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The Real Truth Podcast

  • TRT-PODCAST#120-Mystery of the Kingdom #1

    8 NOV 2022 · Episode #120 is the first of a multipart series, the number of episodes of which cannot be determined in advance. The series is based on The Mystery of the Kingdom book and audiobook written and narrated by Dr. Lambert. The Mystery of the Kingdom is a verse-by-verse exposition of what Jesus Himself identified as "The Paramount Parable" — The Parable of the Sower. Unpacked as it is by the author, this book is a virtual "Christianity 101," in that it puts the entire "big picture" of the Christian experience and life into proper perspective, unveils many insights into the how the Kingdom of God operates on earth, and answers many common questions regarding God and the Kingdom of God. Its subtitle, Bearing Kingdom Fruit, reflects the book’s and the Parable's ultimate message. The medium through which that message is conveyed — The Parable of the Sower — is what Jesus Himself indicated is the most important of all His Parables. In it, He delineated the four categories of hearers of the Word of God. According to the Parable, everyone who has ever heard the Word of God falls into one of these four categories, and thereby chooses their own future and eternal destiny. Dr. Lambert unveils in the volume the four-step path of progressive spiritual growth revealed in this "dark saying" (parable) of the Master. The most profound and intriguing "hidden pearl" inherent in the rich and ingenious Parable, however, is the spiritually appraised "secret" of how the entire Kingdom of God operates and how every believer can bear Kingdom fruit in his/her own life. And, indeed, as Scripture indicates in numerous places, that bearing of Kingdom fruit is by no means optional, but rather absolutely imperative for the obtaining of eternal life. > Why do bad things happen to "good" people? > "If there is a God who loves us so much, why does He allow such evil and adverse things to happen and continue to exist in the world?" > Who is the true author of evil and adversity in the world? > Why is there so much suffering in the world and even for Christians? > When Christians experience adversity does it mean they are doing something wrong or that it is happening because they are sinners? > Is adversity a sign of sin and judgment from God? > Is there really a real, live devil? > If Satan exists, should Christians just ignore him and act as if he doesn’t exist? > Didn’t Jesus "defeat" the devil? If so, why is "spiritual warfare" really necessary? > Is a Christian’s salvation “eternally secure, or can he/she fall away and lose his/her salvation? > What is Kingdom fruit and how does one produce it in their own life? > How important is it to bear Kingdom fruit? What is the consequence if we don’t? These are all questions commonly asked by believers and unbelievers alike. The Mystery of the Kingdom offers definitive and straightforward answers to all these age-old questions, right out of the Word of God. By demystifying many of the conundrums of life, The Mystery of the Kingdom, will bring you new inward peace, rest, and faith, and in the process quench the psychological and emotional "fiery darts" with which the evil one assails all believers. It will also arm you with added "ammunition" for quelling the sometimes hostile questionings and criticisms of the unbelieving. Regardless of how long you’ve been a believer, you are guaranteed to gain new insights from this book that will have a powerful and enduring impact upon your life! Those who have known the Lord for a while, will also be reminded of many vital concepts and precepts concerning the Kingdom of God and our Heavenly Father’s gracious and exceeding love for us. The inspiring and empowering message unfurled in The Mystery of the Kingdom series is a tremendous evangelizing source. Once you’ve experienced it for yourself, you will then be impelled or even compelled to sow it into the lives of loved ones and those you are praying will receive the Lord Jesus Christ into their hearts and lives.
    Played 29m 33s
  • TRT-PODCAST#119-Jezebel-Spirit-Part1

    14 JUN 2022 · This message was delivered in 1989 at a Women's Retreat in Silver Springs, FL, when Dr. Lambert was 41 years old. The JEZEBEL SPIRIT, is an evil spirit obsessed with domination and obtaining control in realms of authority, that operates through witchcraft/sorcery to achieve its goal. The covert operations of the Jezebel Spirit remains to be one of the most prevalent and dastardly problems in all of Christendom—in families and businesses of believers, churches/ministries, and every other arena of interrelations of believers—as well as in every segment of secular society where human relationships exist. In psychology, the effects produced by this demonic spirit are known as “narcissism,” or Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) in clinical cases. Jezebel is a decimating spirit, that if not discerned, uncovered, and resisted via the supernatural gifts of the Spirit and effectual spiritual warfare, often produces catastrophe and tragedy in the lives of those it targets. It is one of the most unrelenting and dogged evil spirits in all of Satan’s fiefdom, that if unable to completely destroy, in the meanwhile will do all in its power then to neutralize its human target through an almost endless array of dastardly, demonic wiles and schemes that defy common human prescience. Personally, I believe this is the evil spirit behind abortion. It certainly, without any doubt, is the demonic spirit behind extreme and aggressive feminism that has wreaked untold decimation in every aspect of American society, including ecclesiastical. Dr. Lambert wrote and published an article on this topic on Spirit Life Magazine, available at: https://www.spiritlifemag.com/exposing-the-jezebel-spirit/.
    Played 30m 22s

