We believe stories change lives.

Episodes & Posts
4 JUN 2021 · Pulled from our most recent At the Table virtual event on January 27, join Portia Allen, Irene Rollins, Susan Wanderer, Katie Hawkins and our very special guest Sarah Anderson around the table.
How do we live together when religion and politics tear us apart? Lean in and borrow hope today, Story community.
Portia Allen on Instagram
Irene Rollins on Instagram
Susan Wanderer on Instagram
Katie Hawkins on Instagram
Sarah Bauer Anderson on Instagram
The Space Between Us: How Jesus Teaches Us to Live Together When Politics and Religion Pull Us Apart
21 MAY 2021 · Chandra Moyer is a speaker, author, life coach, and decorated former Army officer. For three decades, she has empowered women through speaking, books, coaching, conferences, retreats, and workshops. As a survivor of incest and complex trauma, Chandra understands the obstacles women have to overcome to find freedom. Don’t miss this episode. Pull up a chair and lean into Chandra’s healing story.
For more Chandra:
Instagram @chandramoyer
Facebook Chandra Moyer
Buy Chandra’s novel, I Met Her Before: https://www.amazon.com/dp/0988240459/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_5XRCDT63CQBGA3VPBG6N
Buy Chandra’s memoir, Tragically Taken: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1591603412/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_5TWJK4X0Q2225887RZ8H
“I was able to write things in my journal that I was too ashamed to speak.”
I Met Her Before… “is an invitation into a difficult space.”
“Nothing is wasted when we give it to Him.”
“Rest is your weapon.”
“You are your Father’s joy.”
14 MAY 2021 · She’s seventeen and the third born of six with a heart-felt desire to honor God with the gift of worship. Story community, come join us at the table for more of Claire Seevers’s story!
Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity. 1Timothy 4:12
For more Claire:
Instagram @claireee.see
Facebook Claire Seevers
Watch Claire!
Visit Claire’s mom’s bakery!
“I’ve always loved worship. There’s something special about being able to encounter God through music and welcoming the Holy Spirit into your heart.”
“My desire is to know the heart of the Father. I realize it’s actually a gift He has given me. Right now, I’m on a journey how to steward that gift well.”
Mark 11:24
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
“They cultivated it and poured it out.”
I don’t think many people think their obedience plays a role in their kids’ lives, but I can tell you it does. Parent’s obedience to the Word of God absolutely influences kids!
“Stay humble. Stay prayerful. Stay intentional and keep going back to His feet time and time again.
7 MAY 2021 · She grew up the oldest child of four and the daughter of an Air Force Chaplain moving every 2-3 years. Today she’s mom to four and co-pastor of Lifepoint Church with husband Daniel Floyd. Lean in and listen in to Tammie Floyd’s story of staying faithful.
For more Tammie:
Instagram @tammiemfloyd
Watch Tammie!
Mother’s Day Message 2020 with co-pastors Bianca Olthoff & Donna Pisani
Faith, Hope & Love with Pastor Daniel Floyd
Lifepoint Church College
For more about ARC Churches:
“Let God do the things He wants to do in our lives right now so we’re ready for whatever comes next.”
“You have a week.”
1 MAY 2021 · Encouraged by the mentoring of teachers in high school, Danny Forshee’s gift for learning came alive. A few years later his heart did, too, with a new passion to share the Gospel. Surrendering to this new life, he focused on an accelerated path of learning to prepare him to share Jesus and preach Scripture to people who’ve never heard it before. Lean in today and listen to Dr. Danny Forshee’s story of purpose.
For more Dr. Danny:
Instagram @forsheedanny
Facebook Dr. Danny Forshee
Twitter @dannyforshee
To sign up for Danny’s Daily Devotionals:
Dr. Danny's podcast:
REvangelical: Rethinking Christian Living
Want to read or download the Romans 15:13 sermon manuscript?
“It’s God’s Word, and oh, I’ve seen it change peoples’ lives from death to life—and the growth and sustenance it gives!”
“The greatest gift a mom can give their preschoolers right now is reading and praying the Scriptures over them.”
23 APR 2021 · Nancy grew up in southern California and graduated from Point Loma University before moving to Minnesota with her husband, John. She has worked in women’s ministry, mentored young women and written articles for multiple publications. Nancy loves to travel, has been on 15 worldwide mission trips; and loves to read, laugh and spend time with friends. Join us today as she shares her story and all about her new book “Back Away from the Cookies: And Other Stuff You Should Know.”
