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The Non-Prophets

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    Unraveling Misinformation: Critical Thinking as Key

    18 MAY 2024 · How do you counter misinformation? Critical thinking is step one NPR, By Greg Rosalsky, on April 30, 2024  In the segment, Jimmy Jr, Jason, and Kelley discuss the implications of misinformation on society, particularly in light of a study conducted by economist John List and his colleagues. The study aimed to determine if simple nudges could help consumers reject misinformation, using the context of the 2022 presidential election in Colombia, a polarized environment akin to the U.S. Participants were shown videos of opposing sides getting along, leading to a 30% decrease in belief in misinformation. Surprisingly, personality tests had little effect on belief in fake news. Jason finds the study's revelation about skepticism intriguing, noting how individuals became skeptical of even true headlines after the study. He reflects on the conditioning in societies like the Southern U.S., where acceptance of authority is valued over critical thinking. Kelley adds to this, emphasizing the importance of non-confrontational discussions in bridging ideological divides, especially for those observing such conversations. He reflects on personal experiences of having religious friends and engaging in debates while maintaining mutual respect. The conversation delves into the analogy of combat sports, where opponents develop intimate connections despite adversarial situations. This camaraderie, fostered through intense engagement, mirrors the potential for understanding across differences in broader societal contexts. They discuss the historical control of information, its role in societal power dynamics, and its manipulation by various entities. They also explore the shift in information dissemination from historical censorship to the overwhelming influx of information today. Kelley highlights the problem of information overload and the need for critical thinking amid a sea of misinformation. Jason suggests that despite the perception of shrinking attention spans, the issue lies in the abundance of distractions rather than diminished cognitive capacity. Overall, the conversation underscores the importance of fostering critical thinking, encouraging respectful discourse, and navigating the complexities of information in a digital age marked by polarization and misinformation. The Non-Prophets, Episode 23.19.4 featuring Jimmy Jr , Kelley Laughlin, and Jason Friedman
    21m 19s
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    Corporal Punishment: Protection or Abuse?

    17 MAY 2024 · The Friendly Atheist, By Hemant Mehta, on APR 25, 2024  The conversation centers on the proposed legislation in Oklahoma that would grant teachers the authority to physically discipline students, including those with disabilities, under the guise of religious freedom. Participants express deep concern over the potential ramifications of such a law, highlighting the risk of abuse and trauma for vulnerable children. There's a discussion about the ethical implications of using religion to justify corporal punishment, with some arguing that it contradicts principles of compassion and respect for human dignity. The discourse touches on broader issues of authoritarianism and the erosion of civil liberties, as well as the role of religion in public policy. Some participants question whether certain interpretations of religious texts can be considered hate speech, particularly when they advocate for violence or discrimination against marginalized groups. There's also skepticism about the effectiveness of corporal punishment as a disciplinary measure, with many pointing to research that suggests it can have long-lasting negative effects on children's mental and emotional well-being. Concern is expressed that legitimizing such practices in schools could lead to an increase in violence and further marginalization of already vulnerable populations. Overall, the conversation reflects a deep sense of alarm and distress over the proposed legislation and its potential impact on children and society as a whole. Participants emphasize the importance of protecting the rights and well-being of all individuals, regardless of their religious beliefs or background. The Non-Prophets, Episode 23.19.3 featuring Jimmy Jr , Kelley Laughlin, and Jason Friedman
    21m 15s
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    Russell Brand's Baptism: Revelation or Convenient Redemption?

    15 MAY 2024 · Russell Brand Reflects on ‘Profound Experience’ of Getting Baptized After Sexual Assault Allegations US Magazine, By Mike Vulpo , on April 29, 2024  In this segment, the hosts discuss Russell Brand's recent controversies and his attempt to address them through baptism. Brand has been accused of sexual assault by multiple individuals, including exposing himself to crew members on a movie set and assaulting a female actor. Despite these allegations, he recently underwent baptism, sparking discussions about his motivations and the efficacy of such actions. The hosts express skepticism about Brand's baptism, viewing it as a strategic move rather than a genuine religious awakening. They criticize Brand for seemingly using Christianity as a shield to evade accountability for his actions. They highlight the irony of someone who is not a Christian resorting to religious symbolism to absolve themselves of wrongdoing. Furthermore, the hosts critique the concept of redemption within Christianity, questioning the idea of someone being automatically forgiven for their transgressions through religious conversion. They highlight the dangers of granting forgiveness without genuine remorse or restitution, particularly in cases of serious harm like sexual assault. Speculation arises about Brand's motivations for embracing Christianity amidst his legal troubles. The hosts suggest that Brand may be attempting to garner sympathy and portray himself as a changed person, potentially to sway public opinion and legal proceedings in his favor. They anticipate that Brand may capitalize on his newfound religious identity to portray himself as a martyr. The hosts delve into the broader issue of holding individuals accountable for their actions, particularly concerning sexual assault. They emphasize the importance of acknowledging the recidivism rate among perpetrators of sexual violence and the need for effective measures to prevent further harm to potential victims. Finally, the hosts express concerns about religion's influence on legal systems and governance, cautioning against allowing religious beliefs to dictate legal outcomes. They warn against the dangers of privileging religious narratives over evidence-based justice, particularly in cases where powerful individuals may exploit religion to evade accountability. The Non-Prophets, Episode 23.19.2 featuring Jimmy Jr , Kelley Laughlin, and Jason Friedman
    22m 11s
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    Taylor Swift's Album: Divine Inspiration or Divine Mockery?

