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Frequency Wars

  • Murder By Numbers

    23 FEB 2022 · Murder for profit. Could you knowingly take another person’s life for money? Or could you even stand by while someone was being murdered for financial gain? As we follow the policies and financial incentives passed down from when Trump signed the Stafford Act, it’s not such a surprise to see how hospitals and our doctors are following COVID 19 protocols that can lead to your death. Could it be true that medical professionals in American hospitals are allowing murderous protocols to be followed just for money? What are these controversial protocols and are they set up to murder our sick on purpose? Tune in to find out!
    Played 1h 39m 30s
  • Our Reality

    16 FEB 2022 · Don't miss out on the interview Tim Ray had with the Host of Israeli News Live, Steven Bennun. They examine images and videos of COVID vaccine vials that were taken under a microscope and discuss the dangers of this potential off-planet nanotechnology. In addition, they consider how the Freedom Convoy may be a PSYOP with Soros's money behind it. With all cards on the table, Tim Ray seamlessly redirects us to what is most important, and that is the power of spirituality. With that, we can join together to get out of this mess. Find the original interview on Steven Bennun's website here: https://iconnectfx.com/view/30c59632-9c8b-ec11-9969-0050568299de?fbclid=IwAR37crKLBq3R92GCiwVAlazW_fmLXaWAna439P_VQa8vP41U7M-bTz1ZTnY
    Played 58m 19s
  • The Multi-Dimensional Self

    2 FEB 2022 · One of the most overused sayings in the past two years has been "I feel like I just entered the twilight zone", and for many, that’s as close as you can come to understand their experience, due to the events that have unfolded, and continue to unfold each day. Now we have tens of thousands of truckers protesting in Canada, which are expected to bleed over to the US as their success in stopping deliveries continues. Will this pressure cause the hopeful outcome of eliminating the draconian mandates of masks, vaccines, and passports that are being enforced by the government and their corporate puppets of the New World Order? Will it put an end to the deceit and lies of these evil overseers once and for all? If not, the elite could be another 10 steps ahead with PSYOPs to cause the predicted food shortages, which, in return would demonize a group trying to do the right thing. Is this intentional chaos for order, so they could bring a worldwide crisis to a head, where citizens fight against one another, and eventually promote cries for help along with the justification for martial law, as it appears out of the chaos to finally bring in the order, the promised One World Order that is. This evil has been able to grow by false flagging humanity right to this point in time. Could this be over our heads? Is it inevitable that we go down this road of collective destruction and pain based on the evidence of a full spectrum dominance plan by what possibly looks like a subversive ET agenda? Well, if so, our understanding and connection to God seem to be more paramount, not just to navigate through a worldwide level of deceit and lies, but to understand this greater reality that appears to be directly influencing our human experience here on this 3-dimensional earth. So, how do we define the greater reality? Are we even able to with the limited science that we only know about in our 5th sensory world? Well, many humans have gotten a glimpse of a world not related to ours, which has been thoroughly documented throughout history like ghosts, near-death experiences, out-of-body experiences, and interactions with extraterrestrials for example. It sounds strange, but almost everyone has had some type of paranormal experience, however, as a society we don’t dare define it as such, at least not on a mainstream level. So, do we live in a multi-dimensional world or universe? If so, what does that even mean? Are there multi-dimensional beings? Would that mean we are as well? And is this all part of God's plan for us to awaken to the truth? Well, we will be welcoming back Subconscious Healer and Metaphysician, Dr. Ursula Lentine to discuss what multidimensional living looks like. We also have Pastor Dave Bryan joining us to discuss how religion and spirituality coincide with a multidimensional belief system. So, you thought things couldn’t get anymore, out of this world. Well, you have officially stepped into the Twilight Zone.
    Played 1h 49m 44s
  • Raising the Frequency

