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Matt's Guest Appearances

  • The Bloomsbury Chronicles - Socially-engineered Roots of the London Counter-culture

    3 JAN 2024 · This is an audio representation of a 3-hour video presentation I produced and published online in July 2023 titled 'The Bloomsbury Tour (London): Social Engineers & the '60s UK Counter-culture.' Bloomsbury is a district of London where a small collective of, some would describe as, notorious individuals, were active during the early 20th century in the fields of art, literature, as well as economics and social theory. Their notoriety stems, partly, from their free-thinking lifestyle that’s deemed to have been a head-on challenge against the strict values and taboos of Victorian-era England into which they were born. This collective is referred to as ‘The Bloomsbury Group,’ and included within its fold was the famous novelist, Virginia Woolf. To quote from one source (the charity, ‘English Heritage,’ which is responsible for taking care of ancient and historic buildings, monuments and sites including Stonehenge, Hadrian’s Wall, and the Cenotaph in London), there was a “refusal” on the part of “The Bloomsbury Group… to conform to the moral standards of society…” Also, they’ve been described as having lived a life of “sexual permissiveness.” These descriptions read like a word-for-word portrayal of what’s said to have gone down in the ‘swinging,’ free-loving 1960s, right? I have wondered... just how closely aligned were (if at all) The Bloomsburys and their philosophies and lifestyle to the 1960s, and, more to the point, that decade’s alleged social-engineering project, the so-called ‘counter-culture’ of the UK, and of London in particular? In this audio representation which was recorded and first released in 2023, I talk about this with private investigator and radio-host, Ed Opperman for his show, 'The Opperman Report.' The 3-hr video presentation is avaliable here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E0BeCTb1pZg
    Played 1h 27m 25s
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    Mark Devlin's 'GVP': Second Summer of Love (psy-op?) - Roundtable chat - ep. 4 (with Matt Sergiou)

    20 OCT 2023 · This is where the four-episode roundtable chat about the so-called ‘Second Summer of Love’ of 1988 and ’89 comes to its conclusion, the aim of which has been to highlight signs and clues that this youth and music-movement that popularised Acid House in the UK was a psy-op same as its namesake of the 1960s. Certainly, one of the overriding themes talked about and mentioned in all four episodes has been the numerous parallels/similarities between ’88 and ’89 and the so-called ‘counter-culture’ scene of the 1960s in the UK and US. Hosted by Mark Devlin, an author, DJ and speaker on matters pertaining to the occult and conspiratorial in music, this chat has been part of a one-off series special in Mark’s long-running ‘Good Vibrations’ podcasts - myself (Matt Sergiou) and fellow podcasters Chris and Dom of the site ‘Sheep Farm’ have been the guests. In this final episode, a lot of the focus is on MDMA, otherwise known as ‘ecstasy,’ the drug that came to prominence at dance events and the early-day Raves of the late 1980s. Was it seeped into the Acid House culture by the intelligence services/military, same as LSD is suspected to have been back in the 1960s? With this in mind, during episode four, I mention Leo Zeff, a psychiatrist who’s been dubbed the “Johnny Appleseed of MDMA” for helping to spread the drug’s use across the world in the early 1980s, back when it was still largely unknown to the masses. Then there’s the so-called ‘Boston Group,’ a collective of individuals with connections to M.I.T., who helped to introduce the drug to the dancefloors of New York, allegedly as part of a “social experiment.” This leads me on to mention signs of MDMA’s use within MK ULTRA. Mentioned also during this concluding episode, Timothy Leary and his connection to both so-called ‘Summers of Love,’ The Beatles, New Order and Soft Cell, rumoured MK ULTRA psychiatrist Dr Henry A. Murray, and more. Conspiro Media: https://conspiromedia.wordpress.com/ Conspiro Media (FaceBook): https://www.facebook.com/conspiromedia/ The Occult Beatles: https://theoccultbeatles.wordpress.com/ Mark Devlin blog-site: https://djmarkdevlin.blogspot.com/ Sheep Farm Studios: https://sheepfarm.co.uk/
    Played 1h 36s
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    Mark Devlin's 'GVP': Second Summer of Love (psy-op?) - Roundtable chat - ep. 3 (with Matt Sergiou)

