Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition...
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Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension?
Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?
Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!
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Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?
Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!
FluentFiction - Indonesian
FluentFiction - Indonesian
11 SEP 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Finding Harmony: A Journey of Trust and Connection in Bali
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Di tepi laut, tempat angin berhembus lembut dan aroma asin melingkupi udara, berdirilah Tanah Lot.
En: By the seaside, where the wind blows gently and the salty aroma fills the air, stands Tanah Lot.
Id: Sebuah pemandangan yang menakjubkan dengan pura yang megah dan keramaian kios oleh-oleh.
En: It is a breathtaking view with its magnificent temple and the bustling souvenir stalls.
Id: Di antara warna-warni kain dan kerajinan tangan, terlihat Nina, seorang wanita muda yang tampak tenggelam dalam pikirannya.
En: Among the colorful fabrics and handicrafts stands Nina, a young woman lost in her thoughts.
Id: Pertama kali Nina menginjakkan kaki di Bali, hatinya dipenuhi rasa ingin tahu.
En: The first time Nina set foot in Bali, her heart was filled with curiosity.
Id: Dia ingin menghadirkan sedikit Bali untuk saudara perempuannya.
En: She wanted to bring a bit of Bali to her sister.
Id: Namun, keinginan ini dibumbui dengan rasa cemas.
En: However, this desire was mixed with anxiety.
Id: Banyaknya pilihan oleh-oleh membuatnya bingung.
En: The multitude of souvenir choices overwhelmed her.
Id: Apakah saudara perempuannya akan menyukai patung?
En: Would her sister like a statue?
Id: Ataukah lebih baik memilih gelang?
En: Or would a bracelet be a better choice?
Id: Sambil berjalan di antara kios-kios, Nina bertemu Ahmad.
En: As she walked among the stalls, Nina met Ahmad.
Id: Dia seorang penjual lokal yang ramah.
En: He was a friendly local vendor.
Id: Tersenyum lebar, Ahmad menyapa, "Apa yang bisa saya bantu, Mbak?
En: With a wide smile, Ahmad greeted, "What can I help you with, miss?"
Id: "Nina tersenyum kembali, tetapi keraguan masih melekat di wajahnya.
En: Nina smiled back, but doubt still lingered on her face.
Id: "Saya mencari sesuatu untuk kakak perempuan saya," katanya pelan.
En: "I'm looking for something for my sister," she said softly.
Id: "Yang bisa menggambarkan perjalanan saya dan Bali.
En: "Something that can represent my journey and Bali."
Id: "Ahmad mendengarkan dengan penuh perhatian.
En: Ahmad listened attentively.
Id: Dia menunjukkan banyak barang, dari ukiran kayu hingga perhiasan.
En: He showed her many items, from wood carvings to jewelry.
Id: Namun, perhatian Nina akhirnya tertuju pada sebuah sarong Bali yang cantik, terbuat dari bahan yang lembut dan dihiasi motif tradisional.
En: However, Nina's attention was eventually drawn to a beautiful Bali sarong, made of soft material and adorned with traditional motifs.
Id: "Ini," kata Ahmad sambil mengangkat sarong itu.
En: "This," Ahmad said, holding up the sarong.
Id: "Ini mewakili Bali.
En: "This represents Bali.
Id: Sarong ini buatan tangan pengrajin lokal.
En: This sarong is handmade by local craftsmen.
Id: Indah dan bermakna.
En: Beautiful and meaningful."
Id: "Nina merasakan sesuatu yang berbeda.
En: Nina felt something different.
Id: Sarong itu tampak sempurna.
En: The sarong seemed perfect.
Id: Dalam hatinya, dia percaya bahwa ini adalah pilihan yang tepat.
En: In her heart, she believed that this was the right choice.
Id: Selain memperlihatkan keindahan Bali, sarong itu juga menggambarkan kehangatan dan keberanian untuk menjalin hubungan kembali.
En: Besides showcasing the beauty of Bali, the sarong also symbolized warmth and the courage to reconnect.
Id: Dengan hati yang tenang, Nina membeli sarong tersebut.
En: With a calm heart, Nina bought the sarong.
Id: "Terima kasih banyak, Ahmad," ucapnya dengan tulus.
En: "Thank you so much, Ahmad," she said sincerely.
Id: Berdiri di sana, di antara suara deburan ombak dan hiruk-pikuk pasar, Nina merasa lega.
En: Standing there amid the sound of crashing waves and the market hustle, Nina felt relieved.
Id: Perjalanan singkat ini membawanya pada satu kesimpulan penting.
En: This short journey led her to an important conclusion.
Id: Dia telah belajar untuk lebih percaya pada instingnya sendiri dan berani berinteraksi dengan budaya lokal.
En: She had learned to trust her own instincts more and dared to engage with the local culture.
Id: Menemukan sarong itu memberinya harapan baru untuk hubungannya dengan saudara perempuannya.
En: Finding that sarong gave her new hope for her relationship with her sister.
Id: Sebelum Nina pergi, dia melirik kembali ke arah Ahmad dan tersenyum penuh syukur.
En: Before Nina left, she glanced back at Ahmad and smiled gratefully.
Id: Tanah Lot bukan hanya sekadar tempat wisata baginya.
En: For her, Tanah Lot was more than just a tourist spot.
Id: Tempat ini menjadi awal dari babak baru dalam kehidupannya.
En: This place marked the beginning of a new chapter in her life.
Vocabulary Words:
- seaside: tepi laut
- gently: lembut
- aroma: aroma
- breathtaking: menakjubkan
- magnificent: megah
- bustling: keramaian
- handicrafts: kerajinan tangan
- curiosity: rasa ingin tahu
- anxiety: rasa cemas
- multitude: banyaknya
- overwhelmed: bingung
- vendor: penjual
- doubt: keraguan
- linger: melekat
- attentively: dengan penuh perhatian
- carvings: ukiran
- adorned: dihiasi
- motifs: motif
- craftsmen: pengrajin
- meaningful: bermakna
- symbolized: menggambarkan
- warmth: kehangatan
- reconnect: menjalin hubungan kembali
- calm: tenang
- sincerely: dengan tulus
- instincts: insting
- engage: berinteraksi
- conclusion: kesimpulan
- gratefully: penuh syukur
- chapter: babak
10 SEP 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Hidden Patterns: How Dewi's Intuition Transformed a Startup
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Dewi menghela napas panjang.
En: Dewi took a deep breath.
Id: Pagi itu di startup incubator di Jakarta terasa berbeda.
En: That morning at the startup incubator in Jakarta felt different.
Id: Udara mulai berat dengan kelembapan, pertanda musim kering yang segera beralih ke musim hujan.
En: The air began to grow heavy with humidity, signaling the shift from the dry to the rainy season.
Id: Di sekelilingnya, ruangan terbuka penuh dengan meja-meja yang dipenuhi buku, laptop, dan beberapa prototipe produk yang nyaris jadi.
En: Around her, the open space was filled with desks cluttered with books, laptops, and several nearly completed product prototypes.
Id: "Dewi, kita harus cepat," suara Arif memecah pikirannya.
En: "Dewi, we need to hurry," Arif's voice broke her thoughts.
Id: Arif selalu begitu, logis dan berpikir langsung tanpa basa-basi.
En: Arif was always like that, logical and straight to the point without any small talk.
Id: "Pesan dari investor itu terlalu membingungkan.
En: "The message from the investor is too confusing.
Id: Kita harus menganalisisnya dengan hati-hati.
En: We need to analyze it carefully."
Id: "Dewi mengangguk, meski dalam hati merasakan ada hal lain dalam pesan itu.
En: Dewi nodded, though inwardly she felt there was something more to the message.
Id: Sebuah intuisi, bisik suara kecil di hatinya mengatakan ada yang lebih dalam dari sekadar tulisan.
En: An intuition, a little voice inside her, suggested there was something deeper than just the words written.
Id: Mereka berdiri menghadap papan tulis yang penuh dengan sketsa dan catatan.
En: They stood facing the whiteboard covered with sketches and notes.
Id: Pesan dari investor memang rumit.
En: The message from the investor was indeed complicated.
Id: Hanya dua kalimat pendek, namun penuh misteri.
