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Podcast By Friday

  • PBF57: Repurpose Your Content To Grow Your Audience

    24 JUL 2019 · PBF57: Repurpose Your Content To Grow Your Audience By Bill Griggs and Kingsley Grant Podcast By Friday Episode 57: Repurpose Your content to rapidly grow their audience, increase their influence and monetize your work ... Repurpose is defined as: 1. to find a new use for an idea, product, or building: 2. to use something for a different purpose to the one for which it was originally intended. Nobody can afford to spend money on advertisements that don't move the needle. Ads that don't convert, that don't do anything to help grow your business. You should only spend your money on ads that make a difference. And if you don't have an Ad budget to spend, there are other ways to achieve the same result. By putting out content in places where people see it, where people can react to it. and where people want to be involved with it. That is the most important reason for repurposing your content. You've got to go and try to see what works. You have to measure what is working, and then you make adjustments. There is no instant home run where you can say, "Well, I'm going to put everything out in Facebook, and life will be great, or I'm going to put everything out and Pinterest, and will life will be great, Or I'm going to go strictly with LinkedIn. And life will be great." You can't just do that. You have to actually try those things, and measure the results. Just having a Facebook tracking pixel on your page, or on in your episode, is not enough. You have to go in and you have to make some adjustments and settings inside of the Facebook ad manager so that it accurately tracks the results, not just that somebody's been to your page. That's a whole other episode, The ways we have used: Transcript Audio and Video designrr.io Call To Action Request to be a part of our Facebook group at facebook.com/groups/podcastbyfriday Post a link to your original content and the link to where you repurposed it. We will critique your progress and share it with the group. Resources Mentioned: One Funnel Away Challenge - ClickFunnels http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/ofachallenge Note: *some of the links above are affiliate links. Podcast By Friday is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. We are not given any free products, services or anything else in exchange for mentioning them on our site. The only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions. Podcast by Friday is a show that helps people create their Minimal Viable Podcast (TM) by taking bold action to defeat procrastination and get their voices heard. One Funnel Away One Funnel Away Challenge - ClickFunnels http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/ofachallenge Note: *some of the links above are affiliate links. Podcast By Friday is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. We are not given any free products, services or anything else in exchange for mentioning them on our site. The only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions. Contact Information: Podcast by Friday is a show that helps people create their Minimal Viable Podcast (TM) by taking bold action to defeat procrastination and get their voices heard. Bill Griggs contact info: Twitter: @BillGriggs Websites: http://podcastbyfriday.com http://cncroutertips.com Kingsley Grant's Contact info: Twitter:@kingsleygrant Website: http://podcastbyfriday.com http://startabusinessonlinefromhome.com http://kingsleygrant.com Websites Mentioned One Funnel Away Challenge http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/ofachallenge ClickFunnels 14 Day Free Trial https://www.podcastbyfriday.com/freetrial Wordpress Hosted http://www.wordpress.com Wordpress Self Hosted http://wordpress.org iTunes www.apple.com/itunes/ Spreaker http://spreaker.com Podcast By Friday http://www.podcastbyfriday.com CNC Router Tips http://www.cncroutertips.com Smart Passive Income http://smartpassiveincome.com Facebook Group http://facebook.com/groups/podcastbyfriday Amazon Associates https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/home Bluehost http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/bluehost Audible http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/audible Youtube http://youtube.com Vodburner http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/vodburner WP Profit Builder http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/builder Thrive Global https://thriveglobal.com/ Anchor FM https://anchor.fm Medium https://medium.com SHOW NOTES Mentioned: http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/19 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/20 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/21 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/22 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/23 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/24 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/25 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/26 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/27 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/28 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/29 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/30
