Inside you will find the bizarre, paranormal, spiritual, strange, and anything otherworldly. I interview authors, researchers, professionals, and experiencers in the field of the paranormal weekly.

Episodes & Posts
23 SEP 2022 · In this episode, my guest is Ms. Margo The Bone Reader. Ms. Margo is 1/2 Chippewa Native Indian, 1/4 Ottawa, 1/4 Mayan, and Aztec. She is a Seer/Clairvoyant/Medium/Advisor for her clan and there are ONLY four who are chosen every 100years across all native tribes.
She is guided by words, images, visions, dreams, dates, names, and numbers. along with this, she can pick up on feelings from the individual that she is reading, as well as their friends, family, pets, people from beyond, angels, spirit, and much more. When doing a reading, she uses animal bones and stones passed down through generations, a beaver skin, and American Indian Tarot Cards.
16 SEP 2022 · In this episode, I welcome back Paranormal Author Anna Maria Manalo.
Anna is the author of 4 books Portal: A Lifetime of Paranormal Experiences, The Way Through The Woods: A Child’s Escape Through the Haunted Forests of WWII Germany, Haunted Heirlooms, and the upcoming Unholy Structure. During her research, she has traveled to over 27 countries amassing witness encounters with the macabre, the unknown.
Anna's Links:
Dreamland Links:
9 SEP 2022 · Eleanor Wagner is the author of 4 books: Sussex County Hauntings 1 and 2, Warren County Hauntings, and Dream A Little Dream. She is also the host of 2 podcasts: Eleanor Wagner's
Strange and Scary World, and Eleanor Wagner's
Creepin' It Reel!
Along with this, she is the founder and lead investigator for The Lady Ghostbusters Paranormal Team. Her team is available to conduct professional paranormal investigations at private residences and businesses. The Team's Mission Statement has always been to help people -- and the ghosts they encounter so that they are all acknowledged and any situation can be comfortably resolved.
Eleanor's Links:
Dreamland Links:
2 SEP 2022 · Constance Victoria Briggs is a metaphysical, spiritual, cosmic researcher and writer. She is the author of, The Encyclopedia of Angels, Encyclopedia of God, The Encyclopedia of the Unseen World, and The Encyclopedia of Moon Mysteries. She has been invited as a guest speaker on several radio shows discussing such topics as angels, extraterrestrials, ancient aliens, life after death, after-death communication, out-of-body experiences, Moon mysteries, and more.
In this episode, Constance and I talk about strange moon sightings and phenomena, along with conspiracy theories and other mysteries of the moon.
Constance's Links:
Dreamland Links:
26 AUG 2022 · My guest this episode is Bruce Orr.
Bruce is a retired homicide investigator, author, historian, legend junky, and the owner of Lost In Legend Tours.
Along with this, Bruce is also a master diver/research diver, paranormal researcher, and a consultant to popular television shows such as: Ghost Adventures, Ghost Hunters, My Ghost Story, and Ghost Brothers.
In this episode Bruce and I discuss the haunted history our hometowns of Charleston and Summerville South Carolina along with some crazy evidence that Bruce has collected while researching the USS Yorktown as well as evidence of underwater spirits.
Bruce's Links:
Dreamland Links:
Merch Store- https://somewhere-in-dreamland-podcast.creator-spring.com/
19 AUG 2022 · In this episode I speak with the Co-host of "Exploring Our Secret Past" and paranormal investigator Michael Kopf.
Michael has investigated many locations in Texas including the extremely haunted Fort Wolters, along with many other hotspots all over the US including the Grand Canyon. We discuss Michael's evolution into the paranormal and the equipment that he uses, his new Youtube show, and the influence that popular paranormal television programming has on the modern day investigation.
Michaels Links:
Dreamland Links:
Merch Store- https://somewhere-in-dreamland-podcast.creator-spring.com/
12 AUG 2022 · In this episode I speak with Professor Robert Guffey a 32nd degree Scottish Freemason, Professor of English at California State University, and Conspiracy Theory Analyst, about his books "Chameleo: A Strange but True Story of Invisible Spies, Heroin Addiction, and Homeland Security" as well as "Operation Mindfuck: QAnon and the Cult of Donald Trump".
Chameleo is a true account of what happened in a seedy Southern California town when an enthusiastic and unrepentant heroin addict named Dion Fuller sheltered a U.S. Marine who’d stolen night vision goggles and perhaps a few top secret files from a nearby military base.