En: Just two short sentences, yet full of mystery.
Id: "Kalau kita bisa pecahkan ini, proyek kita akan mendapatkan dana yang kita butuhkan," Dewi berkata setengah berbisik.
En: "If we can solve this, our project will get the funding we need," Dewi whispered.
Id: "Aku tahu ini penting.
En: "I know this is important."
Id: "Arif menggeleng.
En: Arif shook his head.
Id: "Kita butuh pendekatan yang lebih logis.
En: "We need a more logical approach.
Id: Aku akan coba analisa kata demi kata.
En: I'll try to analyze it word by word."
Id: "Tapi Dewi mengamati pesan itu.
En: But Dewi observed the message.
Id: Ada satu pola yang menarik perhatiannya.
En: There was a pattern that caught her attention.
Id: Sesuatu yang terasa akrab, seperti ingatan yang terlupakan.
En: Something familiar, like a forgotten memory.
Id: Ketegangan di antara mereka terasa nyata, sikap Dewi yang mengikuti intuisinya seringkali berbenturan dengan pendekatan analitis Arif.
En: The tension between them was palpable, as Dewi's intuitive approach often clashed with Arif's analytical methods.
Id: Namun, mereka tahu bahwa mereka harus bekerja sama.
En: Yet, they knew they had to work together.
Id: Akhirnya, situasi berbalik.
En: Ultimately, the situation turned around.
Id: Setelah beberapa kali mencoba dan hampir putus asa, Dewi menyadari satu pola tersembunyi di bagian belakang kertas yang digunakan oleh investor.
En: After several attempts and near despair, Dewi noticed a hidden pattern on the back of the paper used by the investor.
Id: Arif memperhatikan gaya tulisan yang diabaikan sebelumnya dan akhirnya bersedia mendengar pendapat Dewi.
En: Arif paid attention to the writing style that had been previously overlooked and finally agreed to listen to Dewi's input.
Id: "Ini bukan cuma permainan kata," Dewi berkata penuh semangat.
En: "This isn't just a wordplay," Dewi spoke excitedly.
Id: "Ada satu clue di sini, di balik papan tulis.
En: "There's a clue here, behind the whiteboard.
Id: Sesuatu yang kita lewatkan.
En: Something we've missed."
Id: "Mereka segera memindahkan papan tulis.
En: They quickly moved the whiteboard.
Id: Di sana, di sudut ruangan yang tak terduga, terdapat satu petunjuk terakhir, tersembunyi dalam gambar yang terlihat sederhana.
En: There, in an unexpected corner of the room, was the final clue, hidden in what seemed like a simple drawing.
Id: Hujan mulai turun tiba-tiba, membasahi jendela, memberikan suasana dramatis pada penemuan mereka.
En: The rain began to fall suddenly, pattering against the windows, adding a dramatic atmosphere to their discovery.
Id: Mereka berhasil memecahkan pesan itu tepat pada waktunya.
En: They managed to decode the message just in time.
Id: Dewi dan Arif tersenyum lega.
En: Dewi and Arif smiled in relief.
Id: Dana pun akhirnya mereka dapatkan, dan bukan hanya tentang uang, mereka temukan cara baru untuk bekerja sama yang lebih efektif dan menyenangkan.
En: They not only secured the funding they needed but also found a new, more effective and enjoyable way to collaborate.
Id: "Dewi, intuisi kamu memang hebat," kata Arif, mengakui peran penting Dewi.
En: "Dewi, your intuition is amazing," Arif admitted, acknowledging Dewi's crucial role.
Id: "Dan aku akan lebih sering mendengarkan.
En: "And I'll listen more often."
Id: "Dewi merasa lebih percaya diri dengan metode kreatifnya.
En: Dewi felt more confident in her creative approach.
Id: Arif menyadari pentingnya berkolaborasi dan mulai mempertimbangkan kembali rencananya untuk meninggalkan dunia startup.
En: Arif recognized the importance of collaboration and began reconsidering his plan to leave the startup world.
Id: Hujan di luar pun menjadi tanda perubahan, bukan hanya musim, tetapi juga hubungan mereka.
En: The rain outside symbolized not just a seasonal change but also a shift in their relationship.
Id: Hari itu, startup mereka mendapatkan awal baru yang lebih menjanjikan.
En: That day, their startup received a promising new beginning.
Vocabulary Words:
- incubator: inkubator
- humidity: kelembapan
- cluttered: penuh sesak
- logical: logis
- intuition: intuisi
- analyze: menganalisis
- complicated: rumit
- mystery: misteri
- palpable: nyata
- pattern: pola
- intuitive: yang mengikuti intuisinya
- analytical: analitis
- recognize: menyadari
- tension: ketegangan
- overlooked: diabaikan
- creative: kreatif
- venture: proyek
- proposal: usulan
- breakthrough: terobosan
- reconsider: mempertimbangkan kembali
- dramatic: dramatis
- protoype: prototipe
- despair: putus asa
- perspective: sudut pandang
- funding: dana
- clue: petunjuk
- collaborate: berkolaborasi
- confident: percaya diri
- secure: memperoleh
- discovery: penemuan
9 SEP 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Detours and Discoveries: An Unplanned Journey to Wonder
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Matahari bersinar terik di atas langit cerah ketika Adi dan Sari memulai perjalanan mereka menuju Borobudur.
En: The sun shone brightly in the clear sky as Adi and Sari began their journey to Borobudur.
Id: Kerikil-kerikil kecil menggelinding di bawah roda mobil mereka yang melaju melalui jalan-jalan berliku di antara sawah yang hijau subur dan pegunungan yang bertirai kabut.
En: Small pebbles rolled under their car wheels as they drove through winding roads between lush green rice fields and mountains veiled in mist.
Id: Adi, si petualang sejati, duduk di samping Sari yang sibuk memeriksa peta dengan teliti.
En: Adi, the true adventurer, sat beside Sari, who was busy meticulously checking the map.
Id: "Jangan lupa belok di pertigaan setelah desa," ingat Sari sambil memperhatikan GPS di ponselnya.
En: "Don't forget to turn at the intersection after the village," Sari reminded while keeping an eye on the GPS on her phone.
Id: Adi mengangguk, namun matanya terus melirik pemandangan yang membentang.
En: Adi nodded, but his eyes kept wandering to the sprawling scenery.
Id: Mereka tertawa ringan, menikmati angin sepoi-sepoi yang masuk melalui jendela yang sedikit terbuka.
En: They laughed lightly, enjoying the gentle breeze coming through the slightly open window.
Id: Sesuatu yang aneh terjadi.
En: Something strange happened.
Id: Tanpa sadar, Adi mengambil belokan yang salah.
En: Unknowingly, Adi took a wrong turn.
Id: "Masalah kecil," ujarnya ceria sambil menatap Sari.
En: "A minor issue," he said cheerfully while glancing at Sari.
Id: Mereka tiba di sebuah desa penuh warna yang meriah dengan dekorasi dan suara musik tradisional.
En: They arrived in a colorful village bustling with decorations and the sound of traditional music.
Id: Seorang penduduk lokal menyambut mereka dengan ramah, "Selamat datang di Festival Budaya Dewasana!
En: A local resident greeted them warmly, "Welcome to the Dewasana Cultural Festival!"
Id: ""Uh-oh," gumam Sari dengan cemas.
En: "Uh-oh," Sari murmured anxiously.
Id: "Kita tersesat.
En: "We're lost."
Id: ""Tapi lihat, ini menarik!
En: "But look, this is interesting!"
Id: " sahut Adi dengan senyuman lebar.
En: Adi replied with a broad smile.
Id: "Kapan lagi kita bisa merasakan pengalaman langsung seperti ini?
En: "When else can we experience something like this firsthand?"
Id: "Sari ragu sesaat, tetapi kemudian tergoda oleh kehangatan suasana.
En: Sari hesitated for a moment, but then she was tempted by the warm atmosphere.
Id: Bunyi gamelan dan aroma sate membuatnya penasaran.
En: The sound of gamelan and the aroma of satay aroused her curiosity.
Id: Meski hatinya masih ingin melanjutkan ke Borobudur, kakinya mulai melangkah mengikuti suara dan bau yang mengundang itu.