    Played 45m 12s
  • PBF56: Getting To Your Goals Faster Through Podcasting

    24 MAY 2019 · PBF56: Getting To Your Goals Faster Through Podcasting … By Bill Griggs and Kingsley Grant Podcast By Friday Episode 56: to rapidly grow their audience, increase their influence and monetize your work ... (Why setting goals is still important - Not their fault that they have not attained their goal Blogging has lost its appeal; not as popular It’s hard to get found unless you throw a lot of money at it. It’s hard for the average guy to compete; get started Fear that it won’t work That they would be seen as just like others Not being able to Suspicion of us trying to sell them on podcasting Skeptical of making this leap Hawk their products Secret of using this platform to make money Others would tell you that Blogging is the way to go for SEO juice and Google search Social Media feed changes so quickly; your post gets lost in the shuffle. A podcast is evergreen - always there Google and none of the other “platforms” can slap you; shut you down … Podcasting is their new vehicle It gets them as much and more of SEO etc because of shownotes and more platforms such as iTunes, etc. The speed at which Podcast can get you to your overall goals Call To Action Listen to httP://www.podcastbyfriday.com/32 How to achieve your goals: goal setting tips” Resources Mentioned: One Funnel Away Challenge - ClickFunnels http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/ofachallenge Note: *some of the links above are affiliate links. Podcast By Friday is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. We are not given any free products, services or anything else in exchange for mentioning them on our site. The only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions. Podcast by Friday is a show that helps people create their Minimal Viable Podcast (TM) by taking bold action to defeat procrastination and get their voices heard. Bill Griggs contact info: Twitter: @BillGriggs Websites: http://podcastbyfriday.com http://cncroutertips.com Kingsley Grant's Contact info: Twitter:@kingsleygrant Website: http://podcastbyfriday.com http://startabusinessonlinefromhome.com http://kingsleygrant.com Websites Mentioned Forbes Magazine https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2017/05/17/websites-as-we-know-them-are-dead/#7f8b50e63d38 One Funnel Away Challenge http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/ofachallenge Entrepreneur On Fire https://www.eofire.com/ Smart Passive Income https://www.smartpassiveincome.com/ WP Profit Builder http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/builder Wordpress Hosted http://www.wordpress.com Wordpress Self Hosted http://wordpress.org iTunes www.apple.com/itunes/ Podcast By Friday http://www.podcastbyfriday.com CNC Router Tips http://www.cncroutertips.com Smart Passive Income http://smartpassiveincome.com Facebook Group http://facebook.com/groups/podcastbyfriday Amazon Associates https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/home Bluehost http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/bluehost Audible http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/audible Youtube http://youtube.com SHOW NOTES Mentioned: http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/19 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/20 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/21 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/22 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/23 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/24 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/25 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/26 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/27 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/28 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/29 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/30
    Played 46m 5s
  • PBF54 7 Secrets To Go From Blogging To Podcasting with Kingsley Grant and Bill Griggs

    19 APR 2019 · PBF54: 7 Secrets To Go From Blogging To Podcasting By Bill Griggs and Kingsley Grant 7 Secrets To Go From Blogging To Podcasting Secret #1: Know why Why are you doing it? Mobility Easy access Reach an audience that doesn’t like to read - consume content Secret #2: It’s possible Not as complicated as you might think DIY for budgeting reasons Resources: Otter.ai VAs Outsourcing Secret #3: Get used to speaking out loud Thoughts get disentangled through the lips and the fingertips Finding your voice Attend a Toastmasters Group Secret #4: Sound better than you think You’re so used to your voice it seems terrible Secret #5: Overcome false beliefs I’m not a speaker No one will listen to me I don’t know how to operate technology I don’t have to sound like NPR Secret #6: Good enough - release it Done is better than perfect Secret #7: Your What What difference will this make that blogging may not be able to fulfill? What problem you’re solving through podcasting The nature of your show CTA Write down “I’m