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The Work Flow Podcast

  • Ep.16 - GUEST SPOTLIGHT - What is "burnout" and how to deal with it

    29 FEB 2024 · On our first guest spotlight we bring on one of our listeners, Mike Santorsola, Account Executive @ Gearset to discuss "burnout". We deep dive on Mike's experience with burnout in hopes to uncover it's root cause, and brainstorm ways to address it proactively. Big thanks to Mike for being our first guest in this new format! -------------------------------------------------------------- (START - 0:57) Introduction to new series format and burnout topic. (0:57 - 1:08) Hosts introduce themselves and mission. (1:08 - 1:24) Discussion on hosts' chemistry enhancing podcast dynamic. (1:25 - 2:59) Mike and Derek's professional connection and burnout discussion. (2:59 - 4:54) Exploration of personal impact of burnout. (4:55 - 6:46) Mike's experience with burnout. (6:46 - 7:50) Distinguishing tiredness from burnout. (7:51 - 8:25) Identifying burnout triggers and symptoms. (8:25 - 9:37) Impact of habits and routines on burnout. (9:38 - 10:14) Identifying causes of burnout. (10:15 - 11:37) Factors contributing to burnout. (11:38 - 13:46) Internal vs. external pressures in burnout. (13:47 - 14:56) Mike's approach to managing burnout. (14:57 - 16:28) Emphasis on internal control and personal responsibility. (16:29 - 20:11) Strategies for recognizing and addressing burnout. (20:12 - 21:43) Admitting and seeking help for burnout. (21:44 - 23:54) Impact of seeking help on managing burnout. (23:54 - 24:58) Communication with managers about burnout. (24:59 - 25:23) Seeking support from peers or family. (25:23 - 26:24) Sharing work challenges outside of workplace. (26:25 - 27:05) Presenting solutions when seeking help for burnout. (27:05 - 27:55) Importance of outlet outside work to prevent stress. (27:55 - 28:00) Conclusion with conversation acknowledgment. (28:01 - 28:48) Reflections on personal growth and addressing burnout. (28:48 - 28:51) Wrap-up with Mike. (28:51 - END) Post-interview reflection on burnout misconceptions. -------------------------------------------------------------- For more tips, frameworks and episode summaries follow the Work Flow Podcast on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-work-flow-podcast/?viewAsMember=true and on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workflowshow/ If you have feedback about the show, or ideas for topics youd like us to cover, shoot us an email at workflowshow@gmail.com
    Played 41m 25s
  • Ep.15 - When being a "yes man" can be a good thing or a bad thing, and how to say "no"

    15 FEB 2024 · Spread too thin? Endless to do list? Working late hours? You may be feeling the pain of being a "yes man" (or woman). In the latest episode of The Work Flow Podcast, Sam and Derek unpack: - why it's good to say "yes" early in your career - the boundaries where "yes" can be too much - how to say "no" respectfully and productively - and so much more! -------------------------------------------------------------- (0:00 - 0:47) Introduction to importance of tone and word choice (0:47 - 1:06) Personal updates and Christmas spirit (1:07 - 1:47) Holiday gift-giving strategies and family agreements (1:47 - 2:53) "Yes Man" concept from Jim Carrey's movie (2:54 - 3:39) Pros and cons of being a people pleaser (3:40 - 4:25) Strategies for saying no and setting boundaries (4:26 - 5:47) Anecdotes on saying yes too much in professional settings (5:48 - 7:59) Workplace burnout and overcommitting (8:00 - 9:51) Consequences of saying yes too much (9:52 - 11:46) Advice for setting boundaries in the workplace (11:47 - 13:58) Communicating limitations to colleagues and superiors (13:59 - 17:24) Strategies for managing professional relationships (17:25 - 20:10) Questioning work priorities and pushing back on tasks (20:11 - 23:49) Reflections on handling work requests (23:50 - 26:44) Real-life examples of navigating work requests (26:45 - 29:59) Concluding thoughts on personal growth -------------------------------------------------------------- For more tips, frameworks and episode summaries follow the Work Flow Podcast on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-work-flow-podcast/?viewAsMember=true and on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workflowshow/ If you have feedback about the show, or ideas for topics youd like us to cover, shoot us an email at workflowshow@gmail.com
    Played 36m 34s
  • Ep.14 - Generalists and their hidden superpowers with Lindsey Lerner, Host of Generally Curious

