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  • Episode 5 - NFTs. The Past, Present, & Future

    8 FEB 2023 · Hey there, this is Ryan on Episode 5 of Ledger of Record. Ledger of Record is brought to you by lore, the first natural-language block explorer enabling anyone to be a voyager for on-chain data. Start exploring now at Lore.so! This episode is about NFTs - where we are now, and where we have to go. It would be a crime to start this episode without talking about the two platform overviews that are so strongly correlated to NFTs. Probably the most famous, Opensea. Opensea allows creators, artists, and collectors to monetize their digital creations in a way that was previously not possible. With Opensea, the ownership and authenticity of each NFT can be easily verified, and the market operates 24/7 without the need for a middleman. The platform has gained popularity due to its user-friendly interface and growing community of users, making it an exciting and innovative way for people to invest in and showcase their digital assets. During the NFT bull run around January of 2022 there were 2M unique NFTs sold just on Opensea alone generating 4.8B - since then the market has taken a massive hit with numbers last month at roughly $446M in total volume & 1.1M NFTs being moved. LooksRare came onto the scene with a splash. Looksrare also offers a very intuitive platform for creators, artists, and collectors to buy & sell NFTs. They are positioned as being community-first means that LooksRare rewards, empowers, and gives back to the platform's users and creators as they participate in the ecosystem. I am excited to watch the platforms carve out their niche Ebays expansion into NFTs eBay now allows "trusted sellers" to list authentic NFTs on its platform in specific categories like music and trading cards. As it becomes more comfortable with the asset type, eBay plans to relax company policy on the sale of NFTs to allow a broader range of products going forward. Perhaps the most eye-catching element of eBay's venture into NFTs is that it only accepts fiat currency Crypto art Kike Crypot Punks and the traditional PFP MusicMusic can be purchased as an NFT, usually in the form of an MP3 or MP4 file. It's worth noting that purchasing a music NFT doesn't give you ownership of the actual song, but a representation of it. Trading cards Trading cards and NFTs are a logical pair, as rarity and value can easily be determined by the representative NFT, kind of like a card's serial number. Something I am looking forward to in the future. NFTs are considered assets or passes into elite clubs. Something that makes a ton of sense to me is rental markets for NFTs. Lets use bored apes as an example - there are 2 archetypes here. 1. Linda who owns say 4 bored apes because he loves the mission and thinks they will appreciate over time. Though this may be true he doesnt want to pull a line of credit out against them and has no way of gaining liquidity 2. Mike is someone who cant afford to buy one outright but wants to be a part oif the community for a year, getting exposure to VIP events and other Bored Ape exclusive content. They would be interested in renting one of Lindas apes for 1 year to gain access to this I think there is a huge opportunity space here. This is an ever evolving space and I am sure I will be talking about it again soon on Ledger of Record.
    Played 4m 19s
  • Episode 4 - Top Web3 Wallets