capable of succeeding in Podcasting because ____” When and if I’m stuck I will _____ Everytime I feel a doubt or insecurity I will remember that _______ Resources Mentioned: One Funnel Away Challenge - ClickFunnels http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/ofachallenge Note: *some of the links above are affiliate links. Podcast By Friday is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. We are not given any free products, services or anything else in exchange for mentioning them on our site. The only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions. Podcast by Friday is a show that helps people create their Minimal Viable Podcast (TM) by taking bold action to defeat procrastination and get their voices heard. Bill Griggs contact info: Twitter: @BillGriggs Websites: http://podcastbyfriday.com http://cncroutertips.com Kingsley Grant's Contact info: Twitter:@kingsleygrant Website: http://podcastbyfriday.com http://startabusinessonlinefromhome.com http://kingsleygrant.com Websites Mentioned Forbes Magazine https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2017/05/17/websites-as-we-know-them-are-dead/#7f8b50e63d38 Entrepreneur On Fire https://www.eofire.com/ One Funnel Away Challenge http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/ofachallenge Wordpress Hosted http://www.wordpress.com Wordpress Self Hosted http://wordpress.org iTunes www.apple.com/itunes/ Spreaker http://spreaker.com Podcast By Friday http://www.podcastbyfriday.com CNC Router Tips http://www.cncroutertips.com Smart Passive Income http://smartpassiveincome.com Facebook Group http://facebook.com/groups/podcastbyfriday Amazon Associates https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/home Bluehost http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/bluehost Audible http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/audible Youtube http://youtube.com Vodburner http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/vodburner WP Profit Builder http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/builder SHOW NOTES Mentioned: http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/19 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/20 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/21 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/22 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/23 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/24 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/25 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/26 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/27 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/28 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/29 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/30 LEAVING A REVIEW & RATING ON iTunes How to leave a review on iTunes Go to this page. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cnc-router-tips-podcast-spreaker/id1031116372?mt=2 Click View in iTunes. Click on ratings and reviews in iTunes Click the Write a Review button Leave an honest rating. Then write a review Just a few words.
    Played 50m 9s
  • PBF 53: Are Web Pages Dead?

    30 MAR 2019 · PBF53: Are Web Pages Dead? By Bill Griggs and Kingsley Grant Podcast By Friday Episode 53: Are Web Pages Dead? I heard someone say that web pages are dead for internet marketing. They said that SEO did not work reliably and that direct marketing and paid advertising was a better, more effective way to get leads and customers for your podcast and products. In a recent article in Forbes Magazine they stated that Websites as we know them are dead. Not because websites do not work but because people are using websites differently than they were originally designed. Consumers have evolved in their buying habits and so should the way we think about browser based content. So how will this effect your podcast web page? In this episode Bill Griggs and Kingsley Grant share their experiences with the ClickFunnels One Funnel Away Challenge. Both Bill and Kingsley are taking a 30 day intensive training on how to build web based sale funnels using ClickFunnels. The OFA Challenge helps bloggers, podcasters, content creators and e-commerce sites set up a sales funnel to market their products and grow their audiences without needing to be a programmer. What did we learn? What was a big surprise? What have we been doing wrong? We share all our thoughts and experiences in the challenge. We talked about some of these principals in Episode 52. We provided the links so you can take a peek at what we have done so far. When you model a proven, successful framework you can have rapid success. Resources Mentioned: One Funnel Away Challenge - ClickFunnels http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/ofachallenge Note: *some of the links above are affiliate links. Podcast By Friday is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. We are not given any free products, services or anything else in exchange for mentioning them on our site. The only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions. Podcast by Friday is a show that helps people create their Minimal Viable Podcast (TM) by taking