En: Even though her heart still wanted to proceed to Borobudur, her feet began to follow the enticing sounds and smells.
Id: Mereka bergabung dalam kerumunan.
En: They joined the crowd.
Id: Adi dengan cepat belajar cara bermain alat musik sederhana dari seorang anak desa, sementara Sari takjub menyaksikan tarian yang riang.
En: Adi quickly learned how to play a simple musical instrument from a village child, while Sari was amazed watching the joyful dance.
Id: Seorang wanita setempat menawarkan untuk mengajari Sari tarian tradisional singkat.
En: A local woman offered to teach Sari a short traditional dance.
Id: Awalnya, Sari merasa canggung, tapi dukungan dan tawa penduduk setempat membuatnya berani.
En: Initially, Sari felt awkward, but the support and laughter of the locals gave her courage.
Id: Sari mencoba mengikuti gerakan yang diajarkan, terhuyung-huyung tetapi penuh semangat.
En: Sari tried to follow the taught movements, stumbling yet full of enthusiasm.
Id: Adi menyemangatinya dari pinggir, bersama gelak tawa dan tepuk tangan masyarakat sekitar.
En: Adi cheered her on from the sidelines, along with the laughter and applause of the surrounding community.
Id: Adi mengambil ponselnya untuk mengabadikan momen itu.
En: Adi took out his phone to capture the moment.
Id: Saat sore menjelang, mereka berdua duduk di bawah pohon besar di tepi desa.
En: As the afternoon approached, the two of them sat under a large tree at the edge of the village.
Id: "Aku mengerti kenapa kamu suka event tanpa rencana, Adi," kata Sari dengan senyuman kecil.
En: "I understand why you like unplanned events, Adi," Sari said with a small smile.
Id: "Pengalaman ini luar biasa.
En: "This experience is amazing."
Id: "Adi menanggapi, "Dan aku mengerti kenapa kamu suka merencanakan.
En: Adi responded, "And I understand why you like planning.
Id: Tapi, terkadang kejutan seperti ini bisa lebih berkesan.
En: But sometimes surprises like this can be more memorable."
Id: "Ketika mereka meninggalkan desa, hati mereka penuh rasa syukur dan kekaguman.
En: As they left the village, their hearts were filled with gratitude and awe.
Id: Borobudur masih menanti mereka, tetapi petualangan tak terduga ini telah memberi mereka pelajaran berharga.
En: Borobudur still awaited them, but this unexpected adventure had given them valuable lessons.
Id: Kehangatan masyarakat dan kekayaan budaya yang mereka alami membuka mata dan hati mereka.
En: The warmth of the people and the cultural richness they experienced opened their eyes and hearts.
Id: Petualangan ini mengajari mereka bahwa perjalanan terbaik adalah ketika mereka bisa menemukan makna dalam setiap perhentian, direncanakan atau tidak.
En: This adventure taught them that the best journeys are when they can find meaning in every stop, planned or not.
Vocabulary Words:
- shone: bersinar
- journey: perjalanan
- pebbles: kerikil-kerikil
- winding: berliku
- lush: subur
- veiled: bertirai
- meticulously: dengan teliti
- sprawling: membentang
- gentle: sepoi-sepoi
- unknowingly: tanpa sadar
- intersection: pertigaan
- bustling: meriah
- decorations: dekorasi
- greeted: menyambut
- murmured: gumam
- tempted: tergoda
- aroma: aroma
- curiosity: penasaran
- enticing: mengundang
- stumbling: terhuyung-huyung
- enthusiasm: semangat
- sidelines: pinggir
- applause: tepuk tangan
- capture: mengabadikan
- gratitude: syukur
- awe: kekaguman
- unexpected: tak terduga
- valuable: berharga
- warmth: kehangatan
- richness: kekayaan
8 SEP 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Sibling Harmony: A Festival Triumph at Mount Bromo
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Di kaki Gunung Bromo, Desa Bromo bersinar dalam indahnya musim kemarau.
En: At the foot of Mount Bromo, the village of Bromo shone in the beauty of the dry season.
Id: Rumah-rumah tradisional dihias dengan warna-warni cerah, melambangkan harapan dan kegembiraan bagi festival panen yang akan datang.
En: Traditional houses were adorned with bright colors, symbolizing hope and joy for the upcoming harvest festival.
Id: Aroma melati dan rempah-rempah memenuhi udara, menambah kehangatan suasana.
En: The air was filled with the scent of jasmine and spices, adding warmth to the atmosphere.
Id: Sari dan Adi, sepasang kakak beradik, baru kembali ke desa setelah lama merantau.
En: Sari and Adi, a pair of siblings, had just returned to the village after being away for a long time.
Id: Mereka datang untuk membantu keluarga mempersiapkan festival panen tahunan.
En: They came to help their family prepare for the annual harvest festival.
Id: Sari, sebagai kakak yang bertanggung jawab, sibuk memastikan semuanya berjalan lancar.
En: Sari, as the responsible older sister, was busy ensuring everything went smoothly.
Id: Dia khawatir festival kali ini tidak sesuai harapan.
En: She worried that this year's festival might not meet expectations.
Id: Bagi Sari, kesuksesan festival adalah cara untuk menghormati kerja keras orang tua mereka.
En: For Sari, the success of the festival was a way to honor their parents' hard work.
Id: Sebaliknya, Adi lebih santai.
En: In contrast, Adi was more relaxed.
Id: Dia ingin semua orang menikmati momen kebersamaan ini.
En: He wanted everyone to enjoy this moment of togetherness.
Id: Bagi Adi, festival haruslah penuh kesenangan dan kenangan indah.
En: For Adi, the festival should be full of fun and beautiful memories.
Id: Adi melihat keindahan desa dan peluang untuk mencipta hari yang tak terlupakan, tetapi ini membuat Sari khawatir.
En: He saw the beauty of the village and the opportunity to create an unforgettable day, but this made Sari anxious.
Id: Persiapan festival mengalami tantangan.
En: The festival preparations faced challenges.
Id: Hujan yang ditunggu tidak kunjung tiba, mengharuskan semua bekerja lebih keras di ladang.
En: The anticipated rain had not arrived, requiring everyone to work harder in the fields.
Id: Seiring waktu mendesak, tekanan meningkat antara Sari dan Adi.
En: As time pressed on, tensions rose between Sari and Adi.
Id: Sari ingin menambah kontrol, sedangkan Adi ingin mencoba ide kreatifnya.
En: Sari wanted to tighten control, while Adi wanted to try out his creative ideas.
Id: Ketegangan memuncak ketika karnaval utama festival terancam batal karena kekurangan peserta.
En: Tensions peaked when the main festival parade was threatened with cancellation due to a lack of participants.
Id: Sari marah, merasa strategi Adi terlalu berisiko.
En: Sari was upset, feeling that Adi's strategies were too risky.
Id: Adi tidak ingin memaksakan ide tanpa membuktikan mereka bisa bermanfaat.
En: Adi didn't want to push ideas without proving they could be beneficial.
Id: Saat inilah mereka sadar bahwa mereka harus bersatu.
En: It was at this moment they realized they needed to unite.
Id: Sari dan Adi duduk bersama.
En: Sari and Adi sat down together.
Id: Mereka berbicara panjang lebar, mendengarkan satu sama lain.
En: They talked extensively, listening to each other.
Id: Sari memberikan ruang untuk Adi mengimplementasikan beberapa ide kreatifnya.
En: Sari gave room for Adi to implement some of his creative ideas.
Id: Adi, sebaliknya, berjanji untuk memperhatikan detil organisasi.
En: Adi, in turn, promised to pay attention to organizational details.
Id: Dengan kerja sama, mereka menciptakan acara dadakan dengan pameran kerajinan tangan desa.
En: Through teamwork, they created an impromptu event featuring a village handicraft exhibition.
Id: Sari memastikan semuanya terorganisir, sementara Adi menambahkan elemen kejutan hiburan lokal yang memeriahkan suasana.
En: Sari ensured everything was organized, while Adi added surprise elements of local entertainment to enliven the atmosphere.
Id: Mereka juga membuat panggung di tengah ladang yang diterangi lampu bambu.
En: They also set up a stage in the middle of the field illuminated by bamboo lamps.