    13 MAY 2024 · Faith Leaders Say Taylor Swift’s New Album ‘Mocks Christianity’ Beliefnet, By Lauren McKeithen, on April 29, 2024  The discussion delved into the controversy surrounding Taylor Swift's latest album, "Revelations," which has sparked backlash from some Christian leaders who argue that it mocks Christianity. The panelists explored the historical context of Christians critiquing various cultural influences, tracing back to the early days of rock and roll, where figures like Elvis Presley were condemned for their perceived defiance of traditional Christian values. They debated the legitimacy of such claims against Swift's music, questioning whether it genuinely challenges religious beliefs or if it merely reflects a broader cultural shift away from traditional norms. Some panelists argued that Swift's music often incorporates themes of personal growth, empowerment, and self-expression, which may resonate with audiences regardless of their religious backgrounds. The conversation extended beyond Swift's album to examine the broader role of Christianity in shaping societal norms and values. Some panelists contended that Christianity has historically been intertwined with dominant cultural narratives, influencing everything from political ideologies to social mores. They raised questions about the evolving nature of Christianity and its ability to adapt to changing cultural landscapes. Furthermore, the panel discussed the implications of mainstream pop culture on society, particularly concerning issues of wealth accumulation and social justice. They debated whether artists like Swift, who have amassed considerable wealth and influence, have a responsibility to use their platform for social good or if they are merely products of a capitalist system that prioritizes profit over societal welfare. Overall, the discussion provided a nuanced exploration of the intersection between popular culture, religion, and societal values, highlighting the complexities of navigating these dynamics in an increasingly diverse and interconnected world. The Non-Prophets, Episode 23.19.1 featuring Jimmy Jr , Kelley Laughlin, and Jason Friedman
    20m 7s
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    Swallowing Swords at a Christian Men's Event

    11 MAY 2024 · The Church That Hired a Former Male Stripper to Perform at a Men's Conference The Stream, By Michael Brown, on April 16, 2024 The discussion delves into a rather bizarre incident that occurred at a men's conference involving a former male stripper who performed shirtless acrobatics. This seemingly innocuous act sparked a clash between pastors Mark Driscoll and Michael Brown, leading to a humorous yet insightful analysis of the underlying issues. The conversation begins by highlighting the absurdity of the situation, with participants poking fun at the over-the-top reactions of Driscoll and Brown. They suggest that the pastors' discomfort likely stems from deep-seated homophobia and insecurity rather than any legitimate concern. As the discussion unfolds, the participants explore the broader themes of masculinity, repression, and hypocrisy within religious circles. They point out the irony of a supposedly Godly event descending into a spectacle of judgment and immaturity. Through witty banter and astute observations, the participants critique the double standards and irrationality inherent in the situation. They emphasize the importance of open dialogue and self-reflection in dismantling harmful attitudes and fostering a more inclusive and understanding community. The Non-Prophets, Episode 23.18.4 featuring Phoebe Rose, Emma Thorne, Infidel64 and Helen Greene
    14m 10s
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    DeSantis Says Satanists can't be chaplains in FL schools