bold action to defeat procrastination and get their voices heard. Bill Griggs contact info: Twitter: @BillGriggs Websites: http://podcastbyfriday.com http://cncroutertips.com Kingsley Grant's Contact info: Twitter:@kingsleygrant Website: http://podcastbyfriday.com http://startabusinessonlinefromhome.com http://kingsleygrant.com Websites Mentioned Forbes Magazine https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2017/05/17/websites-as-we-know-them-are-dead/#7f8b50e63d38 One Funnel Away Challenge http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/ofachallenge Entrepreneur On Fire https://www.eofire.com/ Smart Passive Income https://www.smartpassiveincome.com/ WP Profit Builder http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/builder Wordpress Hosted http://www.wordpress.com Wordpress Self Hosted http://wordpress.org iTunes www.apple.com/itunes/ Podcast By Friday http://www.podcastbyfriday.com CNC Router Tips http://www.cncroutertips.com Smart Passive Income http://smartpassiveincome.com Facebook Group http://facebook.com/groups/podcastbyfriday Amazon Associates https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/home Bluehost http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/bluehost Audible http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/audible Youtube http://youtube.com SHOW NOTES Mentioned: http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/19 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/20 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/21 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/22 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/23 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/24 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/25 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/26 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/27 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/28 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/29 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/30
    Played 59m 6s
  • PBF52 Get Faster Results with A Challenge with Bill Griggs and Kingsley Grant

    20 FEB 2019 · PBF52: Get Faster Results with A Challenge By Bill Griggs and Kingsley Grant Podcast By Friday Episode 52: How to get the result you want faster with a challenge? Have you ever been a part of a challenge? What was your experience? We've been in several different kinds of challenges and have experienced great results. Toward the end of last year, Kingsley and his wife were involved in a 10-Day Green Smoothie challenge where they both lost a combined total of 18 pounds in 10 days. Kingsley said, what made this challenge successful for both of them was the community inside the Challenge. The results speak for itself. Imagine losing that many pounds in 10 days! Imagine if you took the same approach with your podcast. We know that you could get your podcast up and running with the support of a community. When you model a proven, successful framework you can have rapid success. In this episode, you'll hear how Bill is following these same suggestions and his experience so far with the One Funnel Away Challenge. The OFA Challenge helps bloggers, podcasters, content creators and e-commerce site set up a sales funnel to market their products and grow their audiences without needing to be a programmer.  Many of our favorite bloggers have used the training in the Challenge to launched their podcast. Some have experienced massive success. We talked about some of these podcasters in Episode 51. We provided the links so you can take a peek at what they have done. Resources Mentioned: One Funnel Away Challenge - ClickFunnels http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/ofachallenge Note: *some of the links above are affiliate links. Podcast By Friday is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. We are not given any free products, services or anything else in exchange for mentioning them on our site. The only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions. Podcast by Friday is a show that helps people create their Minimal Viable Podcast (TM) by taking bold action to defeat procrastination and get their voices heard. Bill Griggs contact info: Twitter: @BillGriggs Websites: http://podcastbyfriday.com http://cncroutertips.com Kingsley Grant's Contact info: Twitter:@kingsleygrant Website: http://podcastbyfriday.com http://startabusinessonlinefromhome.com http://kingsleygrant.com Websites Mentioned One Funnel Away Challenge http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/ofachallenge Intensely Positive Podcast https://www.intenselypositive.com/ Entrepreneur On Fire https://www.eofire.com/ Smart Passive Income https://www.smartpassiveincome.com/ WP Profit Builder http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/builder Wordpress Hosted http://www.wordpress.com Wordpress Self Hosted http://wordpress.org iTunes www.apple.com/itunes/ Podcast By Friday http://www.podcastbyfriday.com CNC Router Tips http://www.cncroutertips.com Smart Passive Income http://smartpassiveincome.com Facebook Group http://facebook.com/groups/podcastbyfriday Amazon Associates