Id: Akhirnya, festival panen menjadi sukses besar.
En: In the end, the harvest festival was a grand success.
Id: Para penduduk desa memuji Sari dan Adi atas kerja sama mereka.
En: The villagers praised Sari and Adi for their cooperation.
Id: Mereka menyadari pentingnya memadukan ketertiban dan kreativitas.
En: They realized the importance of blending order and creativity.
Id: Sari belajar untuk lebih fleksibel dan menikmati proses.
En: Sari learned to be more flexible and enjoy the process.
Id: Adi paham bahwa struktur dan persiapan juga penting.
En: Adi understood that structure and preparation are also important.
Id: Mereka berdua kembali ke rumah dengan senyum lega, merayakan festival yang tak hanya berhasil tapi juga berkesan.
En: Both returned home with relieved smiles, celebrating a festival that was not only successful but also memorable.
Id: Di bawah langit Bromo yang berbintang, persaudaraan mereka terasa lebih erat dari sebelumnya.
En: Under the starry Bromo sky, their sibling bond felt closer than ever before.
Vocabulary Words:
- adorned: dihias
- symbolizing: melambangkan
- upcoming: akan datang
- scent: aroma
- atmosphere: suasana
- siblings: kakak beradik
- ensure: memastikan
- expectations: harapan
- relaxed: santai
- unforgettable: tak terlupakan
- anticipate: menunggu
- tensions: tekanan
- creative: kreatif
- cancellation: batal
- strategies: strategi
- beneficial: bermanfaat
- realized: sadar
- impromptu: dadakan
- handicraft: kerajinan tangan
- surprise: kejutan
- entertainment: hiburan
- illuminated: diterangi
- grand: besar
- cooperation: kerja sama
- blending: memadukan
- flexible: fleksibel
- memorable: berkesan
- relieved: lega
- starry: berbintang
- bond: persaudaraan
7 SEP 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Crisis in Bali: A Family's Journey from Conflict to Unity
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Langit cerah di atas bungalow pedesaan di Bali.
En: The sky was clear over the countryside bungalow in Bali.
Id: Tumbuhan hijau mengelilingi bangunan sederhana itu.
En: Green plants surrounded the simple building.
Id: Teras berbatu menghadap sawah yang bergelombang lembut.
En: A stone terrace faced softly undulating rice fields.
Id: Namun, suasana tidak secerah alam di sekitarnya.
En: However, the atmosphere was not as bright as the nature around it.
Id: Keluarga berkumpul, tetapi ada ketegangan di udara.
En: The family gathered, but there was tension in the air.
Id: Rendra, kakak tertua, berdiri di dekat jendela.
En: Rendra, the eldest brother, stood near the window.
Id: Dia mengamati sawah, pikirannya penuh dengan kekhawatiran.
En: He watched the rice fields, his mind filled with worries.
Id: Intan, nenek mereka yang bijaksana dan dicintai, sedang duduk di kursi rotan.
En: Intan, their wise and beloved grandmother, sat in a wicker chair.
Id: Matanya tertutup.
En: Her eyes were closed.
Id: Napasnya lambat dan sulit.
En: Her breathing was slow and difficult.
Id: Kesehatannya jadi tema utama yang mempersatukan mereka, meski dalam kondisi sulit.
En: Her health had become the central theme uniting them, albeit under difficult circumstances.
Id: Putri berjalan pelan ke arah Rendra.
En: Putri walked slowly towards Rendra.
Id: Dia menyentuh bahunya dengan lembut, mencoba memberi dukungan.
En: She gently touched his shoulder, trying to give support.
Id: "Kita harus bicara dengan yang lain, Kak," katanya lembut.
En: "We need to talk to the others, brother," she said softly.
Id: "Mungkin bisa meringankan suasana.
En: "It might lighten the atmosphere."
Id: "Rendra mengangguk.
En: Rendra nodded.
Id: "Iya, tapi aku khawatir.
En: "Yes, but I'm worried.
Id: Pertengkaran lalu sering terulang.
En: Past arguments tend to repeat."
Id: "Di ruang utama bungalow, anggota keluarga berkumpul.
En: In the bungalow's main room, family members gathered.
Id: Suasana kaku dan penuh ketegangan.
En: The atmosphere was stiff and tense.
Id: Sebuah percakapan kecil mencetuskan pertengkaran besar.
En: A small conversation sparked a big argument.
Id: "Tentu, masalah lama lagi," kata salah satu paman, suaranya mulai meninggi.
En: "Of course, it's the same old issues," said one uncle, his voice rising.
Id: "Kita harus fokus pada Intan!
En: "We need to focus on Intan!"
Id: "Rendra meremas tinjunya.
En: Rendra clenched his fist.
Id: Dia merasa berada di persimpangan jalan.
En: He felt at a crossroads.
Id: Fokus pada kesehatan Intan, atau mencoba menenangkan konflik keluarga?
En: Focus on Intan's health or try to calm the family conflict?
Id: Dia tahu keputusan ini bisa berakibat panjang.
En: He knew this decision could have long-term consequences.
Id: Sementara percakapan semakin panas, Putri berusaha menjadi penengah.
En: As the conversation heated up, Putri tried to intervene.
Id: "Kita di sini untuk Intan," katanya, suaranya gemetar.
En: "We are here for Intan," she said, her voice trembling.
Id: "Semua ini sia-sia kalau kita tidak bersatu.
En: "All of this is pointless if we don't unite."
Id: "Tepat saat itu, Intan terbatuk dengan keras.
En: Just then, Intan coughed hard.
Id: Semua berhenti dan memandangi dia.
En: Everyone stopped and looked at her.
Id: Keadaannya memburuk tiba-tiba.
En: Her condition suddenly worsened.
Id: Semua anggota keluarga bergerak mendekat.
En: All the family members moved closer.
Id: Kekhawatiran melupakan perbedaan mereka sejenak.
En: Worries momentarily made them forget their differences.
Id: Rendra berlutut di samping Intan.
En: Rendra knelt beside Intan.
Id: "Intan, bertahanlah.
En: "Intan, hold on.
Id: Kami di sini semua untukmu," bisiknya, matanya basah.
En: We're all here for you," he whispered, his eyes wet.
Id: Dalam detik-detik yang tegang, semua bekerja sama.
En: In those tense moments, everyone worked together.
Id: Salah satu sepupu menelepon dokter, sementara yang lain mencari cara membuat Intan lebih nyaman.
En: One cousin called the doctor, while others looked for ways to make Intan more comfortable.
Id: Seketika kerjasama menggantikan konflik.
En: Cooperation instantly replaced conflict.
Id: Mereka menyadari pentingnya kebersamaan.
En: They realized the importance of togetherness.
Id: Setelah kejadian itu, keadaan Intan mulai stabil.
En: After the incident, Intan's condition began to stabilize.
Id: Keluarga duduk di ruang tengah.
En: The family sat in the middle room.
Id: Ketegangan telah berubah menjadi persatuan.
En: The tension had turned into unity.
Id: Semuanya terdiam dalam refleksi.
En: Everyone sat in reflective silence.
Id: Rendra melihat sekitar dan merasakan perubahan dalam dirinya.
En: Rendra looked around and felt a change within him.
Id: Akhirnya, dia membuka diri, "Maafkan aku kalau aku terlalu keras selama ini.
En: Finally, he opened up, "I'm sorry if I was too harsh all this time."
Id: "Putri tersenyum kecil.
En: Putri gave a small smile.
Id: "Kita semua perlu berubah, Rendra.
En: "We all need to change, Rendra.
Id: Karena Intan, kita belajar arti keluarga sesungguhnya.
En: Because of Intan, we learn the true meaning of family."
Id: "Angin lembut musim kemarau berembus dari sawah, membawa kedamaian.
En: A gentle dry season breeze blew from the rice fields, bringing peace.
Id: Keluarga itu kini lebih kuat dalam hubungan mereka.
En: The family was now stronger in their relationships.
Id: Tabir perbedaan mulai menipis, digantikan oleh ikatan baru yang lebih erat.
En: The veil of differences began to thin, replaced by a closer bond.