    10 MAY 2024 · Ron DeSantis invites lawsuit after saying Satanists can't be chaplains in FL schools The Friendly Atheist, By Hemant Mehta, on April 19, 2024 The panel engages in a spirited discussion dissecting Governor Ron DeSantis' recent controversial actions in Florida, particularly the signing of a bill allowing chaplains in public schools. Led by Helen, the panel critiques DeSantis' motives, highlighting concerns over constitutional violations and discrimination against non-theistic groups. Drawing parallels to DeSantis' previous confrontations, Infidel adds depth to the conversation, emphasizing the broader implications for secularism and individual freedoms. Emma offers insightful reflections on the intersection of religion and politics, drawing comparisons to the UK's evolving religious landscape. Throughout the discussion, the panel underscores the importance of defending democratic principles and safeguarding the separation of church and state against encroachments by religious extremism. Their impassioned advocacy serves as a rallying cry for civic engagement and collective action to uphold the values of freedom and democracy in the face of authoritarianism. In this lively discussion, the panel dissects the recent antics of Florida's Governor, Ron DeSantis, as he signs a bill allowing chaplains in public schools, sparking a firestorm of controversy. The conversation unravels against the backdrop of a Friendly Atheist article by H. Meta, dated April 19th, 2024, highlighting DeSantis' disregard for constitutional protections and the potential discrimination against non-theistic groups. Helen leads the charge, critiquing DeSantis' actions as a thinly veiled publicity stunt to distract from genuine issues plaguing Florida. Infidel adds depth to the discussion, drawing parallels between DeSantis' maneuvers and his previous clashes with Disney and "Mom's against Liberty." The panel expresses concern over the erosion of secularism and the encroachment of religious influence in public institutions. Emma offers a unique perspective, reflecting on the rise of Christian nationalism and its implications for individual freedoms. She raises poignant questions about the future trajectory of the United States, drawing comparisons to the UK's evolving religious landscape. As the conversation unfolds, the panel delves into the broader implications of DeSantis' actions, highlighting the slow erosion of constitutional principles and the danger of unchecked power. They sound a clarion call for vigilance in defending freedom of expression and safeguarding the separation of church and state. Through nuanced analysis and impassioned advocacy, the panel underscores the urgent need for civic engagement and collective action to preserve the foundational principles of democracy in the face of creeping theocracy. The Non-Prophets, Episode 23.18.3 featuring Phoebe Rose, Emma Thorne, Infidel64 and Helen Greene
    18m 3s
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    SCOTUS to Hear Case Regarding Emergency Abortions

    8 MAY 2024 · ‘How sick do they have to get?’ Doctors brace for US supreme court hearing on emergency abortions The Guardian, By Carter Sherman, on April 23, 2024 The Non-Prophets, Episode 23.18.2 featuring Phoebe Rose, Emma Thorne, Infidel64 and Helen Greene The discussion revolves around the complex interplay between federal and state laws regarding abortion rights in the United States. The Supreme Court is faced with adjudicating between the Biden Administration's stance favoring federal law and Idaho's insistence on prioritizing state law. This clash has significant implications for healthcare, especially concerning emergency room practices and abortion access across the country. The participants express deep concern and frustration with the situation. They highlight the inadequacy of laws rooted in Christian nationalism and the risks posed to women's health and autonomy. There's a sense of dismay at the disregard for medical expertise and the prioritization of ideological agendas over public health and individual rights. The conversation delves into legal intricacies, such as the precedence of federal law over state law and the role of the Supreme Court in interpreting and applying these laws. There's criticism of the court's perceived activism and disregard for established legal principles, particularly in recent abortion-related cases. The discussion also touches on the practical challenges faced by individuals seeking abortion, including financial and logistical barriers, especially for marginalized communities. The participants question the fairness and equity of state laws that restrict access to reproductive healthcare, particularly for those with limited resources. Overall, the dialogue reflects a sense of frustration with the erosion of abortion rights and the broader implications for healthcare access and individual autonomy in the United States.
    18m 14s
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    High court upholds ban on prayer rituals

    6 MAY 2024 · High court upholds top London school’s ban on prayer rituals The Guardian, By Sally Weale, on April 16, 2024 The discussion begins with an overview of a contentious situation involving a student in a UK school, Michaela's Community School, where prayer is prohibited. Despite fervent prayers, the high court upholds the school's ban on rituals, citing the importance of discipline and order. This case sparks a debate on the role of religion in UK education and school autonomy. The conversation delves into various perspectives. One participant expresses understanding, citing the parents' awareness of the school's policies and the educational value of facing such challenges. Another participant, expressing British cultural norms, finds the ban on religion in schools odd given the prevalence of religious schools and practices across the UK. They explore personal experiences with religious education, from attending Church of England schools to Catholic schools in the US. The participants reflect on the balance between religious expression and maintaining an inclusive educational environment. A legal perspective is introduced, discussing the judge's ruling on indirect discrimination and the application of the Equality Act. The judge upheld the school's ban, citing the aim of maintaining an inclusive and productive educational environment, despite acknowledging discrimination. The discussion extends to the practicality of accommodating religious practices within school schedules and the freedom of choice in selecting schools based on religious affiliation. They ponder hypothetical scenarios such as accommodating Ramadan fasting and Christian rituals. As the conversation concludes, they emphasize the need for viewers to form their own opinions on the matter and consider where they stand regarding the intersection of religious expression and education. The Non-Prophets, Episode 23.18.1 featuring Phoebe Rose, Emma Thorne, Infidel64 and Helen Greene
    17m 39s
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    Digital Despair: Atheism and Phones

