The “Straight Shooter” returns! Tom Roten is the former host of the #1 rated local talk show in the Huntington, WV market. The Tom Roten Morning Show aired for more...
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The “Straight Shooter” returns! Tom Roten is the former host of the #1 rated local talk show in the Huntington, WV market. The Tom Roten Morning Show aired for more than two decades – urging listeners to consider different ideas than what they have always been taught.For 22 years, Roten discussed politics, current events, and controversial issues with hard-hitting opinion and featured local, state, and national guests. For its entirety, it was the #1 talk show in the Huntington, WV market. The most recent ratings period showed the station overall at #5 in the market, #1 for AM stations (highest ever ranking).Tom built a reputation of holding politicians and government accountable in West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio. His efforts have been recognized in numerous ways. Tom has been honored several times by the WV Broadcasters Association for excellence in broadcasting. The KY Baptist Convention recognized Tom with their annual Integrity Award for “accurate, fair and balanced coverage of faith issues” in 2018. The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels presented a plaque commissioning Tom Roten as a Kentucky Colonel in 2021.Tom is from Glenville, WV and graduated from Gilmer County High School. He attended Marshall University where he began working at the college radio station in 1986. He has worked at various commercial stations including WSGB in Sutton, WV and WVHU in Huntington, WV.Tom, his wife and four sons, live in Barboursville, WV where they are active in the community and serve in various ministries at their church, Bloomingdale Baptist.
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The Tom Roten Show
The Tom Roten Show
18 SEP 2024 · A Biblical hero in the book of Esther prevented an assassination of the Persian King. Mordecai revealed to Queen Esther the plot that was devised by two of the King's chamberlains. America needs a Mordecai to blow the whistle on those Deep State chamberlains who will do anything to keep Donald Trump from returning to office.
There are similarities between the two would-be assassins, Crooks and Routh. Both appeared in commercials produced by Deep State financier Black Rock.
17 SEP 2024 · It's hard to grasp, but research indicates that hospitals were paid to murder people and the incentive increased in November of 2020. John Beaudoin, author of THE REAL CDC, has researched 1.4 million death records from three states and says, other than WWII, "sudden kidney failure is the biggest killer this nation has seen in 100 years." And according to Beaudoin, this was done via hospital protocol.
16 SEP 2024 · Unitl the Summer of 2024, it had been 43 years since there was an assassination attempt on a President or former President. Now Donald Trump has escaped death twice within two months. And the would-be assassins both appeared in commercials for Blackrock?
Sheriff Richard Mack comments on this and other issues such as the border crisis and election integrity. Sheriff Mack is the president of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association.
13 SEP 2024 · Approximately 476,000 people are diagnosed and treated for Lyme disease each year in the United States. Several more have delayed treatment due to improper diagnosis. But did you know that Lyme, a tick-born illness, was a military experiment gone wrong?
Kris Newby is an award-winning medical science writer and author of BITTEN: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons.
Bitten takes readers on a journey to investigate these claims, from tours of biological weapons facilities to interviews with biosecurity experts and microbiologists doing cutting-edge research, all the while uncovering darker truths about Willy Burgdorfer, the Lyme microbe’s discoverer, who revealed that he had developed bug-borne bioweapons during the Cold War.
It also leads her to uncomfortable questions about why Lyme can be so difficult to both diagnose and treat, and why the government is so reluctant to classify chronic Lyme as a disease.
12 SEP 2024 · Fifty years ago childhood illnesses like chickenpox, measles, mumps, etc. were usually mild and kids got well in just a few days. But thanks to the many childhood immunizations recommended by the CDC along with food ingredients and other environmental factors, American now suffer with chronic diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes, heart disease, and many more. Listen as Dr. Bonnie Buchman discusses these and other issues. Dr. Bonnie's 3rd book, WITNESS TO HEALING IN CANCER, is due out this Fall.
11 SEP 2024 · Trump supporters and conservatives know that the presidential debate was rigged in favor of VP Harris. Harris supporters are more solid in their vote for her. Trump voters, no matter how disappointed or angry, are still supporting the former president. But what about the undecided voter? It's pretty clear Kamala won them over.
Dan Savickas is Director of Policy at the Taxpayers Protection Alliance and gives his take on the debate, saying Trump missed opportunities particularly on the economy, inflation.
10 SEP 2024 · "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching." - Hebrews 10:25
America won't be great again until our churches are great again. Christians in the US take going to church for granted. Many that do go only go Sunday mornings. The Sunday evening and Wednesday evening services have gone by the way side. Was America better or worse when committed Christians went to church more than once a week?
9 SEP 2024 · Deb Winters is not letting her deadly diagnosis stop her from making an impact on others. She began horrific symptoms not long after her Covid vaccine. It took a lot of tests, but she was diagnosed with ALS - Lou Gehrig's disease. She and her husband are promoting her 2nd annual "Hope 4 ALS Rally" on Saturday, Sept. 14th at Robert Newlon Airpark on Rt. 2, just north of Huntington, WV. Go to for more info.
6 SEP 2024 · The latest school shooting in Georgia is another tragic example of government failure. The school system knew the shooter had issues. CPS knew the family was dysfunctional and had been called multiple times. The FBI visited the shooter's home last year over an online threat. And let's not forget...the school building was a "gun free zone". FAILURE!
Luis Valdes is a former school resource officer and the Florida Director for Gun Owners of America. He says schools need trained/armed staff and we really need to address the mental health crisis in this country.
Also on today's program...former Ambassador and former US Congressman Francis Rooney says a Kamala Harris foreign policy will mirror the one we have now with Joe Biden.
5 SEP 2024 · Another school shooting leaves Americans with several unanswered questions. Was the teen on antidepressants? Why was there not more done to protect children? And how on earth is there another mass shooting where the shooter had already been on the FBI's radar?
Tom Hall has provided training for schools in active shooter situations. He is an instructor with FASTERSavesLives.
The “Straight Shooter” returns! Tom Roten is the former host of the #1 rated local talk show in the Huntington, WV market. The Tom Roten Morning Show aired for more...
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The “Straight Shooter” returns! Tom Roten is the former host of the #1 rated local talk show in the Huntington, WV market. The Tom Roten Morning Show aired for more than two decades – urging listeners to consider different ideas than what they have always been taught.For 22 years, Roten discussed politics, current events, and controversial issues with hard-hitting opinion and featured local, state, and national guests. For its entirety, it was the #1 talk show in the Huntington, WV market. The most recent ratings period showed the station overall at #5 in the market, #1 for AM stations (highest ever ranking).Tom built a reputation of holding politicians and government accountable in West Virginia, Kentucky, and Ohio. His efforts have been recognized in numerous ways. Tom has been honored several times by the WV Broadcasters Association for excellence in broadcasting. The KY Baptist Convention recognized Tom with their annual Integrity Award for “accurate, fair and balanced coverage of faith issues” in 2018. The Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels presented a plaque commissioning Tom Roten as a Kentucky Colonel in 2021.Tom is from Glenville, WV and graduated from Gilmer County High School. He attended Marshall University where he began working at the college radio station in 1986. He has worked at various commercial stations including WSGB in Sutton, WV and WVHU in Huntington, WV.Tom, his wife and four sons, live in Barboursville, WV where they are active in the community and serve in various ministries at their church, Bloomingdale Baptist.
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Author | Uncommon Media Group |
Organization | Tom Roten |
Categories | Politics |
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