Vocabulary Words:
- undulating: bergelombang
- wicker: rotan
- clenched: meremas
- crossroads: persimpangan jalan
- intervene: menjadi penengah
- trembling: gemetar
- momentarily: sejenak
- cooperation: kerjasama
- tension: ketegangan
- reflective: refleksi
- veiled: tabir
- horizon: cakrawala
- consequences: berakibat
- circumstances: kondisi
- conflict: konflik
- gathered: berkumpul
- breathe: napas
- surrounded: mengelilingi
- worries: kekhawatiran
- support: dukungan
- sparked: mencetuskan
- fist: tinja
- unite: bersatu
- togetherness: kebersamaan
- stabilize: stabil
- dampened: basah
- replaced: digantikan
- bloom: mekar
- embrace: merangkul
- ordeal: cobaan
6 SEP 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Unexpected Tour Guide: A Day at Jakarta Aquarium
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Dewi berdiri di depan Jakarta Aquarium dengan perasaan yang campur aduk.
En: Dewi stood in front of the Jakarta Aquarium with mixed feelings.
Id: Hari ini adalah hari liburnya, dan dia sudah merencanakan untuk menikmati waktu sendiri melihat ikan-ikan berenang dengan damai.
En: Today was her day off, and she had planned to enjoy some time alone watching the fish swim peacefully.
Id: Sebagai seorang desainer grafis, kerinduan Dewi terhadap kehidupan laut selalu menjadi hiburan di sela-sela pekerjaannya.
En: As a graphic designer, Dewi's longing for marine life had always been a pleasant escape amidst her work.
Id: Saat Dewi masuk ke dalam aquarium, matanya berbinar melihat tangki-tangki tinggi yang dipenuhi dengan kehidupan laut yang beragam.
En: As Dewi entered the aquarium, her eyes lit up at the sight of the tall tanks filled with diverse marine life.
Id: Begitu dia berjalan lebih jauh ke dalam, dia menemui terowongan besar yang penuh dengan ikan hiu dan pari yang berenang di atas.
En: As she ventured further inside, she encountered a large tunnel filled with sharks and rays swimming overhead.
Id: Terowongan ini memang menjadi daya tarik utama, dan Dewi memutuskan untuk menghabiskan waktu lebih lama di sana.
En: This tunnel was indeed the main attraction, and Dewi decided to spend more time there.
Id: Namun, tiba-tiba, sekelompok pelajar mendekatinya.
En: Suddenly, a group of students approached her.
Id: "Bu, apakah Anda yang akan memandu kami?
En: "Ma'am, are you the one who will guide us?"
Id: " tanya salah satu anak dengan penuh harap.
En: asked one of the kids hopefully.
Id: Dewi kaget.
En: Dewi was taken aback.
Id: "Oh, bukan…," dia mulai menjelaskan, tetapi sekeliling terlalu ramai dan mereka tidak mendengar.
En: "Oh, no..." she began to explain, but the surroundings were too noisy, and they couldn't hear her.
Id: Anak-anak itu sudah bersemangat dan Dewi sempat melihat Budi, temannya, dari kejauhan dengan senyum menggoda.
En: The children were already enthusiastic, and Dewi caught sight of Budi, her friend, from a distance with a teasing smile.
Id: Mungkin ini ulah Budi, pikirnya.
En: Perhaps this was Budi's doing, she thought.
Id: Dengan pelajar yang mengelilinginya, Dewi memutuskan untuk memainkan perannya.
En: With the students gathering around her, Dewi decided to play along.
Id: "Baiklah, ayo kita mulai tur ini!
En: "Alright, let's start this tour!"
Id: " serunya bersemangat.
En: she exclaimed enthusiastically.
Id: Dia memimpin mereka menuju tangki hiu, berbicara dengan percaya diri meskipun dia hanya mengetahui sedikit tentang ikan yang ada di dalamnya.
En: She led them toward the shark tank, speaking confidently even though she knew little about the fish inside.
Id: "Ini adalah hiu pengembara," ucapnya dengan dramatis, "mereka adalah penjaga laut yang berani.
En: "This is the wandering shark," she said dramatically, "they are the brave guardians of the sea."
Id: " Para siswa mendengar dengan antusias, dan Dewi menemukan dirinya menikmati situasi ini.
En: The students listened eagerly, and Dewi found herself enjoying the situation.
Id: Dia menyelipkan beberapa informasi nyata yang dia ingat dari kunjungannya sebelumnya, tetapi dia juga menambahkan beberapa fakta imajinatif yang membuat anak-anak tertawa.
En: She slipped in some real facts she remembered from her previous visits, but she also added some imaginative facts that made the children laugh.
Id: Tur berjalan lancar sampai seorang pria dengan jas putih mendekati mereka.
En: The tour went smoothly until a man in a white coat approached them.
Id: "Hai, saya Bapak Ardi, saya yang seharusnya memandu tur ini," katanya dengan ramah.
En: "Hi, I'm Mr. Ardi, I was supposed to guide this tour," he said kindly.
Id: Dewi tersenyum kaku, sedikit gugup.
En: Dewi smiled awkwardly, a bit nervous.
Id: Namun, para siswa sudah merasa senang dan mereka tidak keberatan.
En: However, the students were already happy, and they didn’t mind.
Id: "Banyak kesenangan yang kita dapatkan hari ini," ujar salah satu anak.
En: "We've had a lot of fun today," said one of the kids.
Id: Bapak Ardi tertawa sambil berkata, "Sepertinya Anda melakukan pekerjaan yang bagus.
En: Mr. Ardi laughed and said, "Looks like you did a great job."
Id: " Dewi tersenyum lega, dan mereka bergantian berbagi cerita.
En: Dewi smiled in relief, and they took turns sharing stories.
Id: Ternyata, Bapak Ardi juga seorang yang humoris dan menghargai upaya Dewi menghibur siswa hari itu.
En: It turned out Mr. Ardi also had a sense of humor and appreciated Dewi's efforts in entertaining the students that day.
Id: Ketika tur selesai, Dewi berjalan keluar dari aquarium dengan pikiran yang lebih cerah.
En: When the tour ended, Dewi walked out of the aquarium with a brighter mind.
Id: Dia menyadari bahwa, mungkin, dia harus lebih sering berani keluar dari zona nyamannya.
En: She realized that maybe she should dare to step out of her comfort zone more often.
Id: Dia mungkin memang desainer grafis, tetapi cinta lamanya pada kehidupan laut perlu perhatian lebih.
En: She might be a graphic designer, but her old love for marine life needed more attention.
Id: Senyum lebar menghias wajahnya, tahu bahwa meski awalnya salah paham, pengalaman ini memberi warna baru pada harinya.
En: A wide smile lit up her face, knowing that although the day started with a misunderstanding, the experience added a new vibrancy to her day.
Id: Dan mungkin saja, pada masa depannya.
En: And possibly, to her future.
Vocabulary Words:
- aquarium: akuarium
- mixed feelings: perasaan campur aduk
- escape: hiburan
- venture: berjalan lebih jauh
- tunnel: terowongan
- attraction: daya tarik
- enthusiastic: bersemangat
- teasing: menggoda
- wander: pengembara
- guardian: penjaga
- appreciate: menghargai
- brighter: lebih cerah
- step out: keluar dari
- comfort zone: zona kenyamanan
- vibrancy: warna baru
- marine life: kehidupan laut
- graphic designer: desainer grafis
- overhead: di atas
- enthusiastically: bersemangat
- imaginary: imajinatif
- smoothly: lancar
- relief: lega
- misunderstanding: salah paham
- turns: bergantian
- sharing: berbagi
- humor: humoris
- surroundings: sekeliling
- misstep: ulah
- confidently: percaya diri
- dramatically: dengan dramatis
5 SEP 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Mystery Brews: Unlocking Secrets in a Yogyakarta Roastery
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Di tengah bau harum kopi yang baru saja dipanggang, Rina berdiri di belakang meja barista, tangannya lincah meracik minuman untuk pelanggan.
En: Amidst the fragrant aroma of freshly roasted coffee, Rina stood behind the barista's counter, her hands skillfully crafting drinks for customers.
Id: Matahari siang menerobos jendela besar, menyoroti ruangan roastery yang dipenuhi seni lokal berwarna-warni.
