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RiversZen Today

  • RiversZen Today for Wednesday, February 27th, 2019

    27 FEB 2019 · Welcome to This Edition of RiversZen Today for Wednesday, February 27th, 2019 The news of the day: You probably woke up to snow this morning . . . it’s not supposed to last. RiversZen is open today and we look forward to seeing you. Drive safely. It could be icy until mid-morning. It’s worth the trip to class . . . if for nothing but the view. Planks will be the focus in my Core Stretch and Balance class in Astoria tonight at 5:45pm. Don’t let that deter you. We will be working through the pose breaking it apart into it’s component parts so you can work toward strengthening your weakest link. If you have questions or comments to share with the group, feel free to post them at RiversZen Online Community on Facebook or email us at info@riverszen.com or text or call 503-440-3554. Here are our classes for both studios for Wednesday: Astoria 8:00 Easy Morning Stretch with Dave Stevens 9:00 Beginning Tai Chi – Qigong for Everyone with Dave Stevens 12:10 Lunch Time Yoga with Peter von Payens 5:45 Core, Stretch and Balance with Peggy Stevens Ilwaco 10:30 Gentle Stretch with Pam Hickey 5:15 Yogalates – The Butt and Gut Class with Kim Gibbs 6:15 Smooth and Easy Stretch with Dave Stevens Full studio schedule is at www.RiversZen.com Online classes with Dave, Peggy and Kim 24/7 www.MyRiversZen.com The text of this broadcast is available below or by clicking the "more" link depending on how you accessed the podcast. You will find subscription, training, special offers and other important page links ... be sure to scroll down and check them out. Until tomorrow, Move Well, Stay Healthy and Be Happy with RiversZen. We'll talk to you then! Online Training and Courses http://MyRiversZen.com Daily Meditations http://RiversZen.com/Daily RiversZen Blog http://RiversZen.com/blog Find Schedules, Instructors Profiles, Class Descriptions and more at http://RiversZen.com Workshops http://riverszen.com/workshops-2/ RiversZen on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RiversZen/
    Played 1m 34s
  • RiversZen Today for Tuesday, February 26th, 2019

    26 FEB 2019 · Welcome to this Edition of RiversZen Today for Tuesday, February 26th, 2019 The news of the day: Yesterday in class we continued working on our plank . . . considering the option to do it against the wall, off a stability ball, bent or straight armed, with or without support under your torso. The key is to identify your weak link, whether it be your arms, wrists, torso, whatever and support it as you develop the strength to bear the weight of the pose. Moments at a time are sufficient, trying to practice it a few times a day for 10 seconds more each time. The world record plank has been increased again by George Hood at 10 hours, 10 minutes and 10 seconds. He is a retired Marine who has maintained the record for years and continues to add to the time regularly. I don’t have any aspirations for that type of challenge . . . but plank works so many muscles throughout your body. It is an amazing workout and a great way to gain strength and stability. Give it a try for a week. Include a few planks in your day. You can give it a try again tonight when you join me for Yoga for Core, Stretch and Balance in Ilwaco at 5:15 pm. Follow this link for today’s full schedule of classes. If you have questions or wish to share comments head over to our Facebook page RiversZen Online Community or email us at info@riverszen.com or call or text us at 503-440-3554. Here are our Tuesday classes for both RiversZen studios: Astoria 8:00 Easy Morning Stretch with Dave Stevens 10:30 Yoga Flow - Power Strength and Stamina with Peter von Payens 12:10 Lunch Time Yoga with Peter von Payens 4:15 Easy Stretch with Kim Gibbs is cancelled today 5:15 Yogalates – The Butt and Gut Class with Kim Gibbs 6:15 Yogalates – The Butt and Gut Class with Kim Gibbs is cancelled today Ilwaco 10:00 Pound, Move and Stretch with Dave Stevens 11:00 Smooth and Easy Stretch with Dave Stevens 12:00 Pacific Northwest Community Drum Circle 5:15 Yoga for Core, Stretch and Balance with Peggy Stevens Full Studio Schedule www.riverszen.com Online 24/7 www.MyRiversZen.com Peggy, Kim, Dave The text of this broadcast is available below or by clicking the "more" link depending on how you accessed the podcast. You will find subscription, training, special offers and other important page links ... be sure to scroll down and check them out. Until tomorrow, Move Well, Stay Healthy and Be Happy with RiversZen. We'll talk to you then. Online Training and Courses http://MyRiversZen.com Daily Meditations http://RiversZen.com/Daily RiversZen Blog http://RiversZen.com/blog Find Schedules, Instructors Profiles, Class Descriptions and more at http://RiversZen.com RiversZen on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RiversZen/
    Played 2m 27s
  • RiversZen Today for Monday, February 25th, 2019

