5 FEB 2023 · CENSOR DESANTIS IS HERE TO PROTECT US . . . AGAIN! Governor DeSantis Plans to Hold Higher Ed Captive, The Florida College System Presidents Remove DEI, CRT, and Personal Identity from Public Colleges and Universities Across Florida as of February 1, 2023. WHAT:   When it comes to protecting and promoting human rights it is heinous what is happening in the State of Florida's already severely comprised culture. Day 5 of the removal of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Programs, Critical Race Theory and its foundations, and Identity from public colleges and universities in the State of Florida, per the February 1, 2023, deadline announced by The Florida College Systems Council of Presidents. The Florida College System Presidents ought to be held accountable for these violations and reverse their efforts before any more damages are done.  Instead of admonishing, sanctioning, and demanding the the FCS Presidents overturn their discriminatory actions, Governor DeSantis has announced, the "Civil Discourse and Intellectual Freedom" bill that will be proposed this upcoming legislative session, Spring 2023.  WHO:      Students, professors, employees, administrators, or community members who are involved with any of the dozens of colleges and universities in the state of Florida experiencing this shutdown and want to talk about it. Â