    1 FEB 2024 · Lindsey Lerner comes on the Work Flow Podcast to discuss what it means to be Generalist. She covers what it means to have empathy and future focus, how Generalists can leverage their diverse backgrounds to solve problems, how to articulate a broad set of experience to prospective employers and so much more. -------------------------------------------------------------- (00:36) Greeting Lindsey Lerner (00:41) Discovery of Generalist World (01:06) Interest in Generalist Theme (01:38) Lindsey's Childhood Ambition in Photography (02:09) Combining Creativity with Intelligence (03:22) Transition from Art to Business School (04:10) Adventures in Chile and Music Management (05:36) Starting Level Exchange Business (06:17) Challenges and Closure of Business (06:48) Self-Advocacy and Family Support (07:45) Transition to Tour Managing and Entrepreneurship (08:34) Blissful Ignorance and Entrepreneurial Beginnings (09:19) Discovery of Entrepreneurship (10:01) Belief in Diversity and Innovation (11:00) Current Involvement with Generalist World (12:14) Definition of a Generalist (13:20) Generalists' Empathy and Future Focus (14:56) The Role of Curiosity in Generalism (16:05) Problem Solving as a Generalist (17:14) Human Nature and Empathy in Generalism (18:02) Challenges of Being a Generalist in Traditional Roles (19:20) Flexibility in Career Paths (20:04) Role at Generalist World and Podcast Launch (21:09) Diversity and Themes in Podcast Season (22:48) The Role of Translator for Generalists (23:10) Navigating the Broad Interests of Generalism (24:28) Portfolio Approach Over Traditional Resume (25:24) Overcoming the Jumper Optics (26:03) Intentionality in Career Moves (28:38) Discipline and Frameworks for Staying on Track (30:00) Embracing Iteration for Success (32:15) Overcoming Mental Hurdles on the Generalist Path (34:00) Surfing Analogy for Career Management (36:45) Importance of Enjoying the Process (39:00) Addressing Envy and Comparison in Careers (41:30) Valuing Autonomy Over Stability (43:45) Wrap-up and Gratitude for Insights -------------------------------------------------------------- For more tips, frameworks and episode summaries follow the Work Flow Podcast on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-work-flow-podcast/?viewAsMember=true and on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workflowshow/ If you have feedback about the show, or ideas for topics youd like us to cover, shoot us an email at workflowshow@gmail.com
    Played 46m 12s
  • Ep.13 - Why health and fitness make you better at work with Soraya Zidane, Body Transformation Coach for High Performers

    18 JAN 2024 · Soraya Zidane drops some fitness knowledge for the busy working professional in this Episode of The Work Flow Podcast. She covers how fitness can improve your work output, and how that can snowball into every aspect of your life. You'll also leave with tips on how to get started, and many small changes you can make in your day to day that will compound into major results long term! Find Soraya on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/sorayazidane-body-fitness-coach/ and on her website at https://www.sorayazidane.com/ Resources referenced: Dan Go https://www.linkedin.com/in/danfounder/?originalSubdomain=ca Shawn Stevenson https://www.instagram.com/shawnmodel/?hl=en Mindpump https://mindpump.com/ -------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------- For more tips, frameworks and episode summaries follow the Work Flow Podcast on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-work-flow-podcast/?viewAsMember=true and on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workflowshow/ If you have feedback about the show, or ideas for topics youd like us to cover, shoot us an email at workflowshow@gmail.com
    Played 40m 59s
  • Ep.12 - How to define career success in the modern age, and tracking progress towards your goals

    4 JAN 2024 · Derek and Sam sat down on Ep.12 of The Work Flow Podcast to discuss career success. How to define it, how it has changed generationally, and what are the systems we use to define it and measure it for ourselves. -------------------------------------------------------------- START - 0:35) Introduction to the concept of a 'new kind of plot for high achievers', followed by the opening of the Workflow Podcast with hosts Sam and Derek. (0:35 - 1:08) Discussion about the book "Never Enough" and Western achievement culture, focusing on the definition of career success and the arrival fallacy. (1:08 - 2:02) Exploration of changing perceptions of career success over time and the influence of traditional Western ideals. (2:02 - 3:19) Contrast between traditional markers of career success (money, power, influence) and the recent shift towards work-life balance and intrinsic values. (3:19 - 4:08) Analysis of the pendulum swing in career values, debating the genuineness of the shift towards family importance and work-life balance. (4:08 - 5:01) Discussion on intrinsic vs. extrinsic values in defining career success, citing the book "Never Enough." (5:01 - 6:02) The evolution of career goals over time and the importance of balancing intrinsic and extrinsic values. (6:02 - 7:00) Reflections on personal career success and the importance of regularly reassessing one's value system. (7:00 - 8:15) Skepticism about the authenticity of the shift towards personal life balance in the professional world. (8:15 - 9:59) Personal stories of career paths, focusing on the balance between ambition and personal fulfillment. (10:00 - 11:04) The concept of considering one's future self in decision-making, and personal anecdotes about health and lifestyle choices. (11:04 - 12:58) Discussion about different approaches to career success: emotional vs. structured, including the use of personal OKRs. (12:58 - 14:24) Strategies for self-assessment and setting personal goals, including daily scoring of activities related to objectives. (14:24 - 16:03) The importance of aligning day-to-day actions with long-term goals and finding personal satisfaction in career progress. (16:03 - 17:20) Reflections on personal definitions of success and the ongoing nature of achieving and redefining success. (17:20 - 18:10) