raka asked worriedly.
Id: "Jalan itu katanya tertutup banjir," tambah Dewi memperingatkan.
En: "They say the road is flooded," added Dewi, warning her.
Id: Ayu menarik napas panjang.
En: Ayu took a deep breath.
Id: "Aku harus pulang. Aku harus bertemu keluargaku," jawab Ayu tegas.
En: "I have to go home. I have to see my family," Ayu replied firmly.
Id: Hatinya tegar, walaupun mungkin sedikit gegabah.
En: Her heart was steadfast, though perhaps slightly reckless.
Id: Dengan segala pertimbangan, Ayu memutuskan untuk mengambil jalan alternatif yang lebih berisiko.
En: With all considerations, Ayu decided to take a riskier alternative route.
Id: Berbekal tas punggung dan jas hujan, Ayu melangkah pergi.
En: Armed with a backpack and a raincoat, Ayu stepped away.
Id: Raka dan Dewi hanya bisa mengucapkan doa agar Ayu selamat sampai tujuan.
En: Raka and Dewi could only offer their prayers for Ayu's safe arrival.
Id: Perjalanan Ayu tidak mudah.
En: Ayu's journey was not easy.
Id: Jalan tanah berubah menjadi lumpur licin di bawah hujan.
En: The dirt road turned into slippery mud under the rain.
Id: Angin menghembus kencang, membuat Ayu harus menundukkan kepala.
En: The wind blew strong, forcing Ayu to keep her head down.
Id: Tantangan terbesar datang ketika Ayu sampai di sebuah sungai yang meluap.
En: The biggest challenge came when Ayu arrived at an overflowing river.
Id: Air mengalir deras, mengancam siapa pun yang mencoba menyeberang.
En: The water flowed swiftly, threatening anyone attempting to cross.
Id: Ayu ragu sejenak.
En: Ayu hesitated for a moment.
Id: Di satu sisi ada rasa takut, tetapi di sisi lain, tekadnya kuat untuk sampai ke rumah.
En: On one side was fear, but on the other, her determination to reach home was strong.
Id: Mengingat keluarganya memberi Ayu keberanian yang ia butuhkan.
En: Remembering her family gave Ayu the courage she needed.
Id: Dengan hati-hati, Ayu menyeberangi sungai.
En: Carefully, Ayu crossed the river.
Id: Dia melangkah pelan, mempertahankan keseimbangan.
En: She stepped slowly, maintaining her balance.
Id: Air mengalir cepat di sekitar kakinya, tetapi Ayu tidak menyerah.
En: The water rushed rapidly around her feet, but Ayu didn't give up.
Id: Berpikir tentang ibunya yang menunggunya menguatkan langkahnya.
En: Thinking about her mother waiting for her strengthened her steps.
Id: Dengan doa di hati, akhirnya dia berhasil menyeberang.
En: With a prayer in her heart, she finally managed to cross.
Id: Perjalanan selanjutnya tidak kalah berat, tetapi Ayu berhasil bertahan.
En: The journey afterward was no less arduous, but Ayu endured.
Id: Setelah berjam-jam perjalanan yang menegangkan, Ayu tiba di Jakarta.
En: After hours of tense travel, Ayu arrived in Jakarta.
Id: Langit yang mendung menyambutnya, tetapi lampu-lampu kota memberikan rasa hangat.
En: The overcast sky greeted her, but the city lights provided a warm feeling.
Id: Tepat saat malam menjelang, Ayu mendapati dirinya berdiri di pintu rumah.
En: Just as evening approached, Ayu found herself standing at her home's doorstep.
Id: Keluarganya menyambut dengan pelukan hangat.
En: Her family welcomed her with warm embraces.
Id: Di tengah kebersamaan yang hangat dan suara riuh sambutan Tahun Baru, Ayu merasa bersyukur untuk momen ini.
En: Amidst the warm togetherness and the lively sound of the New Year's celebration, Ayu felt grateful for this moment.
Id: Perjalanan ini tidak hanya membawanya pulang secara fisik, tetapi juga memberinya keyakinan pada dirinya sendiri.
En: This journey not only brought her home physically but also gave her self-confidence.
Id: Ayu sekarang sadar bahwa ia memiliki kekuatan dan keteguhan hati yang tak tergoyahkan.
En: Ayu now realized she possessed unwavering strength and determination.
Id: Keberaniannya telah mengubah pandangannya; ia merasa lebih terhubung dengan rumah, dan juga lebih menghargai dukungan teman-temannya.
En: Her courage had changed her perspective; she felt more connected to home and also more appreciative of her friends' support.
Id: Di bawah langit yang bersinar dengan kembang api, Ayu memandang ke atas, tersenyum.
En: Under a sky lit with fireworks, Ayu looked up and smiled.
Id: Tahun baru ini bukan hanya awal yang baru, tetapi juga pelajaran berharga tentang keberanian dan cinta.
En: This new year was not just a new beginning, but also a valuable lesson about courage and love.
Id: Ia telah menemukan tempatnya, baik di Jakarta maupun dalam hatinya.
En: She had found her place, both in Jakarta and in her heart.
Vocabulary Words:
- amidst: di tengah
- linger: membayang
- steadfast: tegar
- reckless: gegabah
- considerations: pertimbangan
- backpack: tas punggung
- overflowing: meluap
- swiftly: deras
- hesitate: ragu
- determination: tekad
- courage: keberanian
- maintaining: mempertahankan
- balance: keseimbangan
- arduous: berat
- tense: menegangkan
- overcast: mendung
- perspective: pandangan
- valuable: berharga
- appreciative: menghargai
- unwavering: tak tergoyahkan
- threatened: mengancam
- route: jalan
- surrounded: dikelilingi
- atmosphere: suasana
- endured: bertahan
- embraces: pelukan
- togetherness: kebersamaan
- journey: perjalanan
- steadily: perlahan-lahan
- greeted: menyambut
10 JAN 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Pursuing Dreams: Andika's Journey to Balance Passions
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Hujan turun lembut di luar jendela kereta, mengaburkan pemandangan hamparan sawah dan gunung berkabut di sepanjang perjalanan menuju sekolah asrama di Bandung.
En: The rain fell gently outside the train window, blurring the view of sawah fields and misty mountains along the journey to the boarding school in Bandung.
Id: Andika duduk di kursi dekat jendela, melihat tetesan hujan yang berlomba turun.
En: Andika sat on the seat near the window, watching the raindrops racing down.
Id: Bersamanya, Siti sedang sibuk menggambar sesuatu di buku sketsanya, sementara Rina duduk dengan raut serius di seberangnya, sibuk membaca buku panduan ujian.
En: Beside him, Siti was busy drawing something in her sketchbook, while Rina sat across with a serious expression, busy reading an exam guidebook.
Id: Liburan Tahun Baru telah usai, dan mereka bertiga kembali menuju sekolah.
En: The New Year holiday had ended, and the three of them were returning to school.
Id: Andika memikirkan semua resolusinya untuk tahun baru itu.
En: Andika reflected on all his resolutions for the new year.
Id: Satu harapan yang terus menggantung di benaknya adalah keberanian untuk bergabung dengan klub musik di sekolah.
En: One hope that kept lingering in his mind was the courage to join the school music club.
Id: "Din, kamu lihat ini?
En: "Din, did you see this?"
Id: " Siti menyodorkan buku gambarnya.
En: Siti offered her sketchbook.
Id: "Ini ide desain untuk pertunjukan musik di sekolah.
En: "This is a design idea for the music performance at school.
Id: Kamu kan suka musik, kenapa tidak coba ikut meramaikan?
En: You like music, why not try to participate?"
Id: ""Ya, ya.
En: "Yeah, yeah.
Id: Tapi kurang penting," Rina memotong sambil tetap membaca.
En: But it's not important," Rina interrupted while still reading.
Id: "Fokus saja pada pelajaran.
En: "Just focus on your studies."
Id: "Andika terdiam.
En: Andika remained silent.
Id: Dia tahu Rina tekun dan berpikiran akademis.
En: He knew Rina was diligent and academically minded.
Id: Kadang dia merasa cemburu karena Rina begitu percaya diri mengejar ambisinya.
En: Sometimes he felt envious because Rina was so confident in pursuing her ambitions.
Id: Tapi kali ini, dia tahu ada hal yang tidak bisa dilewatkannya lagi.
En: But this time, he knew there was something he could no longer ignore.
Id: Musik adalah bagian penting dari dirinya.
En: Music was an important part of him.
Id: "Rina, sudah lama aku ingin bicara," Andika akhirnya berkata, suaranya hampir tenggelam di antara roda kereta yang berderit.
En: "Rina, I've been wanting to talk," Andika finally said, his voice almost drowned out by the rattling train wheels.
Id: "Aku ingin ikut klub musik.
En: "I want to join the music club.
Id: Aku cinta musik sama seperti aku suka belajar.
En: I love music just as much as I love studying.
Id: Keduanya penting bagiku.
En: Both are important to me."
Id: "Siti tersenyum mendukung.
En: Siti smiled supportively.
Id: Rina meletakkan bukunya, tampak terkejut mendengar ketegasan dalam suara Andika.
En: Rina put down her book, looking surprised to hear the determination in Andika's voice.
Id: "Tapi Andika, musik bukan prioritas di sekolah.
En: "But Andika, music isn't a priority at school.
