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The InkPost

  • Comic Con Experience

    28 APR 2024 · Special Look at the Comic Con Experience  By: Fred Richani Usage:  https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ From: https://archive.org/details/mnn_883581_103
    Played 28m
  • The Black Horse 3:19:24 9.31 PM

    20 MAR 2024 · Story by: Gail Nobles There are Four Horsemen in the Book of Revelation. During the pandemic, it felt like the black horse was around because it felt like famine was going to come, and it feels that way now. When I was going to the grocery store during the pandemic, the things I needed most we're not on the shelf. The things I needed most were sometimes hard to get even though you had the money to get it.  The Black Horseman that rise the black horse in Revelation 6:5 is understood to be famine. He carries a pair of balances in his hand.  When I go to the store now, a box of cereal is five dollars of more. The prices are getting higher, and what you see in a pack is getting smaller. It's very sad. Times are getting tough more and more. I believe the Black Horseman is riding and getting more intense as time goes by. I'm Gail Nobles. You're listening to The InkPost.
    Played 1m 33s
  • Waters Turning Red 12:19:23 1.33 PM

    19 DEC 2023 · Hi! I'm Gail Nobles. Welcome to the InkPost in the color wheel section. The color I see today is red. I've been seeing different rivers and news reports flowing red in color. I don't know if it has anything to do with the end times. It certainly reminds me of the end times prophecy but it doesn't line up with what the Bible said in order with tribulation. It's funny though how the rivers are turning red all over a sudden and more than one. I'm just glad the rivers are only just red in color and have not turned to blood. I've never seen water turn red before, but we are living in the end times. It has been said in one report that water in Rivers, Lakes, Seas, and even rain is turning red in color. Maybe it's just a warning and a sign. Fish are dying. Some reports say it's algae. Some reports say that it is red tide. Rev. 16:3 tells us that the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea. V4 And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood. Things don't look and sound as bad as Revelation yet. But things are happening in the end times. We see war and climate change. Things that were fortod. Disasters seem to be getting worse. You're listening to the InkPost. Keep watching and praying. Thank you for listening.
    Played 2m 26s
  • Harry Lego_Coleagome Man 10:6:23 2.21 PM

    6 OCT 2023 · Story: Harry Lego_Coleagome Man Story by: Gail Nobles ©️ 2023 Cover Art by: Gail Nobles Intro Music by: Gail Nobles Harry did not like his surname Lego which meant put together and play well. He no longer wanted to put together and play. Technology was growing. Harry did not want to build his ideas anymore with his hands. He lived in crucial times and supplies were very expensive for him to build. Times were getting hard. Harry no longer wanted to enter interlock blocks. He wanted to expand. Harry decided to put away his toys. People began to break in homes and steal in his neighborhood. All of his ideas and designs were kept in his laptop. There was gun violence. Harry studied how to transform his body into interlock shapes and travel from one place to another. He decided to make a costume that could do all the work for him so that he did not have to worry about putting his body in danger. Harry's costume was a shield as it as he traveled, bulletproof, and it looked like a beam of light and molecules as it transform. Harry played tricks and fooled men that robbed testing his costume. He snatched money they stole and gave to the poor. After years of experimenting and building, Harry could finally be seen with his best idea out into the world. You're listening to Tales From The Inkpost: Harry Lego. Today’s episode: Harry Lego Coleagome Man by Gail Nobles copyright ©️ 2023.
    Played 2m 39s
  • I Saw Another Angel 8:15:23 2.15 PM

    15 AUG 2023 · Cover Art and Story by: Gail Nobles ©️ 2023 Hello, I'm Gail Nobles, and you're listening to the InkPost. Today I want to talk to you about another Angel that I have seen. He was just pure white as snow. I can not tell you the angel’s race. That I do not know. I can only imagine what he would have looked like in color. So I decided to make two illustrations. I made a black and white illustration and a colored illustration. The black and white illustration is how I actually saw him. What does the Bible say about angels? They have appeared to people in the Bible like Jacob (Gen. 32:24–30) and Abraham (Gen. 18:1–33). They are spiritual beings. Angels have superhuman power, and they have knowledge. Don’t Worship Angels We are not supposed to bow down to angels according to Rev. 22:8–9. Rev. 22:8 said, “And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the angel which shewed me these things.” Rev. 22:9 said, “Then saith he unto me, See thou do it not: for I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and of them which keep the sayings of this book: worship God.” Also read Rev. 19:10. God is the only one that we are supposed to worship. God made the angels just like he made human beings. Even the angels worship God. God is our creator. One of the Ten Commandments said, “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” So if you ever see an angel, remember not to fall down to worship him. Worship God only.
    Played 2m 58s
  • Tattoo Markings 9:21:22 5.35 PM

    21 SEP 2022 · Story by: Gail Nobles Photo: Pixabay.com Newspaper Press: https://www.freesfx.co.uk/sfx/Newspaper-press Today’s topic: Tattoo Markings There are a lot of guys and girls putting tattoo markings all over their bodies. I don’t think it looks good at all. A small one here and there doesn’t look so bad. But when they are all over the arms, I think it looks terrible. On top of that, some people have really nice skin. Yet, they want to mark up their bodies all over. There is a Bible verse about cutting into the flesh which can refer to tattoo markings. The Lord said in Leviticus 19:28 Ye shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor print any marks upon you: I am the Lord. In Cor. 6:19-20 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s. So first Corinthians 6 tells us why we shouldn’t do certain things to the body. I think it is sinful to have tattoo markings all over the body. I think going too far with anything is a sin anyway. Too much of anything is not good. I’ve seen some really handsome guys with tattooed faces. I don’t know about how other women feel, but if I were to date a guy, I want to see his face, arms, and legs too. I want to see the natural born man. I’m Gail Nobles, and you’re listening to the InkPost.
    Played 2m 45s
  • Sun & Moon Endureth 5:7:22 9.12 PM

