Hosted by Mattie Lasiter and Ashleigh Teeter, siblings who were separated for more than 25 years due to the shadow of their shared past. Their father, a charismatic but enigmatic...
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Hosted by Mattie Lasiter and Ashleigh Teeter, siblings who were separated for more than 25 years due to the shadow of their shared past.
Their father, a charismatic but enigmatic figure, led a cult that consumed the lives of its members, leaving their family torn apart and forbidden from contact.
They have reunited to share their journey with you while unravelling the haunting tales of cults from around the world, shedding light on the warning signs that can help prevent others from falling into their grasp.
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Their father, a charismatic but enigmatic figure, led a cult that consumed the lives of its members, leaving their family torn apart and forbidden from contact.
They have reunited to share their journey with you while unravelling the haunting tales of cults from around the world, shedding light on the warning signs that can help prevent others from falling into their grasp.
The Cult Next Door
The Cult Next Door
11 SEP 2024 · Teaser for a Patreon exclusive episode available at
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4 SEP 2024 · In the Season 2 finale of The Cult Next Door Podcast, titled "Survivors," Ashleigh and Mattie take a moment to reflect on the impact of their podcast. They read heartfelt letters and reviews from listeners who share how the stories and discussions have affected their lives. This episode serves as a powerful reminder of the podcast's mission and the community it has built, bringing Season 2 to a meaningful close.
 #podcast #truecrimepodcast #cultsurvivor #spiritualabuse #religiousabuse #exvangelical #cultstories #applepodcasts #spotifypodcast #podcastrecommendation #religioustrauma #cultnextdoor #truecrimecommunity #podcastersofinstagram #escapecult #survivorstories #healingjourney #mentalhealthawareness #deconstructingfaith #churchabuse
28 AUG 2024 · In Episode 43 of The Cult Next Door Podcast, titled "Guardians of Purity," Jessica Lasiter concludes her story for Season 2. She recounts her difficult exit from Crusade Church, her return after 5.5 years, and the alarming red flags she began to notice. Jessica describes the troubling new dynamics between the Pastor and certain members, which only grew more intense as "The Love Move" took hold. This episode offers a powerful reflection on Jessica's journey and the unsettling changes within the church that led to her final departure.
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21 AUG 2024 · In Episode 42 of The Cult Next Door Podcast, titled "Den of Wolves," Jessica Lasiter continues her gripping story, detailing the events leading up to her decision to leave Crusade Church in 2013. Jessica shares the growing realization of the toxic environment she was in, describing how the church, once her sanctuary, had become a "den of wolves." This episode delves into the final moments that pushed her to break free from the cult and reclaim her life.
#TrueCrime #CultSurvivor #Podcast #ExposingTheTruth #SpiritualAbuse #MindControl #SurvivorStories #BreakingFree #EscapeTheCult #ReligiousTrauma #TrueStory #MentalHealth #CrusadeChurch #AbuseAwareness #NarrativePodcast #PersonalJourney #PsychologicalThriller #EndOfTheCult #CourageToLeave #SpreakerPodcasts
14 AUG 2024 · In Episode 41 of The Cult Next Door Podcast, titled "On an Island," Jessica Lasiter recounts the intense 40 Days & 40 Nights involving Chelsie and Mattie, and the turbulent aftermath. As Chelsie ultimately decides to leave Crusade Church, Jessica reflects on the isolation she felt, describing how she was left to fend for herself, feeling like she was "on an island" alone. This episode offers a poignant look at the emotional fallout and the challenges of standing alone in a fractured community.
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7 AUG 2024 · In Episode 40 of The Cult Next Door Podcast Mattie and Ashleigh are joined by their sister-in-law Jessica Lasiter. Jessica shares her unique perspective on growing up within the Crusade Church cult, offering an intimate look at the challenges and experiences of living under the influence of the group's teachings from a young age. Her story provides a compelling exploration of the impact of the cult on her childhood and development, shedding light on the complexities of life within Crusade Church.