Id: Prestasi akademisku juga dipertaruhkan," Rina berkata dengan hati-hati.
En: My academic performance is also at stake," Rina said cautiously.
Id: "Jika aku bisa mengimbangi keduanya, tidak masalah, kan?
En: "If I can balance both, it's not a problem, right?
Id: Aku hanya ingin mencoba," Andika membalas.
En: I just want to try," Andika replied.
Id: Hening sejenak.
En: A silence fell.
Id: Deburan hujan menjadi satu-satunya suara yang mengisi ruang di antara mereka.
En: The rush of rain became the only sound filling the space between them.
Id: "Aku tahu kamu bisa," Siti berkata lembut, melirik ke arah Rina.
En: "I know you can," Siti said softly, glancing at Rina.
Id: Rina akhirnya mengangguk perlahan.
En: Rina finally nodded slowly.
Id: "Kalau kamu yakin bisa membaginya dengan baik, aku akan mendukungmu, Andika.
En: "If you're sure you can manage it well, I'll support you, Andika."
Id: "Kereta berhenti di stasiun terakhir.
En: The train stopped at the last station.
Id: Mereka turun membawa semangat baru.
En: They disembarked with renewed spirits.
Id: Langit Bandung dilipat jubah kelabu, namun Andika merasa jauh lebih cerah dalam hatinya.
En: The sky over Bandung was draped in gray, but Andika felt much brighter in his heart.
Id: Saat melangkah ke halaman sekolah, dia siap menghadapi audisi musik dan segala tantangan akademis di depan.
En: As he stepped onto the school grounds, he was ready to face the music audition and all the academic challenges ahead.
Id: Andika tahu bahwa dia tidak perlu memilih antara satu impian dengan yang lain.
En: Andika knew that he didn't have to choose between one dream and another.
Id: Dia bisa memiliki keduanya, dan dengan itu, dia merasa lebih hidup.
En: He could have both, and with that, he felt more alive.
Vocabulary Words:
- gently: lembut
- blurring: mengaburkan
- misty: berkabut
- reflection: pemikiran
- lingering: menggantung
- courage: keberanian
- interrupted: memotong
- envious: cemburu
- ignore: melewatkannya
- drowned out: tenggelam
- rattling: berderit
- determination: ketegasan
- priority: prioritas
- balance: mengimbangi
- silence: hening
- spirits: semangat
- draped: dilipat
- audition: audisi
- challenges: tantangan
- ambitions: ambisi
- serious: serius
- design: desain
- participate: meramaikan
- focus: fokus
- academically minded: berpikiran akademis
- confident: percaya diri
- supportively: mendukung
- cautiously: dengan hati-hati
- equally: sama
- alive: hidup
9 JAN 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Bargaining at the Heart of Bali: A Cultural Journey in Ubud
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Pasar tradisional di Ubud, Bali, berdenyut dengan kehidupan.
En: The traditional market in Ubud, Bali, pulses with life.
Id: Sinar matahari musim panas menari di atas keramaian orang-orang yang sibuk mempersiapkan hari raya Galungan.
En: The summer sunlight dances above the crowd of people busy preparing for the Galungan festival.
Id: Udara penuh dengan aroma rempah-rempah dan kembang dari pedagang yang menyajikan hasil bumi lokal.
En: The air is filled with the aroma of spices and flowers from the vendors presenting their local produce.
Id: Rizky berkeliling bersama Sari dan Dewi, dua teman barunya.
En: Rizky is walking around with Sari and Dewi, two new friends.
Id: Rizky, yang berasal dari Jakarta, sangat ingin belajar tentang kekayaan budaya Bali.
En: Rizky, who comes from Jakarta, is eager to learn about Bali's rich culture.
Id: Sari, seorang perajin lokal, memutuskan untuk membantunya.
En: Sari, a local craftswoman, decided to help him.
Id: Dia mengajak Rizky dan Dewi untuk membeli perlengkapan yang diperlukan untuk persiapan hari raya.
En: She invited Rizky and Dewi to buy the necessary supplies for the festival preparations.
Id: "Pasar ini ramai sekali," kata Rizky sambil tersenyum, meskipun dia sedikit kewalahan.
En: "This market is so crowded," said Rizky with a smile, even though he was a bit overwhelmed.
Id: Dia melihat berbagai kain berwarna-warni yang menggantung bergelantungan, dan mendengar suara penjual yang menawarkan barang dagangan.
En: He saw various colorful fabrics hanging down, and heard the voices of sellers offering their goods.
Id: Dewi melompat-lompat di samping Rizky.
En: Dewi bounced alongside Rizky.
Id: "Kamu harus lihat bagaimana Sari menawar," katanya dengan tawa ceria.
En: "You have to see how Sari bargains," she said with a cheerful laugh.
