The PackageInk Podcast is all about packaging, colour, software, print and much more - in regards to keeping things simple and sustainable. #PackageInk
7 NOV 2023 · In this episode we will speak with Maria Blohm, project manager printed materials at Holmen Iggesund.
… Try to combine being an expert bread baker and to serve the audience an exceptionally printed book where your recipes can be found. How is it like? Marie will share the insights and maybe some advice to us. Time to expose the frames and heat up the oven!
Maria Blohm, bakar i TV och har gett ut böcker som ”Långjäst och lättbakat: riktigt bröd med enkla metoder”, ”Baka gott utan gluten” och nu senast ”Grovt bröd”. Mycket glutenfritt. Trots detta lyckas hon ändå hålla ihop deg såväl som hela livscykeln från pappret ända ut till tryckpressens egenheter. Maria har också studerat på Brobygrafiska och nu möts vi igen för att diskutera den grafiska branschen som kollegor. Tyvärr lär det nog dröja innan jag gör något mer avancerat i köket. Maria lämnade inunder en lektion i prepress ett pizzarecept på en notislapp till mig, flottig och fin i dagsläget men den sitter fortfarande kvar innanför skåpet ovan spisfläkten och säkrar hemmapizzan. Jobbar du fortfarande med små lappar Maria? Lämnar du en liten lapp till tryckarna också vet dom hur de ska göra?
As always! We encourage you to engage. You can reach us by mail or
The PackageInk podcast is provided by Pilot Operation Brobygrafiska and serves as a media channel to inform about all the amazing stuff in the graphic industry. At Brobygrafiska we are packaging experts and we can even try out numerous of different solutions in our prototype enviroment, including our 8 colour CI flexo press, to provide you with a firm answer before production. You can find out more by visiting: https//
24 OCT 2023 · In this episode we will speak with Daniel Ekholm, purchasing manager at TrioWorld Lundins in Arvika, Daniel will give us his story on being a Brobygrafiska student taking on flexopresses immediately after studies, and give us another nuance of the very infected discussion on paper vs plastic bags.
Nu ska vi prata med min bästa vän! Den ena av de två i duon ”Världens snällaste Arvikabarn” härligt nog delar vi ett intresse som rotat sig fast mellan tryckpressar och grafik. Förhållandevis tidigt blev det däremot så att Daniel fann ett djupare intresse för tryckpressens mekanik och det tryckta resultatets outgrundliga svar. Hann fann sig inte i att vara kvar i Stockholm. Väl hemma i Arvika så fick han snabbt ”häng” på grejorna, det är kanske så en säger om ”strumpebandsklichéer” och numer är han inköpschef i ett företag som innefattas av en världsomspännande koncern. Välkommen, min äldste och bäste vän, Danne till PackageInk.
As always! We encourage you to engage. You can reach us by mail or
The PackageInk podcast is provided by Pilot Operation Brobygrafiska and serves as a media channel to inform about all the amazing stuff in the graphic industry. At Brobygrafiska we are packaging experts and we can even try out numerous of different solutions in our prototype enviroment, including our 8 colour CI flexo press, to provide you with a firm answer before production. You can find out more by visiting: https//
26 SEP 2023 · Ta del av vad som hände på Sign&Print-mässan! Vi pratar med ...
- Peter Sjögren, Visutech
- Ammi Nordström, Studio Hörn
- Paw Mortensen och Kristina Lindblad, Artwork Systems AS
- Per Hansson, H-Tryck
- Scott Moran, Swagg
- Magnus Lundgren och Thomas Lundgren, Network Innovation
- Magnus Edfeldt, Colorsystems
- Karl Jamakosmanovic, Grafisk Formgivare/Tekniker - praktikant från Brobygrafiska i Canons monter
- Mathias Karlsson, Canon
- Hans Jonasson, Antalis
As always! We encourage you to engage. You can reach us by mail or
The PackageInk podcast is provided by Pilot Operation Brobygrafiska and serves as a media channel to inform about all the amazing stuff in the graphic industry. At Brobygrafiska we are packaging experts and we can even try out numerous of different solutions in our prototype enviroment, including our 8 colour CI flexo press, to provide you with a firm answer before production. You can find out more by visiting: https//
12 SEP 2023 · Det är goa, glada Ture Loré Sundblad och Markus Hedin som varit ute på praktik som nu är tillbaka på Brobygrafiska för att åter igen ta del av allt gott som finns att inmundiga i form av grafiskt lärande. Vi pratar om hur praktiken varit och hur deras syn på arbetslivet i den grafiska branschen kommit att förändras men kanske också förstärkts!
Välkomna tillbaka allihopa till ytterligare en säsong med Sveriges mest pratsamma grafiker Tommy och Frida!
As always! We encourage you to engage. You can reach us by mail or
The PackageInk podcast is provided by Pilot Operation Brobygrafiska and serves as a media channel to inform about all the amazing stuff in the graphic industry. At Brobygrafiska we are packaging experts and we can even try out numerous of different solutions in our prototype enviroment, including our 8 colour CI flexo press, to provide you with a firm answer before production. You can find out more by visiting: https//
20 JUN 2023 · Det är säsongsfinal och guldkornen ska fram. I detta avsnitt berättar vi vad som har hänt under säsongen och vad våra gäster fått oss att fundera över.
Nästa säsong startar i augusti. Har du några frågor eller finns det människor därute i den grafiska branschen som du tycker vi ska möta? Hör av dig med mail på eller så ska vi väl ändå kunna få det att gå i lås :)
As always! We encourage you to engage. You can reach us by mail or
The PackageInk podcast is provided by Pilot Operation Brobygrafiska and serves as a media channel to inform about all the amazing stuff in the graphic industry. At Brobygrafiska we are packaging experts and we can even try out numerous of different solutions in our prototype enviroment, including our 8 colour CI flexo press, to provide you with a firm answer before production. You can find out more by visiting: https//
6 JUN 2023 · In this episode we will speak with Hilda Englund och Josefine Johansson, a part in the Pamoja Girls team is here to talk about their work with graphic design and the main work behind the organization Pamoja Girls. Girlpower!
