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Mr Kakoulides Short Story Time

  • Episode 11 - The giraffe learns a lesson

    14 AUG 2023 · Mr Kakoulides is not in to introduce or tell the story so there a big argument among the Mr Kakoulides Short Story time cast on who is to tell the story of The giraffe learns a lesson
    Played 4m 28s
  • Episode 10 - Lots of Carrots Dramatized

    7 AUG 2023 · There was once a rabbit who wanted to be rich and said "if I had so much carrots I would share them with those in need, I would not be selfish and I would still make time for God." One day as she walked to the church, she saw a basket with a letter and a carrot inside that said "take a carrot and then take a other one. But when you had enough throw the basket to the nearest pond. Then you may eat of the carrots but you may share with others at any time but remember make time for God. If you don't throw the basket to the nearest pond you won't be able to enjoy the carrots, so make sure you do what I said ." As she took the carrot that was in the basket she saw that a other would appear. So she decided that day to skip church and said later after I have enough carrots I will make time for God. As she was busy at home taking carrots from the basket a knock of a poor homeless squirrel came at the door. "Miss Rabbit can today you spare me a carrot, I am very hungry and you always there as a friend to help those who are hungry even me. " Where in response mis rabbit answered "not today I haven't gone to the market to buy not even a carrot for me. But maybe a other day you may come , now leave." As she shut the door and went back to pull more carrots she was stricken in her conscience that she did nothing she had promised she would do. But the love for more carrots was stronger than the conscience that she had. So that day pulling carrots from the basket she herself did not eat and sleep went away from her eyes. She was selfish and cruel. She had already pulled out more than a million carrots but yet wanted more. But again her conscience started to bother her this time stronger than before and she said "I need to throw the basket in the pond, for I have enough and I need to do what I said." So going to the pond she threw the basket but part of her not wanting to let go she fell in the pond with the basket. And then she was drowning. Mr squirrel saw her from afar and ran and jumped in the water to save her and told her to "let go of the basket for I can only save you." But she said" I need the basket as well." In response he said again" I can only save you". At hearing this she let go. And as she was on land safe and sound she felt relief that the selfishness and greed was no more. So she invited Mr squirrel and many others to have a feast with all the carrots that she had, then they all went to church as she promised she would. So the moral of the story is keep your promises, remember not to be selfish and make time for God when all your prayers are answered so it won't be a curse instead of a blessing.
    Played 2m 55s
  • Played 3m 34s
  • Episode 08 - If The Earth And Heaven Can Speak To Each Other What They Would Say

    15 JUN 2023 · If the Earth and heaven could speak to each other and compare what one has and the other doesn't what would they say ? The following is what they will say. Earth: Oh beauty of heaven above, what do you have more than what I can give and replace with thee. Heaven: though many treasures are here, which all that you have, can't compare there is one here which is hold more dear above all, this one you didn't want him even in a small inn, but we want the more of him above all, that we hold so dear , he came to you below and , bleed , died because you despised. Earth: There are many , who bleed , died and we dispised , what is so important about the one you speak above the rest? Heaven: The one I speak is above all, for he created all, because he loved all, and died for all who would believe would receive but few received because of the blindness of thee. Earth: I think you speak of Jesus I believe , a good man, a king, a son, a prophet , a teacher and a God. Heaven: I see you are still blinded , for you speak of him as a good man , when he was the only good man among thee, you speak of him as a king when he is the king of kings ,which all kings are to bow, You speak of him as a son when he was and is the only begotten Son of God and all who believe in him will be Children of God, you speak to him as a prophet when he was the one prophet who was like Moses, who was to come and was better than him and all prophets combine, you speak of him as a teacher but you refused to obey when he says he is the only way, you speak of him as a God , when he is the second among the three which is the only true God. Earth: We hold him dear as well, That is why we wish his named in profanity, only we wish him not to be in our families, school, work, politics ,Bars , corners , churches, minds , religion and things .For what we did to him when he came we can not bare, and what he came to do we can not receive. Heaven: But you still have echoes of him calling in the streets, calling those to come to him, Echoes of those you dispise. When you kill one many take there place as a early teacher among them said the blood of the saints is the seed of the church. Earth: Oh yes them we can not stand , when one falls and dies we rejoice only to find many more took its place, they are weeds which do not want to die, They are called Christians, after him who they call Christ. They only speak of him in everything they do , and them we dispise as much or more than he for when he came he only stood in one place but they spread as fire to a forest , and as a rain cloud threw out the land. And when we could we kill them before there time only to find , it was there time. Heaven: Who you dispise, we hold in esteam above all, for they are his seed for whom he came , bleed and died, and will one day be his bride. Earth: So in nothing we can agree , I believe my beauty is better than thee, for we block many from going to thee, we keep them busy with worldly things which are called the things of this world, which are many kinds of lust , drugs , vain dreams , money , false gods, self rightousness and more which those who are here hold dear blindly doing it's will and after that we take them and have them in our oven below as they scream, yell ,we don't care then we remind them of him who they did not want to receive and we don't care if there they call on his name, because there fire and worms of pain is all our joy.
    Played 6m 1s
  • Episode 07 - The Sheep that fell in love With Mr Wolf