Id: Dewi adalah gadis kecil yang penuh canda dan selalu menemukan cara untuk membuat orang-orang di sekitarnya tertawa.
En: Dewi is a little girl full of jokes and always finds a way to make the people around her laugh.
Id: "Mari kita cari janur dan bunga-bunga untuk banten," kata Sari, sambil menggenggam erat daftarnya.
En: "Let's find janur and flowers for the banten," said Sari, clutching her list tightly.
Id: Rizky mengikuti di belakang, bertekad untuk belajar dengan baik.
En: Rizky followed behind, determined to learn well.
Id: Namun, di tengah pasar yang hiruk-pikuk, Rizky merasa sedikit bingung.
En: However, in the midst of the market's hustle and bustle, Rizky felt a little confused.
Id: Saat itulah dia melihat sebuah kotak berisi benda yang menarik perhatiannya.
En: It was then that he saw a box containing something that caught his attention.
Id: "Sari, ini penting untuk Galungan, kan?
En: "Sari, this is important for Galungan, right?"
Id: " tanyanya, yakin bahwa dia harus mencoba menawar sendiri.
En: he asked, confident that he should try bargaining himself.
Id: Sari menahan senyumnya.
En: Sari held back her smile.
Id: "Cobalah, Rizky.
En: "Give it a try, Rizky."
Id: " Dan Rizky penuh semangat memulai tawar-menawar dengan penjual.
En: And Rizky enthusiastically began bargaining with the seller.
Id: Perdebatan kecil pun terjadi, penuh dengan senyum dan tawa dari penjual serta Sari dan Dewi yang berdiri di dekatnya.
En: A small debate ensued, full of smiles and laughter from the seller as well as Sari and Dewi standing nearby.
Id: Meski bahasa menjadi sedikit penghalang, Rizky menggunakan isyarat tangan dan senyuman untuk menyampaikan niatnya.
En: Although language was a bit of a barrier, Rizky used hand gestures and smiles to convey his intent.
Id: Akhirnya, penjual menyerah dengan anggukan riang, "Baik, untukmu, harga spesial.
En: Finally, the seller relented with a cheerful nod, "Alright, for you, a special price."
Id: " Semua tertawa, termasuk Rizky yang merasa sedikit malu tapi bangga telah berusaha.
En: Everyone laughed, including Rizky, who felt a bit embarrassed but proud to have made the effort.
Id: Dengan keranjang belanja penuh, kelompok itu kembali ke rumah Sari.
En: With a shopping basket full, the group returned to Sari's house.
Id: Di sana, mereka menyiapkan makanan tradisional dan duduk bersama.
En: There, they prepared traditional food and sat together.
Id: Sari dengan sabar menjelaskan setiap langkah dalam persiapan Galungan, sementara Rizky mendengarkan dengan penuh perhatian.
En: Sari patiently explained each step in the Galungan preparations, while Rizky listened attentively.
Id: "Saya belajar banyak hari ini," kata Rizky dengan tulus, saat mereka menikmati makan malam bersama.
En: "I learned a lot today," said Rizky sincerely, as they enjoyed dinner together.
Id: "Budaya Bali sungguh menakjubkan.
En: "Bali's culture is truly amazing."
Id: "Ketika matahari terbenam di balik pepohonan, Rizky merasa perubahan dalam dirinya.
En: As the sun set behind the trees, Rizky felt a change within himself.
Id: Dia menyadari bahwa meskipun perbedaan budaya bisa menjadi tantangan, keindahan dan kekayaan dari pengalaman tersebut membuat segalanya bermanfaat.
En: He realized that although cultural differences can be challenging, the beauty and richness of the experience make everything worthwhile.
Id: Perjalanan singkat ke pasar itu tidak hanya menjadi pelajaran tentang tawar-menawar, tetapi juga tentang menghormati tradisi yang memelihara jiwa masyarakat Bali.
En: That short trip to the market was not only a lesson in bargaining but also about respecting the traditions that nurture Bali's community spirit.
Vocabulary Words:
- pulses: berdenyut
- sunlight: sinar matahari
- aroma: aroma
- vendors: pedagang
- produce: hasil bumi
- eager: sangat ingin
- craftswoman: perajin
- supplies: perlengkapan
- overwhelmed: kewalahan
- bargains: menawar
- cheerful: ceria
- bounced: melompat-lompat
- clutching: menggenggam
- determined: bertekad
- amidst: di tengah
- hustle and bustle: hiruk-pikuk
- confused: bingung
- debate: perdebatan
- convey: menyampaikan
- intent: niat
- relented: menyerah
- basket: keranjang
- patiently: dengan sabar
- attentively: dengan penuh perhatian
- sincerely: dengan tulus
- changes: perubahan
- challenging: tantangan
- richness: kekayaan
- nurture: memelihara
- traditions: tradisi
9 JAN 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Braving Tanjung Puting: A Jungle Journey to Survival
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Di bawah hujan lebat, Tanjung Puting tampak seperti hutan dongeng.
