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The Kingdom Current

  • Surviving Your Sifting - Part 1

    4 OCT 2023 · David Wilkerson said about "sifting" that “There’s something far more trying even than spiritual warfare. It’s the sifting process. Sifting is hand-to-hand combat with satan himself, a battle that few people ever experience." If you have been going toe-to-toe with devil, or if you're in the deepest darkest pit you've ever been in hanging by a thread wondering if you will make it out alive, you may be experiencing something Jesus referred to as a sifting. Just before Jesus went to the Cross he warned Peter that satan desired to sift him like wheat. On this episode of the Kingdom Current, Pastor Nathan plumbs the depths of truth on this extreme form of spiritual warfare and answers such questions along the way as: Is sifting common in the Scriptures? Does the ordinary Christian need to be aware of it? What are the characteristics of a sifting? And, if I am being sifted, what can I do to survive? This message may be the lifeline you have been praying for! So, that and so much more on this episode of the Kingdom Current!
    Played 55m
  • Episode #29 - I.D. Your Identity in Christ Part 2

    21 JUN 2023 · Join Pastor Nathan as he wraps up this revelation-packed series on our identity in Christ. In this episode, he reviews the N.A.M.E. acronym of identity and introduces the N.A.M.E. acronym for those in Christ. Then, he gives us a gripping analysis of the Apostle Peter's identity crisis and restoration. Not only will you will be amazed by the restoring grace of Jesus, you will have the faith to believe that Jesus can restore your Identity! You must listen this podcast! TIME STAMPS: 2:25 - Aggravated Identity Theft 4:00 - Picture First Principle 5:20 - N.A.M.E. 6:40 - Mephibosheth 8:55 - "In Christ" 9:45 - Identity is worship 11:10 - Worship 11:50 - The audacity of the adversary 14:55 - Identified with your Fall? 15:25 - What AM I? 16:15 - Peter's developing ID 19:35 - You ARE a Stone! 20:50 - I.D. change! 21:25 - My Faith is Weak 22:30 - Always Reaching for Better? 24:35 - Witness stained 24:50 - "Simon, Simon!" Luke 22:31 25:50 - "I do NOT know the man!" Matthew 26:69 28:10 - The Greatest scheme of the devil in Identity 30:00 - Jesus restores stolen I.D.'s 32:10 - "Do you love me more than these?" 38:00 - "FLY!" 40:40 - Your new N.A.M.E. in Christ 48:45 - You are His jewel! 50:20 - The only thing you don't have any more
    Played 54m 44s
  • Episode #28 - I.D. Your Identity in Christ Part 1

    14 APR 2023 · This is an urgent message that the Church must hear and heed. There is an identity crisis in the Body of Christ! In this two-part series, Pastor Nathan reveals the scriptural method of discerning the signs of the times with something he calls the “Picture First Principle,” taken from 1 Corinthians 15:46. And what we are witnessing today is that satan is ripping God’s people off and stripping them of their identity in Christ, the very thing that Jesus died to give them. It seems outrageous, but if satan tried to dupe Jesus out of his identity, what will he attempt to do in our lives? The symptoms of identity theft are everywhere, depression, discouragement, despair, powerlessness, etc. but in Christ, as a child of God you are more than a conqueror, the joy of the Lord is your strength, and you are tenderly loved by your Heavenly Father. You need to feast at this banquet of love and truth about of you identity in Christ. TIME STAMPS: 5:00 - What's behind this message? 5:40 - ID Crisis 6:00 - ID Stats 7:10 - Picture First Principle 8:15 - 1 Cor. 15:45 11:50 - Victims of ID theft 13:50 - The Dream 15:50 - Defining Identity 16:35 - N.A.M.E. Acronym of Identity 18:45 - Proud of your last name? 20:45 - Rev. 3:12 23:15 - Abilities 24:30 - Mirror Image 26:20 - Exclusions 31:10 - 3 W's of ID 32:00 - Worship Rom. 12 35:35 - Balaam 43:00 - Warfare 44:00 - A Grasshopper Identity? 47:00 - Israel failed/Jesus succeeded 47:25 - Tests of Identity 51:00 - Take it OFF!
    Played 55m
  • Episode #27 - Prophetic Update on the Catholic Church Part 3

