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The Hump Day Motivation Podcast

  • Your Goal Don’t Give A Damn About Your Excuses

    6 SEP 2023 · In this powerful episode, I'll be your guide, Brandon L. Draper, leading you on a journey to eradicate excuses and confront your fears head-on. You'll gain a deeper understanding of why our goals don’t give a hoot about our excuses and how the fear of failure, not the desire for success, is what pushes most people. We'll navigate the difficult terrain of distinguishing between being hurt and being injured in business, and explore the tricky road of accepting harsh truths. We'll ignite the power within you by focusing on consistency, highlighting its significant role in achieving your ambitions. This episode is a wake-up call, a plea for you to turn a deaf ear to naysayers, and a rallying cry to become a creator in the business world. You'll uncover the importance of risk-taking, even when fear is a constant companion, and the value of investing in yourself. Here, you'll discover that perseverance is not an option, but rather a prerequisite to success. So, step in, start fighting for your dreams, and remember, it's never too late to succeed.
    Played 21m 47s
  • Confronting an Ugly Reality: Why Fathers are Leaving

    18 JAN 2023 · In today's podcast, we will be exploring the complex and sensitive topic of fathers who feel ashamed or embarrassed as a result of something that their significant other or family members have said to their children. This issue is all too common yet often overlooked in the media and society at large. We will discuss how this can lead to serious consequences for the father-child relationship, including possible legal issues. When it comes to communication between family members, fathers often play a sensitive role. Fathers can feel ashamed when their significant other or other family members say something negative about them to their children. This podcast will focus on instances of this kind of family conflict, exploring the various ways in which fathers might respond and the psychological and legal consequences that may result. Fathers are often seen as a strong and uncompromising figures in a family. But what happens when fathers are faced with the shame of having their significant other or family members speak negatively about them to their children?
    Played 26m 1s
  • Daily News with a 'Kick' of Motivation

    18 JAN 2023 · Welcome to this podcast episode dedicated to late-breaking news and motivation! This episode is designed to provide everyone with a brief, ten-minute overview of the latest headlines, as well as some helpful advice on how to stay motivated for the rest of the week. Whether it’s current events that you need to be aware of, or simply inspiration to help keep you going until Friday, we’re here for you. It's no secret that staying up-to-date with the news can be difficult. With our busy lives, it can feel like there just isn't enough time in the day to keep ourselves informed. This podcast episode is here to help! In this ten-minute brief, you will get all of the latest breaking news while also being motivated to carry through the rest of your week. From national affairs and politics right down to local events and happenings, this podcast provides it all. This episode is sponsored by https://www.SerebroWeb.com
    Played 10m 42s
  • Weekend News Edition

    14 JAN 2023 · Are you ready to move forward with your goals and dreams? Start Thinking Forward is the perfect newscast for you. This show brings you news from around the world, as well as stories of success right in your own backyard.  You can trust that this newscast will bring you timely and reliable news on events big and small. Not only that, but you'll get an inspiring dose of entrepreneurial stories too - people just like you making their dreams a reality! From breaking news to business tips, Start Thinking Forward has it all.  So don't miss out - tune in now and start thinking forward toward your future success! --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/grandrisingshow/message
    Played 7m 45s
  • The Truth About Minority Businesses (It's Not What You Think)

    2 NOV 2022 · Henry the local repair man had a problem. He was always running short on parts, and he needed them to keep his business going. So, he started stealing parts from other businesses in town. It was risky, but it was the only way he could stay afloat. One day, Henry happened to be walking past a nonprofit that was just opening up its doors. The sign out front said they were giving away free parts to local businesses. But Henry didn't even stop to take a look. He was too busy thinking about ways to get his hands on more parts. It wasn't long before Henry's greed got the best of him. His business started failing, and he ended up getting arrested for stealing parts from other businesses. If only he had taken a moment to look at the sign next door, he would have known that there were resources available to him that could have saved his business. The question does Henry deserve his fate or is he simply reacting to a system to the point he was blinded even when the possibility of help was next door to him? The power of perception and a willingness to try new things that make you uncomfortable is one of the major ways of combating whatever financial disparities that these business face. Business Marketing Website: https://www.SerebroWeb.com Share Your Story Publish With US!: https://signup.serebro.tv/free Check Out Some Luxury Apparel: https://zenithcores.com/ "Get free Stocks" Don't miss the chance to get free stocks! Through Webull: https://a.webull.com/FvOaoOq6E8lgETccfq This episode is sponsored by Serebro Web : The easiest way to make a podcast.  https://www.SerebroWeb.com --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/grandrisingshow/message
    Played 7m 35s
  • The Power of Prospective: How Seeing Things Differently Can Help Your Business Grow