    31 MAY 2022 · This episode is Part-2 of this series. Deliverance is a part of the process of sanctification, though it is rarely understood as such. God testifies in His Word that Jesus the Messiah, will appear in the clouds in the air at the last trump of God, to claim as His Eternal Bride the Church Jesus is building when it is without spot or wrinkle. Spots and wrinkles intimate uncleanness, spiritual defilement and corruption. Demons are evil unclean spirits that spiritually defile those they inhabit. The first tenet of the Great Commission Jesus issued to the Church just prior to His ascension into Heaven to retake His Seat at the right hand of God is the casting out of demons: "Them that believe in my name, shall cast out demons" (Mk. 16:17). Deliverance (casting out of and liberation from demons) is exclusively for believers. Jesus strongly cautioned against casting demons out of unbelievers, saying that the demons that are cast out will return bringing with them seven more demons with them and as a result the person will be seven times more defiled and demonized. The reason demons need to be cast out of believers is remove the spiritual defilement that demons bring to those they inhabit. This message was delivered in 2006 as one session in a School of Deliverance Dr. Lambert was conducting commencing in 2005. Thus, this message was a prophetic message speaking about end-time purposes of God that are taking place at this time in these end-times. Prophets often speak of things that will take place in earnst many years later, sometimes decades later. That is the case with this message! What Dr. Lambert was prophesying in 2006 is happening right now in 2022 when this podcast is published. Deliverance (the casting out of demons) is desperately needed in this hour to purify the remnant Church Jesus is building to make her ready for return of Christ to claim her as His Eternal Bride and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb!
    Played 31m 41s

    10 MAY 2022 · Deliverance is a part of the process of sanctification, though it is rarely understood as such. God testifies in His Word that Jesus the Messiah, will appear in the clouds in the air at the last trump of God, to claim as His Eternal Bride the Church Jesus is building when it is without spot or wrinkle. Spots and wrinkles intimate uncleanness, spiritual defilement and corruption. Demons are evil unclean spirits that spiritually defile those they inhabit. The first tenet of the Great Commission Jesus issued to the Church just prior to His ascension into Heaven to retake His Seat at the right hand of God is the casting out of demons: "Them that believe in my name, shall cast out demons" (Mk. 16:17). Deliverance (casting out of and liberation from demons) is exclusively for believers. Jesus strongly cautioned against casting demons out of unbelievers, saying that the demons that are cast out will return bringing with them seven more demons with them and as a result the person will be seven times more defiled and demonized. The reason demons need to be cast out of believers is remove the spiritual defilement that demons bring to those they inhabit. This message was delivered in 2006 as one session in a School of Deliverance Dr. Lambert was conducting commencing in 2005. Thus, this message was a prophetic message speaking about endtime purposes of God that are taking place at this time in these endtimes. Prophets often speak of things that will take place in earnst many years later, sometimes decades later. That is the case with this message! What Dr. Lambert was prophesying in 2006 is happening right now in 2022 when this podcast is published. Deliverance (the casting out of demons) is desperately needed in this hour to purify the remnant Church Jesus is building to make her ready for return of Christ to claim her as His Eternal Bride and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb!
    Played 30m 2s
  • TRT-PODCAST#116-Holy-Terrorists-Part4