https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/home Bluehost http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/bluehost Audible http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/audible Youtube http://youtube.com SHOW NOTES Mentioned: http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/19 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/20 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/21 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/22 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/23 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/24 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/25 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/26 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/27 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/28 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/29 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/30
    Played 55m 43s
  • PBF51: Should You Turn Your Blog Into A Podcast

    1 FEB 2019 · PBF51: Should You Turn Your Blog Into A Podcast By Bill Griggs and Kingsley Grant Podcast By Friday Episode 51: How to turn your blog into Podcast? Turning your blog into a podcast is one of the fastest ways to grow your audience. People have less time for reading. Folks are spending less time reading and more time listening to audio or watching videos. Turning your blog into a Podcast can not only increase your audience but also increase your influence and perhaps monetize your work. A podcast can be a more efficient use of your resources. It allows you to speak with authority and in a manner that allows your audience hears your voice. A blog doesn’t allow that. Many bloggers have successfully made the transition to a podcast including: Pat Flynn - Smart Passive Income Podcast https://www.smartpassiveincome.com/podcasts/ Michael Stelzner - Social Media Examiner https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/ Amy Porterfield - Online Marketing Made Easy https://www.amyporterfield.com/amy-porterfield-podcast/ Leslie Samuel - Become A Blogger https://www.becomeablogger.com/ Tony Robbins - Tony Robbins Podcast https://www.tonyrobbins.com/podcasts/ Ray Edwards - The Ray Edwards Show https://rayedwards.com/podcast-archives/ Michael Hyatt - Lead To Win Podcast https://michaelhyatt.com/leadtowin/ Articles Mentioned: Top Income Earning Blogs https://www.forbes.com/sites/robertadams/2017/03/02/top-income-earning-blogs/#7dad1992377e Links: The Power of Broke by Damon John https://amzn.to/2SkdOIO Crush it Gary- Vaynerchuk https://amzn.to/2DMLBlP Platform by Michael Hyatt https://amzn.to/2TpCGwe *some of the links above are affiliate links. Podcast By Friday is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. We are not given any free products, services or any thing else in exchange for mentioning them on our site. The only consideration is in the form of affiliate commissions. Podcast by Friday is a show that helps people create their Minimal Viable Podcast (TM) by taking bold action to defeat procrastination and get their voices heard. Bill Griggs contact info: Twitter: @BillGriggs Websites: http://podcastbyfriday.com http://cncroutertips.com Kingsley Grant's Contact info: Twitter:@kingsleygrant Website: http://podcastbyfriday.com http://startabusinessonlinefromhome.com http://kingsleygrant.com SHOW NOTES Mentioned: http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/19 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/20 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/21 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/22 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/23 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/24 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/25 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/26 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/27 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/28 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/29 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/30 Websites Mentioned *some of the links above are affiliate links. WP Profit Builder http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/builder Wordpress Hosted http://www.wordpress.com Wordpress Self Hosted http://wordpress.org iTunes www.apple.com/itunes/ Spreaker http://spreaker.com Podcast By Friday http://www.podcastbyfriday.com CNC Router Tips http://www.cncroutertips.com Smart Passive Income http://smartpassiveincome.com Facebook Group http://facebook.com/groups/podcastbyfriday Amazon Associates https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/home Bluehost http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/bluehost Audible http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/audible Youtube http://youtube.com Vodburner http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/vodburner How to leave a review on iTunes Go to this page. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cnc-router-tips-podcast-spreaker/id1031116372?mt=2 Click View in iTunes. Click on ratings and reviews in iTunes Click the Write a Review button Leave an honest rating. Then write a review Just a few words.
