Episodes & Posts
24 DEC 2022 · Warning... might contain swearing!
A live reading by the man himself from John's book of his own poems - 'Things I Might Have Said'.
12 DEC 2018 · Talking about the latest 'restructuring' at Hannahs, Seale-Hayne on BBC Radio Devon this morning.
I was asked to be less ranty and more practical in this context, so not so much of the bankers and careerists - more about my prognosis and memories...
15 NOV 2018 · The legends Damian Houston and Tuppy Owens in one, special tantric place (-:
30 OCT 2018 · In anticipation of Chris Bowden's 24-hour marathon broadcast, Access All Aerials co-founders Carl Munson and Nicola Roberts (N-Robz) talk about how it all got started with additional input (added vitamins and minerals) from Tracy Roberts.
3 SEP 2018 · Especially for Chris Bowden (-:
14 MAR 2018
20 JAN 2018 · The day Tony Blair took office at 10 Downing Street, BBC Radio Shropshire chose to feature me and The International Institute of Joy (-:
29 SEP 2017 · Recorded for The Barefoot Broadcast on BlogTalkRadio with Franji Cassini, here's where we talked to the alchemist, magician and best-selling author Willaim Whitecloud.
The message is simple: your focus creates your reality.
28 SEP 2017 · "Imagination is central to both the art and the practice of conflict transformation and peace building because it draws on the possibilities of giving birth to something new." - Donald Reeves
Called a "very dangerous man" by Margaret Thatcher, and a "visionary with attitude" by Jack Dee, Donald Reeves is a cult figure in religious and political circles. The former Rector of St James' Piccadilly, he's a man of action and vision who lives out his religious belief through political activity and struggle.
This is my interview with him, from the Spring of 2010 at Exeter's One Vision gathering, which attacks 'pacification' and the reduction of people to dots and numbers thanks to the horror of management speak and the market.
See also: https://renegadeinc.com/donald-reeves-on-england/
And: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/belief/2011/aug/05/grassroots-movement-to-tackle-islamophobia
First recorded and published on www.traydio.com
Author | Carl Munson |
Organization | Carl Munson |
Categories | Society & Culture |
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