    15 JUN 2023 · The Sheep that fell in love with Mr Wolf There was once a flock of Sheep which were loved very dearly by their shepherd named Robert. Of these sheep there was one named Linda who wanted a husband but she felt she couldn't find him among the fold. And she was very tired of waiting for the Shepherd to find her one in his time. She waited as the days , weeks and months passed so she decided to take matters into her own hands. She tried to flirt and even ask the other sheep's out but it appeared that there was no one who was either single or her type among the herd. She didn't knew Robert the Shepherd had one for her but he was a Lamb and needed to mature just a little more. But Linda was determine she wanted a husband now and wasn't willing to wait. As night came as all the sheep was sleeping with the Shepherd , Linda escaped from the flock and said if I can't find him among the flock of Sheep I will find him among the wolves and convert him to a sheep. "This is a crazy idea" Linda thought to her self "but I am desperate for love " As the sheep slept, Linda trimmed a number of sheep's hair and put it in a bag . Till she thought she had enough but a little from each sheep so the Shepherd wouldn't take notice. And she went her way to find a husband among the wolves and convert him to a sheep.That night there was a wolf not that far from the sheep, less than half a mile away, that was planning to attack , kill and eat the sheep but couldn't find a way of getting to them without being detected by either the Shepherd or his faithful Bearded Collie which was his shepherd dog watching the Sheep as the Shepherd slept. This Wolf was the leader of the pack which was a little farther off in the cave. As he started thinking and imagining the best way to do his plan. He felt a tapping on his back which made him jump and fait do to fear that he was caught. And it was Linda who once she saw him on the floor started to glue sheep's hair on the poor Mr Wolf . And waking him up with a kiss told him you will be my hubby. Shocked at what he heard and looking at his skin which was covered in sheep's hair he said" am I sheep" " No" she replied " But I will convert you to one for I want a husband and I can't find him among my flock" Suddenly the Wolf got a idea how he was to be among the flock without being detected.But how he was to tell the other wolves without being their prey didn't cross his mind since he was now looking like a sheep. So he told her to accompany him to his cave but Linda wasn't willing till he first met her parents and Shepherd first. Because she thought to herself he will be convert to a sheep but not knowing Mr Wolf was deceiving her with his charm. As he looked at her with his pale yellow eyes, and said " There is enough time for that let's go and meet my parents since I am so happy I found you , you are more sweeter to me than dinner time " He convince her. And having his arm around her shoulder, he gave her a warm embrace. Although he said in his mind " this feels good but eating her will feel even better since I am hungry" " Let her embrace my tummy from the inside When we get in the cave" As the two went in the cave they was jumped upon by the savage hungry wolves as prey. Mr Wolf tried to take his sheep's wool off but couldn't in time but all he could do is yell. So both were eaten alive . As morning began to dawn the Shepherd awoke and brought the new Sheep among the herd a perfect husband for Linda , one who surpass every other sheep in Beauty and physique. But Linda couldn't be found among the flock as the Shepherd called Linda to come. So the moral of the lesson is in your desperateness for a mate don't search for them among the wolves or better said unbelievers for in God's time he will bring you the one you was longing for if you just wait on him. Psalms 27:14 Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord! 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?
    Played 5m 15s
  • Episode 06 Jesus The Nicest Friend One Can Ever Know

    11 JUN 2023 · Mr Kakoulides tell the story of a man's search for joy and finding it in the gospel message. The Nicest Friend One Can Ever Know A little bird which I heard before but never truly listen told me there is no one or nobody nicer then Jesus. The little bird voice sounded louder as the little preacher spoke the gospel so I shut the window not wanting to hear the little creature message for you and me. Then I looked to find a nicer person then Jesus if I could. I tried money but it flew away and never said goodbye. I looked in Fame but found only gossip in disguise. I look to lust and drugs but found only a empty meaningless void which can never be filled inside. And lastly the little bird which I did not want to hear was in front of my window knocking and ready to be heard. There's nobody nicer than Jesus who will filled the void, never leave you or let you go. Who paid the price for you and me. Though I knew the message to be true and wonder why I withstood so long a message that feels so good that Jesus is the nicest friend one can ever know.
    Played 2m 7s
  • Episode 05 The Spider And The Fly Dramatized