En: The midday sun streamed through the large windows, illuminating the roastery filled with vibrant local art.
Id: Suasana hangat dan nyaman di Yogyakarta, meski musim kemarau membuat udara kering.
En: The atmosphere was warm and cozy in Yogyakarta, though the dry season made the air arid.
Id: Suatu hari, sebuah paket misterius tiba di roastery.
En: One day, a mysterious package arrived at the roastery.
Id: Tidak ada alamat pengirim, hanya kotak kayu kecil yang terkunci.
En: There was no return address, just a small locked wooden box.
Id: Joko, pemilik roastery, berdiri menatap kotak dengan alis mengernyit.
En: Joko, the owner of the roastery, stood staring at the box with furrowed brows.
Id: "Aku khawatir ini bisa jadi sesuatu yang berbahaya," katanya.
En: "I'm worried this could be something dangerous," he said.
Id: "Tapi aku belum ingin melibatkan pihak berwajib.
En: "But I don't want to involve the authorities just yet."
Id: "Rina, yang dikenal pandai memecahkan teka-teki, merasa penasaran.
En: Rina, known for her knack at solving puzzles, was intrigued.
Id: Dia memperhatikan paket itu dengan saksama.
En: She examined the package closely.
Id: "Kita harus mencari tahu siapa pengirimnya," ujarnya mantap.
En: "We need to find out who sent it," she stated firmly.
Id: Namun, dia tahu dia tidak bisa melakukannya sendirian.
En: However, she knew she couldn't do it alone.
Id: Dia mengajak Arif, pelanggan setia yang sering datang untuk menikmati secangkir kopi dan mengetik sesuatu di laptopnya.
En: She approached Arif, a regular customer who often came by to enjoy a cup of coffee while typing on his laptop.
Id: Arif memiliki latar belakang di bidang logistik.
En: Arif had a background in logistics.
Id: Rina berharap wawasan Arif dapat membantu.
En: Rina hoped Arif's insights could help.
Id: "Bisa kau bantu aku?
En: "Can you help me?"
Id: " tanya Rina pada Arif.
En: Rina asked Arif.
Id: Arif mengangguk, tersenyum, "Tentu, Rina.
En: Arif nodded, smiling, "Of course, Rina.
Id: Mari kita lihat apa yang bisa kita temukan.
En: Let's see what we can discover."
Id: "Bersama-sama, mereka mempelajari kotak itu dengan cermat, mencari petunjuk.
En: Together, they studied the box carefully, searching for clues.
Id: Setelah beberapa waktu, mereka menemukan kunci tersembunyi di bawah pot bunga dekat meja kasir.
En: After some time, they found a hidden key under a flower pot near the cashier's desk.
Id: Dengan hati-hati, mereka membuka kotak itu.
En: Carefully, they unlocked the box.
Id: Di dalamnya, mereka menemukan biji kopi langka dan secarik kertas berisi teka-teki: "Di mana kenangan lama disimpan, jawabannya akan mengungkap ikatan.
En: Inside, they found rare coffee beans and a slip of paper containing a riddle: "Where old memories are kept, the answer will reveal the connection."
Id: "Rina dan Arif melihat sekeliling ruangan, memikirkan jawaban dari teka-teki tersebut.
En: Rina and Arif looked around the room, pondering the answer to the riddle.
Id: Mereka teringat akan rak buku tua di sudut ruastery, yang hanya digunakan untuk hiasan.
En: They remembered the old bookshelf in the corner of the roastery, which was only used for decoration.
Id: Ketika mereka membuka salah satu buku, mereka menemukan sepucuk surat usang.
En: When they opened one of the books, they discovered an old letter.
Id: Surat itu berasal dari sahabat lama Joko yang telah lama menghilang.
En: The letter was from Joko's long-lost friend.
Id: Isinya adalah permintaan maaf dan harapan untuk memulai kembali persahabatan yang hilang.
En: It contained an apology and a hope to rekindle their lost friendship.
Id: Joko membaca surat itu dengan emosi yang campur aduk.
En: Joko read the letter with mixed emotions.
Id: Rina merasakan kebanggaan dalam dirinya, berhasil memecahkan misteri ini.
En: Rina felt a sense of pride in solving this mystery.
Id: Joko pun akhirnya menyadari pentingnya menerima bantuan dari orang lain.
En: Joko eventually realized the importance of accepting help from others.
Id: Hari itu, di bawah sinar matahari musim kemarau, mereka bertiga menikmati secangkir kopi, merayakan bukan hanya rasa dari biji kopi yang luar biasa, tapi juga ikatan yang tak terduga.
En: That day, under the dry season sun, the three of them enjoyed a cup of coffee, celebrating not only the exquisite taste of the rare coffee beans but also the unexpected bonds formed.
Id: Kisah itu mengajarkan Rina tentang kepercayaan diri, dan Joko tentang keterbukaan hati.
En: The experience taught Rina about confidence and Joko about having an open heart.
Vocabulary Words:
- fragrant: harum
- roasted: dipanggang
- illuminating: menyoroti
- vibrant: berwarna-warni
- arid: kering
- mysterious: misterius
- package: paket
- furrowed: mengernyit
- puzzles: teka-teki
- intrigued: penasaran
- knack: pandai
- logistics: logistik
- insights: wawasan
- discover: menemukan
- carefully: dengan hati-hati
- hidden: tersembunyi
- flower pot: pot bunga
- slip: secarik
- riddle: teka-teki
- pondering: memikirkan
- memories: kenangan
- apology: permintaan maaf
- rekindle: memulai kembali
- emotions: emosi
- mixed: campur aduk
- exquisite: luar biasa
- accepting: menerima
- bonds: ikatan
- confidence: kepercayaan diri
- open heart: keterbukaan hati
4 SEP 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Finding Serenity in Chaos: A Bali Retreat's Unexpected Lesson
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Di tengah pagi yang hangat dan cerah, retreat spiritual di pegunungan Bali tampak begitu tenang.
En: On a warm and sunny morning, the spiritual retreat in the Bali mountains appeared so peaceful.
Id: Pohon-pohon hijau subur melingkupi area tersebut, seolah membisikkan kedamaian kepada setiap pengunjung.
En: Lush green trees surrounded the area, as if whispering peace to every visitor.
Id: Budi duduk bersila di atas tikar yoga, mencoba fokus pada pernapasannya.
En: Budi sat cross-legged on a yoga mat, trying to focus on his breathing.
Id: Ayu, instruktur yoga yang berpengalaman, memandu sesi meditasi dengan suara lembut.
En: Ayu, the experienced yoga instructor, guided the meditation session with a gentle voice.
Id: "Tarik napas," ujarnya lembut, "rasakan kedamaian masuk.
En: "Inhale," she said softly, "feel the peace entering."
Id: "Budi berharap menemukan ketenangan di sini.
En: Budi hoped to find tranquility here.
Id: Hidupnya di kantor penuh stres dan kekacauan.
En: His life at the office was full of stress and chaos.
Id: Ayu, di sisi lain, ingin memastikan semua berjalan sempurna tanpa gangguan.
En: Ayu, on the other hand, wanted to ensure everything went perfectly without disturbances.
Id: Sayangnya, mereka tak menduga kehadiran seekor monyet jahil yang diam-diam mengintip dari balik pohon.
En: Unfortunately, they had not anticipated the presence of a mischievous monkey secretly peeking from behind the trees.
Id: Saat meditasi berlangsung, tiba-tiba suasana hening terusik.
En: As the meditation went on, the silence was suddenly disturbed.
Id: Monyet itu berlari cepat, mencuri satu per satu barang milik peserta.
En: The monkey swiftly ran, stealing the belongings of the participants one by one.
Id: Tas, botol air, dan bahkan sandal Budi pun tak luput.
En: Bags, water bottles, and even Budi's sandals were not spared.
Id: Para peserta terkejut, dan seketika meditasi berubah menjadi kebingungan.
En: The participants were shocked, and the meditation instantly turned into confusion.
Id: Budi merasa kesabarannya diuji.
En: Budi felt his patience being tested.
Id: Ini adalah momen untuk tetap tenang, tetapi ia kesal.
En: This was a moment to remain calm, but he was annoyed.