    2 NOV 2022 · 1. There's no doubt that perspective is a powerful thing. When you look at the world through a different lens, you can see things in a whole new way. This can be helpful for your business, as it can allow you to come up with new ideas and ways of doing things. 2. How to use perspective to increase productivity and creativity If you want to increase your productivity and creativity, you need to start by changing your perspective. When you view problems or tasks from a new angle, you'll be able to come up with new solutions. You'll also be more productive, as you'll be less likely to get stuck in a rut. 3. Why it's important to look at problems from different angles It's also important to look at problems from different angles when trying to find solutions. If you're only looking at things one way, you'll likely miss potential solutions that could be helpful. But if you consider alternate perspectives, you might be able to find a solution that works better than the first one that comes to mind. For example, if you're having trouble solving a problem, try looking at it from someone else's point of view. Or if there are several possible solutions, try brainstorming them all before picking one. By considering all possible angles, you'll give yourself the best chance of finding a solution that works well for everyone involved. 4. How to change your perspective for the better There are several ways that you can change your perspective for the better in order to improve your life and business ventures. One way is by exploring different cultures. When we experience different cultures we learn tolerance, acceptance, and understanding which helps us empathize with people who are different from us. Another way is by traveling, whether it's within our own country or internationally. Traveling gives us unique experiences that we can bring back home with us and use as learning tools in our professional and personal lives. Finally, gaining new knowledge helps us change our perspective by giving us alternate viewpoints on familiar topics. With more information, we are less likely To judge situations harshly and more likely To find compassion And common ground 5. How perspective can help you achieve your goals A perspective is an important tool when it comes to setting and achieving goals. When you have a clear goal in mind, it's important to have a plan on how to achieve it. However, things often don't go according to plan and it's essential to be able to adapt when things don't go as expected. By having a flexible plan and keeping an open mind, you'll be able to adjust when necessary and reach your goals faster Business Marketing Website: https://www.SerebroWeb.com Share Your Story Publish With US!: https://signup.serebro.tv/free Check Out Some Luxury Apparel: https://zenithcores.com/ "Get free Stocks" Don't miss the chance to get free stocks! Through Webull: https://a.webull.com/FvOaoOq6E8lgETccfq This episode is sponsored by Serebro Web --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/grandrisingshow/message
    Played 27m 46s
  • How to Handle Rejection in Business: Turning Obstacles Into Opportunities

    29 OCT 2022 · Every business owner will face objections at some point. In this podcast, I'm going to show you how to overcome them and continue on your path to success. Hey there, my name is Brandon L. Draper and I'm an entrepreneur just like you. We all know that objections are a part of doing business, but what we may not know is how to overcome them in order to keep moving forward. In this podcast episode, I'm going to show you a few techniques that have helped me elevate my business and achieve success. Stay tuned. 1. The first step is to understand what objections are  2. The second step is to understand why people have objections  3. The third step is to learn how to overcome them  4. The fourth step is to use objection-handling techniques in your sales process  5. The fifth step is to practice, practice, practice  6. The sixth step is to get feedback from your clients and colleagues  7. The seventh step is to make adjustments based on the feedback you receive  8. The eighth and final step is to continue practicing until you're a master at overcoming objections The first step is to understand what objections are. Objections are the reasons people give for not buying something. They can be based on price, quality, or any other number of factors. People often have objections because they're afraid of making a mistake or they don't want to be taken advantage of. The second step is to understand why people have objections. People have objections because they want to ensure that they're making the best decision possible. They want to be sure that they're getting the best value for their money and that they're not going to regret their purchase later on. The third step is to learn how to overcome them. There are a number of different techniques you can use to overcome objections. Some common techniques include:  - asking questions  - using facts and statistics  - offering solutions  - providing a guarantee  - listening actively  - showing empathy  The fourth step is to use objection-handling techniques in your sales process. When you're talking to potential clients, be sure to listen for objections and have a few techniques ready to overcome them. This will help you close more sales and increase your bottom line. 5) The fifth step is to practice, practice, practice. If you want to be good at overcoming objections, you need to practice. The more you practice, the better you'll get at it. Try out different techniques and see which ones work best for you. 6) The sixth step is to get feedback from your clients and colleagues. It's important to get feedback from your clients and colleagues about your objection-handling skills. This feedback can help you make adjustments based on what works and what doesn't work so well. Feedback can also help you improve your skills over time.7) The seventh step is to make adjustments based on the feedback you receive.  After getting feedback from your clients and colleagues, make any necessary adjustments to your objection-handling techniques. Try out new techniques and see if they work better than the ones you're currently using.8) The eighth and final step is to continue practicing until you're a master at overcoming objections. Business Marketing Website: https://www.SerebroWeb.com Share Your Story Publish With US!: https://signup.serebro.tv/free Check Out Some Luxury Apparel: https://zenithcores.com/ "Get free Stocks" Don't miss the chance to get free stocks! Through Webull: https://a.webull.com/FvOaoOq6E8lgETccfq This episode is sponsored by Serebro Web: The easiest way to make a podcast.  https://www.SerebroWeb.com --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/grandrisingshow/message
    Played 31m 22s
  • Gorilla Marketing Is Obsolete: Time To Embrace These New Web Marketing Strategies

