Podcast Cover

Little Benny

  • LB-INTERLUDE 1- 5:11:24 11.27 AM

    11 MAY 2024 · Story by Gail Nobles ©️2024 Cover art by: Gail Nobles INTERLUDE 1 SPIRITUAL WARFARE  Litttle Benny is a story about spiritual warefare. He fights against an evil force. The Cigar Man intervines in his overcoming smoking.  In Ephesians of chapter 6:11, It reads: Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. Physically & spiritually, that’s what Little Benny had to do. He put on armor to fight his enemy. In verse 12 of Ephesians, it reads: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. That’s what Little Benny fights against when he fights against the Cigar Man. The Cigar Man is not a man of flesh and blood. He is power and smoke that wants to destroy Little Benny and the whole world.  1 Peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:..
    Played 1m 34s
  • Cigar the Man 2:19:24 5.34 PM

    19 FEB 2024 · Story: Cigar The Man Story by: Gail Nobles ©️2024 Cover art by: Gail Nobles Ending music by: Gail Nobles While Lttle Benny was practicing on using his powers with his helmet and armor on, Cigar Keys was practicing on his mind. He was froze to the bone in Ms. Daniels lab. Cigar Keys couldn't break the ice but there was one place on his body that stayed warm and that was his head. Like Little Benny,he kept a helmet on and that helmet was like a burning torch when it was lit. With his mind, he lit his helmet that did not burn. It was like a cigarette lighter. Keys let the flame heat up the ice block he was in just enough to see if the ice would melt. He wanted to fool Ms. Daniels. Keys knew that she would be back-and-forth checking on him during the day. So he waited until night time to break out of the lab all together. Until then, he stayed in the ice block in the ice chamber room. When night time came, Cigars melted the top of the ice block machine. Then he finished breaking free from it. When he was turned into ashes from the beginning, he used his mind power to put back all the pieces of himself. He grew tired. He then made himself smoke to go past the sleeping security guards and slipped under the lab exit doors. Cigar Keys went to gather all the men that worked for him, and he called them to a meeting discussing what he had planned. He sent two to spy on Ms. Daniels. Cigar: I want you to find Ms. Daniels. Find out where she is. Find out where she lives and report back to me. Music ending … You’re listening to the story of Little Benny by Gail Nobles ©️2024.
    Played 2m 45s
  • Armor 10:6:23 8.27 PM

    7 OCT 2023 · Story: Armor Story by: Gail Nobles ©️ 2023 Cover Art by: Gail Nobles Little Benny had fought Cigar akeys at least once with no protection. Most of the time the battlefield was in Little Benny's mind and heart. Benny was always fighting despair, temptation, and fear. Ms. Daniels knew. She made him a hat like the one he wore, but made it a helmet, and it matched his costume. His costume was like Armor. It protected him. The helmet had a face shield. It covered little Benny's eyes. It was also used as a computer screen to see all around him. Ms. Daniels put a tiny disc in the helmet so little Benny could see the powers of Cigar Keys and what he would have to fight against. Cigar: I'll get you Little Benny! Benny saw a giant hand reaching out to grab him. He snatched his helmet off his head. Benny did not want to stand against Cigar. He just wanted to hide. Ms. Daniels then made Little Benny practice using his own powers. He knew how to use the costume too hide. He knew how to create fog, and he knew when to run. The thing that scared Little Benny most was seeing that his enemy was a giant. Little Benny had to learn how to fight and take punches. You’re listening to the story of Little Benny by Gail nobles copyright 2023.
    Played 2m 4s
  • Super Strength 9:4:23 5.04 PM

    4 SEP 2023 · Cover Art: by Gail Nobles Story by: Gail Nobles Ms. Daniels was questioned by police after shooting at the strange man at the Pizza Restaurant. Little Benny stayed with her. The commotion was on video from the restaurant. The footage showed that the man pulled out his weapon first, and that Ms. Daniels pulled out her gun in self defense. She was a concealed- gun carrier. No one was injured in the incident. The restaurant owner told the police that the man was a robber that robbed his restaurant for money several times. Ms. Daniels was free to go. The police recognized the robber and went to find him. When Little Benny left the restaurant to return back to the lab with Ms. Daniels, he was in a daze. He could have lost his life. He hardly heard Ms. Daniels talking to him. She noticed that he wasn’t speaking. Ms. Daniels: Benny, are you alright? Little Benny: I’m sorry. I was just thinking that I could have been killed. I could have lost my life. Ms. Daniels: Yea, we both could have. I’ve got something to show you. When Ms. Daniels & Little Benny got back to the lab, she showed him a new & improved costume. The whole costume was bullet proof with big shoulder pads and gear. Wearing the costume, Little Benny could fight crime. His first task in it was to fight the robber that tried to shoot him at the restaurant. Little Benny discovered that he had super human strength in the costume. He chased the robber down an alley and could out run him. Little Benny was fast. The robber punched Benny in the stomach and broke his fist. Little Benny was an excellent fighter. He began to box the robber. He knocked the robber out. The police showed up and turned their carlights on Benny.Benny created thick fog behind him with his costume as he disappeared from the alley and left the robber knocked out. You're listening to the story of Little Benny by Gail Nobles ©️ 2023
    Played 3m 13s
  • Ms. Daniels 8:17:23 9.54 PM

