A podcast where 4 guys talk about current events and pop culture in a comical yet serious way. Now fire away and hit play!

Episodes & Posts
11 SEP 2020 · The squad is back and you can tell we missed each other. From orange skies in San Fran, tinder tales, WAP and everything in between...Tune In!
28 JUL 2020 · Five months into the Covid-19 pandemic and the coronavirus is showing no signs of slowing down. Between social distancing, working from home, and quarantine schooling, the Squad hasn’t fired up many podcasts in 2020. Fret not, the Squadron is back with a shelter-in-place check-in from the Carolinas to Atlanta to the Bay. We say all that to say, wear a freaking mask! And arrest the murders of Breonna Taylor. We back.
9 JUN 2020 · The country and world as we know it is in turmoil, not just because of COVID-19, but because of the United States’ original virus and sin called racism. The squad reunites to discuss the inhumane and shocking death of George Floyd and how the viral video and recent killing of an unarmed Black man had shaken our nation with outrage, protests, riots and demands for police reform from coast to coast. Is this our breaking point as a society? Or just the tipping point of an uprising? Tune in. ✊🏾 #RIPBigFloyd #BlackLivesMatter
15 MAY 2020 · It’s week fiftyleven of the pandemic and the Squad reunites to catch up on everything: Tinder Tales, COVID-19, PPP, PPE, working from home, The Last Dance, Insecure and national news. We also discuss the latest of what seems to be never-ending stories of racial injustice. African-Americans continue to die at an alarming rate from coronavirus as well as at the hands of the police and armed civilians. #saytheirnames #AhmaudArbery #SeanReed #BreonnaTaylor #BlackLivesMatter
28 APR 2020 · The Firing Squad catches up during the NFL Draft, a month into their Coronavirus isolation, and talks all things quarantine, Jordan, Tiger King, Tinder-Tales from home, and the infamous IG Live music battles. Though boredom is beginning to take a toll, there’s been a lot to keep us entertained. Tune in as we discuss it all, and what’s next with dat ‘Rona. 😷🔥🎙 #firingsquadpodcast #verzuz #TeddyRiley #Babyface #datRona
19 MAR 2020 · The Firing Squad is BACK! It literally took a worldwide pandemic to get us on the air again, but we here! Join us as we discuss all that’s happened since our last episode during Homecoming...Democratic Presidential candidates, the shocking passing and legacy of Kobe Bryant, and of course, dat ‘Rona rocking the markets, nation and planet. The Squad weighs in on it all and so much more. Tune in! 🔥🎙 #firingsquadpodcast #MambaForever #LongLiveCrow #BidenvsBernie #Coronavirus #shitisreal #Coronapocalypse
5 NOV 2019 · You know your Homecoming is lit when... 😳😬🤭🤔 Is it ever that serious? Apparently so! Not only did some of the Firing Squad witness USC Homecoming attendees jump barbed wire fences, they also climbed under them, and many fashionably late (or those without $5 cash or a wristband) were maced when illegally entering the gates. Say what you want about PWIs, but this might be a first! Tune in tomorrow as the Brown, Rope & ACG recap the weekend! The Firing Squad Podcast, WE BACK! 🔥🎙🔥🎙 #USCHomecoming #uofschomecoming #Gamecocks
22 AUG 2019 · After a brief summer hiatus, the kids are headed back to school and The Firing Squad is back on the mic! 🔥🎙 ACG opens up the discussion with a Bay Area edition of Tinder Tales and the group debates the highly divisive Kaepernick vs. Jay Z & NFL debacle. Lastly, the debating continues as the Squad weighs in on the chicken sammich wars that Popeyes beefed up during Twitter this week. Did ACG successfully dodge a Nigerian scammer? Is Hov a hypocritical sell out? Has the infamous Chick-fil-A #1 finally been dethroned? Find out on the next episode of The Firing Squad Podcast! WE BACK!
23 MAY 2019 · Game of Loans
The Squad is back before summer begins but Winter is here! 😂 The guys finally find out if ACG successfully dropped Tall Nupe during Tinder Tales then weigh in on the box braids debate. The Squad also shares their favorite TV series and if Game of Thrones made it into their Top 5, Billionaire Robert F. Smith’s recent gift to the 2019 Morehouse graduating class and ACG reveals the details of her own student loan payoff and two-year debt-free journey! 🔥🎙
7 MAY 2019 · With the untimely death of filmmaker and cinematic legend, John Singleton, the Squad discuss the impact of Boyz N The Hood on their childhoods, the movie industry and culture. The trio also debate their top five black movies of all time, soundtracks, and iconic actors and actresses still influencing the entertainment industry today.
A podcast where 4 guys talk about current events and pop culture in a comical yet serious way. Now fire away and hit play!
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