    11 JUN 2023 · Mr Kakoulides reads The Spider and the Fly There was once a group of flies flying around near a spider’s web.“Come closer,” said the spider to one of the flies as he flew around the web.The fly said, “I will not be trapped by you,” and he flew away. So the spider tried to catch another fly saying, “Come closer, and we can be friends.” But the other fly said that he’d never trust a black widow and flew away. One of the flies heard the other fly call the spider a widow, and knowing the Bible, she wanted to follow her religion in a pure, undefiled way. So she said to herself, “I will help this widow in need”. The little fly flew closer to the web, and the spider threw its web and caught her. The spider was ready to eat her, but before she did, she wanted to know why the fly had come so close to the web. The fly told her, “You are a widow in need, so I did what was needed. I will pray for your soul so that you can find a good husband and be a widow no more.”At that moment, another spider got too close to the black widow’s web, and she caught him. The widow now had a husband. Seeing that her prayer for the widow had been answered, the little fly rejoiced. The widow was filled with compassion for the fly and she released her unharmed. The fly knew that it always pays to do what is right, even if it threatens your life.
    Played 2m 2s
  • Episode 04 Searching & Finding

    11 JUN 2023 · Mr Kakoulides tells what happened when he goes in search of a missing youth who was hookup into drugs ( True Story )
    Played 4m 44s
  • Episode 03 The Eagle , Frog , & Flying Snake

    30 MAY 2023 · The Eagle , Frog , & Flying Snake Many years ago in a Amazon forest dwelled a snake who biggest desire was to fly above the clouds . He would look at the birds of the sky and say" how I would love to fly like the birds of the sky " One day a frog over heard the snake say" I want to fly " and as he heard him , he continue hopping along. As the months pass that desire didn't left the snake but grew stronger. He was determine to fly. The snake one day climbed up a tree, grab some vines with leaves and tie them to himself then he threw himself off the tree in hope that he would fly but he went straight smack down to the ground . Hurt , ashamed that it didn't work , dizzy and in pain, he slithered away. While all the animals in the forest laughed at the snake. As the frog looked at what happened he couldn't laugh with the other animals but admired the snake persistence in trying to achieve his dream. And he said to himself " I believe he will one day achieve this or die trying but for sure he will not give up. " Some months later the snake became very hungry and was out searching for food . And at the pond was Mr frog sleeping on a lily pad. Before he could wake up he was swallowed whole by Mr snake. As he opened his eyes all he could see was the darkness of night in the belly of the snake. And he yelled "where am I". "In my belly" said Mr snake. At that he recognized the voice to be that of Mr snake. "Let's make a deal , I know how you could fly , but you need to vomit me out " At hearing this Mr snake vomited the frog out of his mouth . And said" you have a deal but you double cross me and back you go " Now the frog had to think fast and wisely because he knew more than ever the Snake was no friend , that one could admire his persistence in not giving up his goal to fly , but a enemy that if he would help him achieve his goal, would later on try to eat him or someone he loved. So the frog told the snake "bite this piece of branch that fell off the tree and follow me." So the snake followed the frog with the piece of branch in his mouth. The snake slithered, the frog hopped till they came to a large mountain. Then the frog said " we now have to climb " So they climb the immense mountain till they reached close to the top where there was a nest of an eagle with eggs ready to be hatched. "Put down the branch and swallow the eggs." The snake replied if I swallow the eggs how will that make me fly ." The frog reply "they are magical eggs and they will make you fly like an eagle." As the snake started to swallowed each egg, the frog heard the eagle approaching and hid in the branch . The Eagle saw from the distance the snake swallowing her eggs and she grabbed the snake in such speed that could only be compared to a flash of light and flew with the snake holding him by her claws . The snake looked down and saw himself flying over the clouds and was amazed that the eggs was magical indeed that it cause him to fly . And as he was filled with joy that finally his dream came true the eagle let go. And the snake fell straight down to ground with a great smack to the floor. Dead at arrival. So the moral of the story is there are times where our dreams or desires might do us more harm than good. So it is good to be happy in the state that you're in than to have what you want and that cause you your doom. Genesis 30:1 Now when Rachel saw that she bore Jacob no children, Rachel envied her sister, and said to Jacob, “Give me children, or else I die!” Genesis 35:16-19 Then they journeyed from Bethel. And when there was but a little distance to go to Ephrath, Rachel labored in childbirth, and she had hard labor. Now it came to pass, when she was in hard labor, that the midwife said to her, “Do not fear; you will have this son also.”And so it was, as her soul was departing (for she died), that she called his name Ben-Oni; but his father called him Benjamin. So Rachel died and was buried on the way to Ephrath (that is, Bethlehem).
    Played 4m 5s
  • Episode 02 Story Time Marathon

    27 DEC 2022 · Many of the Stories of Harris Kakoulides is read
    Played 1h 37m 25s
Mr Kakoulides Short Stories are read and at times Mr Kakoulides pops up in the show to host it.
Author Harris Kakoulides
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