En: Under the heavy rain, Tanjung Puting looked like an enchanted forest.
Id: Pepohonan tinggi melambai-lambai, menyembunyikan suara orangutan yang berayun tenang di antara dahan.
En: The tall trees swayed, hiding the sound of orangutans swinging calmly among the branches.
Id: Adi, seorang pecinta alam sejati, merasa hidup dan bersemangat.
En: Adi, a true nature lover, felt alive and excited.
Id: Dia berdiri bersama teman-temannya, Sinta dan Budi, di tengah keindahan Kalimantan.
En: He stood with his friends, Sinta and Budi, amidst the beauty of Kalimantan.
Id: Adi, dengan antusias, berkata, "Aku ingin melihat orangutan lebih dekat hari ini.
En: Adi, with enthusiasm, said, "I want to see the orangutans up close today.
Id: Ini impianku.
En: It's my dream."
Id: "Dengan hati-hati, mereka mulai menyusuri jalan setapak yang licin.
En: Carefully, they began to walk down the slippery path.
Id: Hujan menetes lembut, menciptakan suasana misterius.
En: The rain dripped gently, creating a mysterious atmosphere.
Id: Langkah mereka pelan dan hati-hati, menghindari akar pohon yang licin.
En: Their steps were slow and cautious, avoiding the slippery tree roots.
Id: Namun, tiba-tiba Adi berhenti.
En: Suddenly, Adi stopped.
Id: Wajahnya tampak pucat.
En: His face looked pale.
Id: "Aku merasa tidak enak," katanya dengan suara bergetar.
En: "I don't feel good," he said with a trembling voice.
Id: Sinta dan Budi mendekat.
En: Sinta and Budi approached.
Id: Mereka melihat Adi terengah-engah, memegangi lehernya.
En: They saw Adi gasping, holding his neck.
Id: "Alergimu kambuh, Adi?
En: "Is your allergy acting up, Adi?"
Id: " tanya Sinta cemas.
En: asked Sinta anxiously.
Id: Adi mengangguk, mengetahui ini bisa berbahaya.
En: Adi nodded, aware that this could be dangerous.
Id: Mereka jauh dari bantuan medis.
En: They were far from medical help.
Id: Semua orang tahu, tindakan cepat diperlukan.
En: Everyone knew quick action was necessary.
Id: "Kita harus ke pos penjaga," Budi berkata tegas, tanpa menunggu.
En: "We need to get to the guard post," Budi said firmly, without waiting.
Id: Dia dan Sinta memapah Adi, mencari arah keluar dari hutan.
En: He and Sinta supported Adi, searching for a way out of the forest.
Id: Perjalanan terasa panjang dan menegangkan.
En: The journey felt long and tense.
Id: Hutan lebat, tanah basah, dan hujan deras membuat langkah mereka berat.
En: The thick forest, wet ground, and heavy rain made their steps heavy.
Id: Napas Adi semakin pendek, membuat setiap detik begitu berarti.
En: Adi's breath grew shorter, making every second so crucial.
Id: Namun, mereka tidak menyerah.
En: However, they didn't give up.
Id: Fokus mereka hanya satu: Selamatkan Adi.
En: Their focus was only one: Save Adi.
Id: Untungnya, suara air sungai terdengar.
En: Fortunately, the sound of a river could be heard.
Id: Itu tanda mereka sudah dekat.
En: It was a sign they were near.
Id: Saat mencapai pos penjaga, Sinta dengan cepat meminta bantuan.
En: Upon reaching the guard post, Sinta quickly asked for help.
Id: Penjaga segera bertindak, memberikan perawatan yang dibutuhkan Adi.
En: The guards immediately acted, providing Adi with the necessary care.
Id: Napas Adi perlahan-lahan kembali normal.
En: Adi's breathing slowly returned to normal.
Id: Setelah sempat beristirahat, Adi sadar betapa dia berutang budi kepada teman-temannya.
En: After resting for a while, Adi realized how much he owed his friends.
Id: "Terima kasih.
En: "Thank you.
Id: Aku tidak akan bisa selamat tanpa kalian.
En: I couldn't have survived without you."
Id: "Di bawah naungan pohon-pohon besar dan hujan yang mulai reda, Adi merenung.
En: Under the shade of the big trees and the rain that began to subside, Adi reflected.
Id: Dia belajar bahwa cinta pada alam tidak hanya berarti menikmati keindahannya tapi juga menghormati kekuatannya.
En: He learned that loving nature not only means enjoying its beauty but also respecting its power.