    Played 30m 21s
  • PBF50 Get To Know Your Audience with Bill Griggs and Kingsley Grant

    25 DEC 2018 · PBF50: Take Time To Know Your Audience By Bill Griggs and Kingsley Grant Podcast By Friday Episode 50: If you have been around the content creation space for any time, like me, you have heard people talking about knowing your audience or your avatar or your ideal person. One of the reasons that so many people talk or write about this topic is that it is critical for your overall success in business whether it's online or offline. When you don't know who it is you are creating content for it can be frustrating as you get to a point wondering who is reading, listening to, or purchasing your "stuff." In this episode, we discuss this very idea and share some behind the scenes frustration we experience ourselves and the decision we made. ✅ Here is a summary of what we discussed in this episode: ➡ Identifying your audience Even when you thought you did Pivoting when you realize you are "shooting wildly in the air" ➡ Finding your audience It's one thing to know who your audience is, it's quite another finding out where they are They might be closer than you think Start with yourself and your interests ➡ Make the hard decision and not be ashamed Changing course or tweaking what you're doing has to be embraced You rarely end up how you started Don't continue just to save face ➡ Your Turn: Let us know what your experience was ...share with us in the facebook group *some of the links above are affiliate links Podcast by Friday is a show that helps people create their Minimal Viable Podcast (TM) by taking bold action to defeat procrastination and get their voices heard. Bill Griggs contact info: Twitter: @BillGriggs Websites: http://podcastbyfriday.com http://cncroutertips.com Kingsley Grant's Contact info: Twitter:@kingsleygrant Website: http://podcastbyfriday.com http://startabusinessonlinefromhome.com http://kingsleygrant.com SHOW NOTES Mentioned: On The Ledge http://www.spreaker.com/user/billgriggs/episode-pilot http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/19 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/20 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/21 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/22 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/23 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/24 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/25 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/26 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/27 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/28 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/29 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/36 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/35 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/37 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/38 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/39 Websites Mentioned Next 7 Days Challenge http://www.podcastbyfriday.com ED DALE Challenge https://yourfirstdollar.com/ Google Online Challenge https://www.google.com/onlinechallenge/ WP Profit Builder http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/builder Wordpress Hosted http://www.wordpress.com Wordpress Self Hosted http://wordpress.org iTunes www.apple.com/itunes/ Spreaker http://spreaker.com Podcast By Friday http://www.podcastbyfriday.com CNC Router Tips http://www.cncroutertips.com Smart Passive Income http://smartpassiveincome.com Facebook Group http://facebook.com/groups/podcastbyfriday Amazon Associates https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/home Bluehost http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/bluehost Audible http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/audible Youtube http://youtube.com Vodburner http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/vodburner How to leave a review on iTunes Go to this page. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cnc-router-tips-podcast-spreaker/id1031116372?mt=2 Click View in iTunes. Click on ratings and reviews in iTunes Click the Write a Review button Leave an honest rating. Then write a review Just a few words.
    Played 51m 59s
  • PBF049: The Power of Influencers To Grow Your Audience

    24 DEC 2018 · PBF49: The Power Of Influencers To Grow Your Audience By Bill Griggs and Kingsley Grant Podcast By Friday Episode 49: Sometimes meeting an influencer in your niche can be like pouring gasoline on a fire. The Power of Influencers can accelerate how you grow your audience. In this episode our host Bill Griggs and Kingsley Grant discuss influence and how the connections and relationships your make with influential people can help to grow your audience. Websters dictionary defines Influence as: the act or power of producing an effect without apparent exertion of force or direct exercise of command the power or capacity of causing an effect in indirect or intangible ways Why? Gain a level of influence through associations To create momentum Lead to change/transformation Get results that was not foreseen initially Having impact How? Connect with someone who in our eyes is an influencer Joint ventures Sharing the stage/platform (interview/guest) Share content Help them achieve more of what they want Zig Ziglar’s Quote: "You can have everything in life you want, if you will just help other people get what they want." - Zig Ziglar Reference them in your show, articles, SM, etc. When do you begin to leverage this relationship? As soon as we can At events Upon invitation (don’t impose, assume …) *some of the links above are affiliate links Podcast by Friday is a show that helps people create their Minimal Viable Podcast (TM) by taking bold action to defeat procrastination and get their voices heard. Bill Griggs contact info: Twitter: @BillGriggs Websites: http://podcastbyfriday.com http://cncroutertips.com Kingsley Grant's Contact info: Twitter:@kingsleygrant Website: http://podcastbyfriday.com http://startabusinessonlinefromhome.com http://kingsleygrant.com SHOW NOTES Mentioned: On The Ledge http://www.spreaker.com/user/billgriggs/episode-pilot http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/19 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/20 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/21 