    24 MAR 2023 · In part 3 of this Prophetic alert on the Catholic Church, Pastor Nathan lays it all out on the table. From the clips of Dr. Taylor Marshall's interview with Glenn Beck, to ninety degree former mason Bill Schnoebelen's witness of occult and communism infiltration of the Catholic Church. Also, you will hear from a former KGB officer about how far the communistic infiltration of the United States has made it to the very core of our country and institutions. This episode will blow your mind. Saints, it is time to pray for our country, our Catholic friends and loved ones, and share the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. TIME STAMPS: 5:00 - My Why for this Alert 5:05 - The Dream 5:50 - Plenty to Study 7:00 - The 4,4,4,4 of Eschatology 8:45 – The Post Millennial News story 11:05 - Christian, Contend for the Faith 12:05 - Beware of Infiltrators 15:15 – A new time slot for the K.C. 15:45 - Glenn Beck & Taylor Marshall 18:20 - Communistic Infiltration 20:30 - Bella Dodd 23:05 - What happened to us? Communism 24:55 - KGB Agent’s chilling Testimony 32:45 - The Deliberate Dumbing Down of Communism in our public schools 34:40 - Occultism Infiltration 35:10 - Former Jesuit Alberto Rivera 38:35 - You've missed the infiltrators 40:40 – Former Mason Bill Schnoebelen 46:05 - The Final Conspiracy
    Played 55m
  • Episode #26 - Prophetic Update on the Catholic Church Part 2

    24 MAR 2023 · In Part 2 of this Prophetic Alert on the Catholic Church Pastor Nathan ties up some loose ends on the eschatological (end times) views he discussed in part one. Then, we drill down into the meat of the message with clips from Glenn Beck's interview with Dr. Taylor Marshall about his book, "Infiltration: the Plot to Destroy the Church from within." You will be shocked to learn the quarters from which the Catholic Church has been infiltrated.
    Played 1h 5m 14s
  • Episode #25 - Prophetic Alert & Update on the Catholic Church, Part 1

    4 MAR 2023 · Pastor Nathan had a dream in 2022 and prophesied that God was going to expose the unfruitful works of darkness in the Catholic Church. The beginning of that dream was fulfilled in December 2022 upon the death of "Pope emeritus," Benedict XVI, and the release of his posthumous bombshell book throwing the cover back on the corruption in the church. In this prophetic alert, Pastor Nathan details what God showed him in the dream and will take you step by step through the wickedness being exposed at the Holy See. Also, you will be introduced to the different views of the end times and how they relate to what is taking place in the leadership in Rome. Find out what the Reformers, such as Martin Luther & John Calvin thought about Catholicism, and how we should view popery today. All that and so much more on this episode of the Kingdom Current. Download for free @ https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fthekingdomcurrent.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1cQw5SpiEh-zRe2OHWSvxlwOgOvK8JBxslyWFS0nj38m0jXWOjNBgkTbE&h=AT3uFSEiwwIdiSNXN7yWU_5Ws3x2xFjYpL1E6deqVxZrB3rkrTYy2FpHb4rfUaumnWPCWN0tZNlMSNIzzO5-P5X1pNBaP6JdIYeq6MR5fMg3zd0TP9G6Yh3qfzmaHyvNYA&__tn__=-UK-R&c%5B0%5D=AT3z7K5qgTralv_k6I8UKgS5Pm4t9EpG6EvxQ_z-OhZAlRkx3v04nr14viV5CESPeg7zp-IZxnJ5xhGi-gCy6zLl2So-Lob44xBgYZ5sXgfvEXx6a9pQyp6tbz6h_R8gac6xHHFDNyHdTKFivilk8-B1--GoGQ-XcBYcgvRQfMjimYNfQ6zL3cYohmukv_7EgG7wK4nrw7mI TIME STAMPS: 4:35 – Isaiah 46 Intro 5:00 – Prophecy as future telling 6:15 – Eschatology defined 7:05 – I’ve Been Burned on Prophecy 7:20 – Y2K 8:05 – Addressing red flags about views 8:45 – Is this a matter of salvation or fellowship? 10:45 – Amos 11:25 – End Times Views 11:45 – 4 Eschatological Issues 12:20 – 4 End Time Texts 13:10 – 4 Millennial Views 13:49 – edit out views 14:00 – Postmillennialism 15:35 – Dispensational Premillennialism 19:10 – Historic Premillennialism 20:25 – Amillennialism 22:10 – My Prophetic Dream 24:25 – Against Catholics? 26:30 – Time to leave 26:40 – By doctrine alone 28:35 – Conspiracy Fact 31:20 – Is this too political? 32:35 – Catholic Stats 33:30 – Catholic Church History 34:30 – The Reformers view 35:50 – Martin Luther’s and the antichrist 36:45 – John Calvin on Catholocism 37:05 – Catholicism, the Mother of churches? YES! 38:55 – Thomas Cranmer on antichrist 39:25 – Baptist Confession on popery 40:00 – The Westminster Confession on popes 40:30 – Spurgeon on Catholocism 42:30 – Balance with Catholics 46:00 – The New Babylon (Rev. 18)
    Played 55m 6s
  • Episode #24 - Praise Your Way Through - A Prophetic Word of Comfort