    28 OCT 2022 · Business marketing has changed. The days of gorilla marketing are gone, and in their place, a new breed of web marketing strategies is emerging. If you want to stay ahead of the competition, you need to embrace these new strategies. In this podcast, I'll introduce you to Serebro Web, the website builder that can help you build a reputation management system for your business. Don't miss out on this powerful tool! Business Marketing Website: https://www.SerebroWeb.com Share Your Story Publish With US!: https://signup.serebro.tv/free Check Out Some Luxury Apparel: https://zenithcores.com/ "Get free Stocks" Don't miss the chance to get free stocks! Through Webull: https://a.webull.com/FvOaoOq6E8lgETccfq This episode is sponsored by PetForria Inc: The easiest way to ensure proper pet care for your furry loved ones.  https://www.PetForria.com --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/grandrisingshow/message
    Played 27m 41s
  • The Healing Power of Uncomfortable Conversations

    27 OCT 2022 · We all know those uncomfortable conversations are the ones we need to have, but most of us avoid them because they make us feel icky. In this podcast, I'm going to show you how to use the healing power of discomfort to get what you want in life. Hey everyone, in this podcast I want to talk about something that's really important but often difficult - uncomfortable conversations. We all know that they're hard, but they're also some of the most important ones we can have. Why? Because they help us grow as individuals. Business Marketing Website: https://www.SerebroWeb.com Share Your Story Publish With US!: https://signup.serebro.tv/free Check Out Some Luxury Apparel: https://zenithcores.com/ "Get free Stocks" Don't miss the chance to get free stocks! Through Webull: https://a.webull.com/FvOaoOq6E8lgETccfq This episode is sponsored by Serebro Web : The easiest way to make a podcast.  https://www.SerebroWeb.com --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/grandrisingshow/message
    Played 33m 44s
  • BREAKTHROUGH: The Best Way To Break Through The Noise And Get Your Business Noticed

    26 OCT 2022 · There's a lot of noise on the internet. It can be tough to get your business noticed. But Serebro Web! has the solution. We build websites that help you stand out from the crowd and get more customers. And we also offer reputation management services to make sure your good name stays intact. So if you're looking for a breakthrough, look no further than Serebro Web! You've worked hard on your business, but you're not getting the results you want. You're just one of many voices in a noisy world.  But what if I told you there was a way to break through that noise and get your business noticed? A way to make sure people see your message and hear what you have to say?  Well, there is. And in this podcast, I'm going to show you how it's done. --- This episode is sponsored by · Anchor: The easiest way to make a podcast. https://anchor.fm/app --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.fm/grandrisingshow/message
    Played 39m 14s

In each episode, we will talk about different ways to overcome adversity and find inner strength. Our guests will share their personal experiences and offer practical tips for improving self-esteem...

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In each episode, we will talk about different ways to overcome adversity and find inner strength. Our guests will share their personal experiences and offer practical tips for improving self-esteem and promoting empathy towards others. We'll also discuss current events and societal issues that affect our humanness, as well as inspirational stories from around the world. Tune in to discover a renewed sense of purpose and empowerment as a member of the human race. Let's show the world what it means to be truly human.
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