    26 JAN 2022 · Overwhelming is about the best word one could use to describe the feeling most may be experiencing in the world today, at least the ones who are not caught up in the mass psychosis that has so many under a spell. It seems that many countries are scaling back the oppression with masks and vaccine mandates, yet the US seems to not have gotten the memo yet. On the surface, it seems to be a big win for those counties, and I hope it spreads here too, but it looks like a short victory because the damage has already been done. Inflation is on the rise, the supply chain is worse than it’s ever been, truckers in Canada are expecting to boycott very soon, which will worsen access to supplies, war is pending, citizens and families are divided like never before and governments around the globe are becoming unstable as each day passes. All of this with no end in sight. Has the corona crisis done its job by getting its toe in the door to create the landslide of repercussions for a world gone wild? It’s becoming obvious that as individuals, we cannot control these horrific events, and perhaps we need not try. Could the answer have been proverbially and literally been within us the entire time? Is there something to raising our frequencies? What role do our intentions play with frequency? Could understanding intentions and frequencies put an end to this chaos we find the world in today? Well, join us as we discuss just that with Subconscious Healer and Metaphysician and Dr. Ursula Lentine. We will also speak with Doctor of Biophysics and Research Scientist, Dr. Beverly Rubik about what she has to share about how 5G frequencies can negatively affect our well-being and what we can do about it. So, are you ready to spend some time in the quantum world of intentions and find out your role in creating high or low frequencies to not just be the victim of frequencies that are played on you? It’s time to get your vibe on.
    Played 1h 25m 40s
  • The Agenda from Beyond

    20 JAN 2022 · Do you remember the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"? It's about the first contact with an alien species. As sci-fi and entertaining as that movie may have been, have the world governments actually had first contact with an alien species in the past, but chose not to disclose it to the rest of humanity? Well, you may be shocked not only by what governments around the world have done but also by what agreements the leaders of America have made in the past with off-planet extraterrestrials. So what’s with all this alien buzz we are seeing on MSM as of late. What is being set up? What may be behind this push to bring awareness of ET's to the public? Are the vaccine mandates an off-planet agenda with the use alien of technology? Is there a galactic federation of ET's and are humans involved? These questions and more will be discussed with Researcher, Medical Intuitive, and great-granddaughter of President Dwight Eisenhower, Laura Eisenhower as well as Author and Founder of Global Enlightenment Project, Dr. Christopher Macklin. As the public continues to be desensitized to an ET presence by governments and worldwide MSM, how will the average God-fearing, left in the dark citizen handle this knowledge? What will become of their faith and their purposes here on earth? Will we be able to shine a light on the truth while this worldwide created pandemic with the insidious measures of false flags and high-level deception blinds us? The plot thickens.
    Played 1h 33m 58s
  • Hell on Earth: Satanic Ritual Abuse

    17 NOV 2021 · Normally the most difficult things to hear are the things you should be most open to listening to. On this episode of Frequency Wars, Tim Ray interviews MKULTRA Survivor, Elisa E as well as SRA Survivor, Jeanette Archer. By listening to their experiences, we will be better able to grasp the veiled perversion of the elites whose grasp is tightly bound in all areas of power.
    Played 1h 50m 53s
  • The Beginning of the Next Revolution

    10 NOV 2021 · Join us as we look back at our more notable interviews to help map out the hidden agenda that is consuming our world. David Icke, Gregg Braden, David Wilcock, and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny are just some of the many that assist in painting the picture of the calculated oppression and tyranny placed upon us all. The world as we've known it is no longer, but from its ashes, a new beginning arises. Now more than ever, it is up to us to ensure that the birth of the new world is on our terms, not on the ones controlling it.
    Played 2h 59m 51s
  • Chaos for Order