    7 OCT 2023 · Here’s episode 3 of a four-episode roundtable discussion hosted by Mark Devlin, who (as you might indeed already know), is a well-known speaker on matters pertaining to the occult and conspiratorial in music. He’s an author and DJ, too. He’s also the host of ‘Good Vibrations,’ a long-running and successful podcast series. Myself and fellow researchers Dom and Chris of ‘Sheep Farm’ join Mark as his guests for this four-parter special that’s been taking a look at the so-called ‘Second Summer of Love’ of 1988 and ’89, when the UK was gripped by a new youth movement and dance-music sound: Acid House. Was it a psy-op movement same as its namesake in the 1960s? That’s what we’ve been looking into and discussing. In this third episode, hear us talk about, amongst other things, the nightclub and dance-music brand ‘Ministry of Sound’ and its so-called ‘elite’ co-founder James Palumbo, the British mainstream media’s sensationalist (and perhaps suspect) reporting of Acid House and LSD in 1988 (and parallels to similar goings-on in 1966), and the suspect names connected to the ‘Sunrise’ dance events of the late ‘80s. Conspiro Media: https://conspiromedia.wordpress.com/ Conspiro Media (FaceBook): https://www.facebook.com/conspiromedia/ The Occult Beatles: https://theoccultbeatles.wordpress.com/ Mark Devlin blog-site: https://djmarkdevlin.blogspot.com/ Sheep Farm Studios: https://sheepfarm.co.uk/
    Played 1h 7m 19s
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    Mark Devlin's 'GVP': Second Summer of Love (psy-op?) - Roundtable chat - ep. 2 (with Matt Sergiou)

    15 SEP 2023 · Here's the second episode of a special four-episode edition of the 'Good Vibrations' podcast series ('GVP') hosted by its creator, Mark Devlin, a DJ and also an author, public speaker and researcher on matters of an occult and conspiratorial nature, especially in music. In this four-episode podcast special, myself (Matt Sergiou) and fellow podcasters and researchers Chris and Dom of 'Sheepfarm' are the guests, joining Mark to discuss the so-called 'second summer of love' of 1988 and '89, this was when the UK was gripped by a new musical movement: Acid House. Was it a socially-engineered movement same as its predecessor in the 1960s - after all, there are a large number of parallels between the two. This is mentioned and discussed in this episode (as it is in all the episodes) as is the not-so-very-well-known history of the twin DJ double-decks, an absolutely essential musical instrument for any Acid House party of the late 1980s. Dom also brings our attention to some of DJ Pete Tong's - you might say - rather questionable corporate connections, and we also talk about the dark and grisly history of the smiley face, which was the mascot of the Acid House movement, and then there's some of those Acid House party and Rave flyers that you'd get handed to you back in the day... They're steeped in occult and Masonic symbolism. Yes, all this is discussed plus much more. Conspiro Media: https://conspiromedia.wordpress.com/ Conspiro Media (FaceBook): https://www.facebook.com/conspiromedia/ The Occult Beatles: https://theoccultbeatles.wordpress.com/ Mark Devlin blog-site: https://djmarkdevlin.blogspot.com/ Sheep Farm Studios: https://sheepfarm.co.uk/
    Played 1h 21m 3s
  • Mark Devlin's 'GVP': Second Summer of Love (psy-op?) - Roundtable chat - ep. 1 (with Matt Sergiou)