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/22 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/23 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/24 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/25 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/26 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/27 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/28 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/29 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/36 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/35 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/37 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/38 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/39 Websites Mentioned Next 7 Days Challenge http://www.podcastbyfriday.com ED DALE Challenge https://yourfirstdollar.com/ Google Online Challenge https://www.google.com/onlinechallenge/ WP Profit Builder http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/builder Wordpress Hosted http://www.wordpress.com Wordpress Self Hosted http://wordpress.org iTunes www.apple.com/itunes/ Spreaker http://spreaker.com Podcast By Friday http://www.podcastbyfriday.com CNC Router Tips http://www.cncroutertips.com Smart Passive Income http://smartpassiveincome.com Facebook Group http://facebook.com/groups/podcastbyfriday Amazon Associates https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/home Bluehost http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/bluehost Audible http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/audible Youtube http://youtube.com Vodburner http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/vodburner
    Played 45m 19s
  • PBF48 Meeting with Your Audience Members

    22 OCT 2018 · Episode 48: Meeting With Your Audience Members Why meet with our audience members? Personal touch Build relationships Get feedback Share ideas Interview member for a guest appearance for a future episode How do we set up these meetings? Through podcast announcements Through facebook group Eventbrite In partnership with an event coordinator/host Where to set up meetings? In a lobby At a restaurant/bar At a conference room Some place fun When to set up meetings? Not at the last minute At least 3 to 4 weeks out Call To Action: Meet with you at Podcast Movement Go to our Eventbrite Page to register … letting us know your intention http://eventbrite.com http://facebook.com *some of the links above are affiliate links Podcast by Friday is a show that helps people create their Minimal Viable Podcast (TM) by taking bold action to defeat procrastination and get their voices heard. Bill Griggs contact info: Twitter: @BillGriggs Websites: http://podcastbyfriday.com http://cncroutertips.com Kingsley Grant's Contact info: Twitter:@kingsleygrant Website: http://podcastbyfriday.com http://startabusinessonlinefromhome.com http://kingsleygrant.com SHOW NOTES Mentioned: http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/19 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/20 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/21 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/22 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/23 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/24 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/25 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/26 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/27 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/28 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/29 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/36 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/35 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/37 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/38 http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/39 Websites Mentioned Next 7 Days Challenge http://www.podcastbyfriday.com WP Profit Builder http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/builder Wordpress Hosted http://www.wordpress.com Wordpress Self Hosted http://wordpress.org iTunes www.apple.com/itunes/ Spreaker http://spreaker.com Podcast By Friday http://www.podcastbyfriday.com CNC Router Tips http://www.cncroutertips.com Smart Passive Income http://smartpassiveincome.com Facebook Group http://facebook.com/groups/podcastbyfriday Amazon Associates https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/home Bluehost http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/bluehost Audible http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/audible Youtube http://youtube.com Vodburner http://www.podcastbyfriday.com/vodburner How to leave a review on iTunes Go to this page. https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/cnc-router-tips-podcast-spreaker/id1031116372?mt=2 Click View in iTunes. Click on ratings and reviews in iTunes Click the Write a Review button Leave an honest rating. Then write a review Just a few words.
    Played 35m 33s
  • PBF47 Networking at a Meetup Group Near You and While Away with Bill Griggs and Kingsley Grant

    18 JUL 2018 · Episode 47: Networking at Meetup Groups Near You and Away What is a meetup groups? Online organizing tool used to schedule meetings/events for like minded people Why meetup groups? To meet people face to face who have similar interests To rally around a cause To build membership To learn a new skill To learn about trends, new ideas, new technology, etc. To build stronger relationships To meet your audience Allows you to find events within close proximity Where do we find meetup groups? Meetup dot com Eventbrite dot com Facebook dot com (Sidenote: Set notification to be reminded of upcoming events) How do we network at a meetup group? Be intentional to meet new people Provide value Be a participator not a spectator ...not a spectator sport Listen to Episode 46: Networking at a live event where we cover a number of what to do at these events CTA: Now what? Go to Meetup Dot Com and choose an event that is of interest to you and schedule to attend Let us know what your experience was ...share with us in the facebook group
    Played 34m 25s
Podcast by Friday is a show that helps people create their Minimal Viable Podcast (TM) by taking bold action to defeat procrastination and get their voices heard.

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