Id: Sejak hari itu, Adi lebih hati-hati dalam petualangannya.
En: Since that day, Adi has been more cautious in his adventures.
Id: Dia mengerti pentingnya persiapan dan betapa pentingnya tim yang solid di alam liar.
En: He understands the importance of preparation and how vital a solid team is in the wild.
Id: Rencana selanjutnya?
En: His next plan?
Id: Dia akan kembali, tetapi kali ini dengan lebih siap dan waspada, membawa kenangan berharga bersama sahabat setianya, Sinta dan Budi.
En: He will return, but this time more prepared and vigilant, carrying precious memories with his loyal friends, Sinta and Budi.
Vocabulary Words:
- enchanted: dongeng
- swayed: melambai-lambai
- swinging: berayun
- amidst: di tengah
- enthusiasm: antusias
- dream: impianku
- slippery: licin
- cautious: hati-hati
- mysterious: misterius
- trembling: bergetar
- pale: pucat
- gasping: terengah-engah
- anxiously: cemas
- aware: mengetahui
- necessary: diperlukan
- firmly: tegas
- tensed: menegangkan
- thick: lebat
- vital: pentingnya
- vigilant: waspada
- precious: berharga
- loathe: membenci
- support: memapah
- rescue: menyelamatkan
- fortunately: untungnya
- shade: naungan
- subside: reda
- reflect: merenung
- respecting: menghormati
- solid: solid
8 JAN 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Rainy Night Revelry: Arif's Memorable Family Talent Show
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Di tengah suara hujan yang merdu, keluarga besar Arif berkumpul di rumah yang luas itu.
En: Amid the melodious sound of the rain, keluarga besar @id{Arif} gathered in the spacious house.
Id: Malam itu, Arif sudah merancang kejutan: sebuah pertunjukan bakat yang akan jadi momen tak terlupakan bagi semua.
En: That night, Arif had planned a surprise: a talent show that would become an unforgettable moment for everyone.
Id: Namun, persiapan Arif sedikit berantakan.
En: However, Arif's preparations were a bit messy.
Id: Saat para tamu datang dan memenuhi ruang tamu, suara gemuruh hujan terdengar semakin keras.
En: As the guests arrived and filled the living room, the sound of the rain grew louder.
Id: Tiba-tiba, Arif mendengar teriakan dari dapur.
En: Suddenly, Arif heard a shout from the kitchen.
Id: Ternyata, air hujan meluap dan membanjiri lantai.
En: It turned out, rainwater was overflowing and flooding the floor.
Id: Arif segera berlari mengecek, namun ia tetap berusaha tersenyum dan tenang.
En: Arif quickly ran to check, yet he tried to smile and stay calm.
Id: Dewi, sepupunya yang praktis, melihat kekacauan ini dan menawarkan bantuan.
En: Dewi, his practical cousin, saw the chaos and offered her help.
Id: “Arif, aku bantu di belakang panggung, ya?
En: "Arif, I'll help backstage, okay?
Id: Biar acara tetap berjalan.
En: So the event can go on."
Id: ” Arif merasa tenang.
En: Arif felt relieved.
Id: “Terima kasih, Dewi!
En: "Thank you, Dewi!
Id: Kita bisa atasi ini.
En: We can handle this."
Id: ”Saat acara hendak dimulai, mikrofon yang Arif siapkan ternyata tidak berfungsi.
En: When the event was about to start, the microphone Arif had prepared didn't work.
Id: Namun, Arif tidak mau menyerah.
En: However, Arif didn't want to give up.
Id: Ia mengambil senter dari dapur dan menjadikannya lampu sorot darurat.
En: He grabbed a flashlight from the kitchen and turned it into an emergency spotlight.
Id: “Ini akan menambah kesan dramatis!
En: "This will add a dramatic effect!"
Id: ” katanya dengan penuh semangat.
En: he said excitedly.
Id: Para peserta pertunjukan rupanya belum siap.
En: The talent show participants were apparently not ready.
Id: Di tengah kebingungan, Arif meminta bantuan Budi, pamannya yang terkenal dengan kejutan lucunya.
En: In the midst of the confusion, Arif asked for help from Budi, his uncle known for his funny surprises.
Id: “Paman Budi, bisa mulai acaranya?
En: "Paman @id{Budi}, can you start the event?
Id: Tunjukkan sesuatu yang bikin semua tertawa.
En: Show something that will make everyone laugh."
Id: ”Budi tersenyum misterius dan naik ke “panggung”.
En: Budi smiled mysteriously and stepped onto the “stage”.
Id: Dengan improvisasi, ia menampilkan sebuah tarian jenaka yang membuat semua orang tergelak.
En: With improvisation, he performed a comical dance that made everyone burst into laughter.