    1 FEB 2023 · Ledger Of Record - Covering markets and makers in web3 as they build the future and change how the game is played. Brought to you by https://lore.so, the first natural-language block explorer enabling anyone to be a voyager for on-chain data. Start exploring now at https://lore.so! Lore is the first natural language block explorer and on-chain search engine. Show Notes: Hey there, this is Ryan on Episode 4 of Ledger of Record. Ledger of Record is brought to you by lore, the first natural-language block explorer enabling anyone to be a voyager for on-chain data. Start exploring now at Lore.so! In todays episode I’ll be covering the top wallets to interact with Dapps in web3. While these may be popular wallets this is not financial advice, I recommend duing your own due diligence before selecting the wallet that is right for you! To start one that I am sure you have all heard of, MetaMask. (metamask.com) They allow users to securely store, manage, and send various cryptocurrencies, including Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens, interact with Dapps in a seamless way. MetaMask provides a user-friendly interface, making it easy for both experienced and new crypto users to manage their assets. Additionally, MetaMask provides users with full control over their private keys, which are securely stored locally and never transmitted to a server. Second on the list and gaining rapid popularity is Rainbow Wallet (rainbow.me). Rainbow wallet is know for an incredible UX/UI which is seamless and positioned well to support “normies”. You see this as soon as you visit the website, no jargon, no fluff. Super simple & straight to the point. With a sleek UI & simple UX rainbow is the perfect wallet for first time wallet owners to manage their digital assets. Rainbow is mobile first with native mobile apps. #3 on the list, Cypher. They recently completed Y Combinator and are an all-in-one noncustodial wallet They allow you to Buy, sell, manage, bridge or stake crypto across 12+ blockchains. You can download Cypher on the Goolge Play or Apple App Stores. Despite being new I think there is ampoule opportunity to improve on existing UX giving newer wallets ample opportunity to make their mark on web3. These are just a few wallets that are popular, there are many others like Coinbase Wallet & Coinomi App. Wallets are more than just a place to hold come crypto or nfts, in this new world we are creating your wallet serves as an identity, one that represents you on-chain. I highly recommend checking out the wallets I have covered above, I’ll see you next time on Ledger Of Record.
    Played 3m 35s
  • Episode 3 - Build Web3 Dapps Without Code

    31 JAN 2023 · Ledger Of Record - Covering markets and makers in web3 as they build the future and change how the game is played. Brought to you by https://lore.so, the first natural-language block explorer enabling anyone to be a voyager for on-chain data. Start exploring now at https://lore.so! Lore is the first natural language block explorer and on-chain search engine. Show Notes: Hey there, this is Ryan on Episode 3 of Ledger of Record. Ledger of Record is brought to you by lore, the first natural-language block explorer enabling anyone to be a voyager for on-chain data. Start exploring now at Lore.so! Todays episode I’ll be covering the intersection of no-code tools & web3! To start, no-code is a level of abstraction. No-code tools allow you to build applications & automations through visual builders. In todays episode i’ll be covering my favorite tools at this intersection as well as honorable mentions. https://bildr.com - A long time favorite of mine, I’ve been following this company for years now and they never cease to amaze me. Bildr is a game changer when it comes to no-code tools, what you can build is limitless and they’ve done an awesome job enabling applications needing wallet auth + much more. In fact they have an entire premium web3 template library with things like NFT galleries, token gated airtables, token gated sites, nft minting sites, and more. If you;re looking for the best way to start building any type of application without code, look no further than Bildr.com. The second on my list today is, https://kazm.xyz - Super excited about this one is because we’ve seen a huge opportunity space - where Typeform meets Web3, wallet auth forms to verify credentials to complete different types of forms Kazm has positioned themselves as a web3 CRM, where they meet the intersection of no-code & web3 is the form builder they’ve built that allows you to connect your wallet. This is something I am really excited for because this enables automated permissioning when it comes to on-chain credentials and filling out forms. Third on my list, https://mintplex.xyz - Mintplex enables you to build better NFT communities without code. Mintplex has all the tools to help you launch and grow your NFT project from the very first mint & beyond. Finishing up Y Combinator in 2022, Mintplex provides the tools that allows creators, developers, and communities to launch and grow NFT projects without code. Mintplex handles IPFS, smart contracts, and even the minting page, but goes well beyond the initial mint day in providing projects with built-in utility to continue providing value to their communities easily. Mintplex has generated over $8M in earnings for creators with over 1,000 communities launched. With honorable mentions going to Bubble.io & Appey Pie, I am excited to watch the space develop. I’ll see you next time on No Code No Problem.
    Played 4m 44s
  • Why Web3 Wednesday - Music X Web3