    19 FEB 2023 · Pastor Nathan’s inspired broadcast, “Praise Your Way Through,” will empower you to shake off that spirit of heaviness and don the glorious garment of praise you so desperately need. This is a Holy Ghost word of comfort and encouragement for those trudging through the valley of the shadow. In this episode, Pastor Nathan turns our focus to Psalm 63 where David examples for us a way out of the wilderness and turbulent times. The Word of God is anointed like no other to destroy depression, disease, and death in your life. Discover how the anointing, which you already possess in Christ, will break the yoke of trial in your life. It is your season to move from a passive, perfunctory praise, that isn’t worthy of our glorious Lord, to a passionate, permanent praise that will rock the foundations of the prison satan has attempted to keep you in. There is so much in this episode that will enlighten your heart and enable you to follow the Lamb wherever he leads. Again, if you are struggling with darkness, depression, or disease, this is your episode! YOU are going to PRAISE YOUR WAY THROUGH! TIME STAMPS: 2:15 – The Anointing - Isaiah 63 3:00 – Position Yourself 3:30 – The Prophetic Ministry of Comfort 6:05 – “Comfort Prophets” are coming! 7:10 – The Garment of Praise 8:00 – The "Creeping” Spirit of Heaviness 10:05 – “Perfunctory"?!? 10:30 – rans 419 - Abraham praise 14:15 – What is Praise? 17:34 – Psalm 63 19:15 – Surprising Context of Psalm 63 20:20 – WILDerness Praise" 22:35 – Threatened by Acish the King 23:25 – Coward or Cunning? 26:35 – Jesus "word of wierd" 29:35 – Uncomfortable much? 31:50 – Back to the Basics 32:45 – Assembly (church) 35:25 – He experienced God's “chesed” 37:10 – God is for you 38:25 – What is Praise? 38:45 – Worship “proskuneo” 39:35 – Praise Break! 3940 – Lift Your Hands! 41:30 – The Bedrock of "Bedwork" 44:00 – Don't Lay Down in Torment! 45:05 – You MUST Remember! 46:40 – Beat Ghosts! 47:30 – Get the Toxicity OUT! 49:30 – Rejoice IN FAITH
    Played 55m
  • Episode #23 - Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Discovering YOUR Gifts! Part 6