    25 APR 2022 · This is Part-4, the last part, of this series. Satan is the Master-Terrorist who uses terrorism as a weapon against humans! Acts of terrorism perpetrated by vile, demon-possessed religious zealots terrorism against peoples and nations aimed at hegemony and/or destruction thereof emanate ultimately from Satan himself! The agents of terrorism are merely the pawns and surrogates of Satan and his devices. Such was the case in acts of terrorism by foreign actors with 9-11, which was precipitated by the first attack on the twin-towers in NYC perpetrated by the same terrorist organization as a "trial run" in 1992. This message was originally delivered a few months after that first attack that same year (30 years ago now in 2022), was the primary inspiration for this message, and is mentioned during the message. The premise of the message is that in these end-times in which we are living God is turning the tables on Satan by making His Children who will obey Him to be "Holy Terrorists" to terrorize Satan and his devils! God's people -- individual Born Again believers and the collective genuine Church that Jesus is building -- are called to be warriors engaging in warfare against Satan and his kingdom, offensively resisting him with "the weapons of our warfare" (2 Cor. 10:4) at every turn and in every battle he initiates against us! Believers and the genuine Ekklesia are not called to be cringing-in-fear, Casper-Milquetoast, Christianette, pacifists, but Spirit-anointed fearless warriors engaging in spiritual warfare against all "the wiles (strategic battle plans) of the devil" (Eph. 6:11)! This message was preached by Dr. Lambert in a home church meeting with unusually strong prophetic passion, as though the Holy Spirit was issuing a dire warning to those present that day concerning events that could occur in the not too distant future of their lives. The Holy Spirit was trying to awaken some of them out of the deadly spiritual lethargy they were experiencing and alerting them to the fact that they must be ready to enter into the battle against the wiles of devil in their lives, which turned out to be exactly what took place in many of their lives. In fact some of their lives were tragically cut short not long after this message! There really are no options in the matter: we must either be "overcomers" and "more than conquerors" who overcome and conquer Satan and his relentless wiles and attacks or we will be the "overcome" and "conquered"!
    Played 30m 20s
  • TRT-PODCAST#115-Holy-Terrorists-Part3

    4 APR 2022 · This is Part-3 of this series. Satan is the Master-Terrorist who uses terrorism as a weapon against humans! Acts of terrorism perpetrated by vile, demon-possessed religious zealots terrorism against peoples and nations aimed at hegemony and/or destruction thereof emanate ultimately from Satan himself! The agents of terrorism are merely the pawns and surrogates of Satan and his devices. Such was the case in acts of terrorism by foreign actors with 9-11, which was precipitated by the first attack on the twin-towers in NYC perpetrated by the same terrorist organization as a "trial run" in 1992. This message was originally delivered a few months after that first attack that same year (30 years ago now in 2022), was the primary inspiration for this message, and is mentioned during the message. The premise of the message is that in these end-times in which we are living God is turning the tables on Satan by making His Children who will obey Him to be "Holy Terrorists" to terrorize Satan and his devils! God's people -- individual Born Again believers and the collective genuine Church that Jesus is building -- are called to be warriors engaging in warfare against Satan and his kingdom, offensively resisting him with "the weapons of our warfare" (2 Cor. 10:4) at every turn and in every battle he initiates against us! Believers and the genuine Ekklesia are not called to be cringing-in-fear, Casper-Milquetoast, Christianette, pacifists, but Spirit-anointed fearless warriors engaging in spiritual warfare against all "the wiles (strategic battle plans) of the devil" (Eph. 6:11)! This message was preached by Dr. Lambert in a home church meeting with unusually strong prophetic passion, as though the Holy Spirit was issuing a dire warning to those present that day concerning events that could occur in the not too distant future of their lives. The Holy Spirit was trying to awaken some of them out of the deadly spiritual lethargy they were experiencing and alerting them to the fact that they must be ready to enter into the battle against the wiles of devil in their lives, which turned out to be exactly what took place in many of their lives. In fact some of their lives were tragically cut short not long after this message! There really are no options in the matter: we must either be "overcomers" and "more than conquerors" who overcome and conquer Satan and his relentless wiles and attacks or we will be the "overcome" and "conquered"!
    Played 29m 30s
  • TRT-PODCAST#114-Holy-Terrorists-Part2

    28 MAR 2022 · This is Part-2 of this series. Satan is the Master-Terrorist who uses terrorism as a weapon against humans! Acts of terrorism perpetrated by vile, demon-possessed religious zealots terrorism against peoples and nations aimed at hegemony and/or destruction thereof emanate ultimately from Satan himself! The agents of terrorism are merely the pawns and surrogates of Satan and his devices. Such was the case in acts of terrorism by foreign actors with 9-11, which was precipitated by the first attack on the twin-towers in NYC perpetrated by the same terrorist organization as a "trial run" in 1992. This message was originally delivered a few months after that first attack that same year (30 years ago now in 2022), was the primary inspiration for this message, and is mentioned during the message. The premise of the message is that in these end-times in which we are living God is turning the tables on Satan by making His Children who will obey Him to be "Holy Terrorists" to terrorize Satan and his devils! God's people -- individual Born Again believers and the collective genuine Church that Jesus is building -- are called to be warriors engaging in warfare against Satan and his kingdom, offensively resisting him with "the weapons of our warfare" (2 Cor. 10:4) at every turn and in every battle he initiates against us! Believers and the genuine Ekklesia are not called to be cringing-in-fear, Casper-Milquetoast, Christianette, pacifists, but Spirit-anointed fearless warriors engaging in spiritual warfare against all "the wiles (strategic battle plans) of the devil" (Eph. 6:11)! This message was preached by Dr. Lambert in a home church meeting with unusually strong prophetic passion, as though the Holy Spirit was issuing a dire warning to those present that day concerning events that could occur in the not too distant future of their lives. The Holy Spirit was trying to awaken some of them out of the deadly spiritual lethargy they were experiencing and alerting them to the fact that they must be ready to enter into the battle against the wiles of devil in their lives, which turned out to be exactly what took place in many of their lives. In fact some of their lives were tragically cut short not long after this message! There really are no options in the matter: we must either be "overcomers" and "more than conquerors" who overcome and conquer Satan and his relentless wiles and attacks or we will be the "overcome" and "conquered"!
    Played 29m 14s
  • TRT-PODCAST#113-Holy-Terrorists-Part1

