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Remarkably Brilliant

  • Marketing tips for business with global audiences

    23 SEP 2022 · Does your business aim to global businesses? It can be hard to explain what you do to different audiences who might not have the same language or culture as you. So how do you deal with that? Today's guest is Janina Neumann from Janina Neumann Design shares interesting tips on how to be effective in your own communication. There are advantages to have a global audience, as it forces us to be more focused on the big picture which a local business might not be so strong on. Do you want to know more about the The Kapferer Brand Identity Prism? Here the link: https://www.janinaneumanndesign.co.uk/index.php/2022/08/24/how-to-use-the-kapferer-brand-identity-prism/ If you want to know more, listen to today's episode with the marketing expert Janina Neumann.
    Played 28m 21s
  • Explicit

    Don’t conform to the norm, there’s power in your difference!

    2 AUG 2020 · Warning: if you have little ones around, grab your headphones! Janine Cera chats with Lena Robinson about her business consultancy supporting the non-conformist business owner. During her successful corporate career Lena often saw potential squashed into a box and founded FTSQ to encourage non-conformist to be themselves. Lena’s a straight talking Kiwi that’s worked in London for the last 16 years. Last year she decided to throw a grenade into her life and started up FTSQ. Her goal is to support non-conformist business owners to achieve all the things they were told they couldn't and more, by challenging current ways of thinking when it comes to running a business, in every possible way. She uses all the knowledge and experience she’s gained after 28 years in business to helps others. She had a successful career in 'adland', started three companies (FTSQ’s her third, having sold her second last year). @LenaRobinson @FTSQGoOn www.ftsq.co.uk
    Played 58m 10s
  • Are you looking to improve your business abroad?

    21 JUN 2020 · Hello and welcome! If you are planning to work with customers or businesses abroad, then do not miss today's episode! I am interviewing Janina Neumann from Janina Neumann Design. Janina Neumann is a bilingual graphic designer, social entrepreneur and business owner of Janina Neumann Design Her website is: https://www.janinaneumanndesign.co.uk/ Her podcast is: https://www.janinaneumanndesign.co.uk/index.php/the-bicultural-podcast/
    Played 33m 48s
  • Are you often worried and can't live your life to the fullest?

    20 JUN 2020 · Does your worry keep you awake at night? Does it trouble your days? I hear you! I have been there! However, what if I told you that waiting for the worries to just go away won't work? Yes, because... well, you should listen to the episode if you want to hear the full story!
    Played 7m 41s
  • To-do apps making you frustrated? 🤯

    12 JUN 2020 · Have you tried all the to-do apps under the sun but can't find the one that fits just right? I hear you! I have been there. I have tried so many apps and I currently have 5 todo apps on my phone. Ok, to be honest the 5 apps are the ones I open at least once a month. I have also 3 more apps that I haven't opened in months. They are all quite good, this is why I keep them on my phone. But they are lacking something. Either they don't have a calendar function or they are a bit boring or they easily get crammed with stuff. So I abandon them when the list is too long. If you are anything like me, then listen to today's podcast. I have found the ONE (app) that I LOVE!! It is everything I need and want! And I am not the only one thinking like this... Many others have left comments declaring that they are raving fans. Declutter your mind by using this amazing software!! The app is called Amazing Marvin and you can find it here: https://amazingmarvin.com/
    Played 31m 1s
  • How to convert your favourite clothes into something gorgeous and that you love?