Id: Gelak tawa memenuhi rumah, mengisi ruang dengan kehangatan meski di luar hujan terus turun.
En: Laughter filled the house, warming the space even though outside the rain continued to pour.
Id: Setelah itu, semangat keluarga kembali.
En: Following that, the family's spirits were lifted.
Id: Pertunjukan berlanjut dan semuanya tampil dengan keseruan dan canda tawa.
En: The show continued and everyone performed with excitement and laughter.
Id: Arif menghela napas lega, melihat semua orang menikmati acara tersebut.
En: Arif took a deep breath of relief, seeing everyone enjoying the event.
Id: Ia akhirnya menyadari bahwa kesempurnaan bukanlah segalanya.
En: He finally realized that perfection wasn't everything.
Id: Semua kekacauan dan kejutan malam itu justru membuat momen yang tak terlupakan.
En: All the chaos and surprises that night actually created unforgettable moments.
Id: Arif belajar untuk bisa menikmati ketidaksempurnaan dan kehangatan dari keluarga.
En: Arif learned to enjoy imperfection and the warmth of family.
Id: Karena, di tengah kebersamaan, yang terpenting adalah tawa dan kenangan.
En: Because, amid togetherness, the most important things are laughter and memories.
Id: Malam itu, di tengah hujan, Arif sukses mengadakan acara reuni keluarga yang tak terlupakan.
En: That night, in the middle of the rain, Arif successfully hosted an unforgettable family reunion.
Vocabulary Words:
- melodious: merdu
- spacious: luas
- unforgettable: tak terlupakan
- messy: berantakan
- overflowing: meluap
- flooding: membanjiri
- practical: praktis
- backstage: belakang panggung
- microphone: mikrofon
- flashlight: senter
- emergency: darurat
- spotlight: lampu sorot
- dramatic: dramatik
- excitement: keseruan
- comical: jenaka
- burst: tergelak
- perfection: kesempurnaan
- imperfection: ketidaksempurnaan
- laughter: tawa
- memory: kenangan
- reunion: reuni
- chaos: kekacauan
- relieved: lega
- gathered: berkumpul
- talent show: pertunjukan bakat
- participants: peserta
- improvisation: improvisasi
- inhale: menghela
- spirits: semangat
- kept calm: tetap tenang
7 JAN 2025 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Rekindling Family Ties at Banjarmasin's Floating Market
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Di tengah hujan rintik-rintik, Pasar Terapung Banjarmasin tetap hidup dengan kegiatan.
En: In the midst of drizzling rain, the Pasar Terapung Banjarmasin remained bustling with activity.
Id: Perahu-perahu penuh dengan buah-buahan segar dan barang-barang kerajinan terapung perlahan di sungai yang keruh.
En: Boats laden with fresh fruits and handicrafts floated gently on the murky river.
Id: Penjual-penjual sibuk memanggil calon pembeli, memastikan suara mereka terdengar di antara suara hujan yang jatuh ke air.
En: Sellers were busy calling out to potential buyers, ensuring their voices were heard amidst the sound of rain falling on water.
Id: Budi berdiri di pinggir pasar, gugup.
En: Budi stood at the edge of the market, nervous.
Id: Dia datang ke sini untuk menemui Rina, adik yang sudah lama tidak ditemuinya.
En: He had come here to meet Rina, the sister he hadn't seen in a long time.
Id: Mereka terpisah karena salah paham bertahun-tahun lalu.
En: They had been separated due to a misunderstanding years ago.
Id: Hari ini, Budi bertekad untuk menyambung kembali hubungan yang telah putus.
En: Today, Budi was determined to mend the broken relationship.
Id: Di tangannya, dia memegang sebuah boneka kayu kecil—hadiah kenangan masa kecil mereka.
En: In his hand, he held a small wooden doll—a token of their childhood.
Id: Rina bekerja di salah satu perahu, menjual buah-buahan segar.
En: Rina worked on one of the boats, selling fresh fruits.
Id: Ketika Budi mendekati perahu itu, dia melihat wajah adiknya.
En: As Budi approached the boat, he saw his sister's face.
Id: Wajah yang penuh hati-hati dan skeptis.
En: A face full of caution and skepticism.
Id: "Rina," panggil Budi pelan, hampir tidak terdengar di tengah hiruk-pikuk pasar.
En: "Rina," called Budi softly, almost drowned out by the bustling market.
Id: Rina melihatnya sejenak, matanya menunjukkan rasa terkejut dan sedikit keraguan.
En: Rina looked at him briefly, her eyes showing surprise and a bit of hesitation.
Id: “Budi?
En: "Budi?
Id: Apa yang kamu lakukan di sini?
En: What are you doing here?"