    17 AUG 2023 · Please join me - Matt Sergiou - as I guest on a special four-part edition of Mark Devlin's 'Good Vibrations Podcast' (GVP) series along with Dom and Chris of 'Sheep Farm Studios.' We discuss whether the so-called Acid House-drenched 'Second Summer of Love' era of 1988/'89 was a socially-engineered psy-op same as its 1960s namesake. Indeed, the 1960s so-called 'counter-culture' scene gets mentioned quite a lot in all four episodes. Conspiro Media: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1N6bVNGVTVEek9kNnhnMzlCQ01tOGVOOC02d3xBQ3Jtc0tsOEZDWXB0OEJzenZqQURVQ1pROHoxcWs2VnRpN21lbmo4WndMZzRJeVgzVTFvaDBmOXA0czYwYkowemc5dU9vNWpja2dBQVRzUHlhREY5Y2hUZ1N6SDR0NG1XMTQ0cElZNTdIejc4alFSdDNabXBONA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fconspiromedia.wordpress.com%2F&v=m7MpJ4xFzec Conspiro Media (FaceBook): https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUV4V1JVV0dIVTkwVFp0NHNydk5lSmdldTFkUXxBQ3Jtc0tscE8wYm9pSFZGdVh6ZlNHc0x6MUZBZXlFTE9TajhEcFlBTTN0ZFN4c1J1RVowOFYxRzZ6c2tHT2cwTmJHT2wtY0Q0WTh3S09laERmZzZ1anRrajFHTnVveDhNNHZjX1VpdDRFbzFoSDdRTExxLWlmTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fconspiromedia%2F&v=m7MpJ4xFzec The Occult Beatles: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbkdZWGg3Xy1qR2MyU0dZUFpxWlN3VHNvWi02QXxBQ3Jtc0tuTWpLNlJESHR5eTNLdUhiTVJoa1ZHTURiUUIwMVpEWEhGVVNFZGtTT3FyNUQxemhMUVdHRFVKWV8wTVVpSkJIeVY4cHY5YkptYWxmZnk3ejg4bjB3NENKRjJYOEJ6ejJEeXpMeTdhQjYtRmx4bE1rVQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftheoccultbeatles.wordpress.com%2F&v=m7MpJ4xFzec Conspiro Media (at 'Spreaker'): https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFZ3TjRPNTF5ZldpMWtFU3JGdENlUnRKbHMtQXxBQ3Jtc0ttUDNneXdSVTJuZGtwb3pEdllzc3BaZDRYTFkyYUtwbWk2RGxHbUVadnNnNnA4Y1hYLWxXOHFhdTZYRGJJcHJpTE9LdkRDMzdDWHEwY2ZnUUV4cDhyNkJsOW9NYU8yQy11RHlKZ3pWelNzMzlObWVERQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.spreaker.com%2Fuser%2Fmattconspiro&v=m7MpJ4xFzec Mark Devlin blog-site: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazBDTTFJdkEtTXBFMGpoeGFJeGRucnFPR1dpQXxBQ3Jtc0ttWEVReVc5ZEdWS1RLMWNjeGVCNi0yUWItMmRQZEhrdlk0aVJFUXgyaF9mNTZRX3gwbV96X0xQZmFBNnJwSXJ0THg1OE5rajJPUkxMQnU0Q1c2ZW5hdU1BUnBUUk9MSXEtNjNmYjktMEV6b0NqWW9KVQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fdjmarkdevlin.blogspot.com%2F&v=m7MpJ4xFzec Sheep Farm Studios: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHFPZ01CUjMwM1poM1R4Z0NpTkpvakJoRXpCQXxBQ3Jtc0trd2Qzb2lMVHpNcEwtakxZZTlHRmExYlFNOVNQN2FIblo0WHNmUUVyRmlqbTJNZ0cyY3k1ZU55eWRjblp3bmxzZDlWMW9LbW1Cdk82dE9qQ0dqTUVGWEQtaGI3SFYwTFdPWmdLM09VMjZsekZtQkpUSQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fsheepfarm.co.uk%2F&v=m7MpJ4xFzec
    Played 1h 3s
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    John Lennon at 80 - Good Vibrations / Mark Devlin podcast with guest, Matt Sergiou

