The Brother Leon show tackles controversial and taboo issues that effect the African American Church Body and community. We are dedicated to creating a place where faith and activism meet.

Episodes & Posts
6 JAN 2025 · All good things must come to an end.
This last episode of The Brother Leon Show focuses on the importance of family.
18 APR 2024 · In today's society there are many voices and opinions of what men are and what they should be.
However a lot of people who make those statements and have those opinions aren't men, and some of those people didn't have the privilege of having an authoritative male presence growing up in the home.
We have so many narratives that whatever side of arguments you side with in regards to manhood, there will always be the question, What is a man?
We've now entered into a new sphere of manhood where these men have formed a bond around a movement called, Drizzle Drizzle.
These men are turning the dating culture upside down.
These men refuse to accept the demands that some women use as preference, standards, and boundaries. They've taken some of the exact same words arguments and criticisms and turned it into satire to make women look at themselves through the eyes of men.
Some women don't like it and will not be accountable, but these men aren't changing or folding.
I applaud them for their decisions and moral compass. Long live the Drizzle Drizzle movement.
28 FEB 2024 · Couples at one point ask the question,
What Are We Doing?
The question signifies that there is a need for clarity and direction.
There isn't a relationship on the planet that exists between people that exempts them from work in that relationship and for that relationship.
People try to cut corners by cheating only to realize that the work they are trying to avoid must be done at some point.
Cheating never yields trust.
You can only build with people continuously if you trust them.
18 FEB 2024 · Biblical reconciliation is a lie when used as a solution for the problem of racism in and outside the church.
When you look at the definition of reconciliation, the question must be asked, When were white people ever friends with black people?
The bible is pro slavery and christian's try to describe it as being a righteous social service.
It was bloody then in the old testament and new.
It was bloody in 1619, and it is bloody still today.
The only difference is it has taken an invisible form and has changed it's language and movements.
How can you have reconciliation without relationship and recognition?
We can't Jesus our way out this without telling the truth about the lie of reconciliation.
It is a misplaced doctrine to keep people misinformed and misguided about the truth of slavery when the bible is pro slavery.
1 NOV 2023 · The new path for those who are looking to make sense of the Christian world and walk have come to see what has been familiar, no longer serves them.
The new path for some is called a path of deconstruction.
Deconstruction is a life and process of unlearning christian practices that have been questionable, but also doesn't serve the christian.
LaShaon Brooks is a former pastor, currently an entrepreneur, life coach, author, and content creator.
She is also a deconstructionist.
We will hear her story of why she left the church and embraced a life that now serves her, and the community at large.
She blazed a new path to create a new life outside of church as we know it.
Listen to this phenomenal gift from God.
LaShaon Brooks!
19 JUN 2023 · African spirituality is apart of us as a nation of black people and people of color.
However why is there so much misinformation and misunderstanding surrounding the practices?
We have Kharla Jean of
Wayom Tribe to answer the questions about African spirituality, and in particular the practice of Vodou.
Our history isn't just the Christian traditions only.
We need to look at our history as a whole.
We need to see those who practice different spiritual systems than ours as apart of us collectively.
We need not to fear our brothers and sisters, but understand why they practice their beliefs, and how it helps them in their everyday life.
The one thing that we must do is not to vilify or demonize others because of their heritage, history, and beliefs.
For too long we have held onto our prejudices and have mislabeled people because of our religious values and convictions.
Somehow we forgot to see people for who they are, and have missed a rich tradition that is us.
Instead we put the focus on what they do, what they believe, and where they come from.
We miss so much by not celebrating difference.
Seek to be a safe place for people in your belief system and life.
Be the bridge and not the barrier.
7 JUN 2023 · As we begin our new season we look at Christianity close up.
Is it a system of indoctrinated fear put upon people?
Or is it the thing that will free a person in every aspect of their lives?
In my search I look at God and Satan as forms of energy.
So as a human being you are created to be a vessel that will house and express the God energy or the Satanic energy.
Our bodies are referenced as temples and houses that will house either God and HIS Holy Spirit or Satan and his wicked spirits.
What energy will you yield to?
Will your salvation be one of fear or one based in love?
If there was no Devil or Hell would you still serve God?
Don't allow your belief and faith to be Scarevation.
10 MAY 2023 · We have to be careful as content creators and especially women who promote the upliftment of black men.
Social media seems to be okay with the narrative of toxic black masculinity, the effeminatization, and emasculation of black men and boys.
The men and women who fight against the narratives, the tropes, stereotypes, and labels are under attack and their voices being diminished or canceled.
There is a systematic attack to destroy the black family and we need to wake up and see it or we will become extinct and obsolete.
8 APR 2023 · Sometimes you have to declare, I'm
over it now.
8 APR 2023 · To wrap up this season Brother Leon is candid about his personal struggle overcoming the stigma of divorce and healing from it.
No matter what you can heal from breakups and divorce.
The Brother Leon show tackles controversial and taboo issues that effect the African American Church Body and community. We are dedicated to creating a place where faith and activism meet.
Author | Brother Leon |
Organization | Brother Leon |
Categories | Society & Culture |
Website | - |
brotherleon@comcast.net |
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