    25 FEB 2019 · Welcome to This Edition of RiversZen Today for Monday February 25th, 2019 The news of the day: There have been some requests for a morning Yogalates class in Ilwaco. Kim can’t be there in the morning . . . other than Saturdays, of course. So, Peggy, that’s me, is going take the plunge. I have subbed before . . . and we know I love all the things that develop a healthy core. Starting next Wednesday, March 6th, I will be teaching a Yogalates class in Ilwaco at 9:00 am. I probably tend to be a bit older in my taste for music . . . maybe more Clapton, Sting, you know the vibe. I love her playlists and she does an amazing job . . . but, this is going to have more of me in the playlists. I’d also like to hear what you would like included. I’m going to start developing the playlist this week. Please share with me some of your favorites. From time to time the playlist of the day will be Clapton Chronicles as it is my favorite and when it’s plank time, he has some perfect planking rhythms. Get ready to join me on Wednesdays . . . starting next week . . . and I want to know what tunes you want to hear. Please share your questions or comments on Facebook at RiversZen Online Community, email us at info@riverszen.com or text or call us at 503-440-3554. Here are our classes for Monday at both RiversZen studios: Astoria 7:30 Qigong Walking and Forms with Donna Quinn 5:30 Kickboxing Aerobics with Peter von Payens Ilwaco 8:00 Yoga Energy Flow with Dave Stevens 9:00 Gentle Yoga Stretch Balance Alignment and Motion with Peggy Stevens 4:30 Beginning Tai Chi - Qigong for Everyone with Dave Stevens 5:15 Yogalates, The Butt and Gut Class with Kim Gibbs 6:15 Smooth and Easy Stretch with Dave Stevens Full Studio Schedule at https://RiversZen.com Online Classes with RiversZen 24/7 www.MyRiversZen.com Kim Gibbs, Peggy Stevens, Dave Stevens The text of this broadcast is available below or by clicking the "more" link depending on how you accessed the podcast. You will find subscription, training, special offers and other important page links ... be sure to scroll down and check them out. Until tomorrow, Move Well, Stay Healthy and Be Happy with RiversZen. We'll talk to you then. Online Training and Courses http://MyRiversZen.com Daily Meditations http://RiversZen.com/Daily RiversZen Blog http://RiversZen.com/blog Find Schedules, Instructors Profiles, Class Descriptions and more at http://RiversZen.com RiversZen on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RiversZen/
    Played 2m 8s
  • RiversZen Today, the weekend edition for Saturday and Sunday, February 23rd and 24th, 2019

