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Puck & Pigskin

  • Episode #23 - Ryan Ballantine, Hot Topics, and CFL Playoff Predictions

    2 NOV 2023 · Ryan Ballantine of Big Brother Canada fame, and now podcaster on the Go Stamps Go Show and writer for 3 Down Nation joins me to discuss the Calgary Flames, Stampeders, and more! Plus, I will introduce a new show segment called "Hot Topics" and give my CFL Grey Cup Playoff predictions for this weekend! Ryan Ballantine Socials IG: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1FxUTNNeTJoNzBFMnJiNi1Hd1RHLXh4eUl2UXxBQ3Jtc0trTHoxOU5uMlVPd1dMallsa2VfRmwxUHd1UmFydDdOMjJfaWxnQlZlRmhlbnRvaVZrTEVvUGs0R1RfVGNGT01rUER6UHBvWWJDeERid2w1TEpCY3VKWm5aM1M3RkdJMFZCNHpMalV1RmFqY01QeEV4TQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fbbcanryan%2F&v=Gf3GVEMjn1c X: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa2YzcDNyNVR6cmhhVjQ2YmdsME9TSlJKelBFd3xBQ3Jtc0tsSmVPVEFrUWdZV0haUDE5VFROc01DOXFWWGtlYjdVT2hsS21PbjI5WllKZWc4VUN2VFFzZFE5RGFVT2RkZVVJZ0FIdk5TUUJlbElXMzJOWnFkTTVhQlFra21EbmhaZS1xME85YTNnUkNSWkRPamlYQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FBBCANRyan&v=Gf3GVEMjn1c Puck & Pigskin Socials FB: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbEp4bTR3ZDJ6VWJsRW1BOWhfdlJQQklRdFc5Z3xBQ3Jtc0tuRGhjdDFxeVgwUmdXWUI1X2lpN0JqY3lfNHZSMnJoMXl6UXk0QzM1aXZzOHdmVWlrSzV1eFhHVFlsZnlQSU1uYzgtSmt5Z2hPNmNreWI4cjJ4VGNLaVkxbmxiNURQNmhpZnpjeDBMaTBtQ0JLT18tbw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fpucknpigskin&v=Gf3GVEMjn1c IG: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqazBjcGFDTGVvNGt2Ty04aTBYcjhCYmd2SVJ5UXxBQ3Jtc0ttWjMzd2s5Um1rNmx4aXhkbEVfdWR4bUM4SEo4SkRJSm91Z3BSd21ZSWJHMDRYanpReFNHZFVVTUsyVFExdmpVVzliQmtjWFJ1dnpqdWtfZk5ndzZHOVNKMjBadjdSaUl2bjA3LXRvc0ZNdjFpeGFrOA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fpucknpigskin%2F&v=Gf3GVEMjn1c Threads: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW0waFVFbnUzeElXN093YkhNYms3eS1uMVpzQXxBQ3Jtc0tuSG1QQU1lVWNVVjNzSVZDNURucWlwVVNPb3ROR3hnd2lLMWxpVWUzbUNPX3pSeHpaU1NqbkxVYnNvRFh6MlA0WmJTNjZnSXF2UkNfcFpIU0oyWk1mZW1IbjdxNFRsSHNFbkRkMUl0a1Z2ak8xbjFEUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.threads.net%2F%40pucknpigskin&v=Gf3GVEMjn1c X: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHJ2dkg3anhPNWJtaUxLUDRQaDdPekhtZWVCQXxBQ3Jtc0tsNDhjc2VpVTRlOEpueU4wdXV6bXhENjB3Ym9kUUJmVkRvSUdrLVp6T0F4U29DX19XUFZVem5HNlBfaFI2ZU4yMTB0b2JqblVxb3EwbkFrVDhidEhFQzdNTXFYRW5ZdTU4dVgxM3E3WHFTUnlPd3FUSQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fpucknpigskin&v=Gf3GVEMjn1c https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/cflhighlights https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/canadianfootball https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/edmontonelks https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/ottawaredblacks https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/football https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/reactionvideo https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/cfl https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/reactionchannel https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/reactionvideo https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/footballshorts https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/shorts https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/torontoargonauts https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/bclions https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/calgarystampeders https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/hamiltontigercats https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/winnipegbluebombers https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/montrealalouettes https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/cflgameday https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/footballgame https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/goelks https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/nhl https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/hockey https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/flames https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/togetherweride https://www.youtube.com/hashtag/gcplayoffs
    Played 42m 27s
  • Episode #22 - The Elks Herd, Clark Munroe & Darren "Moose" Dupont