Pamoja Girls eller ja Josefine och Hilda som är en del i ett globalt initiativ med målsättningen att få tjejer runtom i världen att tro på sig själva och varandra. Det här görs med hjälp av suuperviktig bok som de har fått äran att illustrera i samklang med den grafiska profil de också styrt upp åt organisationen. Den här boken är jätteintressant och vi vill såklart prata mer om det. Pamoja Girls representeras i 31 länder av ambassadörer och frivilliga mellan 18 – 35 år och det finns en tydlig vision här om att sparka liv i diskussioner som kan vara direkt obekväma för de som både saknar och har stake, MEN som är av oerhört stor vikt för oss som strävar mot ett jämlikt samhälle där kvinnor kan känna sig mer självsäkra och ta lika stor bit av kakan
As always! We encourage you to engage. You can reach us by mail or
The PackageInk podcast is provided by Pilot Operation Brobygrafiska and serves as a media channel to inform about all the amazing stuff in the graphic industry. At Brobygrafiska we are packaging experts and we can even try out numerous of different solutions in our prototype enviroment, including our 8 colour CI flexo press, to provide you with a firm answer before production. You can find out more by visiting: https//
9 MAY 2023 · Today we have finally succeeded in snaring a lovely guy who lives in Gothenburg. It is Jesper Hammarstrand, CEO at Ink n' Art who sits and enjoys the buzz of printed cardboard. A "cool business" - that's the phrase seized by Jesper and his colleagues at Ink n' Art during ScanPack 2022. A stand I remember, not only because I was invited to popcorn, but also because here there was a generation gap between how service and relationships are managed and for what purpose companies are out to meet people. Having fun together is really important. What do you do to have fun together Jesper?
As always! We encourage you to engage. You can reach us by mail or
The PackageInk podcast is provided by Pilot Operation Brobygrafiska and serves as a media channel to inform about all the amazing stuff in the graphic industry. At Brobygrafiska we are packaging experts and we can even try out numerous of different solutions in our prototype enviroment, including our 8 colour CI flexo press, to provide you with a firm answer before production. You can find out more by visiting: https//
25 APR 2023 · Now it´s time to talk to Ebba Ingvarsson, responsible for clients and communication within Scandinavia at Lessebo Paper AB. There´s no doubt that Ebbas penchant to beautiful creations in a colourful context is as big as my anxiety when I get the question "how should we dress the christmas tree this year?". We will talk about Lessebo Colours, we will talk about creations and why it´s so important to understand the meaning of colour when we trying to communicate with others.
Wonderful creations:
Sebastian Peetz and his book
Stina Randestad and her dress
Lessebo Colours awesome launch:
Lessebo Paper AB has a sortiment consisting of Design, Scandia 2000, Lessebo Colours, Lessebo Digital, Lessebo Texture, Lessebo Luxury Packaging, Lessebo Recycled, Lessebo Unlimited check em' out here:
As always! We encourage you to engage. You can reach us by mail or
The PackageInk podcast is provided by Pilot Operation Brobygrafiska and serves as a media channel to inform about all the amazing stuff in the graphic industry. At Brobygrafiska we are packaging experts and we can even try out numerous of different solutions in our prototype enviroment, including our 8 colour CI flexo press, to provide you with a firm answer before production. You can find out more by visiting: https//
11 APR 2023 · I first heard Evelio in his podcast Packaging Unboxd. I was. And We still are, very fascinated by the way Evelio is unlocking potential and draw attention to the production process by including all participants and members near a package. Evelio is located in Scottsdale, Arizona and is continuously providing the industry with knowledge and wisdom by teaching packaging design online, providing us with industry news and sharing thoughts and discussions about Ai, sustainability and more. Evelio is a member of the Pentawards jury 2023 and has been working with brands like Michael Kors and Sonos.
As always! We encourage you to engage. You can reach us by mail or
The PackageInk podcast is provided by Pilot Operation Brobygrafiska and serves as a media channel to inform about all the amazing stuff in the graphic industry. At Brobygrafiska we are packaging experts and we can even try out numerous of different solutions in our prototype enviroment, including our 8 colour CI flexo press, to provide you with a firm answer before production. You can find out more by visiting: https//
28 MAR 2023 · Ron Ellis has been an independent consultant for over 20 years in the industry to find solutions for all kind of applications near a press, any kind of press. He is also working as a trainer trying to increase the awareness of colour. Ron is located in the other side of the Atlantic, Boston and delivers online as well as onsite training. Both me and Frida has attended classes executed by Ron, and I think we both can agree on it that there´s no one like Ron when it comes to explaining colour. The fundamentals and sometimes bizarre affects to colour (or ink) during the production chain is ruthless.
As always! We encourage you to engage. You can reach us by mail or
The PackageInk podcast is provided by Pilot Operation Brobygrafiska and serves as a media channel to inform about all the amazing stuff in the graphic industry. At Brobygrafiska we are packaging experts and we can even try out numerous of different solutions in our prototype enviroment, including our 8 colour CI flexo press, to provide you with a firm answer before production. You can find out more by visiting: https//
The PackageInk Podcast is all about packaging, colour, software, print and much more - in regards to keeping things simple and sustainable. #PackageInk
Author | Tommy Bonté |
Organization | Tommy Bonté |
Categories | Design |
Website | | |
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