The Geek Battle Gaming Podcast with Extreme Improv's David Pustansky! Covering new and retro games, video game news, top 10 lists, rare and quirky games and hardware and much more!

Episodes & Posts
2 JAN 2024 · Full Void Evercade/Super Pocket Review Indie Game also on Switch, PS5, Steam and Xbox
You can get loads more Gaming articles iat www.xstreamed.tv/gaming and don’t forget to check out all our gaming videos on the Geek Battle Gaming YouTube Channel and the Geek Battle comedy panel show on the Extreme Improv XStreamed YouTube Channel
Please support the channel: Subscribe at www.youtube.com/@geekbattlegaming
You can read the written review at www.xstreamed.tv/gaming
Retro Gaming, Gamer, Geek Battle Gaming, handheld, 90s, handheld gaming, evercade, exp, super-pocket, full-void, outofthebit
16 DEC 2023 · You can get loads more Gaming articles and podcasts at www.xstreamed.tv/gaming and don’t forget to check out all our gaming videos on the Geek Battle Gaming YouTube Channel and the Geek Battle comedy panel show on the Extreme Improv XStreamed YouTube Channel
Atari, Gamestation-pro, pong, cintipede, gaming, vcs, 2600
24 NOV 2023 · Intellivision Amico | Astrosmash Review | Amico Home
It's finally here! Intellivision Amico Home brings us the long awaited Astrosmash. Check out the review!!
Please support the channel: Subscribe at www.youtube.com/@UCcgdlxWol4eyosz7tLiaT0Q
You can read the written review at www.xstreamed.tv/gaming
Astrosmash Intellivision Amico, Amico, Amico Home, tommy tallarico, Intellivision Lives, Amico Controller App, Retro Gaming, Gamer, Geek Battle Gaming
22 NOV 2023 · Intellivision Amico | Missile Command Review | Amico Home | Atari Classic Reborn It's finally here! Intellivision Amico Home brings us Missile Command. Check out the review!! Please support the channel: Subscribe at www.youtube.com/https://studio.youtube.com/channel/UCcgdlxWol4eyosz7tLiaT0Q Y
ou can read the written review at www.xstreamed.tv/gaming
Missile-Command, Intellivision-Amico, Amico, Amico Home, tommy-tallarico, Intellivision-Lives, Amico Controller App, Retro Gaming, Gamer, Geek-Battle-Gaming
20 NOV 2023 · Atari 2600+ Plus Review
You can get loads more Gaming articles at www.xstreamed.tv/gaming and don’t forget to check out all our gaming videos on the Geek Battle Gaming YouTube Channel and the Geek Battle comedy panel show on the Extreme Improv XStreamed YouTube Channel
Atari Atari-2600+ Atari-2600 2600 retro-gaming gaming
20 NOV 2023 · Mr Run and Jump Atari 2600 Plus Review
David Pustansky discusses the new retro game.
Mr-Run-And-Jump, Atari, Atari-2600, gaming,
4 JUL 2023 · From the Milton Bradley Microvision through to the Game Boy, Game Gear, PSP, Nintendo Switch and Steam Deck, we explore and answer why the most powerful handhelds always lose the console wars!
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Read the article version at www.xstreamed.tv/gaming
Microvision, Game & Watch, Nintendo Game Boy, Atari Lynx, Sega Game Gear, Nomad, Tiger R Zone, Tiger Game.com, Neo Geo Pocket Color, SNK, Sega, Nokia N Gage, Bandai Wonderswan, Wonderswan Colour, GP32, Turboxpress, Game Boy Advance, GBA, GBA SP, Game Boy Micro, Nintendo DS, 3DS, 2DS, New Nintendo 3DS, Pokemon Mini, Sonic the Hedgehog, Scrapyard Dog, PSP, Playstation Portable, Pocket Station, Dreamcast, VMU, Visual Memory Unit, Game Gear Micro, Panic Playdate, Blaze, Evercade, Evercade EXP, Valve, Steam Deck, Ayaneo 2, Project Q, Playstation 5, ipad, iPhone, Android Gaming, Retro Gaming, Handheld Gaming,
19 JUN 2023 · Metgan’s Traffic Mission Review Atari VCS: Lazy Taxi.
Metgan Games, Atari, Atari VCS, Atari Box, Indie Game, Retro Gaming
See the video version at: https://youtu.be/M5Pj5XE4qPY
Read the article at: https://xstreamed.tv/metgans-traffic-mission-review-atari-vcs-lazy-taxi/
19 JUN 2023 · Sigi A Fart For Melusina is a platformer available on Steam, PS4 and Atari VCS! I review the Atari version of the game form the same developer as Donut Dodo.
Check out the written review on www.xstreamed.tv and check out the video version on the Geek Battle Gaming YouTube channel!
18 JUN 2023 · Console Wars: Why the Most Powerful Consoles Always Lose! N64 Xbox Dreamcast PlayStation Atari There have been 40 years of console wars, but have you noticed that the most powerful console always seem to lose it's generation? Why is this? We deep dive into it in this documentary. From Blast Processing to terra flops, power doesn't guarantee a win...but does it ever? Read the article version of this at: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUh4ZW13eDlpOGtpRVFkNGlmWkZYTDc3eFItQXxBQ3Jtc0tuUTNKNURxN2pnWk9yVnVpcEFDV09rd0JTQmk0RFZRU1hNN0tWYTdkZDYtOEdyeHd1VTRsQVBRTzhkenpjc0QycVFiaVluNXN0WEZlTkpIdlJlZUY2d3FsMUFhc3pSWW91UVNudXVWUUZrR09YRjM5OA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fxstreamed.tv%2Fwhy-do-less-powerful-games-consoles-usually-win-the-console-wars%2F&v=INgur0MEzqs
Atari 2600, Intellivision, Colecovision, NES, Nintendo, Sega, Master System, Turbo Grafx, PC Engine, Amiga CD32, Atari Jaguar, Retro Gaming, SNES, Super Nintendo, Sega Genesis, Sega Mega Drive, Sega CD, Mega CD, Sega 32X, Sega Saturn, Playstation, PSOne, PS2, PS3, PS4, PS5, Xbox, Xbox One, Xbox 360, N64, Sony, Gamecube, Wii, Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X, PS4 Pro, Blast Processing, 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit, 64-bit, 128-bit, Terra flops, Fairchild channel F, console wars
The Geek Battle Gaming Podcast with Extreme Improv's David Pustansky! Covering new and retro games, video game news, top 10 lists, rare and quirky games and hardware and much more!
Author | David Pustansky |
Organization | David Pustansky |
Categories | Video Games |
Website | www.xstreamed.tv |
extremeimprovcomedy@gmail.com |
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