Dion found himself arrested (under the ostensible auspices of The Patriot Act) for conspiring with international terrorists to smuggle Top Secret military equipment out of Camp Pendleton. The fact that Dion had absolutely nothing to do with international terrorists, smuggling, Top Secret military equipment, or Camp Pendleton didn’t seem to bother the military. He was released from jail after a six-day-long Abu-Ghraib-style interrogation. Subsequently, he believed himself under intense government scrutiny — and, he suspected, the subject of bizarre experimentation involving “cloaking”— electro-optical camouflage so extreme it renders observers practically invisible from a distance of some meters — by the Department of Homeland Security. Hallucination? Perhaps — except Robert Guffey, an English teacher and Dion’s friend, tracked down and interviewed one of the scientists behind the project codenamed “Chameleo,” experimental technology which appears to have been stolen by the U.S. Department of Defense and deployed on American soil. More shocking still, Guffey discovered that the DoD has been experimenting with its newest technologies on a number of American citizens
Operation Minduck:
Mind control. Satanic rituals. Unspeakable sexual perversions. Supervillains eating children’s brains. A divine mandate to keep Donald Trump in the White House, no matter what.
This surreal combination of horror-movie shocks and fascist marching orders is the signature of QAnon, which emerged from the dark corners of the internet in 2017 and soon became the galvanizing force behind Trump supporters, both during Trump’s presidency and in the volatile, ongoing aftermath of the 2020 election. But despite the strange pervasiveness of QAnon, its origins remain obscure. Who is behind QAnon’s messaging, and what do they want? And why do they pair their extreme political agenda with such obviously made-up, phantasmagorical beliefs?
In Operation Mindfuck, Robert Guffey argues that this is not as mysterious as QAnon’s anonymous “drops” of cryptic directives seemed. Drawing on an encyclopedic knowledge of conspiracy theories and mixing deep-dive research, political analysis, and firsthand notes from QAnon’s underbelly, Guffey insists that we’ve seen it all before.
Unraveling QAnon’s patchwork quilt of recycled material, from pulp-fiction spook stories to Hunter S. Thompson-style pranksterism to Nixon-esque dirty tricks, Guffey diagnoses QAnon as a highly engineered ploy, calibrated to capture the attention and lock-step loyalty of its audience. Will its followers ever realize that they’ve been had? Can this new American religion be dispelled as a cult like any other? The answers, Operation Mindfuck reveals, are hidden in plain sight.
Robert's Links
Website: http://cryptoscatology.com/
Dreamland Links:
Website: https://dreamlandpodcast.weebly.com/
Merch Store: https://somewhere-in-dreamland-podcast.creator-spring.com/
Bumper Music:
A Date With Death
By Johnny Maltos
5 AUG 2022 · In this episode my guest is Rodney M. Cluff.
Rodney, became interested in the Hollow Earth Theory at the age of 16 while working on a New Mexico farm where the farm manager told the workers of the theory.
Later in life, Rodney acquired a copy of Raymond Bernard's book "The Hollow Earth" which set him in motion on many years of writing and research about the subject.
Rodney now believes that he has uncovered enough scientific and scriptural evidence to prove this theory true.
Rodney's Links:
Dreamland Merch Store:
Bumper Music:
A Date With Death
Johnny Maltos
29 JUL 2022 · In this episode my guests are Author/Researcher Preston Dennett and Dolly Safran to discuss Preston's latest book "Symmetry: A True UFO Adventure" which tells Dolly's story of being a lifelong contactee.
Dolly's journey, she says, began at the age of 10 months old when she remembers seeing a bright light that began to levitate her out of her crib. In the following years Dolly would come to terms with the fact that she had abilities that other people didn't. Then one night at the age of 14 Dolly gazed out of the window of her Florida home to witness a UFO drop from the sky and hover in her backyard. Little did she know that she would soon be on an adventure of the extraterrestrial kind that still continues to this day.
Preston's Links:
Symmetry Book Link:
Dolly's Links:
Bumper Music:
Name: Omnipotent
By: Lemon Mishap
22 JUL 2022 · In this episode my guest is Jordan Cline the host of "Fireside Paranormal Podcast".
Jordan, has been interested in the paranormal since he was a child. Later, he joined his cousin on a paranormal investigation that got results and Jordan's full attention. This pushed him further down the rabbit hole and into investigating, broadcasting, paranormal consulting, and ultimately to the birth of the "Fireside Paranormal Podcast"
Jordan and I discuss theories, little known cases (like Bashful Billy), the strangeness of the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley regions, our own personal Mothman stories, and a ton more!
Jordan's Links:
Inside you will find the bizarre, paranormal, spiritual, strange, and anything otherworldly. I interview authors, researchers, professionals, and experiencers in the field of the paranormal weekly.
Author | WNIP Productions |
Organization | Ken Mark |
Categories | Society & Culture |
Website | dreamlandpodcast.weebly.com |
somedreamland@gmail.com |
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