    2 JUN 2020 · Do you have that piece of item in your closet that you love or spent a lot on it? In this interview I interview Kate McGuire: she set up Converted Closet to show you how to convert and style your neglected clothes into incredible ‘new’ pieces without breaking the bank or threading a needle (unless you want to!). It’s cool, it’s creative and it’s sustainable. This isn’t upcycling – this is #CONVERSION! CONVERT (verb) /kon’ve:t/ To change the form, character or fit of an item of clothing to create a unique, bespoke garment. Did you know most of us only wear 20% of the clothes in our wardrobes? And yet we’re still going out and buying new. In fact, in the UK alone we buy 38 million items of new clothing EVERY WEEK. That’s bonkers.@convertedcloset You can check Kate's website at https://www.convertedcloset.com/ or follow her on Instagram: @convertedcloset Transcript: convertedCloset Hello, everyone. Today I'm with amazing Kate McGuire. And she has a business called converted closet. And it's an amazing project and she's going to tell you a bit more of her new projects that she has on top of combat the closes, but basically is that if you have a piece of clothing in your wardrobe that you love so much, either because it's a family heirloom or it's a vintage piece you love or something you spend a lot of money, but it just doesn't look good because either is too big or too small or does just doesn't fit right. Then you must listen to today's episode. Welcome, Kate. Hello, how are you doing? I'm so well. I'm so well. Thank you. I'm so glad to have you on today's podcast. And I would like you to ask you so many questions. So let me start with what exactly do you do? Could you explain to us why What's your business about? Yeah, that's a good question. So, I'm, um, I love to meditate. And I sit on my cushion first thing every morning. It's just the most important part of my day. And for some reason, the other day, maybe it's just the environment we're in now, it just started thinking, What am I, you know, it's like quite a deep question first thing in the morning, but, you know, who am I? What am I doing? What's my purpose? And I thought, you know what, I'm, I'm a conversion designer. I'm a sustainable fashion activist. And I'm an entrepreneur. And I think I'm kind of my kind of overall, is basically a kind of uplift or inspire. I feel like that's my kind of purpose. So it's this multi fold. But yeah, essentially, I would say, activist designer. And yeah, that's really awesome. Because when I went to new website, I check all your videos, and it's amazing the transformation you give to all these women. And the one I love the most was Eleanor. So because as a kid she had these pieces vintage. She loved very much, but they didn't look good on it. I don't know who will look good with that shape. Yeah. And I did some transformation you did. And now she has two pieces that she can meet mix a match. And she was looking so great. She was looking gorgeous. Something that was flattering to her figure, and she was happy ready? I getting goosebumps just mentioned it. But okay. That was the very, very first film I ever made. I've never been on camera. Yeah, I know. I I was like, it was just, I had like, like my film crew of kind of students like 18 year olds, and we were like in this tiny flat moving suitcases from one side to the other because we kind of only had like, one or one I think it had one camera we had I mean it was just like, if you could have seen what was went on behind the scenes. But it just goes to show that that the emotion, it didn't really matter what what was going on it was all about what we could create and how we could make Elena feel the power of transformation was just palpable. It was so exciting. didn't really matter what it looked like it happened to look really good. And we were like, okay, let's make another one of these. But yeah, it was a really fun experience watching somebody light up like that. Yes. And also like another one that really was surprising was the woman with the grandmother. I can't remember her name with the grandmother. Beautiful. Oh, Victoria. Yeah, that you made as well. It. That was amazing inspiration. It looks so fancy. And so particular because you do things and you make them so special and you every time you seem to catch the character, the personality of the person. How do you do that? So do you mean the person that I'm converting Yes. They all that. Yeah. And well, maybe that's a bit my background. I was a headhunter. So I was in banking and then I moved into headhunting. And I think I probably have just a bit of who I am as well but I do feel I can kind of read people I think I can I get a sense of who they are and what their natural edges and limitations are and kind of who they want to be. But that's, that involves a conversation you know, you have to get to know somebody when you're doing a conversion. I'm just not one of those people who comes along and goes, Okay, so you know, you've got a great weight you need to wear this you need to wear that, that that just doesn't work as far as I'm concerned. Because how can I possibly know what makes somebody feel good and what they're wearing? It's, it's innate, it's working with somebody and and I like to push people to the edge. Everybody has an edge. And I hear a lot you know, I can't wear that or I'd love to be able to wear that. I just can't or I think people I seem to get the impression that people feel that they'd like to express themselves more than more than they're confident enough to do through their clothes. So I find that really fun that that challenge to kind of take them to a place where they maybe wouldn't have done. And then let them just light up and be like, Oh my god, this is kind of where I want to go. It's power. There's power in that. So it's a joy to be part of that process. I absolutely agree. I have found myself that when I feel brave and happy, it's so easy to wear something that will attract attention. That said, This is my personality that is out of the way something original and out suddenly, we are maybe or something just very colorful. And when we feel a lack of confidence, we tend to dress like everybody else so we can merge in it's easier to I find that clothing is a way better way to to show up in the world. And how we show up can can tell a lot about our personality. And it seems To wear clothes that may be black and blue that make you go like, ooh, I can merge with everybody else. So don't look at me then. But sometimes we like to have that thing and when we can wear something that is our personality, that is amazing. That is like, this is me. Take it or leave it. I love that. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's, um, it's about feeling good about who you are. Basically, that's all you know, that's all we really want, isn't it to feel good about who we are. And, and that's clothing is our first impression that that we make as a first impression we make to ourselves and we look in the mirror, and we live in a very visual world. So I think, yeah, for me, you know, people say to me, God, you know, why do you put makeup on every day and you dress up and and I just think, Well, why wouldn't I like I can have a better day. Because of that for myself. I can look in the mirror and feel I've been put together I can go outside down to the shop and bump into anyone I know and just feel good about how I'm presenting myself and I believe that you know, the outside and inside are so intrinsically linked that you know, I can I can help my insides by just feeling put together on the outside. And and and the same goes for the other way. Yes, I totally agree with you. And as a mindset and behavior expert, I can confirm that it's been scientifically proven that what we wear affects our moods, also colors. Mm hmm. So what can you talk about that I'm really curious, basically is like, they say, for example, that we should prepare the clothes the day before in a moment, we're feeling good. Because if we prepare them in the morning, they're going to go with the mood which is always usually like I'm feeling so grandpa need to go to work and you're going with the safe options. So you will go with the grain Blue black rubber. Instead if you prepare the clothes and you're diligent enough to wear those clothes that you prepare, when you are feeling in a good mood, most likely you're going to feel good. Because it's like colors, for example, make you feel more happy to see vibration, isn't it? Yes. And also, I guess when you look in the mirror is like you wearing some red or bright yellows like, colors do affect our moods. In fact, there are people who work with color therapy, you know? Yeah. And so it's absolutely something that works. And also, as you said, You like to dress up every day, because I can't see anybody wearing all leggings with holes and being happy. is like we know that something you're wearing old clothes with holes and stuff. How can you be like, Oh, I'm feeling great, but I have holes in my leggings. Well, I will slightly challenge that because I think this is really Really interesting I find this is this is crunchy for me just to take your holes in the leggings thing. Okay, so I think we're living in the whole mindset shift is changing so much. And I think we're moving into a time where if like holes in leggings can be celebrated and be cool. And I think that's all part of the movement that I feel I'm, I'm, I'm into, obviously, you know, we know, I'm all about creating high end pieces because I want to elevate the movement and appeal to the people at the top of the fashion chain because that's how it infiltrates but I kinda it's really interesting because I would have said that I would have agreed with you like, you know, a few years ago and now I'm like, honestly, the person that came into my head was, oh my god, I'm so cool. I've kept these leggings and I've worn them so much that they've now got holes
    Played 48m 17s
  • Establish routines when you want to succeed

    20 MAY 2020 · To check my free material head over to https://janinecera.com/gifts Why is it important to establish routines to succeed? Experts estimate that the mind thinks between 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts a day. That's an average of 2500 – 3,300 thoughts per hour. That's incredible. Other experts estimate a smaller number, of 50,000. Unfortunately, most of our thoughts are negative ones. Why? This is why we are wired. Without fear, anxiety and sadness we will probably be well extinct. If you work on your goals only when you feel like, you will end up going not very far. Instead, if you establish a routine, you will work also on the days where you feel blue or unmotivated. I promise: any successful person you can think of has routines in place. They work also on bad days. How do you find the right routine for you? The best solution is to know yourself. When you know what works and what doesn't in your days, it is easier to set a routine. For example, I am the most productive and creative first thing in the morning. The middle morning I am starting to get overwhelmed and I am looking forward to have lunch. Being Italian, I love my meals so I almost never skip them. Early afternoon is where I do online training courses or I catch up on missed webinars. Early evening I do something creative and then dinner. This routine seems to be working most days during this quarantine. Evenings are usually for chilling in front of the telly.
    Played 16m 51s
  • Played 8m 31s
  • Played 10m 38s
  • Played 19m 38s
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Author Janine Cera
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