    12 OCT 2020 · 2020 marks the 80th year since John Lennon's birth. He was born in Liverpool, England on October 9th 1940. In acknowledgement of this, you can hear me chat about his life and times - from an 'alternative,' not-so-mainstream perspective (of course) - in the following audio, with Mark Devlin, the UK's leading speaker on matters pertaining to the occult/conspiratorial in music. He's also host of the series of podcasts, 'Good Vibrations.' Indeed, this chat about Lennon is 'episode 166' of his Good Vibrations series, and it comes with music from Lennon himself too. This episode of Good Vibrations was first published/posted on October 9th 2020
    Played 2h 34m 11s
  • The Beatles' Reunion Attempts 1970-1980 & the Music Military Government Complex

    21 JUL 2020 · Apparently, it would appear that the so-called 'biggest music company in the world' has close relations to that dreaded Rothschild dynasty... Hear me discussing this with Tim Kelly, host of 'Our Interesting Times.' I also talk about two of my most recent articles (that you can find in the links below); one's about the close links between a number of well known record/music companies and military and government. The other's about some lesser known facts and claims regarding the so-called 'Beatles split' in April 1970 and the not-so-reported attempts during the 1970s (and 1980) for a Beatles reunion only for these attempts to be halted in their tracks by some dark events. 'Coincidence,' some might say. Really? 'Coincidence'? Links to articles mentioned: The Music Military Government Complex (?): https://conspiromedia.wordpress.com/…/the-music-military-g…/ After the Break-up: 1970-1980 – Putting It Back Together Again?: https://theoccultbeatles.wordpress.com/…/after-the-break-u…/ Tim Kelly's 'Our Interesting Times' site: https://tkelly6785757.podomatic.com/
    Played 1h 44m 53s
  • The Occult Beatles - The Opperman Report - Part 3

    8 DEC 2019 · During November 2019, I had the pleasure to be a guest on 'The Opperman Report,' as hosted by US investigator and broadcaster, Ed Opperman. The topic for discussion was The Occult Beatles, including John Lennon's relationship with the controversial British Black power activist and 60s counter-culture figure Michael X, Paul McCartney's ex-wife Heather Mills, the ongoing 'Paul is Dead' claims, the Beatles' early years in Liverpool (and its occult connotations), and The Beatles' relationship with the 60s avant-garde movement, plus more. Please listen to all three episodes for the full experience. http://www.oppermanreport.com/
    Played 1h 11m 45s
  • The Occult Beatles - The Opperman Report - Part 2

    8 DEC 2019 · During November 2019, I had the pleasure to be a guest on 'The Opperman Report,' as hosted by US investigator and broadcaster, Ed Opperman. The topic for discussion was The Occult Beatles, including John Lennon's relationship with the controversial British Black power activist and 60s counter-culture figure Michael X, Paul McCartney's ex-wife Heather Mills, the ongoing 'Paul is Dead' claims, the Beatles' early years in Liverpool (and its occult connotations), and The Beatles' relationship with the 60s avant-garde movement, plus more. Please listen to all three episodes for the full experience. http://www.oppermanreport.com/
    Played 1h 7m 6s
  • The Occult Beatles - The Opperman Report - Part 1

    8 DEC 2019 · During November 2019, I had the pleasure to be a guest on 'The Opperman Report,' as hosted by US investigator and broadcaster, Ed Opperman. The topic for discussion was The Occult Beatles, including John Lennon's relationship with the controversial British Black power activist and 60s counter-culture figure Michael X, Paul McCartney's ex-wife Heather Mills, the ongoing 'Paul is Dead' claims, the Beatles' early years in Liverpool (and its occult connotations), and The Beatles' relationship with the 60s avant-garde movement, plus more. Please listen to all three episodes for the full experience. http://www.oppermanreport.com/
    Played 1h 12m 33s
Author Conspiro Media - Matt Sergiou
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