Introducing "The Jimmy Rex Show,” hosted by Jimmy Rex, the founder of "We Are The They.” Jimmy unveils the stories and insights of the world's most captivating personalities on the...
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Introducing "The Jimmy Rex Show,” hosted by Jimmy Rex, the founder of "We Are The They.” Jimmy unveils the stories and insights of the world's most captivating personalities on the show. Engage in conversations with global leaders, pioneering thinkers, and exceptional people who are living extraordinary lives.
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The Jimmy Rex Show
The Jimmy Rex Show
18 SEP 2024 · Jordan March is a top real estate agent in Manhattan and star of the Netflix show "Owning Manhattan." He's a managing partner of the Empire Collective Team at SERHANT and has closed over $1 Billion in sales.
We discuss Jordan's journey into real estate and the changing dynamics of the industry. Jordan shares insights into the highly competitive New York market, the importance of digital media and marketing in real estate, and his experience working with Ryan Serhant. We also touch on the impact of Netflix's "Owning Manhattan" and its influence on his business.
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16 SEP 2024 · Dinesh Moorjani was the Founder & CEO of Hatch Labs Inc, a lab to build new mobile ventures from ground up, where he cofounded Tinder in 2012. Dinesh is currently the Founding Partner of Time Zero Capital.
We discuss Dinesh's time at Tinder and why it took off like wildfire, the genius behind the business in a time that dating sites and apps already existed, why we as society need to be careful with the negative effects of innovation, and how the internet changed dating forever.
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12 SEP 2024 · Layla Taylor is one of the stars on the new Hulu hit reality TV show "The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives".
We discuss the friendships portrayed on the show, her conversion to the LDS Church, and her personal journey navigating faith, motherhood, and relationships. We also dive into the social media impact of the show and her perspective on empowering women through transparency.
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9 SEP 2024 · Tommy McCollister is a keynote speaker, coach, and expert in helping christian men transform their marriage.
Our conversation delves deep into the importance of leadership in marriage, the role of faith, and the significance of vulnerability in building a strong connection between spouses. Tommy shares his personal journey, including struggles with infidelity and illegally growing marijuana, and how his faith and dedication to his marriage transformed his life.
He highlights actionable advice for men to strengthen their marriages by becoming better leaders, embracing vulnerability, and prioritizing their relationships with God.
6 SEP 2024 · Before you lead others, you must lead yourself. Regarldess of your level of leadership, there are components of leadership that are often overlooked. In this episode of Real Men, Real Conversations, I go over the 10 components of leadership that you're overlooking, and how if you implement these elements into your life, you'll have the tools required to inspire and guide others effectively.
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4 SEP 2024 · Brad Sumrok is a seasoned real estate investor with over 7,700 units under his belt and a track record of guiding students through more than $6 billion worth of real estate transactions.
Brad shares his journey into real estate starting with small multifamily units and growing into large-scale syndications. He emphasizes the importance of resilience during economic downturns, the benefits of focusing on one asset class, and his philosophy of maximizing efficiency through scale.
The conversation also touches on the potential impact of proposed tax changes, including the taxation of unrealized capital gains, and the importance of continuous learning and networking for success in real estate.
For those interested in attending AIMNATCON (Apartment Investor Mastery National Conference) September 27-29 in Dallas can pick up tickets at
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2 SEP 2024 · Travis Richey mentors 1%ers on money and mindset, but what makes his story unique is that he transformed his life after serving time in prison. While incarcerated, Travis developed a financial literacy program for the inmates of his prison, and now shares that program with over 500,000 inmates across the U.S.
We discuss the failures of the prison system, the importance of self-love and accountability, and how Travis used his time in prison to educate fellow inmates, ultimately creating a successful program that helps reduce recidivism. Travis shares his insights on prison reform and the challenges faced by former inmates reentering society.
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30 AUG 2024 · Rodney Norman is a comedian and online superstar with his videos gaining millions of views worldwide. His style incorporates motivational speeches into a slightly drunken, rambling character that is catching on with more people every day. Rodney and I sit down and reminisce on our days doing stand up comedy together, our best nights, and our worst nights. We discuss the power of embracing life's absurdities and finding meaning through humor and purpose. Rodney also shares insights on how he transitioned from stand-up comedy to becoming a social media sensation, offering advice on authenticity and simplicity. The episode is a mix of laughs, life lessons, and encouragement for anyone looking to embrace the chaos of life with a smile.
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28 AUG 2024 · Ricky Williams is a former runningback in the NFL for 11 seasons. During his NCAA career, Ricky broke Tony Dorsett's 20 year record for career yards with 6,279 yards and won the Heisman Trophy in 1998. He was later inducted into the College Football Hall of Fame in 2015.
In true Ricky Williams fashion, the conversation delves deeper than sports, focusing on Ricky’s journey of self-discovery, spirituality, and personal growth. Ricky discusses his ventures into yoga, meditation, and breathwork, which have guided his post-football life. He also introduces his astrology app, Lila, aimed at helping others find purpose. The episode offers a profound discussion on healing, the importance of being present, and embracing life’s journey as a continuous evolution.
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26 AUG 2024 · Jim McMahon is a former quarterback who played in the NFL for 15 seasons. McMahon played college football for the BYU Cougars, where he won the Davey O'Brien Award and the Sammy Baugh Trophy as a senior. He was the quarterback during the 1980 Holiday Bowl also known as the "Miracle Bowl", in which he brought his team back from 20 points down with 4 minutes to play to winning the game.
McMahon shares stories from his illustrious football career, including his time at BYU, leading the Chicago Bears to a Super Bowl victory, and the challenges he faced both on and off the field. He also opens up about his unconventional journey, his candid thoughts on the evolving football landscape, and his passionate advocacy for cannabis as a healing alternative. Jim is a sports icon who continues to break boundaries long after his playing days, and this episode is an interesting conversation.
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Introducing "The Jimmy Rex Show,” hosted by Jimmy Rex, the founder of "We Are The They.” Jimmy unveils the stories and insights of the world's most captivating personalities on the...
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Introducing "The Jimmy Rex Show,” hosted by Jimmy Rex, the founder of "We Are The They.” Jimmy unveils the stories and insights of the world's most captivating personalities on the show. Engage in conversations with global leaders, pioneering thinkers, and exceptional people who are living extraordinary lives.
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Author | Jimmy Rex |
Organization | Jimmy Rex |
Categories | Business , Business , Mental Health |
Website | | |
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