    23 FEB 2019 · Welcome to the weekend edition of RiversZen Today for Saturday and Sunday, February 23rd and 24th, 2019 News of the day: The weekend is here. Looks like it is going to be a rainy day. A great day to stay in and do something you have been wanting to do but just never seem to find the time to do. It can be anything. A big or small project. Pick something and get it done. It can be personal such as doing your nails or giving yourself a facial or it can be bigger such as cleaning your desk or the garage. It can even be something like working on your plank or squat or some other physical challenge. I’ve been trying to improve on my jump roping skills. I was in the habit of jumping every day before we moved last year. Then I got distracted and just found my jump rope a few weeks ago. I’m pretty rusty. I don’t fret when I mess up . . . just start over. My goal is 100 jumps . . . then I’m done with that session. Each time I’m getting better. It gets my heart rate up and gives me a little energy boost throughout the day. When you get done with one task consider another. The satisfaction of finishing your tasks will give you the encouragement to attempt others. If you have questions or comments to share with our group post them to our Facebook Group page at RiversZen Online Community, email us at info@riverszen.com or text or call us at 503-440-3554. Here are our classes for both RiversZen studios for Saturday. We are closed on Sunday; but you can find an online class by heading over to www.myriverszen.com. Ilwaco 8:00 Yoga Energy Flow with Dave Stevens 9:00 Yogalates – The Butt and Gut Class with Kim Gibbs 10:00 Smooth and Easy Stretch with Dave Stevens Astoria 9:30 Beginning Floor Pilates with Peter von Payens 10:45 Yogalates – The Butt and Gut Class with Kim Gibbs Online Classes 24/7 www.MyRiversZen.com Full schedule available at www.riverszen.com The text of this broadcast is available below or by clicking the "more" link depending on how you accessed the podcast. You will find subscription, training, special offers and other important page links ... be sure to scroll down and check them out. Until Monday, Move Well, Stay Healthy and Be Happy with RiversZen. We'll talk to you then. Online Training and Courses http://MyRiversZen.com Daily Meditations http://RiversZen.com/Daily RiversZen Blog http://RiversZen.com/blog Find Schedules, Instructors Profiles, Class Descriptions and more at http://RiversZen.com RiversZen on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RiversZen/
    Played 2m 4s
  • RiversZen Today for Friday, February 22nd, 2019

    22 FEB 2019 · Welcome to This Edition of RiversZen Today for Friday, February 22nd, 2019 The news of the day: During class today we spent some time reconnecting with dolphin plank . . . certainly one of my favorite poses and a huge way to improve your core strength. The key to dolphin is identifying your weakest link and working toward strengthening that part of your body. It’s most likely that in any given class there will be students with bad shoulders, hips, legs, ankles, wrists or any number of compromised body parts. As you set yourself up for plank feel free to utilize bolsters, chairs, balls, the wall or any other prop to help you provide support for your weakest link. As you strengthen that part of your pose, you will be able to activate more tissue into a more comfortable plank. For example, if you feel a great deal of stress, pain or restriction through your shoulders, put a bolster the long way under your torso. As you rise up into the pose, breathe and come back down. As opposed to holding the pose in the up position, go up and down. You are going to activate your muscles to learn the proper form while they are in a supported posture. Over time you will feel the improved strength. Improving your core strength will allow you to realize improved posture and you will feel the strength throughout your body. I will post a video within the next week demonstrating more of the concept I briefly referenced above . . . I will let you know when it is available. Do you have issues with dolphin plank? If you do, I would love to hear from you. Feel free to post your comments on Facebook at RiversZen Online Community or email us at info@riverszen.com or text or call us at 503-440-3554. Here are our classes for Friday at both RiversZen studios: Astoria 8:00 Easy Morning Stretch with Dave Stevens 11:00 Pound, Move and Stretch with Dave Stevens Ilwaco 10:30 Gentle Stretch with Pam Hickey Full schedules available at www.riverszen.com Online 24/7 www.MyRiversZen.com The text of this broadcast is available below or by clicking the "more" link depending on how you accessed the podcast. You will find subscription, training, special offers and other important page links ... be sure to scroll down and check them out. Until tomorrow, Move Well, Stay Healthy and Be Happy with RiversZen. We'll talk to you then. Online Training and Courses http://MyRiversZen.com Daily Meditations http://RiversZen.com/Daily RiversZen Blog http://RiversZen.com/blog Find Schedules, Instructors Profiles, Class Descriptions and more at http://RiversZen.com RiversZen on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RiversZen/
    Played 2m 12s
  • RiversZen Today for Thursday, February 21st, 2019

