3 SEP 2024 · Thank you for being here to hear Jeanne "Menopause Guru" Andrus & I have this fruitful conversation that is truly worth sharing.
What if we just normalized the fact that we just ended our time of "giving life to others" and see it for what it is, we unapologetically begin to give life to ourselves.
Jeanne jumped out of a plane recently, didn't matter that she is in her late 60's.
Consider how relationships serve you today, which serve your best interest? Which drain your good energy? Do you intetionally create a safe space for yourself?
How often do you go along to get along? Even when your mind, body & soul felt fully against that decision.
From puberty through midlife, estrogen levels, we as early 40's through late 40's & beyond, women have navigated many transitions and we're powerful enough to progress through the midlife transition.
Relationships change, they'e outgrown their season, need to end for one or mulitple reasons and it's okay that it didn't last a lifetime.
When we normailze change and create fluidity when adjusting to new normals, we can adopt tools and new habits that support where we are and adjust accordingly along the journey.
Jeanne adopted stress management, new eating style, sleep regimen, and a host of other life changing practices to accommodate her new level of needs. Truly a product of her product.
Jeanne's expertise in hypnotherapy, NLP, other coaching modalities bring an array of science and results driven transformation that provide a customized experience & life-altering wins for her clients.
As we know, women make love with their minds. How flexible is your partner? Is it a shared experience or you go along to get along and suffer in silence?
The time comes when you face the obvious; to stand up for yourself, make tough decisions (end relationships), finally choose YOU & debunk people pleasing.
Communication is key; must be a willingness of both parties to open up endless possibilities. Making negotiation the core to creating true balance, which leads to endless joy!
There are numerous options to regulate your hormones through topical estrogen, HRT, coconut oil, etc. Be sure locate a physician that can help you make informed decisions.
Though some of life experiences came as a gift wrapped in sandpaper, we STILL get to choose to not only survive, but thrive unapologetically. Intentionally build new habits that feel good to your soul, bring you a sense of satisfaction that have you feeling fulfilled from the inside out.
Be sure to visit to connect with Jeanne's tools & resources:
Wesbite: https://menopause.guru/
Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/menopause-matters/id1647880274
Books: https://menopausebooks.com/