Episodes & Posts
31 JAN 2025 · Supplier risk management is a subset of supply chain risk management. In this podcast, Lora Cecere, Founder of Supply Chain Insights, discusses the broader context of risk management with Matt Spooner, an independent consultant and prior Gartner analyst. Matt uses his experience gained in building transcontinental playbooks for his bike race as an analogy to think about risk management more holistically.
Risk management, risk, demand management, matt spooner, Lora Cecere, Supply chain, supply chain global summit, digital transformation, change transformation, supply chain excellence
7 JAN 2025 · In December 2023, the EU reached a provisional agreement: Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR). The new rules will apply to all products in thirteen industries sold in Europe. The focus is on improving sustainability and circularity compliance through digital certificate compliance by 2027. Track and trace capabilities is essential for enablement. In this podcast, Lora Cecere, Founder of Supply Chain Insights, interviews Heidi Benko on how to get started and next steps to take.
21 DEC 2024 · In this podcast, Lora Cecere, Founder of Supply Chain Insights, interviews Peter Bolstorff, Founder of InspireSCI.ai, to discuss driving in the value chain. In the podcast, Lora and Peter share perspectives on the need for a simple, but research-based methodology, to determine if a company is driving value when compared to a peer group. The goal is to connect the work being done on regression analysis with Georgia Tech to a SCOR-like methodology to help supply chain leaders. These two founders are on a mission to help supply chain leaders.
29 NOV 2024 · What drives supply chain excellence? How do supply chain leaders know they are making progress? In this podcast, Lora Cecere, Founder of Supply Chain Insights, and Peter Bolstorff, Founder of Inspiresce.ai discuss the Metrics That Matter and the tie of a balanced Scorecard to SCOR metrics. This podcast is released as an introduction to the Fundamental Score that will be released at the December 5th event at the IYSE Building at Georgia Tech on December 5th.
 #supplychainexcellence, #metricsthatmatter, #SupplyChainInsights, #PeterBolstorff,#Loracecere ,Supply chain, supply chain global summit, digital transformation, change transformation, supply chain excellence
3 OCT 2024 · Disruption. Demand shifts. Volatility. In the face of changing demand and supply, how do we synchronize demand and supply? LeanDNA synchronizes inbound flows providing availability insight for ATP in discrete industries. In this podcast Lora Cecere, Founder of Supply Chain Insights interviews the Founder of LeanDNA to provide insights.
22 MAY 2024 · Defining Outside-in Supply Chain Planning Processes: Lora Cecere, Founder of Supply Chain Insights Interviews John Sicard, CEO of Kinaxis
An order is a poor proxy for demand. A market-driven forecast always beats a forecast based on enterprise data. New forms of technology enable the redefinition of supply chain planning to transition from inside-out to outside-in planning processes. The question is how to get started. Here Lora Cecere, Founder of Supply Chain Insights, interviews John Sicard, CEO of Kinaxis.
Tags: Kinaxis, Supply Chain Insights, John Sicard, Lora Cecere, Outside-in Planning Processes, Market Data, Supply chain, supply chain global summit, digital transformation, change transformation, supply chain excellence
29 FEB 2024 · The use of graph technology offers promise to map relationships, translate flow, and improve time to value. However, most solutions today are not built on a graph. So, how can companies get value from the graph approach without re-wiring their current systems? Here, Pat Byrne, Founder of Indeco, explains a point of view on how to get started with Lora Cecere, Founder of Supply Chain Insights.
Tags: Graph, supply chain insights, sensing, slow, supply chain excellence, Lora cecere, Supply chain, supply chain global summit, digital transformation, change transformation, supply chain excellence
20 FEB 2024 · What is supply chain excellence? It is easier to say than define. Supply Chain Excellence is defined as driving improvement, outperforming the peer group, and driving value. This analysis analyzes over 500 companies' progress over the last ten years. Here, we share the insights on the methodology and compare it to the Gartner Top 25 approach.
Tags: supply chain excellence, supply chain insights, straight talk with supply chain insights, supply chains to admire, lora cecere, benchmarking, supply chain management, Supply chain, supply chain global summit, digital transformation, change transformation, supply chain excellence
19 FEB 2024 · In this podcast, Lora Cecere, Founder of Supply Chain Insights, interviews Igor Rikalo, Chief Operating Officer of o9 Solutions. The goal is to share thoughts on the power of outside-in processes and use the knowledge graph to deliver insights on flow to drive better outcomes.
10 FEB 2024 · Discussion of Network Resource Planning with Bharath from Tracelink. Using a network built for serialization, Tracelink is launching a series of services to help pharmaceutical manufacturers sense potential drug shortages and redesign their networks to drive better patient outcomes. Here we share a discussion between Bharath and Lora Cecere, Founder of Supply Chain Insights.
Tags: Tracelink, Supplychaininsights, loracecere, pharmacuetical, networkresourceplanning (NRP), networkautomation, supplychain.
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