    21 FEB 2019 · Welcome to This Edition of RiversZen Today for Thursday, February 21st, 2019 The news of the day: A good portion of my time today has been devoted to my computer. Suffice to say, that is synonymous with frustration as far as I am concerned. I guess it goes along with our topic of the week . . . connecting and reconnecting . . . that’s what our computers are, right . . . our connection to our history, our job, our family, our community and more. If it is not working as we wish, then it’s time to figure out how to reconnect . . . whether it’s through new software, cleaning house or learning more about the computer and its capabilities. We are looking for it to do more . . . whether faster or, simply, more effectively . . . much the same as we expect our body to move efficiently, without pain, as we go through our day. Here is hoping all is done within the next day or so. Wish me luck. As always feel free to share your questions or comments by posting to our Facebook Group Page at RiversZen Online Community or email us at info@riverszen.com or call or text at 503-440-3554. Here are our classes for both studios for Thursday: Astoria: 10:30 Hatha Yoga with Kathie Hobbs 12:10 Lunch Time Yoga with Peter von Payens 4:15 Easy Stretch with Kim Gibbs – Reservations Required Please 5:15 Yogalates, The Butt and Gut Class with Kim Gibbs Ilwaco: 8:00 Yoga Energy Flow with Dave Stevens 9:00 Gentle Yoga Stretch-Balance, Alignment and Motion with Peggy Stevens 5:15 Pound, Move and Stretch with Dave Stevens Full schedule is at www.riverszen.com Online 24/7: www.myriverszen.com The text of this broadcast is available below or by clicking the "more" link depending on how you accessed the podcast. You will find subscription, training, special offers and other important page links ... be sure to scroll down and check them out. Until tomorrow, Move Well, Stay Healthy and Be Happy with RiversZen. We'll talk to you then. Online Training and Courses http://MyRiversZen.com Daily Meditations http://RiversZen.com/Daily RiversZen Blog http://RiversZen.com/blog Find Schedules, Instructors Profiles, Class Descriptions and more at http://RiversZen.com RiversZen on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RiversZen/
    Played 1m 55s
  • RiversZen Today for Wednesday, February 20th, 2019

    20 FEB 2019 · Welcome to This Edition of RiversZen Today for Wednesday, February 20th, 2019 The news of the day: This week is about connections and trying to make reconnections for those body parts that don’t work like they once did. Sometimes it’s a surprise. We didn’t even know that it happened. Other times we know exactly when it happened as we witnessed it very clearly as we crashed and burned skiing down a hill or had an auto accident or any number of memorable painful experiences that can happen to each of us. The surprises are often the most difficult to process as we don’t ever remember it happening because it happened very slowly. We need to assess our body more often; but we are all busy and we don’t think about a tune-up on ourselves . . . our car, yes . . . but, ourselves . . . that’s not even something we think about. You have heard me talk about helping you create your tool box so you know how to fix your own body . . . self-assessment is part of that. You need to take the time to check your posture, move your joints, challenge your muscles. You can do it yourself or you can schedule a session with one of us . . . maybe once a quarter, maybe once a month, depending on what you find to be your challenge. You can join me in Astoria tonight at 5:45 pm and we will work through some of those body issues and attempt to reignite those connections. If you have questions or comments to share with the group, feel free to post them at RiversZen Online Community on Facebook or email us at info@riverszen.com or text or call 503-440-3554. Here are our classes for both studios for Wednesday: Astoria 8:00 Easy Morning Stretch with Dave Stevens 9:00 Beginning Tai Chi – Qigong for Everyone with Dave Stevens 11:00 Yoga Energy Flow with Dave Stevens 12:10 Lunch Time Yoga with Peter von Payens 5:45 Yoga for Core, Stretch and Balance with Peggy Stevens Ilwaco 10:30 Gentle Stretch with Pam Hickey 5:15 Yogalates – The Butt and Gut Class with Kim Gibbs 6:15 Smooth and Easy Stretch with Dave Stevens Full studio schedule is at www.RiversZen.com Online classes with Dave, Peggy and Kim 24/7 www.MyRiversZen.com The text of this broadcast is available below or by clicking the "more" link depending on how you accessed the podcast. You will find subscription, training, special offers and other important page links ... be sure to scroll down and check them out. Until tomorrow, Move Well, Stay Healthy and Be Happy with RiversZen. We'll talk to you then! Online Training and Courses http://MyRiversZen.com Daily Meditations http://RiversZen.com/Daily RiversZen Blog http://RiversZen.com/blog Find Schedules, Instructors Profiles, Class Descriptions and more at http://RiversZen.com Workshops http://riverszen.com/workshops-2/ RiversZen on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RiversZen/
    Played 2m 25s
  • RiversZen Today for Tuesday, February 19th, 2019