    12 FEB 2023 · It's finally here, PART SIX, the last installment in the series, "Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Discovering YOUR Gifts!" This podcast is packed with truth, research, and rebuts to the "roadblock doctrine" of Cessationism, the teaching that the gifts of the Holy Spirit have completely vanished. Pastor John MacArthur starts us off with a bombastic statement that Cessationism was the normative (traditional) teaching of the historical Church. Is that actually true? Well, Pastor Nathan goes to the source to introduce you to several early church fathers who have a lot to say regarding the continuation of supernatural gifts. It will shock you! Plus, we have clips from Pastor Jim Aydelotte and the wild man, Todd Friel of the Wretched TV program who share their perspectives on the matter. Also, do Cessationist make a good case that the gift of healing was gradually fading away in the Epistles? Pastor Nathan will fully address this as well. Finally, make sure you stick around to the very end for something special that happened at John MacArthur's church not so long ago. So, all that and more on this episode of the Kingdom Current. LET'S GO! (Please visit https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fthekingdomcurrent.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1jFvDfFnx1amYdGMuPHUeYmpEUz4RafFlWcS6ghu12iJbrTiL4Kn5tZr8&h=AT1oJMAq7E9oAeTKrO-EvKP0o8yL-GfE0aG-0gGegleluzz9sm97W81ADFTWzWslHql4I7fHhWkXqncvGAXzWgYdLD9Nc9AyCtu2MK0ZP4F_aC1kp4sbOGf71EdNYyx0VQ&__tn__=-UK-R&c%5B0%5D=AT2zrWa24aaaRPfZYhEDpiYOG7Pyt4YcAv2GW9ZOiYCxlyQPYRwfJd5JjV-ATT4dyun77SS03KNK0DMCBCUU_wdpyFBV07YrFzp6b7HgJmGXvPq9K8bSCRYUGuZf43XqV5hDErBxYqVCTlhuTXH2KYIkuNiqcH74881RVYMVv9Y716hlZ49vNZ1VBe5xL0F_XWrEa5gLwN_g to download for free). https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/cessationism?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZUBr1cKdv0uDPVEzzl-qEENNaVGhTyghI7_aYXIsIFJ2WTQpH6WOIM3Ss1Zi_cisLFMZ8-RUK7yOdmRG83YDe5Eowg6GnTFFeW_J4JeoweXMMT1YneP-3uQeZV3LP206noZsAOtEx1eyOzglGW6SmCPczn6WiqA4IzqEJ6iersIN35rhUX2xm-tMQ_xwXQpqqw&__tn__=*NK-R https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/continuationism?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZUBr1cKdv0uDPVEzzl-qEENNaVGhTyghI7_aYXIsIFJ2WTQpH6WOIM3Ss1Zi_cisLFMZ8-RUK7yOdmRG83YDe5Eowg6GnTFFeW_J4JeoweXMMT1YneP-3uQeZV3LP206noZsAOtEx1eyOzglGW6SmCPczn6WiqA4IzqEJ6iersIN35rhUX2xm-tMQ_xwXQpqqw&__tn__=*NK-R https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/prophetic?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZUBr1cKdv0uDPVEzzl-qEENNaVGhTyghI7_aYXIsIFJ2WTQpH6WOIM3Ss1Zi_cisLFMZ8-RUK7yOdmRG83YDe5Eowg6GnTFFeW_J4JeoweXMMT1YneP-3uQeZV3LP206noZsAOtEx1eyOzglGW6SmCPczn6WiqA4IzqEJ6iersIN35rhUX2xm-tMQ_xwXQpqqw&__tn__=*NK-R https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/thekingdomcurrent?__eep__=6&__cft__%5B0%5D=AZUBr1cKdv0uDPVEzzl-qEENNaVGhTyghI7_aYXIsIFJ2WTQpH6WOIM3Ss1Zi_cisLFMZ8-RUK7yOdmRG83YDe5Eowg6GnTFFeW_J4JeoweXMMT1YneP-3uQeZV3LP206noZsAOtEx1eyOzglGW6SmCPczn6WiqA4IzqEJ6iersIN35rhUX2xm-tMQ_xwXQpqqw&__tn__=*NK-R TIME STAMPS: 2:45 – Why study Cessationism? 3:35 – Love 4:25 – Review of the 5 points of Cessationism 7:50 – Pillar #5 – No Church history of the Gifts 9:50 – The Didache 11:35 – Early Church Fathers’ quotes: Ignatius 12:45 – Justin Martyr 13:40 – Irenaeus 15:30 – “Know those who labor among you!” 15:50 – Todd Friel’s Cessationism 18:00 – Tertulian 19:25 – Origen 21:25 – Montanists / Urbanus 22:22 – Eusebius 23:25 – Pastor Jim Aydelotee 24:35 – Chrysostom 27:20 – Loose-end “Tie-up” 27:40 – They don't hold to the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture 29:05 – Ephesians 2:19 – Jesus is ONLY in the foundation? 32:20 – Hebrews 2:1 33:45 – Pastor Jim Aydelotee unique citation 35:45 – Heb 1:1 36:50 – Heb1:2 Continuationist usage 38:45 – Acts 2:16 - Covenantal signs 42:00 – Open Door Baptist story “No tongues” 44:35 – Accountability of the gifts 46:10 – 1 Tim 5:23 Was healing really passing away? 50:35 – 2 Tim. 4:20 A sick Trophimus means healing passed?
    Played 55m
  • Episode #22 - Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Discovering YOUR Gifts! Part 5