    18 AUG 2023 · Story and Art by: Gail Nobles ©️ 2023 Today's episode: Ms. Daniels. Ms. Daniels spent a lot of time watching and studying Cigar Keys whom she held prisoner at the lab. Little Benny went to visit her. Little Benny Asked: Do you still have him locked up? Ms. Daniels: So far. Thank you for the idea of freezing him. Little Benny: No problem! By the way, don't you want to take a break and get a bite to eat? Ms. Daniels: Sure! How about pizza? So Little Benny took Ms. Daniels out to eat and took her to a pizza restaurant. He was a little embarrassed because his car was old, and he wanted to see how Ms. Daniels would react. However, she seemed to pay no attention. She just hopped right in. When they got to the restaurant, they sat down to eat and had conversation. When they were through eating, Little Benny paid for the food. He apologized to Ms. Daniels for not having enough cash. He was short on a few dollars. Ms. Daniels gave him tip money so that he would have enough. She jokingly said: There’s no need to apologize, Benny. It’s all right, but don't let it happen again. Miss Daniels kept staring at Benny. Ms. Daniels: You hardly have friends, you live alone, and you have gifts. You’re the chosen on. You have enemies. Little Benny: How do you know that? Ms. Daniels: Because one of them is in this restaurant. Miss Daniels pulled out a little pistol and pushed Little Benny to the floor. As she shot at a strange man, the man shot at her. People began to panic, and they fell to the floor. The man ran out of the restaurant. Little Benny was shook. You’re listening to the story of Little Benny by Gail Nobles ©️ 2023.
    Played 2m 31s
  • Little Benny’s Pipe Cigar Suit 3:6:23 8.13 PM

    7 MAR 2023 · Beep sounds: Samplefocus.com Story by: Gail Nobles ©️2023 Art by: Gail Nobles You're listening to the story of Little Benny. Today's episode: Little Benny's Pipe Cigar Suit Ms. Daniels made Little Benny a special pipe cigar and black suit for protection. The cigar she made was not the kind of cigar for smoking made from tabacco. It was used more like an instrument. It was like a whistle. When Little Benny blew into it, it made a beep sound. The beep was a signal for his suit to create fog so he could hide from his enemies. The sound would talk to the symbol on his suit which was a computerized plate. It was like a no smoking symbol of a kangaroo. The pipe cigar had three different beep sounds. The first beep was for the fog. The second beep was for the down lightening bolt arrow of the symbol which was to make his full body to light up and disappear and reappear. So his suit could do two things. The third beep was a long beep to hurt the hearing of his enemies that were too big and too strong for him to fight. His suit and hat was also bulletproof and fireproof. Little Benny had a new look thanks to Ms. Daniels. Before, when he made headlines, he was put into the newspapers as a cartoon. People made fun of his looks and how he tried to live his life as a Christian. Because of his new look and suit, everyone wanted to know him. They thought it was amazing how Little Benny didn’t smoke his pipe cigar. Little Benny: My Name is Little Benny. To the world I am an amazing hero. I know that Cigar Keys will return with a mob. No ice chamber prison can hold him. I am ready to use my powers to try to defeat him. You're listening to the story of Little Benny by Gail Nobles ©️2023.
    Played 2m 58s
  • The Tobacco Garden 11:13:22 6.40 PM

    14 NOV 2022 · Rustle effect: soundbible.com Computer Art by: Gail Nobles Little Benny went out into Cigar Keys home tobacco garden. He was rich in harvesting and selling the plant, but his popularity decreased in doing so because of health concerns of other people. Then Cigar began to make and sell cigars later. The cigar industry began to grow strong. However, Little Benny knew that Cigar Key’s cigars were no regular cigars. Something extra was added, but that was kept a secret. Little Benny thought: So many people have died smoking this man’s cigar. There is something in the air not right about it. Whatever it is, first it takes over the minds of the people. After smoking his cigar, they think there is no afterlife. They think they can do whatever they want and live forever. Cigar Keys is a cult. You can warn his customers all day long about death, but they won’t listen, and when death hits them, there is no chance of getting the soul right for eternity. They only live for what is temporary, and when they meet eternity, it might be a bad eternity. This man’s cigar and smoke is pure drugs. It’s best to stop smoking altogether. Little Benny saw men working in the huge tobacco garden. They worked like Zombies and they sang a strange song as they worked. “We’ll be Working in the garden. We’ll be smoking all day.” Little Benny felt himself feeling sick. He walked away from the Tobacco Garden. He said: I got to leave this tobacco garden. I don’t want to get green tabacco sickness. Nicotine poisoning. I didn’t think there was a such thing until now. Chemicals in the raw tobacco plants naturally. But there is something more. Little Benny was determined to get down to the bottom of what Cigar Keys had been selling to his customers. You’re listening to the story of Little Benny by Gail Nobles © 2022.
    Played 3m 8s
  • Cigar Freeze 6:16:22 2.31 PM