    19 FEB 2019 · Welcome to this Edition of RiversZen Today for Tuesday, February 19th, 2019 The news of the day: Yesterday I shared this week was all about identifying your body’s challenges and working on finding solutions. Did you start assessing yet? Have you checked your arms for backward and upward range of motion? We typically don’t have problems with forward range of motion of our arms as that is the path they are normally following. How about your legs? What does your forward fold look like? Have you visited your hamstrings and calves lately? Do your calves get angry? When you go in to a lunge are you able to keep your heels planted to the mat? Are you able to stand stall and engage your hip flexor without screaming? Are you able to twist side to side? Continue with all the motions of your body and keep note of the ones that are not easy or are any of them painful? This type of assessment is really important on a regular basis. We need to make sure we don’t always work around the limits our body is feeling. There are some limits which may be permanent if we have had a major injury; but, don’t just assume all limitations are. Challenge gently. Use various props to help your body achieve a more favorable result. Maybe use some therapy balls and/or heat. Over time you might be able to regain that range of motion. We don’t always perform the same motions and it can be a surprise when you realize you are experiencing a new limitation in your body’s abilities. Be mindful of those changes and don’t just allow them to happen as a normal sign of getting older. Be vigilant and take control before you find that your limitations are taking control of you. If you have questions or wish to share comments head over to our Facebook page RiversZen Online Community or email us at info@riverszen.com or call or text us at 503-440-3554. Here are our Tuesday classes for both RiversZen studios: Astoria 8:00 Easy Morning Stretch with Dave Stevens 10:30 Yoga Flow - Power Strength and Stamina with Peter von Payens 12:10 Lunch Time Yoga with Peter von Payens 4:15 Easy Stretch with Kim Gibbs – Reservations Required Please 5:15 Yogalates – The Butt and Gut Class with Kim Gibbs Ilwaco 10:00 Pound, Move and Stretch with Dave Stevens 11:00 Smooth and Easy Stretch with Dave Stevens 12:00 Pacific Northwest Community Drum Circle 5:15 Yoga for Core, Stretch and Balance with Peggy Stevens Full Studio Schedule www.riverszen.com Online 24/7 www.MyRiversZen.com Peggy, Kim, Dave The text of this broadcast is available below or by clicking the "more" link depending on how you accessed the podcast. You will find subscription, training, special offers and other important page links ... be sure to scroll down and check them out. Until tomorrow, Move Well, Stay Healthy and Be Happy with RiversZen. We'll talk to you then. Online Training and Courses http://MyRiversZen.com Daily Meditations http://RiversZen.com/Daily RiversZen Blog http://RiversZen.com/blog Find Schedules, Instructors Profiles, Class Descriptions and more at http://RiversZen.com RiversZen on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RiversZen/
    Played 2m 53s
  • RiversZen Today for Monday, February 18th, 2019