    2 NOV 2023 · Katherine & Scout (AKA: The Elks Herd) from "The Elks Call" talk about the Edmonton Elks season, and Darren "Moose" Dupont from "The Rod Pedersen Show" hop on to talk about The Leafs and more! The Elks Herd Socials YT: https://www.youtube.com/@ShotgunSportsNetworkLtd IG: https://www.instagram.com/theelksherd X: https://twitter.com/TheElksHerd FB: https://www.facebook.com/TheElksHerd Darren Dupont Socials X: https://twitter.com/darrendupont IG: https://www.instagram.com/darrendupont Puck & Pigskin Socials https://linktr.ee/pucknpigskin #cflhighlights #footballreactions #canadianfootball #edmontonelks #ottawaredblacks #football #reactionvideo #cfl #reactionchannel #reactionvideo #footballshorts #shorts #funny #funnyvideo #torontoargonauts #bclions #calgarystampeders #hamiltontigercats #winnipegbluebombers #montrealalouettes #2023season #cflgameday #footballgame #goelks #leafsforever
    Played 1h 3m 2s
  • Episode #21 - The Markcast, Coach Phil Reacts & MIke Dirsa

    2 NOV 2023 · Puck & Pigskin goes LIVE for the very first time! Joining me are Reid Johnson from CFL/XFL podcast 'The Markcast', Coach Phillip Threet from CFL reaction videos 'Coach Phil Reacts', and Mike Dirsa from '97 Octane Hockey'! Puck & Pigskin Socials FB: https://www.facebook.com/pucknpigskin IG: https://www.instagram.com/pucknpigskin/ Threads: https://www.threads.net/@pucknpigskin X: https://twitter.com/pucknpigskin #cflhighlights #footballreactions #canadianfootball #edmontonelks #ottawaredblacks #football #reactionvideo #cfl #reactionchannel #reactionvideo #footballshorts #shorts #funny #funnyvideo #torontoargonauts #bclions #calgarystampeders #hamiltontigercats #winnipegbluebombers #montrealalouettes #2023season #cflgameday #footballgame #goelks #leafsforever
    Played 1h 35m 25s
  • Episode #20 - Calgary Stampeders, Flames & Even Blue Jays talk with Danny Austin

    8 NOV 2021 · Calgary Sports reporter Danny Austin drops in to discuss the Calgary Stampeders and the state of the CFL. We even got into a little Calgary Flames and Toronto Blue Jays talk! Socials Danny Twitter: https://twitter.com/DannyAustin_9 Sponsors Broken Spirits Twitter: https://twitter.com/brokenspiritsNE Broken Spirits Website: https://www.brokenspirits.ca/ (Use promo code PPYYC15 for 15% off your order in house or online) Kong Beer Bong: https://bit.ly/3jQHZV8 Puck & Pigskin Socials https://linktr.ee/pucknpigskinpodcast Music Marty Zylstra – “Rattle the Glass” https://spoti.fi/3cuxx1Q #CFL #GoStampsGo #NHL #hockey #YYC #Calgary #Flames #CofRed #BlueJays
    Played 47m 15s
  • Episode #19 Snippet - Andrew Mangiapane on Fire

    3 NOV 2021 · Let's talk about how hot Andrew Mangiapane is right now and whether or not he will make the Team Canada roster for the Olympics. Socials James Twitter: https://twitter.com/JamesJohnsonYYC Auddie Twitter: https://twitter.com/auddiejames Barnburner Twitter: https://twitter.com/BarnburnerShow Sponsors Broken Spirits Twitter: https://twitter.com/brokenspiritsNE Broken Spirits Website: https://www.brokenspirits.ca/ (Use promo code PPYYC15 for 15% off your order in house or online) Kong Beer Bong: https://bit.ly/3jQHZV8 Puck & Pigskin Socials https://linktr.ee/pucknpigskinpodcast #NHL #hockey #YYC #Calgary #Flames #CofRed #Mangiapane
    Played 10m 39s
  • Episode #19 - Talking Calgary Flames with James Johnson & Auddie James

    1 NOV 2021 · In this first episode under the new YYC branding, I talk about the Calgary Flames season so far with James Johnson & Auddie James from the Barnburner Hockey Podcast. Socials James Twitter: https://twitter.com/JamesJohnsonYYC Auddie Twitter: https://twitter.com/auddiejames Barnburner Twitter: https://twitter.com/BarnburnerShow Sponsors Broken Spirits Twitter: https://twitter.com/brokenspiritsNE Broken Spirits Website: https://www.brokenspirits.ca/ (Use promo code PPYYC15 for 15% off your order in house or online) Kong Beer Bong: https://bit.ly/3jQHZV8 Puck & Pigskin Socials https://linktr.ee/pucknpigskinpodcast Music Marty Zylstra – “Rattle the Glass” https://spoti.fi/3cuxx1Q #NHL #hockey #YYC #Calgary #Flames #CofRed
    Played 1h 13m 51s
  • Episode #18 - Raiders Report & Betting with the Brothers