    29 JAN 2023 · Ledger Of Record - Covering markets and makers in web3 as they build the future and change how the game is played. Brought to you by Lore, the first natural-language block explorer enabling anyone to be a voyager for on-chain data. Start exploring now at https://lore.so! Lore is the first natural language block explorer and on-chain search engine. Speakers: Jerry Hsiang, Head of Finance @ Royal - https://twitter.com/jerry_hsiang Eyal Zafir, Investor + Crypto Lead @ Liberty Ventures & HGR Digital Asset Group Advisor - https://twitter.com/eyalzafir Jordan Rivera, Co-Founder Booster - https://twitter.com/jordanrivera0 Jacob Berman, Former Music @ Meta - https://twitter.com/Jaythedaze Join us in our discussion about the intersection of web3 and music. New economies, payment structures for artists, and permissioning.
    Played 42m 58s
  • Episode 2 - The Future of X To Earn!

    20 JAN 2023 · Ledger Of Record - Covering markets and makers in web3 as they build the future and change how the game is played. Brought to you by Lore, the first natural-language block explorer enabling anyone to be a voyager for on-chain data. Start exploring now at https://lorescan.com! Lore is the first natural language block explorer and on-chain search engine. Show Notes: Hey there, this is Ryan on Episode 2 of Ledger of Record. Ledger of Record is brought to you by lore, the first natural-language block explorer enabling anyone to be a voyager for on-chain data. Start exploring now at Lore.so! The hottest new trend, X to earn rewards players with cryptocurrency for performing actions like playing, walking, or participating in things you normally do. X to earn has grown in popularity with everything from Play to earn Run to earn Sleep to earn Drive to earn And so many more While there has been a large falloff in usage and liquidity amongst these games given the bear market (a point of criticism for x to earn) there are some that generally excite me. P.S this is not investment advice. Here are some of the coolest X to earn games I have found. - https://stepn.com, a move to earn application where you earn tokens for moving! With over 200k users since launch it is one of the coolest X to earns I’ve seen You find a sneaker that fits your fitness level, equip the sneaker and burn calories to earn energy + more sneakers. I really like this concept, it’s a fun way to gamify fitness & I think it will be a top X to earn application during the next bull cycle. - https://godsunchained.com/ - A play to earn card game where you earn in-game assets and can sell them for $$. Over $50M in cards have been exchanged making Gods Unchained a leader in the play to earn space. Something I am generally excited about is what you earn, I think super fans of games that can earn governance tokens for playing games which allow them to vote on the future of the game, updates, maps, skins etc is a really cool concept I want to watch some games implement. This is a game I am excited to watch thrive despite the current market conditions - https://mcontent.net - a watch 2 earn model that pays users for watching ads on their platform similar to a Youtube. They’ve flipped the script by giving a percentage of advertising revenue to consumers via their myco token. The major issue I have with this model is liquidity, who is buying the myco token? But after considering - I think hosting a large annual event where by owning a certain # of token will grant you a ticket to attend & burning/redeeming tokens for meet & greets with actors/creators, private events & more can create a strong demand side to hold/purchase these tokens. I am really excited to see how this company grows! My 2 main problems with X to earn: - One real concern for these games is that they can produce false PMF. It is safe to assume every user of any product does so with the intent of doing whatever they can to maximize value for themselves. If the incentive structure is strong enough participating in these games can result in farming - The effects macro conditions have on these games, traditionally gaming or running is not effected by market conditions. No matter the price of ETH people are playing and buying skins on Fortnite, tracking steps and more - but with liquidity & economies top of mind for these new types of gamified X to earn apps it’s clear market conditions have serious effects on these apps. With some we see assets held per user has gone up but the total # of users has fallen of dramatically - maybe this is just the time where power users thrive! In conclusion I dont think X to earn is going anywhere & i am excited to seen new models in the future, I hope you enjoyed this episode & I’ll see you next time on ledger of redcord
    Played 5m 18s
  • Episode 1 - CEX VS DEX