    20 OCT 2021 · I don’t know how many times I have said to someone “are you awake yet”? With each passing day, the worldwide level of oppression is getting worse. And why not? The majority of people still think the bioweapon COVID 19 and now the immunity kill shot is for the betterment of humanity. Have you ever heard that song you got to be cruel to be kind, by Nick Lowe. It may shed some light on why the cruelty of this chaos happening. Yes, being treated cruelly to be kind. Sounds like Stockholm Syndrome to me. It’s hard to deny chaos is being created purposefully. Look at the decisions from just the past two presidents alone. Trump signed in the Stafford Act, which gave the government authority to use emergency measures that have been used to bypass the constitution. Trump also signed the Cares Act, which gave trillions of dollars to bribe corporations, businesses, and individuals to go along with the charade to the extent that hospitals are murdering patients for money. Yes, that’s happening as well, whether the doctors and administrations want to admit it. Of course, Trump supports the kill shot to this day. Biden, throw a dart to the chaos he's creating, and you can't miss. Trump set the stage and Biden is sledgehammering everything in site it seems. From putting vaxxed against un-vaxxed, to the destruction of small businesses, to the destabilization of our institutions and governance. Simply said, it’s becoming obvious this is a worldwide, full-spectrum dominance take over by some truly evil people and beyond who want to depopulate the majority of humans on the planet while turning the remaining humans into cyborg slaves. Yes, that is the predominant belief among the truly awakened. And when you perceive what is happening in that light, almost every action, decision, and act of suppression make sense. I get it, it’s scary to stay there with those thoughts, but if true, your decisions from this point on may be life and death decisions you will have to make for yourself and your family. So, this created chaos is for what exactly? Who is organizing this generational new world order agenda that seems to capture presidents in their wake to move the insidious mission forward? How about the created chaos in Australia? Is this ground shaking for the freedom-loving souls seeing 12-year-old girls pepper-sprayed and thrown in jail for not wearing a mask while trying to buy food at a supermarket? The marches are being censored daily now. Is Australia a future view of America? Well, join us as we give you an update with a couple of Australian's caught in the fire, to see what actually is occurring in the present time. We also have the modern-day Paul Revere, Harry Vox, Investigative Journalist, who warned us a decade ago about what was to come, which we find ourselves living today. Chaos creates imbalance on a mental and even a physical level when you’re caught off guard. It sure looks like we have been caught off guard and most likely haven't even seen the level of destruction that has been planned for humanity, which is perhaps not far in the near future, but don’t stop your thinking there. Created chaos always has a purpose, and that’s for order. Out of chaos comes order. But the question is, whose order, and what kind of world, will this new order, create?
    Played 1h 53m 19s
  • Technocracy: A Brave New World?

    22 SEP 2021 · Are you old enough to remember the 70s movie Logan’s Run? It’s about a time in the future where a subset world is being run by artificial intelligence, where people just enjoyed themselves, were healthy, and sought pleasure. Like with all nonhuman leadership, there’s a catch, and that was when people turned 30 years old, they were publicly executed. A great example of nonhuman compassion, huh? If you're lost in the matrix and are watching football Sunday to Sunday, you may have been missing the indoctrination into the AI world that we find ourselves in; the proverbial frog in warm water boiling to a purpose. Social media should be the most obvious form of AI control, especially if you've been censored or even lost an account based on your expressed opinion. Artificial intelligence made that decision. Let that settle in; a computer decided to cut you off. Now we see it in hospitals, AI making decisions not only on diagnoses but also on prognoses for humans. This is our reality today. So, who’s behind this technocratic way of life, and what is the ultimate agenda? Well, we will be discussing just that with Peggy Hall, the founder of The Healthy American, as well as the latest fallout from the president's speech and what you can do to protect your body and your rights. In addition, we will be speaking with Patrick Wood, an author, and an expert on technocracy, as we delve into what he believes lies in front of us. So to be a runner, you need to be ready for a galaxy not so far far away loaded with androids, smart cities, and a new species of humans being created, with each voluntary injection being offered to every man, woman, and child.
    Played 1h 41m 22s
  • Dividing Israel

    15 SEP 2021 · Biblical Israel - Over 60 percent fully vaccinated; they are in the limelight leading the way with compliance. Who would've thought, Israel of all places with its history of experimentation and abuse of its people, would not stop to think and ask why? My God, the Nuremberg codes sprung out from those evil experiments which these mandatory vaccines blatantly go against. Now Israel is making preparations to ensure it has enough vaccine supply for the fourth round of Covid-19 shots. This is true insanity... Well, we will be updating you on the latest findings of what the so-called vaccine is doing to our blood. You will be horrified. Furthermore, we will be discussing Israel’s vaccine compliance and non-compliance with David Katz from Freedom Israel, as well as Stephen Bennun, host of Israeli News Live as they share why Israel is being divided and who is behind it. This shocking information will level you up to the truth behind the new world order agenda that we are seeing every day. This is not a question of whether or not this is going to happen; it's already happening in Israel. The question is, what are you going to do when you don't have a choice of what goes into your own body?
    Played 2h 7m 14s

Frequency wars is a weekly series, discovering the intricacies of imposing issues that challenge our daily existence and question humanity. Provocative and intriguing we confront the issues and conflicts affecting...

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Frequency wars is a weekly series, discovering the intricacies of imposing issues that challenge our daily existence and question humanity. Provocative and intriguing we confront the issues and conflicts affecting us on a global scale. The show challenges perception to take back your sovereignty.

Learned more at https://uimedianetwork.org/en/frequency-wars1
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