    21 JAN 2023 · One of the MAJOR roadblocks in the Body of Christ to experiencing God's power and gifts is the doctrine of Cessationism (we define this term thoroughly). On this episode, we finally begin our examination of this doctrine that dogmatically asserts that the gifts of the Holy Spirit passed away with the Apostles. We have audio clips from some of Cessationism's greatest proponents including pastors John MacArthur, R. C. Sproul and others. You must hear how Pastor Nathan developed doctrinally from a Pentecostal, to Cessationist, to a Charismatic. You'll be shocked to find out why Pastor Nathan lied to an elder at his church about speaking in tongues and how he let his dad down! Finally, get ready to examine first four pillars of Cessationism on this episode of the Kingdom Current. (Download for free @ http://thekingdomcurrent.com/?fbclid=IwAR39uf6lVPKhEOK6_0vzelNqj6XmSbC0YZezTVPtvofjPBekQCuX4SK-z7s ) TIME STAMPS: 4:45 – “Nate’s Not Ashamed of the Holy Ghost!” 7:55 – Pastor Nathan the Cessationist??? 12:40 – What is Pastor Nathan’s Position now? 13:20 – “Creamy filled frosting center”? 1 Cor. 13 15:45 – John MacArthur defines “Cessationism” 17:25 – The FIVE Points of Cessationism 18:35 – 1 Cor. 13:8 - Permanence v Passing “NOW” v “THEN” 20:05 – My Observations of Cessationism 20:45 – R. C. Sproul and 1 Cor. 13:10 “The Perfect” 22:35 – What is “the Perfect”? What does the phrase "face to face" mean? 27:00 – Mid Break 29:05 – Cessationist Argument 2 29:45 – Are they afraid of the Holy Spirit? 33:00 – Thomas Scoring 34:00 – Cessationism Counter Point 35:00 – Cessationist Argument 3 37:20 – John's take 39:30 – Cessationism Counter Point 40:55 – The Nature of Paul's Apostleship 42:35 – Matt Slick’s Answer 43:40 – Inspired Word but NOT Scripture 46:20 – Pastor Jim Adylotte 47:30 – Cessationism Counter Point 4 49:50 – Cessationism Counter Point 50:25 – Old Testament Prophets v New Testament Prophets
    Played 55m
  • Episode #21 - Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Discovering YOUR Gifts! Part 4

    7 JAN 2023 · If you have been praying and asking God for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to operate in your life, THIS IS YOUR EPISODE! Pastor Nathan opens the podcast with the five ways to discover your unique gifts. Among the ways of discovery are desire, prayer, and the laying on of hands. Pastor Nathan will lead you in a prayer to activate your specific gifts, as well as teach you about the doctrine of the laying of hands and how it is intrinsically tied to community. Also, you'll find out how the Baptism of the Holy Spirit differs from Baptism into Christ and why it matters. We wrap up the podcast by introducing you to the Gifts of the Father found in Romans 12. So, that and so much more on this edition of the Kingdom Current podcast! TIME STAMPS: 2:25 – Corey’s testimony 2:45 – Connect with us 3:35 – The “Why” of the gifts 5:15 – Five ways to discover YOUR Gifts! 10:25 – Prayer to discover your gift 17:00 – Side Note: How Words of Knowledge work 20:00 – Prov. 18:16 Gifts bring you before the great 24:35 – 1 Corinthians 12:12 25:55 – Baptism into Christ 27:00 – Who cares about these issues? 27:05 – There's MORE! 27:40 – Gal 3:26 Baptized into Christ 28:20 – Ephesians 4:4 Baptized into Christ 29:15 – Subsequence defined 30:15 – Promise of the father Luke 24:47 30:30 – “Eat the meat, spit out the bones” 32:40 – Baptism of the Holy Spirit = The Promise of the Father 32:50 – Acts 1: 8, baptism 34:05 – Think ya got it all??? 34:45 – Examples of Subsequence & Pentecostalism 35:30 – THREE evidences of Baptism in the Holy Spirit 37:00 – Acts 19:1 – Subsequence defined 40:45 – Another Roadblock 40:30 – The Body metaphor 44:45 – The Gifts of the Father Rom 12:6 46:35 – Develop YOUR gift! 48:30 – The gift of giving 49:50 – Leadership defined 51:10 – Servant leadership 52:05 – Kindness, it's the gift that makes the world go round! 52:25 – Love is the lube of the gifts
    Played 55m
The Kingdom Current exists to equip the Body of Christ with a prophetic edge in the Word and a Kingdom view on culture.

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