The Shadiest podcast in the hundred acre HOOD. Noel and Kadeem talk about everything from nerd news and gossip to running start ups. We post every Sunday!

Episodes & Posts
10 JUN 2019
16 APR 2019
12 MAR 2019 · Kadeem give a quicky non Spoiler review of Captain Marvel and the tv show Arrow coming to an end. Meanwhile Noel discusses the corrupt nature of Disney and their streaming app and monopolizing entertainment.
4 MAR 2019 · Kadeem and Noel Hash it it out. Why is Disney World so much suck-ier these days but the prices begin to sky rocket?Universal seems to be winning! Is it really important to play highly designed games like kingdom heart 3 on Playstation instead of Xbox one ?
24 FEB 2019 · In this Episode Noel and Kadeem talk about Gary Vanderchuck inspiration, Elon musk's Ironman suit and the new movie Alita!
3 FEB 2019
The Shadiest podcast in the hundred acre HOOD. Noel and Kadeem talk about everything from nerd news and gossip to running start ups. We post every Sunday!
Author | Kadeem Davis |
Organization | Kadeem Davis |
Categories | TV & Film |
Website | - |
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