    6 OCT 2021 · Joshua Arbuthnot joined me live after the Las Vegas Raiders vs L.A. Chargers game to discuss the game and more. Then Travis & Jerett Rion gave me their sports betting picks for the week. Socials: 2 Drunk Brothers Twitter: https://twitter.com/2DrunkBrothers 2 Drunk Brothers Linktree: https://linktr.ee/2drunkbrothers Joshua Arbuthnot Twitter: https://twitter.com/jawa31 Joshua Arbuthnot Linktree: https://linktr.ee/Jawa_31 Sponsors Kong Beer Bong: https://bit.ly/3jQHZV8 Broken Spirits Twitter: https://twitter.com/brokenspiritsNE Broken Spirits Website: https://www.brokenspirits.ca/ (Use promo code BROTHERS15 for 15% off your order in house or online)
    Played 50m 37s
  • Episode #17 - Reid from The Markcast Talkin' Football

    22 SEP 2021 · Die-hard football fan Reid Johnson from The Markcast drops in to talk about the XFL, CFL and even a little NFL, Spring League and USFL. Socials The Markcast Twitter: https://twitter.com/the_markcast The Markcast Website: https://themarkcast.com/ 2 Drunk Brothers Twitter: https://twitter.com/2DrunkBrothers 2 Drunk Brothers Linktree: https://linktr.ee/2drunkbrothers Joshua Arbuthnot Twitter: https://twitter.com/jawa31 Joshua Arbuthnot Linktree: https://linktr.ee/Jawa_31 Sponsors Kong Beer Bong: https://bit.ly/3jQHZV8 Broken Spirits Twitter: https://twitter.com/brokenspiritsNE Broken Spirits Website: https://www.brokenspirits.ca/ (Use promo code BROTHERS15 for 15% off your order in house or online) #sports #sportsbet #sportsbets #sportsbetting #sportspicks #NFL #NFLbets #NFLbetting #NFLpicks #MLBbets #MLBbetting #MLBpicks #DraftKings #CFL #XFL #USFL
    Played 1h 10m 39s
  • Episode #16 - NHL Season Preview with The SquadCast

    15 SEP 2021 · Clark & Max from The SquadCast are back to help me preview the upcoming NHL Hockey season! Socials Clark Twitter: https://twitter.com/ClarkMunroe Clark TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@producerclark Max Twitter: https://twitter.com/Ritzy_Max The SquadCast: https://www.youtube.com/c/TheRodPeder... Puck & Pigskin Socials https://linktr.ee/pucknpigskinpodcast Music Marty Zylstra – “Rattle the Glass” https://spoti.fi/3cuxx1Q #NHL #hockey
    Played 1h 32m 40s
  • Episode #15 - Learning About Sports Betting & the Raiders Report

    8 SEP 2021 · Jeritt & Travis Rion from 2 Drunk Brothers & a Podcast stop in to give us a Sports Betting education and a few weekly tips in "Betting with the Brothers" brought to you by Broken Spirits Distillery! Joshua Arbuthnot also stops by to give us the weekly "Raiders Report" brought to you by Bass Pro Shops! DraftKings: https://bit.ly/3tnis94 Socials 2 Drunk Brothers Twitter: https://twitter.com/2DrunkBrothers 2 Drunk Brothers Linktree: https://linktr.ee/2drunkbrothers Joshua Arbuthnot Twitter: https://twitter.com/jawa31 Joshua Arbuthnot Linktree: https://linktr.ee/Jawa_31 Sponsors Kong Beer Bong: https://bit.ly/3jQHZV8 Broken Spirits Twitter: https://twitter.com/brokenspiritsNE Broken Spirits Website: https://www.brokenspirits.ca/ (Use promo code BROTHERS15 for 15% off your order in house or online) Bass Pro Shops: https://t.co/VE4VRyBGRR?amp=1 (Use promo code STOREPICKUP for 10% off in-store & online orders) #sports #sportsbet #sportsbets #sportsbetting #sportspicks #NFL #NFLbets #NFLbetting #NFLpicks #MLBbets #MLBbetting #MLBpicks #DraftKings
    Played 56m 57s
Just great Sports fans talkin' mostly about hockey & football, sprinkled with a bit of everything else!
Hosted by Jason Beisick

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