26 DEC 2024 · Emma Wajswasser is a 12-year-old student from Toronto whose grandpa is living with HD. She
wrote this book because she wanted to educate kids and adults about the disease and how to
interact with people in a kind and compassionate way. This is not just a book about Huntington’s disease; it is about having empathy and understanding for any older adults in our lives.
The book is published by Lemonade Press, a social purpose publisher that works with
underrepresented medical communities to create specialized books about medical conditions and rare diseases.
When Bloopy the alien comes to Earth to learn more about humans, he meets Emma and her
family. He quickly wonders why Emma’s grandpa is behaving so differently. In this
heartwarming story, Emma teaches Bloopy about having empathy and understanding for people
living with a rare disease.
You can order the book here: https://www.amazon.com/Bloopy-Alien-Learns-Huntingtons-Disease/dp/1777917964?crid=O09O4PGLYPHI&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.FByROTioWwR3TPUCosEFl0kLK_dvg4Z3DmZE6JtyTPF-j92Z4kPi1-dwxTGRf6xTuP1-hSAf8IjWoMNl0hbjr_qW_nJ3SG99vgYueNEUz1I.myNWA4iQJH-cVtA7_sFGjKWuVbbZF73m6H5rW33jS5I&dib_tag=se&keywords=bloopy+the+alien&qid=1735244833&sprefix=Bloopy%2Caps%2C103&sr=8-1
You can also check out Lemonade Press here:https://lemonadecommunity.com/