    4 MAY 2024 · RECIPE FOR depression: Atheism and a smartphone, By Patrick Meagher, on April 10, 2024  In a discussion about an article penned by a Catholic bishop on mental health issues among youth, the participants dissect various aspects of his argument. The bishop attributes the crisis to factors like social media, drawing on psychologists like Jordan Peterson and Carl Jung. However, his argument is critiqued for its lack of evidence and reliance on outdated perspectives, such as quoting Jung, who passed away over 60 years ago. This leads to skepticism about the bishop's understanding of modern psychological dynamics. The discussion also touches on the bishop's attempt to link declining mental health to declining religious belief. Critics point out the irony of using religious ideology, such as original sin, which can contribute to low self-esteem, as a solution to depression. The bishop's avoidance of addressing issues within the church, like the history of sexual abuse scandals, is noted, highlighting a lack of self-reflection within religious institutions. Participants also challenge the bishop's assertion that atheism and smartphones are the primary causes of depression, finding it to be a diversion from more pertinent issues. There's a consensus that the bishop's arguments lack substance and fail to provide meaningful insights or solutions. They critique the article's manipulative structure, where the mention of atheism is strategically placed to evoke a reaction without substantial engagement. Overall, the discussion highlights the inadequacy of the bishop's arguments, which are perceived as outdated, lacking evidence, and ultimately serving to deflect attention away from systemic issues within religious institutions. Critics emphasize the need for more nuanced and evidence-based discussions on mental health, rather than relying on religious doctrine or scapegoating external factors. The Non-Prophets, Episode 23.17.4 featuring Jimmy Jr., Richard Allen, Scott Dickie and Jonathan Roudabush
    21m 33s
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    Kissing Cousins: To Ban or Not to Ban?

    3 MAY 2024 · Tennessee lawmakers send bill to ban first-cousin marriages to governor, NBC News NBC News, By The Associated Press, on April 12, 2024  The discussion delved into the complex interplay between government regulation, personal freedom, and societal norms surrounding marriage. It began with a report on Tennessee's recent legislation prohibiting marriage between first cousins, sparking a debate on the extent of government intervention in personal decisions. Proponents cited genetic risks associated with cousin marriage, while skeptics questioned the necessity of such legislation and highlighted inconsistencies compared to other marriage laws. Scott argued that while the government bears a responsibility to protect public health, especially regarding genetic disorders in offspring, it should not dictate who individuals can marry. He emphasized the importance of informed consent and suggested that government intervention should focus on protecting vulnerable populations, such as children, from coercion rather than regulating marriage choices. Richard raised concerns about child marriage and the need for age limitations to ensure informed consent, distinguishing between regulating marriage contracts and prohibiting marriages based on familial relationships. He also mentioned polygamy as another contentious issue, questioning whether outrage over cousin marriage should be extended to other non-traditional forms of marriage. Jonathan echoed the sentiment that government intervention should prioritize protecting individuals from coercion and ensuring informed consent, particularly for vulnerable populations. He stressed the need for education and access to reproductive healthcare rather than blanket restrictions on marriage. Overall, the discussion highlighted the tension between personal autonomy and government intervention in marriage decisions, with participants advocating for informed consent, protection of vulnerable populations, and a nuanced approach to regulation that balances individual freedom with public health concerns. The Non-Prophets, Episode 23.17.3 featuring Jimmy Jr., Richard Allen, Scott Dickie and Jonathan Roudabush
    22m 54s
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    Shiny Happy People Not Holding Hands

    28 JUL 2023 · The Non-Prophets, Episode 22.29.3 featuring Cynthia McDonald, Aaron Jensen and Teo el Ateo ‘Get back in line with God’: Fundamentalism Christian YouTubers furious with Duggar documentary ‘Shiny Happy People’ Daily Dot, By Catherine Caruso, Jul 11, 2023,

And we are The Non-Prophets!... airing on the first and third Sunday of every month, starting at 3:00 PM Central (01:30-03:00 UTC) on our Youtube channel: The Non-Prophets focuses...

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And we are The Non-Prophets!... airing on the first and third Sunday of every month, starting at 3:00 PM Central (01:30-03:00 UTC) on our Youtube channel: The Non-Prophets focuses on atheism and the separation of church and state.
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