    16 JUN 2022 · Story: Little Benny - Cigar Freeze Story by: Gail Nobles © 2022 Today’s episode is Cigar Freeze. In the last episode, Cigar was turned to ashes, but his ashes were still alive. Someone from the lab which knew Little Benny had been fighting with Cigar invited him to watch the experiment. Little Benny said to Ms. Daniels, “The numbers on that machine went as high as they could go. Can you lower the numbers to make it cold? He’s transforming himself back to normal again? Ms. Daniels: I didn’t think about that. Let me give it a try. Cigar was on his way to break out of the machine. Suddenly, he couldn’t move. He was freezing to the bone. Ms. Daniels turned the machine down all the way to the number 0. Ms. Daniels: Now that the machine is off, let’s see how long it will take for him to melt. Hopefully, there will be no melting. Ms. Daniels waited for a couple of hours. After awhile, she put cigar into an ice chamber prison room in another building nearby. Ms. Daniels: Hopefully that will hold Cigar. Little Benny wasn’t quite satisfied. Little Benny: It might hold him, but there is a fire that burns within him. Little Benny stood with his inhaler pipe cigar in his mouth, puffing medication to his lungs, starring at the ice chamber prison; thinking that Cigar might escape. You’re listening to the story of Little Benny by Gail Nobles © 2022.
    Played 2m 47s
  • Cigar Becomes Ashes 11:28:21 5.18 PM

    28 NOV 2021 · Story: Cigar Becomes Ashes Story by: Gail Nobles ©️ 2021 Power Down effect: soundbible.com Usage: Attribution 3.0 There was a woman named Ms. Daniels. She studied and wondered about Cigar the man. Ms. Daniels really did not know what he was made of, but she knew that he was not human. She believed that he was made of nothing but the junk that he made. Ms. Daniels believed that Cigar Man could be turned into ashes because he was like the tobacco that he used for a smoke. She wanted to capture him and lock him up. Ms. Daniels father had made a machine to destroy Cigar Man before he had passed away. He was killed by the Cigar Man. His name was Mark Daniels. He was a scientist. Ms. Daniels studied her father’s notes and instructions on how to use the machine. The machine was a big furnace ten times hotter than Cigar. Ms. Daniels knew that he was a demo of smoke and fire, but there was a smoke & fire worse than he. Her father knew the same thing because he studied the Bible and read about the lake of fire in Revelation. Ms. Daniels knew that their was a fire for demons and that was how her father came up with the idea of the machine. Ms. Daniels wanted to destroy Cigar for killing her husband, father, and grandfather. It was not only for that reason, but he was killing others too. The Cigar Man was killing others just like the cigar that he made and smoked. Ms. Daniels began to wonder how she was going to get Cigar into her machine. She knew he was an evil business man, and she knew that he was sending spies to her factory. Daniels had the machine hid away in the factory in an isolated room. She invited Cigar to her factory and told him that she had been working on an experiment. Ms. Daniels said: You are a man with money and power. There are people that want to smoke your cigars and live a long life. Only you have that life to give. We need to clone a part of you to make a special ingredient. If I make a great profit from the cigar, you will get half of the profit. Ms. Daniels talked Cigar into getting into the machine. When she turned it on, Cigar did not feel anything at first. He noticed that he began to feel hot, and he began to sweat. Suddenly, the skin on his face began to peel, and he was beginning to feel like he was in torment. The Cigar Man saw himself falling apart, and he was slowly turning into ashes. He began to panic and scream. Cigar became ashes all of the way, but the ashes were not being destroyed. The ashes had life. Tune in next time to see what will happen next. Today Cigar Becomes Ashes. You’re listening to the Little Benny podcast by Gail Nobles ©️ 2021.
    Played 3m 48s
  • Don’t Drift Away _Fight 8:17:21 1.48 PM

    17 AUG 2021 · Story and art by Gail L. Nobles ©2021 Hi! My name is Little Benny. It’s been over a year since I have quit smoking. But sometimes I get that urge to start back again. Instead of smoking, every once and awhile, I’ll chew on a cigar. The enemy often visits me in my dreams. I go to bed with a clear conscience. And he comes to fill my head with bad dreams. When I’m woke and alert, my mind is strong. When I drift away, I notice my mind gets a little weak. I drift away and fall asleep. The enemy wants to get into your mind. He wants to cloud up your visions, You’ve got to rebuke the enemy. Don’t give in. He knows when he doesn’t have you. That explains all the bad dreams. The enemy doesn’t like it when you figure out who he is. He’ll even laugh when you figure him out. Do you smoke? Do you want to stop smoking? It can be done. Don’t drift away. Keep on fighting. Don’t let the enemy win. Fight until you win!
    Played 1m 55s
Little Benny is a Christian Cartoon tale.

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