Id: ” tanya Rina, tidak menyembunyikan rasa tidak percayanya.
En: asked Rina, not hiding her disbelief.
Id: “Aku ingin bicara,” kata Budi, sambil menyerahkan boneka kayu itu.
En: "I want to talk," said Budi, handing over the wooden doll.
Id: “Aku ingin minta maaf.
En: "I want to apologize.
Id: Aku ingin kita seperti dulu lagi.
En: I want us to be like we used to be."
Id: ”Sebelum Rina bisa menjawab, hujan tiba-tiba turun dengan deras, memaksa mereka berlindung di bawah tenda sebuah kios yang ada di dekat situ.
En: Before Rina could respond, the rain suddenly poured down heavily, forcing them to take shelter under the awning of a nearby stall.
Id: Di bawah naungan tenda yang sempit, suasana menjadi lebih personal.
En: Under the narrow tent, the atmosphere became more personal.
Id: Dengan suara hujan sebagai latar belakang, Budi akhirnya menceritakan perasaannya, menjelaskan semua kesalahpahaman yang terjadi selama bertahun-tahun.
En: With the rain as background noise, Budi finally expressed his feelings, explaining all the misunderstandings that happened over the years.
Id: Rina mendengarkan dengan hati-hati, walau sesekali dia terlihat ragu, seolah masih enggan untuk percaya sepenuhnya.
En: Rina listened carefully, although occasionally she appeared doubtful, as if still reluctant to fully believe.
Id: “Aku terluka saat itu, Budi,” katanya pelan.
En: "I was hurt back then, Budi," she said softly.
Id: “Aku tidak tahu apakah aku bisa mempercayaimu lagi.
En: "I don't know if I can trust you again."
Id: ”“Aku mengerti,” balas Budi dengan tenang.
En: "I understand," replied Budi calmly.
Id: “Aku sudah banyak berpikir.
En: "I've thought a lot.
Id: Aku harap, meskipun perlahan, kita bisa memperbaiki semua ini.
En: I hope, even if gradually, we can fix all this."
Id: ”Hujan mulai mereda, tetapi percakapan mereka tidak.
En: The rain began to subside, but their conversation did not.
Id: Di bawah tenda, mereka mulai saling bercerita, mencoba memahami sudut pandang masing-masing.
En: Under the tent, they started to share with each other, trying to understand each other's perspectives.
Id: Rina mulai membuka diri, matanya menunjukkan kilau harapan baru.
En: Rina began to open up, her eyes showing a glimmer of new hope.
Id: Kesadaran tumbuh dalam diri Budi—ia harus lebih peka terhadap perasaan Rina.
En: A realization grew within Budi—he needed to be more sensitive to Rina's feelings.
Id: Perlahan tapi pasti, tembok di antara mereka mulai runtuh.
En: Slowly but surely, the wall between them started to crumble.
Id: Ketika langit cerah kembali, Budi dan Rina keluar dari bawah tenda, merasa lebih ringan dari sebelumnya.
En: As the sky cleared again, Budi and Rina emerged from beneath the tent, feeling lighter than before.
Id: Mereka tahu perjalanan untuk benar-benar dekat kembali masih panjang, tetapi hari ini adalah awal yang baik.
En: They knew the journey to becoming close again was still long, but today was a good start.
Id: Budi tahu, ini adalah kesempatan kedua yang harus dijaga dengan baik.
En: Budi knew this was a second chance that needed to be cherished.
Id: Dan Rina, dengan hati yang lebih lapang, mulai merasakan ketulusan Budi.
En: And Rina, with a more open heart, began to feel Budi's sincerity.
Id: Pasar terus riuh, sama seperti sebelumnya, tetapi bagi Budi dan Rina, hari itu adalah awal dari sesuatu yang baru.
En: The market continued to hum with activity, just as before, but for Budi and Rina, that day marked the beginning of something new.
Vocabulary Words:
- drizzling: rintik-rintik
- bustling: hidup
- laden: penuh
- handicrafts: kerajinan
- murky: keruh
- potential: calon
- amidst: di antara
- nervous: gugup
- determined: bertekad
- mend: menyambung
- skepticism: skeptis
- disbelief: tidak percaya
- apologize: minta maaf
- shelter: berlindung
- heavily: dengan deras
- awning: naungan
- tent: tenda
- narrow: sempit
- explaining: menjelaskan
- hesitation: keraguan
- reluctant: enggan
- calmly: dengan tenang
- subside: mereda
- perspectives: sudut pandang
- glimmer: kilau
- sensitivity: peka
- crumble: runtuh
- cherished: dijaga
- sincerity: ketulusan
- hum: riuh
Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition...
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Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension?
Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?
Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!
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Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?
Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!
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Organization | Kameron Kilchrist |
Categories | Language Learning , Courses |
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