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Episodes & Posts
12 DEC 2024 · Betrayed by Hospice with host Marsha Joiner – Wednesday, August 14, 2019 #15 Join us as we discuss what happens in the healthcare industry from a nurse’s point of view. Our guest has agreed to talk candidly with us about what goes on in the inside of hospitals and hospices. Be prepared to ask questions that you may have. Our guest does not believe in euthanasia and is one of the good guys/gals.
12 DEC 2024 · Join us this evening as Linda Kincaid, Elder Advocate, and Dr. Robert Fettgather, discuss the use of psychotropic drugs in massive doses used to render elderly and disabled adults, chemically restrained. Many times these drugs are used simply to render the victim incompetent and unable to function. Also joining us will be Ginny Johnson, whose father, a WW2 veteran became the victim of a predatory guardian. Captain Hugh Johnson War hero Led the 303rd Bomber Group on 26 missions against Nazi forces "Hell’s Angels" earned the Distinguished Unit Citation Dad’s B-17 was shot down in 1945 – MIA and German POW •Dad died on June 15, 2012. •One year after Theriault was appointed guardian •Expected burial as an honored combat veteran •Theriault ordered body cremated immediately •Prevented autopsy requested by Ginny •Theriault charged Hugh’s estate $95/hr. •Court did not impose any limits on charges. •Theriault sold $2M family home for $700K.
11 DEC 2024 · Rosa Koire, author of “Behind the Green Mask: UN Agenda 21” www.DemocratsAgainstUNAgenda21.com Rosa has been touring the country speaking to conferences, state legislatures, and civic groups about the implementation of Agenda 21 and the eradication of private property rights that result from this global plan.
11 DEC 2024 · President of Wild Horse Freedom Federation, R.T. Fitch, will be joining us on the eve of his trip to D.C. to deliver over 12,000 letters, as of this writing, to President Obama asking him to declare a moratorium on the accelerated Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) roundups of federally protected wild horses and burros on public land. Last month R.T. challenged the American public to write letters to the President asking him to stop the roundups so that an accurate accounting of horses on the range could take place and alternative management techniques could be applied. In return, he and his wife Terry agreed that they would, personally, hand carry the letters to D.C. and ensure that they reached President Obama. Virginia Congressman Jim Moran has offered to facilitate the delivery of the letters to the White House upon their receipt in D.C. and with his office’s backing the momentum for the campaign has blossomed to include the support and letters from Habitat for Horses, The Cloud Foundation and thousands of Americans. Visit R.T's site: Straight From The Horse's Heart http://rtfitchauthor.com/
11 DEC 2024 · Linda Kincaid, Elder Advocate, will co-host this show. Join us this evening as Barbara Hollingsworth, journalist for the Washington Examiner, shares her experiences with predatory guardians who exploit the elderly, for profit. Ms. Hollingsworth is one of the few journalists who have written about the elderly who have been kidnapped and imprisoned while their assets were stolen. Judges and Lawyers Use Guardianships to Prey on the Elderly http://washingtonexaminer.com/judges-lawyers-use-guardianships-to-prey-on-elderly/article/41333 Too Often Death is the Only Way Out of Guardianship http://washingtonexaminer.com/too-often-death-is-the-only-way-out-of-guardianship-gulag/article/41391
11 DEC 2024 · Join us this evening as Dr. Robert Fettgather discusses the situation regarding his son, David. David was taken and forced into a group home for adults with disabilities. David has been isolated from his family and friends for more than seven years with no real and plausible reason given as to why. Dr. Fettgather has battled the system for all these years just to get the right to visit with his son. ___ Predatory guardian/conservatorships are not exclusive to the elderly with assets. A vulnerable adult who is not elderly can be worth a fortune in Medicare/ Medicaid funding and from various state and federal grants and subsidies.
11 DEC 2024 · BIO: I am Patricia (Trish,) Britton. I happened to start listening to shortwave radio in about 1997. This was the time that I discovered that Rush Limbaugh wasn't telling us anything near what was going on. Anyway, I was listening to a show called "Amerikan Expose," hosted by Chris Gerner, who is no longer doing radio at this time. The link to his site is: http://www.amerikanexpose.com. Chris was a great source of information at that time because he was reading United Nations documents on the air. Than I started telling Sam about all I was hearing and that he needed to listen to this broadcast. Around this same time, we had gotten our first computer as a wedding gift. Finally Sam decided to bring Chris's show up on the computer to shut me up....... and then he never looked back. This started me on a long journey of web searching to find many documents, which I still have on my drive to this day. This eventually led to "The Information Corner" web site an broadcast. Our web site is: http://www.theinformationcorner.com. In addition, we run "Liberty Radio" which is a stream that can be heard 24 hours a day. The stream is linked over at "The Information Corner" web site and is available to A.M. and F.M. radio stations accross the country.
11 DEC 2024 · Guest John Seago, Legislative Director for Texas Right to Life. John leads the research, writing and lobbying for state Pro-Life and medical ethics policies in the Texas State legislature. John will share with us some legislative issues in the works, current status of what is occurring as well as other information. Texas Right to Life fights for the rights of the unborn, the disabled, the sick, the elderly, and the unloved in a world where the lack of respect for innocent human life has escalated to the point where they are all at risk. The most recent and public case that Texas Right to Life worked on was with Baby Tinslee who was a 9-month-old girl with congenital heart disease and her family fought for her to be allowed to live instead of being forced to allow the medical staff to pull the plug with the10-Day Rule of the Texas Advance Directives Act. As of February 4th, Tinslee is still alive due to Texas Right to Life’s efforts! Tinslee is now one year old! It is our goal to educate our audience, before you are in a situation where your loved one enrolls into hospice and is drugged and their death hastened; to provide you warning signs, terminology and what you can do to protect you and your loved ones. Stealth Euthanasia is happening across the country as elderly and disabled are being targeted for early death and deemed unworthy of life. You have rights! Never just accept what you are told by medical professionals. Do your own research and don’t become a statistic that no one cares to hear about. You are not alone. We are trying to make a difference and warn the public
11 DEC 2024 · Our first guest on Betrayed by Hospice Talk Show Radio – January 9, 2019...Lisa Ann Listen to Lisa Ann’s story about her Dad who was medically kidnapped and drugged with morphine, Ativan and Haldol at the young age of 67 in a Nursing and Rehabilitation Center in Ohio. He was strapped to a wheel chair at the nurse’s station and when he tried to get up, the nurses would give him antipsychotics to “calm” him. Lisa has the medical records to show how her precious Dad was treated during the last weeks of his short life and how his death was hastened. They even tried to silence her story by arresting her days after her Dad passed on August 13, 2015. Call in and listen to what can happen to you or your loved ones if you blindly trust rogue hospice and nursing home staff. It is our intent to inform people about the potential dangers, terminology and red flags. Stealth Euthanasia is happening across the country as elderly and disabled are being targeted for early death and deemed unworthy of more time on earth. Many of the guests on this show have lost loved ones whose death was hastened by medical predators. Education is key for you to know what is happening and not just listen to what you are being told by medical staff. You have the right to question doctors and nurses decisions, refuse drugs and/or hospice altogether. There are other options available and it is our intention to give you knowledge about your rights.
11 DEC 2024 · "Yoda" joins us this evening by popular demand. Yoda is the founder of the website "Magnified View". His back ground in border issues, law enforcement training and other venues gives him a special insight into what is happening to day. Please join us as we discuss the massive purchase of ammunitions by the Homeland Security Department. Also, we will be talking about the presence of foreign military troops here in the US. and why they may be here. What is the situation on the border really like? This will shock you.
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