    7 MAY 2022 · Writing effect: Soundbible.com Hi, I’m Gail Nobles. Welcome to the InkPost. Today’s topic is “As Long As the Sun and Moon Endureth”. From the book of Psalms. Psalm 72:5 They shall fear thee as long as the sun and moon endure, throughout all generations. 6 He shall come down like rain upon the mown grass: as showers that water the earth. 7 In his days shall the righteous flourish; and abundance of peace so long as the moon endureth. Now let’s go to Rev. 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; In Revelation, it sounds like God is punishing the world and the wicked for the evil. The day of God’s wrath. But, it sounds as if the book of Psalms is speaking on the millennium. It sounds as if it is speaking of the messiah’s days when his kingdom is fully established. When the righteous will flourish and prosper. What do you think it means when it talks about the sun and moon enduring? I think it means as long as time and the world shall last. Till the moon and the sun will be no more. I’m Gail Nobles, and thank you for listening to the InkPost.
    Played 2m 16s
  • The Rock 3:3:22 1.07 PM

    3 MAR 2022 · Hi! I’m Gail Nobles from the InkPost in the color wheel section. The color I see today is orange which reminds me of the fire of God. We’ve got to build life on Jesus Christ because he is the rock. He is our solid foundation. “Matt. 7:24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: 25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.” We’ve got to follow what the Lord taught. It would be foolish not to. Then we would be building a house on the sand. We wouldn’t be able to survive the storm. Build your hopes on a sure thing. We are living in a time of uncertainty and trouble. When we deal with man, nothing is sure. Our homes and land can get taken away from us. Man is wrapped up in greed, but in Christ Jesus, we have everything. He will give us and will not take from us. What he has to offer us will last forever. We must endure and keep looking up. What he has for us is eternal life. Jesus wants us to make his words the most important thing in our lives. He wants us to put him first. Matt. 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. I’m Gail Nobles from the InkPost, and remember, Jesus is the rock. Keep looking up.
    Played 2m 39s
  • The Darkness 1:13:22 4.46 PM

    13 JAN 2022 · Art and story by: Gail Nobles Digital Art: Gail Nobles © 2014 - 2022 Darkness We Can See When I was a baby girl, I knew something was creepy about shadows. I would watch them form in the car as my father drove at night passing street lights. Growing up, I hated the darkness. I hated sleeping without a light in my room. Whenever there was darkness, it made me feel like there was something in the dark watching me. My imagination would make me almost see little shapes and figures in the dark. I hate not being able to see and especially when a bad storm comes. When all of the lights go out, I can’t see the front of my hand. Growing up, I was alright with being in the dark as long as someone was in the same room with me. Whenever I was afraid, my mother taught me to pray. There is another kind of darkness. It is a darkness you can feel. Wickedness is around us in our lives 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Wickedness is always studying our weakness. Have you ever stopped to wonder about that wickedness, and have you ever studied wickedness? Have you ever figured out Satan’s tricks and games and what he might be doing to you? When you wake up in the morning, how do you feel? Do you feel depressed and don’t know why? If you know you’re a happy person, Satan is messing with your feelings. Do you feel loneliness sometimes? We all do? Satan tries to work through our loneliness to make us sad. He makes us bored, and that’s when we can get anxious and get into trouble. As long as we feel these things, Satan knows he can win and bring us down to nothing like he is. There is prejudice in our world, and man stays in the dark with it. As long as race is against race and countries are against countries, there will always be war and destruction. As long as there is always family feud and families growing apart, there will never be togetherness. We will never see the light and grow to love one another. Do you ever wonder why Satan peeps around the corner and stays in the dark? It is because he is afraid. He is afraid of you and the good and greatness that you might become. According to the Bible, he is just a man. Isaiah 14:16 They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms; (17) That made the world as a wilderness, and destroyed the cities thereof; that opened not the house of his prisoners? Don’t give up and turn your back on God. Hang on to him. God is not the enemy. Jesus is the light of the world (St. John 8:12), and he has overcome the world (St. John 16:33). (1 John 4:4) Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. Don’t be afraid of darkness! Trust in God! I’m Gail Nobles from The InkPost.
    Played 4m 46s
  • Billy Ward - Dominoes 1:7:22 2.26 PM

    7 JAN 2022 · Intro by: Gail Nobles Keyboard and drums by: Gail Nobles All vocals by: Gail Nobles Todays topic isBilly Ward & his Dominoes. In the photo, you can see Billy Ward playing a white grand piano, and in front of him are the Four Dominoes. All wear light colored jackets and dark colored ties. If you look a little closer, you’ll see a small black and white domino on the dominoes’s jackets on the left. So what do we know about Billy Ward and the Dominoes? You may have heard their song 60 Minute Man. One of my grandfather’s favorite songs. It is a rhythm and blues record released in 1951. It was written by Billy Ward and Rose Marks and was one of the first R&B hit records to cross over to become a hit on the pop charts. It is regarded as one of the most important of the recordings that helped generate and shape rock and roll. Sixty Minute Man was banned by many radio stations and was seen as a novelty record at the time. But it crossed the boundaries between gospel singing and blues. It appealed to many white as well as black listeners. Billy Ward and the Dominoes were one of the most successful R&B groups of the early 1950’s. You’re listening to the InkPost of the music section. I’m you’re host, GailNobles.
    Played 2m 15s
The InkPost is about colorful news by Gail Nobles © 2018.
Author Gail L. Nobles
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Email leshontg@suddenlink.net

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