#thecultnextdoor #podcast #truecrime #cults #cultawareness #truecrimecommunity #crimepodcast #realstories #survivorstories #mindcontrol #darkhistory #cultlife #truecrimeaddict #psychologicalthriller #mystery #cultleaders #brainwashing #cultstories #unsolvedmysteries #spooky
31 JUL 2024 · In Episode 39 of The Cult Next Door Podcast, titled "Limitless," Liz returns to share pivotal moments that marked the decline of Crusade Church and her eventual departure. She recounts the unraveling of the cult, highlighting the critical events and revelations that exposed the group's true nature. As Liz reflects on the end of the church and its disintegration, she provides a compelling narrative of liberation and the courage it took to leave behind a life of control and manipulation.
#CultNextDoor #Podcast #ExCultMember #CrusadeChurch #TheLoveMove #EndOfTheCult #BreakingFree #SpiritualAbuse #CultSurvivor #ExposingTheTruth #CourageToLeave #CultStories #LifeAfterCult #EscapingControl #TrueStory
24 JUL 2024 · In Episode 38 of The Cult Next Door Podcast, titled "End Time Training," Mattie's wife, Liz, joins the podcast to share her insights and experiences with "The Love Move" within Crusade Church. As a previous guest, Liz delves into the intense indoctrination and manipulative tactics disguised as spiritual preparation for the end times. Her perspective sheds light on the personal impact of "The Love Move" and the challenges of navigating life within the cult. This episode offers a compelling and personal look into the unsettling practices of Crusade Church.
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17 JUL 2024 · In Episode 37 of The Cult Next Door Podcast, titled "Spilling The Tea" hosts Ashleigh and Mattie take a break from storytelling to answer listener-submitted questions about the podcast and the captivating narratives shared so far. They provide insights, behind-the-scenes details, and personal reflections, offering a deeper understanding of the experiences and revelations discussed throughout Season 2. This engaging Q&A session gives listeners an opportunity to connect with the hosts and gain a richer perspective on the stories that have unfolded.
10 JUL 2024 · In the final installment of Blake Moorer's harrowing journey, Episode 36 of The Cult Next Door Podcast, titled "The Immature Bride," Blake delves into the decisive events that ultimately led to his departure from Crusade Church. Blake recounts how the increasingly graphic Song of Solomon-based language used to describe "The Love Move" pushed the movement to new extremes.
The episode also highlights the escalating intensity of the Pastor's relationship with an unmarried younger woman, whom he claimed embodied the "immature bride." This disturbing development, combined with the growing discomfort and alarm within Blake's family, spurred them to break free from the cult's grip.
Blake shares the pivotal moments of clarity and courage that empowered him and his family to escape the manipulative control of the Pastor and reclaim their lives. "The Immature Bride" offers a powerful conclusion to Blake's story, highlighting the strength and resilience required to leave a life of indoctrination and find freedom.
#cults #truecrime #podcast #crimepodcast #cultstories #mystery #investigativejournalism #mindcontrol #psychologicalmanipulation #cultleaders #escapefromcults #cultsurvivorstories #brainwashing #religiouscults #darksecrets #dangerousgroups #reallifecults #cultexperiences #deprogramming #cultrecovery
Hosted by Mattie Lasiter and Ashleigh Teeter, siblings who were separated for more than 25 years due to the shadow of their shared past. Their father, a charismatic but enigmatic...
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Hosted by Mattie Lasiter and Ashleigh Teeter, siblings who were separated for more than 25 years due to the shadow of their shared past.
Their father, a charismatic but enigmatic figure, led a cult that consumed the lives of its members, leaving their family torn apart and forbidden from contact.
They have reunited to share their journey with you while unravelling the haunting tales of cults from around the world, shedding light on the warning signs that can help prevent others from falling into their grasp.
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Their father, a charismatic but enigmatic figure, led a cult that consumed the lives of its members, leaving their family torn apart and forbidden from contact.
They have reunited to share their journey with you while unravelling the haunting tales of cults from around the world, shedding light on the warning signs that can help prevent others from falling into their grasp.
Author | The Cult Next Door |
Organization | Mattie C. Lasiter |
Categories | True Crime , Religion & Spirituality , Christianity |
Website | | |
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