    21 MAR 2022 · Satan is the Master-Terrorist who uses terrorism as a weapon against humans! Acts of terrorism perpetrated by vile, demon-possessed religious zealots terrorism against peoples and nations aimed at hegemony and/or destruction thereof emanate ultimately from Satan himself! The agents of terrorism are merely the pawns and surrogates of Satan and his devices. Such was the case in acts of terrorism by foreign actors with 9-11, which was precipitated by the first attack on the twin-towers in NYC perpetrated by the same terrorist organization as a "trial run" in 1992. This message was originally delivered a few months after that first attack that same year (30 years ago now in 2022), was the primary inspiration for this message, and is mentioned during the message. The premise of the message is that in these end-times in which we are living God is turning the tables on Satan by making His Children who will obey Him to be "Holy Terrorists" to terrorize Satan and his devils! God's people -- individual Born Again believers and the collective genuine Church that Jesus is building -- are called to be warriors engaging in warfare against Satan and his kingdom, offensively resisting him with "the weapons of our warfare" (2 Cor. 10:4) at every turn and in every battle he initiates against us! Believers and the genuine Ekklesia are not called to be cringing-in-fear, Casper-Milquetoast, Christianette, pacifists, but Spirit-anointed fearless warriors engaging in spiritual warfare against all "the wiles (strategic battle plans) of the devil" (Eph. 6:11)! There really are no options in the matter: we must either be "overcomers" and "more than conquerors" who overcome and conquer Satan and his relentless wiles and attacks or we will be the "overcome" and "conquered"!
    Played 29m 11s
  • TRT-PODCAST#112--Deliverance-The Children's Bread

    14 MAR 2022 · Jesus called Deliverance -- the casting out of demons -- "The Childrens' Bread, meaning that it is something that the Children of God, i.e., believers, must partake of in order to sustain them spiritually. Bread" i.e., food, is required for physical sustenance. Humans cannot live but a few days without ingesting food. Thus, food is not optional. People MUST eat food in order to survive. Jesus was indicating the same is true regarding deliverance -- that it is not something believers can survive spiritually without for very long. All believers need to have any evil spirits that are in any way inflicting or influencing them CAST OUT! The sooner, the better! Jesus stated categorically, "Those who BELIEVE, in my Name, they will CAST OUT DEMONS! The first person you need to have demons cast out of is YOURSELF. Otherwise, you will not have the spiritual power to cast them out of other people! Deliverance is THE CHILDRENS' BREAD!
    Played 29m 5s
  • TRT-PODCAST#111-Lester-Sumrall-Part1

    8 MAR 2022 · This episode is about the autobiography of one the most prolific pioneers of the Pentecostal/Charismatic church stream, who powerfully impacted 110 nations with the Gospel of Christ during his extraordinary 83-year life and 65-year ministry! This well-told life-story is one of those rarified gems of ministerial interest that every minister and aspiring minister, in particular, needs to hear that is guaranteed to forever impact and inspire them in their own life-marathon divine calling to go long and finish strong! It is a veritable "MUST-HEAR" chronicle of an altogether unlikely "earthen" transporter of heavenly "treasure" to untold myriads his life and ministry touched as one of God's titan generals of the 20th Century! Dr. Lester Sumrall went home to be with the Lord on April 28, 1996, having labored tirelessly and passionately to the last toward his goal of reaching a million people for Christ, leaving behind a legacy and ongoing ministry that continues to reach forward with the Gospel of Christ to millions around the world through the many, varied resources that were the fruits of his labor. The audiobook is available in several formats from the Real Truth Publications website at: https://www.RealTruthPublications.com, including the digital Audible version, which can be streamed to your smartphone or mobile device, and can be accessed directly at: https://adbl.co/3013DcF.
    Played 30m 5s
Dr. Steven Lambert is an ordained minister, podcaster, broadcaster, producer, author, editor, and publisher. More in-depth information about him is available on his main website at: SLM.org.

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