Buy Nancy’s book here (or follow the link on her Instagram)! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08RYCLRCY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_GGR4PYVV37XZPPJ945BC
For more Nancy:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nancyholte/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BackAwayFromTheCookies
Website: http://www.nancyholte.com/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/nancyholte
“That’s just the way I like it.”
“If you have a dream that God has placed on your heart, share it with 2 or 3 people. They will hold you accountable.”
“God is crazy about you.”
16 APR 2021 · Counselor, case manager, program administrator, researcher, mentor and life coach—Tabatha Perry has worn many hats, and in each role, loved problem solving to help people achieve their goals, from big ones to small. Join us as we listen in to her story and celebrate her adventurous spirit and heart for people to find freedom.
For more Tabatha:
Instagram @tabathaperrylifecoach
Facebook Tabatha Perry, Life Coach
YouTube Tabatha Perry
Watch Tabatha!
Order Living Forward here: https://www.amazon.com/Living-Forward-audiobook/dp/B01BX2ERX4
Info on Young Lives: https://younglives.younglife.org/
“I could affirm who they were and not what they did.”
“You are not defined by your choices. You can choose to step out of your prison.”
“What was it that God put in your heart when you were a child?”
“You are not defined by your choices. You can choose to step out of your prison.”
“What was it that God put in your heart when you were a child?”
“If God is calling you to something, 1. Be obedient. 2. Do it. He will provide the time and the wisdom.”
“Our world is so big but God is bigger.”
9 APR 2021 · Sharon Garlough Brown is an author, spiritual director, speaker and cofounder of Abiding Way Ministries, an organization providing spiritual retreats and growth rooted in Scripture and the practices of believers throughout history. As a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, she’s served on the pastoral staff in churches in America and Europe and most recently in Michigan where she co-pastored with her husband Jack for many years. She’s with us today to share what she’s learned along the way and all about her Sensible Shoes and Shades of Light book series.
To buy Sensible Shoes:
For more Sharon:
Instagram @sharongarloughbrown
Facebook Sharon Garlough Brown
Facebook Sensible Shoes
Some articles about Sharon:
Want more books by Sharon?
Portia’s mention: Hinds Feet on High Places. https://www.amazon.com/dp/1496424670/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_XJCXSN6FP4PNFC72T0SN
“Whatever I have been able to do it’s been because the Lord has done. It’s my own weakness where His strength has been made perfect. And that’s the heart of my story.”
“The Lord delivered me from my assumption that my faithfulness and obedience guarantees His goodness.”
“My heart is to find our rest in the love of God.” Ephesians 3:14-21
2 APR 2021 · In 2016, Catherine Poss, a cardiac care traveling nurse and her husband Kendall of 15 months masterfully packed all their belongings and set off from Houston for a road trip to Catherine’s new assignment in California. Filled with hope, little did she know that in a few days later on a highway in Arizona at 9:40 in the evening she would be on the phone with a 911 dispatch after watching her husband leave this world. Join us as we walk with Catherine through her journey through grief, loss and the making of all things new.
If you want to reach out to Catherine, shoot her an email! poss.catherine@gmail.com
Read Catherine’s story again on her blog: https://mylittlebluedotcom.wordpress.com/
Read Sarah Bessey’s blog on God’s sovereignty: https://www.sarahbessey.com/essays/resistance
For more info on EMDR Therapy: https://www.emdria.org/about-emdr-therapy/
Buy the Jesus Storybook Bible! https://www.amazon.com/Jesus-Storybook-Bible-Every-Whispers/dp/0310708257
“Do not gloss over the little griefs.”
“Grief is not your name. Trauma is not your name. This will always be a part of your story but this is not who you are.”
“God is not causative. He is redemptive. He is making all things new.”
“Death is not the most important part of the story. The power of God with us co-laboring towards healing will make all the sad stories come untrue.”
26 MAR 2021 · Has God given you a dream? One so big, so out of reach that you can give a thousand reasons why it can never come to fruition? Motivation might be low, money tight and life busy but push through your procrastinations and keep the result in mind. There’s something beautiful waiting to be born.
“Graveyards are full of callings that people never got around to answering—procrastination is that cunning of a thief. It steals time. It tells us that we can put things off, so the perfect moment may never come,” says today’s guest Marsha DuCille. Pull up a chair as Marsha shares her story and her new book Called to Inspire with us.
For more Marsha:
Instagram #calledmagazine
Facebook CALLEDworldwide
Book video: https://www.tyndale.com/authors/marsha-ducille/3883
We believe stories change lives.
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Organization | She Speaks Stories |
Categories | Religion & Spirituality |
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shespeaksstories@gmail.com |
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