    18 FEB 2019 · Welcome to This Edition of RiversZen Today for Monday February 18th, 2019 The news of the day: How do you handle those things in your life that are just out of reach. I’m talking about those body parts you were easily able to connect with years ago . . . maybe it’s your toes or the middle of your shoulders or tying your shoes or how about reaching the things in the back seat of the car or on the top shelf of your closet. Have you found that your reach has become a little challenged? Let’s begin by assessing your range of motion . . . use that assessment to establish your goals. The reduction can happen over time through non-use or can be caused by an injury or abuse. How do you restore your range of motion and flexibility? Slowly and gently. We will work together this week to identify, assess and begin to restore your range of motion. Feel free to bring your questions to class. Even if your neighbors in class don’t have the same issues as you, we all will benefit from your question. Please share your questions or comments on Facebook at RiversZen Online Community, email us at info@riverszen.com or text or call us at 503-440-3554. Here are our classes for Monday at both RiversZen studios: Astoria 7:30 Qigong Walking and Forms with Donna Quinn 9:00 Yogalates – Morning Butt and Gut Workout with Kimberly Gibbs 5:30 Kickboxing Aerobics with Peter von Payens Ilwaco 8:00 Yoga Energy Flow with Dave Stevens 9:00 Gentle Yoga Stretch Balance Alignment and Motion with Peggy Stevens 4:30 Beginning Tai Chi - Qigong for Everyone with Dave Stevens 5:15 Yogalates, The Butt and Gut Class with Kim Gibbs 6:15 Smooth and Easy Stretch with Dave Stevens Full Studio Schedule at https://RiversZen.com Online Classes with RiversZen 24/7 www.MyRiversZen.com Kim Gibbs, Peggy Stevens, Dave Stevens The text of this broadcast is available below or by clicking the "more" link depending on how you accessed the podcast. You will find subscription, training, special offers and other important page links ... be sure to scroll down and check them out. Until tomorrow, Move Well, Stay Healthy and Be Happy with RiversZen. We'll talk to you then. Online Training and Courses http://MyRiversZen.com Daily Meditations http://RiversZen.com/Daily RiversZen Blog http://RiversZen.com/blog Find Schedules, Instructors Profiles, Class Descriptions and more at http://RiversZen.com RiversZen on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RiversZen/
    Played 2m 5s
  • RiversZen Today, the weekend edition for Saturday and Sunday, February 16th and 17th, 2019

    16 FEB 2019 · Welcome to the weekend edition of RiversZen Today for Saturday and Sunday, February 16th and 17th, 2019 News of the day: Those of you who have come in for a full assessment have had posture photos taken over the last few years. It might be time to come back in and get updated photos to be able to compare to that earlier date. If you have not had an assessment you might not know what posture photos are. They are nothing more than a series of photos taken of you standing against a grid or a doorway in order to be able to assess your posture. For example, one arm might appear longer than the other, your shoulder higher than the other, you might tend to lean forward or back. No one has perfect posture. Life and how we have lived it can cause us to arch our back or list to one side or an endless mix of angles. The purpose of posture photos is to document how your body presents at any point in time in order to be able to compare how you were then to how you are today. They can help us understand why you may limp or why you have headaches or any number of bodily issues. Give Peggy a call if you are ready to have updated photos taken. It would be a great time to schedule a tune-up and assess how your body has changed since those original pics. If you have never had photos taken, now would also be a great time to start the series to be able to better understand your body. If you have questions or comments to share with our group post them to our Facebook Group page at RiversZen Online Community, email us at info@riverszen.com or text or call us at 503-440-3554. Here are our classes for both RiversZen studios for Saturday. We are closed on Sunday; but you can find an online class by heading over to www.myriverszen.com. Ilwaco 8:00 Yoga Energy Flow with Dave Stevens 9:00 Yogalates – The Butt and Gut Class with Kim Gibbs 10:00 Smooth and Easy Stretch with Dave Stevens Astoria 9:30 Beginning Floor Pilates with Peter von Payens 10:45 Yogalates – The Butt and Gut Class with Kim Gibbs Online Classes 24/7 www.MyRiversZen.com Full schedule available at www.riverszen.com The text of this broadcast is available below or by clicking the "more" link depending on how you accessed the podcast. You will find subscription, training, special offers and other important page links ... be sure to scroll down and check them out. Until Monday, Move Well, Stay Healthy and Be Happy with RiversZen. We'll talk to you then. Online Training and Courses http://MyRiversZen.com Daily Meditations http://RiversZen.com/Daily RiversZen Blog http://RiversZen.com/blog Find Schedules, Instructors Profiles, Class Descriptions and more at http://RiversZen.com RiversZen on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/RiversZen/
    Played 2m 21s

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What's Happening at RiversZen Studios and RiversZen Online Today? Check this site daily to find out and make your plans PLUS Tips, Training and Events of Interest to the RiversZen Community.
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