Dedicated to Moving People Forward in all aspects of life … spiritually, emotionally, financially, physically … and giving the listener ways to create change.

Episodes & Posts
24 SEP 2020 · Since the tragedy of Columbine, Paul Timm has been committed to the safety and security of schools. Now that includes health concerns as well.
11 SEP 2020 · The day that lives in the collective memory of the US in this generation. Mark Elfstrand, morning host, and Dave Mitchell, morning news director, follow the events as they unfold.
13 AUG 2020 · Never has there been a more timely message for the USA. Joe Battaglia shares what makes America great … and it may surprise you. As a partial quote by de Toqueville says: When America ceases to be good, she will cease to be great. Tune in on this final episode for the summer of 2020.
30 JUL 2020 · The resilient family is known by playing together, doing routine together, and … find out from Lara Elfstrand, the owner and founder of Little Elf Family Services, providing education, encouragement, and empowerment for new families.
23 JUL 2020 · Has the pandemic of 2020 changed the abortion industry? How has the struggle for life choices been impacted? Join Mark as he speaks with leaders in Illinois’ Caring Network.
17 JUL 2020 · The reign of Constantine changed the political/religious landscape globally. Dr. Bryan Litfin, fiction author and ancient church scholar, speaks with Mark about similar issues from yesteryear to today.
9 JUL 2020 · Medical missionaries to China have left a legacy in the Chicago suburbs. Mark speaks with Dr. Gieser of the Wheaton Eye Clinic.
2 JUL 2020 · How has biblical orthodoxy drifted in our current culture? Dr. Frank Wright, CEO and President of D James Kennedy Ministries shares concerns about the Church’s wanderings from the truth of Scripture.
25 JUN 2020 · Hutz Hertzberg and family were ready to go on vacation, but God had other plans. Death was apparently one of those plans! Discover the rest of the story about that day two years ago when “Good Samaritan” took on a whole new meaning.
25 JUN 2020 · Jerald January’s life can best be described as an anxiety producing roller coaster. As he so aptly puts it: You do NOT want to be me. Listen as Mark talks to him about current racial tensions.
Dedicated to Moving People Forward in all aspects of life … spiritually, emotionally, financially, physically … and giving the listener ways to create change.
Author | Mark & Rhonda Elfstrand |
Organization | Mark & Rhonda Elfstrand |
Categories | Society & Culture |
Website | - |
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