    12 JAN 2023 · Ledger Of Record - Covering markets and makers in web3 as they build the future and change how the game is played. Brought to you by Lore, the first natural-language block explorer enabling anyone to be a voyager for on-chain data. Start exploring now at https://lore.so! Lore is the first natural language block explorer and on-chain search engine. Show Notes Hey there, this is Ryan on Episode 1 of Ledger of Record. Ledger of Record is brought to you by lore, the first natural-language block explorer enabling anyone to be a voyager for on-chain data. Start exploring now at Lore.so! Today, we're going to be talking about the difference between centralized and decentralized exchanges. First, let's define what we mean by a centralized exchange. A centralized exchange is a platform that allows users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies using traditional, fiat currencies. These exchanges are called centralized because they are controlled by a single entity, typically a company. This means that all transactions on the platform must go through this entity, and the company has complete control over the platform and its users and usually the assets. Decentralized exchanges, on the other hand, operate differently. Instead of being controlled by a single entity, they are built on top of a decentralized network like the blockchain. This means that transactions are processed directly between users, without the need for a central authority to facilitate them. One of the main advantages of decentralized exchanges is that they are more secure than centralized ones. Because there is no central authority controlling the platform, it is much harder for hackers to target the exchange and steal user funds. Decentralized exchanges also offer greater privacy and anonymity, since users do not need to provide personal information in order to use the platform. However, decentralized exchanges also have some drawbacks. Because they are built on top of decentralized networks, they can be more complex to use and may not offer the same level of liquidity as centralized exchanges. This is why you have seen the majority of user adoption take place on centralized exchnages like Coinbase, FTX, and Binance (Im not making recommendations, rather giving examples) The one really cool thing of DEXs is being able to see a transparent overview of the key metrics. For example I am looking at a Dune dashboard covering Polygon DEXs - I can see with full transparency that the past 7 day trading volume is about 270M, daily volume per dex, marketshare breakdown, # of users, txn count… you get the point. https://dune.com/hildobby/Polygon-DEXs This is really important for retail investors to have trust in the things they are investing in with their hard earned money and creates a more trustless process in a space that is in dire need of more trust and accountability If you have other topics you want me to breakdown or want to be interviewed on Ledger of Record email me at podcast@shuttlelabs.xyz See you next time on Ledger of Record
    Played 4m 7s
  • Ledger of Record Introduction

    9 JAN 2023 · Introduction Episode Ledger Of Record - Covering markets and makers in web3 as they build the future and change how the game is played. Brought to you by Lore, the first natural-language block explorer enabling anyone to be a voyager for on-chain data. Start exploring now at https://lorescan.com! Lore is the first natural language block explorer and on-chain search engine. Show Notes: Hey there, this is Ryan on Episode 1 of Ledger of Record. Ledger of Record is brought to you by lore, the first natural-language block explorer enabling anyone to be a voyager for on-chain data. Start exploring now at Lore.so! I want to spend the first minute explaining the ethos & structure for ledger of record. Structure: Ledger of Record will be covering markets & makers - consisting of two types of episodes: - 5 minute overviews of tools, dapps, defi, X to earn, on-chain analytics, and the hottest topics as they unfold. - Interviews with executives and thought leaders across the industry Our ethos more broadley is creating an ecosystem enabled by legibility and transparency. Our red pill into web3/blockchain was the promise of transparency but we quickly realized that promise was undelivered. We’d look at existing explorers which represent the visualization of a blockchain and it was unreadable, illegible, not fulfilling that transparent promise. We realized the problem was so much larger than we had originally thought, and wa-la Lore was born. We want this podcast to be a medium for concise, relevant, and accurate information just like the blockchain. Episode 1 will be live by the time you hear this so I hope you enjoy & I’ll see you next time on Ledger of Record.
    Played 1m 41s
Web3 Markets & Makers Building The Future of Technology!

Brought to you by Lore, building google for web3
Author Ryan Myher
Categories Tech News
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Email podcast@shuttlelabs.xyz

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