Id: "Aku harus mengusir monyet itu," pikirnya dengan geram.
En: "I have to chase that monkey away," he thought angrily.
Id: Ayu mengamati situasinya.
En: Ayu observed the situation.
Id: "Jangan, Budi," katanya menenangkan.
En: "Don't, Budi," she said calmingly.
Id: "Mungkin kita bisa belajar menerima kehadirannya.
En: "Maybe we can learn to accept its presence."
Id: " Namun, Budi sudah bertekad.
En: However, Budi was determined.
Id: Ia bangkit, dan mulai mengejar monyet itu.
En: He stood up and started chasing the monkey.
Id: Lari ke sana kemari, ia mencoba menangkap monyet yang lincah.
En: Running here and there, he tried to capture the nimble monkey.
Id: Peserta lainnya terpingkal melihat aksi Budi yang tampak lucu dan bertolak belakang dengan nuansa retreat.
En: The other participants burst into laughter at Budi's actions, which seemed comical and contrary to the retreat's serene ambiance.
Id: Ayu tetap mencoba menjaga ketenangan dari kejauhan, walau dalam hatinya ia ingin tertawa.
En: Ayu continued to try to maintain calm from a distance, even though she too wanted to laugh.
Id: Akhirnya, setelah cukup lelah dan menyadari betapa absurdnya keadaan, Budi berhenti.
En: Finally, after feeling quite tired and realizing the absurdity of the situation, Budi stopped.
Id: Ia tersenyum kikuk, lalu tertawa.
En: He smiled awkwardly, then laughed.
Id: Ayu pun tak bisa menahan tawa.
En: Ayu couldn't hold back her laughter either.
Id: "Apa yang kita pelajari di sini?
En: "What have we learned here?"
Id: " tanyanya sambil tersenyum.
En: she asked with a smile.
Id: Keduanya menyadari bahwa kedamaian bukan hanya soal ketenangan, tapi juga menerima kekacauan dengan hati terbuka.
En: Both realized that peace is not only about calmness, but also accepting chaos with an open heart.
Id: Monyet kecil tadi pun melompat ke dahan pohon, seolah tersenyum pada mereka.
En: The little monkey then jumped onto a tree branch, as if smiling at them.
Id: Budi belajar melepaskan, menemukan sisi humor dalam kejutan hidup.
En: Budi learned to let go, finding humor in life's surprises.
Id: Ia mendapatkan kedamaian yang dicari.
En: He found the peace he was seeking.
Id: Ayu pun menjadi lebih fleksibel, menerima bahwa meskipun rencana bisa berantakan, kebahagiaan tetap bisa diraih.
En: Ayu also became more flexible, accepting that even when plans fall apart, happiness can still be achieved.
Id: Retreat yang semula terancam berakhir berantakan, justru memberikan pelajaran berharga tentang menerima dan tertawa bersama.
En: A retreat that initially seemed threatened to end in chaos actually provided valuable lessons about acceptance and laughing together.
Id: Monyet jahil itu telah mengingatkan mereka bahwa kedamaian sejati ada dalam kebersamaan dan keikhlasan menerima apa adanya.
En: The mischievous monkey had reminded them that true peace lies in togetherness and the willingness to accept things as they are.
Vocabulary Words:
- spiritual: spiritual
- retreat: retreat
- lush: subur
- serene: tenang
- tranquility: ketenangan
- chaos: kekacauan
- mischievous: jahil
- peek: mengintip
- disturb: mengusik
- swiftly: cepat
- belongings: barang
- patience: kesabaran
- annoyed: kesal
- capture: menangkap
- nimble: lincah
- comical: lucu
- ambiance: nuansa
- absurdity: absurd
- acceptance: penerimaan
- willingness: keikhlasan
- togetherness: kebersamaan
- whispering: membisikkan
- cross-legged: bersila
- inhale: tarik napas
- disturbances: gangguan
- spared: luput
- determined: bertekad
- awkwardly: kikuk
- flexible: fleksibel
- threatened: terancam
3 SEP 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Diving into Bravery: Overcoming Fears at Bunaken
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Langit cerah di Taman Nasional Bunaken.
En: The sky is clear at Bunaken National Park.
Id: Air laut biru jernih berkilauan di bawah sinar matahari.
En: The crystal-clear blue sea glistens under the sunlight.
Id: Rombongan siswa biologi laut berdiri di tepi pantai, siap menjelajahi keindahan bawah laut.
En: A group of marine biology students stands at the beach, ready to explore the wonders beneath the sea.
Id: Di antara mereka, ada Rani, Dimas, dan Putri.
En: Among them are Rani, Dimas, and Putri.
Id: Rani merasa sedikit cemas.
En: Rani feels a bit anxious.
Id: Tujuannya adalah mempelajari ekosistem terumbu karang, tetapi ada satu masalah.
En: Her goal is to study the coral reef ecosystem, but there's one issue.
Id: Ia takut air dalam.
En: She's afraid of deep water.
Id: Dimas, sahabatnya, tahu akan ketakutan Rani.
En: Dimas, her friend, is aware of Rani’s fear.
Id: "Kamu bisa melakukannya, Rani.
En: "You can do it, Rani.
Id: Aku ada di sampingmu," kata Dimas dengan senyum menyemangati.
En: I'm right beside you," says Dimas with an encouraging smile.
Id: Putri, guru yang berdedikasi, mengingatkan semua siswa tentang pentingnya pengalaman ini.
En: Putri, the dedicated teacher, reminds all the students of the importance of this experience.
Id: "Kita di sini untuk belajar dan mengumpulkan data.
En: "We are here to learn and gather data.
Id: Jangan sia-siakan kesempatan ini," katanya.
En: Don’t waste this opportunity," she says.
Id: Rani ingin mengatasi rasa takutnya.
En: Rani wants to overcome her fear.
Id: Dia tahu proyek risetnya bergantung pada sampel dari dasar laut.
En: She knows her research project depends on samples from the seabed.
Id: Namun, membayangkan berenang di laut dalam membuatnya gugup.
En: However, the thought of swimming in deep water makes her nervous.
Id: Dimas menepuk bahunya.
En: Dimas pats her on the shoulder.
Id: "Ayo, percayalah pada dirimu sendiri.
En: "Come on, believe in yourself.
Id: Kita akan lihat banyak keindahan.
En: We'll see many beautiful things."
Id: "Akhirnya, saat yang dinantikan tiba.
En: Finally, the anticipated moment arrives.
Id: Semua memakai peralatan menyelam.
En: Everyone puts on their diving gear.
Id: Dimas memegang tangan Rani untuk memberi kekuatan.
En: Dimas holds Rani’s hand for reassurance.
Id: Mereka masuk ke air bersama.
En: They enter the water together.
Id: Perlahan, mereka tenggelam lebih dalam.
En: Slowly, they sink deeper.
Id: Rani mengatur napas, mencoba tenang.
En: Rani regulates her breathing, trying to remain calm.
Id: Di bawah permukaan, pemandangan menakjubkan terbentang.
En: Below the surface, an astonishing view unfolds.
Id: Terumbu karang warna-warni dan ikan-ikan yang berlalu-lalang membuat Rani terpukau.
En: The colorful coral reefs and passing fish leave Rani spellbound.
Id: Rasa takutnya perlahan sirna, digantikan oleh rasa ingin tahu yang mendalam.
En: Her fear gradually fades, replaced by a deep curiosity.
Id: Dengan bimbingan Dimas, Rani mulai mengumpulkan sampel.
En: With Dimas’s guidance, Rani begins collecting samples.
Id: Kedalaman laut yang tadinya menakutkannya kini menjadi tempat eksplorasi yang penuh keajaiban.
En: The ocean depths that once frightened her now become a place of exploration full of wonders.
Id: Semua keraguan menghilang, digantikan oleh kebanggaan.
En: All doubts disappear, replaced by pride.
Id: Setelah kembali ke permukaan, Rani tersenyum lebar.
En: After resurfacing, Rani beams widely.
Id: "Aku berhasil, Dimas!
En: "I did it, Dimas!"
Id: " serunya penuh semangat.
En: she exclaims enthusiastically.
Id: Dimas menepuk punggungnya.
En: Dimas pats her back.
Id: "Aku tahu kamu bisa," katanya bangga.
En: "I knew you could," he says proudly.
Id: Putri menyambut mereka di pantai dengan pujian.
En: Putri welcomes them on the shore with praise.
Id: "Ini adalah pengalaman belajar yang berharga, Rani.
En: "This is a valuable learning experience, Rani.
Id: Kamu menghadapi ketakutanmu dan menang.
En: You faced your fear and won."
Id: "Hari itu, Rani pulang dengan lebih dari sekadar sampel untuk riset.
En: That day, Rani returned with more than just samples for her research.
Id: Dia kembali dengan kepercayaan diri baru.
En: She came back with newfound confidence.
Id: Ketakutan tak lagi menghalanginya.
En: Fear no longer held her back.
Id: Di bawah bimbingan Putri dan dorongan Dimas, Rani menemukan kekuatan dalam dirinya sendiri.
En: Under the guidance of Putri and Dimas’s encouragement, Rani discovered her inner strength.
Id: Keindahan laut Bunaken bukan hanya mengajarinya tentang terumbu karang, tetapi juga tentang keberanian.
En: The beauty of the Bunaken sea taught her not only about coral reefs but also about bravery.
Vocabulary Words:
- glistens: berkilauan
- beneath: bawah
- anxious: cemas
- goal: tujuan
- ecosystem: ekosistem
- reassurance: kekuatan
- regulated: mengatur
- astonishing: menakjubkan
- spellbound: terpukau
- seabed: dasar laut
- curiosity: rasa ingin tahu
- gradually: perlahan
- encouraging: menyemangati
- anticipated: dinantikan
- gear: peralatan
- guidance: bimbingan
- astonishing: menakjubkan
- depths: kedalaman
- wonders: keajaiban
- overcome: mengatasi
- pride: kebanggaan
- inner: dalam
- strength: kekuatan
- bravery: keberanian
- beams: tersenyum lebar
- enthusiastically: penuh semangat
- resurfacing: kembali ke permukaan
- valuable: berharga
- experience: pengalaman
- confidence: kepercayaan diri
2 SEP 2024 · Fluent Fiction - Indonesian: Lost in Laughter: A Humorous Historical Misadventure
Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:
Story Transcript:
Id: Agus dan Sari berdiri di depan Candi Borobudur yang megah.
En: Agus and Sari stood in front of the magnificent Borobudur Temple.
Id: Matahari pagi menyinari batu-batu kuno yang sudah berusia berabad-abad.
En: The morning sun illuminated the ancient stones that were centuries old.
Id: Angin sepoi-sepoi meniup rambut Sari yang tergerai di bahunya.
En: A gentle breeze blew through Sari's hair cascading over her shoulders.
Id: Dia tersenyum hangat, menatap pemandangan sekitar.
En: She smiled warmly, gazing at the surrounding view.
Id: Agus merasa sedikit gugup, tapi dia sangat bersemangat.
En: Agus felt a bit nervous, but he was very excited.
Id: Hari ini dia ingin menunjukkan kepada Sari bahwa dia bisa jadi pemandu tur bersejarah.
En: Today he wanted to show Sari that he could be a historical tour guide.
Id: Agus mulai berkata, "Tahukah kamu, Sari? Candi Borobudur ini dibangun oleh... kerajaan Majapahit!"
En: Agus began speaking, "Did you know, Sari? This Borobudur Temple was built by... the Majapahit kingdom!"
Id: Sari tertawa kecil. "Pasti maksudmu adalah kerajaan Syailendra?"
En: Sari giggled. "You must mean the Sailendra dynasty?"
Id: Agus mengangguk cepat, berusaha tidak terlihat salah. "Ya, ya! Maksudku itu!"
En: Agus nodded quickly, trying not to seem wrong. "Yes, yes! That's what I meant!"
Id: Agus melanjutkan dengan penuh semangat. "Candi ini pernah tenggelam di bawah laut, tetapi kemudian ditemukan lagi setelah ribuan tahun."
En: Agus continued with enthusiasm. "This temple was once submerged under the sea, but then it was rediscovered after thousands of years."
Id: Sari menutup mulut dengan tangan, berusaha menahan tawa. "Tenggelam di laut, Agus? Mungkin kamu maksudnya tertutupi oleh abu vulkanis."
En: Sari covered her mouth with her hand, trying to hold back laughter. "Submerged in the sea, Agus? Maybe you meant it was covered by volcanic ash."
Id: Agus kembali mengangguk dengan wajah memerah. "Benar, aku keliru lagi. Maaf."
En: Agus nodded again, his face turning red. "Right, I was mistaken again. Sorry."
Id: Mereka terus berjalan mengelilingi candi. Agus tetap berbicara. "Dan lihat relief ini! Ini menunjukkan kedatangan dinosaurus ke Pulau Jawa!"
En: They continued walking around the temple. Agus kept talking. "And look at this relief! It shows the arrival of dinosaurs in Java!"
Id: Sari terkejut, lalu tertawa terbahak-bahak. "Agus, itu relief tentang kehidupan sehari-hari orang dahulu!"
En: Sari was shocked, then burst into laughter. "Agus, those are reliefs about the daily life of ancient people!"
Id: Agus akhirnya berhenti, termangu sejenak. Dia menggaruk kepalanya. "Aku benar-benar salah, ya? Aku ingin mengesankanmu, tapi sepertinya banyak keliru."
En: Agus finally stopped, pondering for a moment. He scratched his head. "I really got it wrong, didn't I? I wanted to impress you, but it seems I made many mistakes."
Id: Sari menepuk punggung Agus dengan lembut. "Tidak apa-apa, Agus. Aku senang kamu mencoba. Kita bisa belajar bersama. Yang penting ketulusanmu."
En: Sari gently patted Agus's back. "It's okay, Agus. I'm happy you tried. We can learn together. What's important is your sincerity."
Id: Agus tertawa lega.
En: Agus laughed with relief.
Id: Mereka duduk di bawah pohon rindang, menikmati sepoi angin.
En: They sat under a shady tree, enjoying the gentle breeze.
Id: Perjalanan mereka ke Borobudur bukan hanya tentang sejarah, tetapi juga tentang kekeluargaan dan menikmati kebersamaan.
En: Their trip to Borobudur was not just about history, but also about friendship and enjoying each other's company.
Id: Sari menghargai usaha Agus, dan Agus sadar bahwa ketulusan lebih penting daripada pengetahuan palsu.
En: Sari appreciated Agus's effort, and Agus realized that sincerity was more important than false knowledge.
Id: Di sore yang hangat itu, tertawalah yang memenuhi udara, mengeratkan persahabatan mereka.
En: On that warm afternoon, laughter filled the air, strengthening their friendship.
Vocabulary Words:
- magnificent: megah
- illuminated: menyinari
- ancient: kuno
- gentle: sepoi-sepoi
- breeze: angin
- cascading: tergerai
- nervous: gugup
- dynasty: kerajaan
- submerged: tenggelam
- volcanic ash: abu vulkanis
- relief: relief
- pondering: termangu
- impress: mengesankan
- sincerity: ketulusan
- false knowledge: pengetahuan palsu
- rediscovered: ditemukan lagi
- daily life: kehidupan sehari-hari
- patting: menepuk
- effort: usaha
- friendship: persahabatan
- appreciated: menghargai
- shady: rindang
- casual: kebersamaan
- filled: memenuhi
- strengthening: mengeratkan
- excited: bersemangat
- guide: pemandu
- revelation: pengungkapan
- admits: mengakui
- ponder: merenung
Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition...
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Are you ready to supercharge your Indonesian listening comprehension?
Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?
Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!
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Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.
That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Indonesian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Indonesian and English.
This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.
Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.
Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Bali, Yogyakarta, or Raja Ampat? Maybe you want to speak Indonesian with your grandparents from Jakarta?
Our podcast will enrich you with the cultural and linguistic knowledge needed to fully immerse yourself in the regions of Indonesia, where the Indonesian language is predominantly spoken. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Indonesian listening comprehension.
Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Tingkatkan pemahaman mendengarkan Anda dengan cerita-cerita bahasa Indonesia kami hari ini!
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Organization | Kameron Kilchrist |
Categories | Language Learning , Courses |
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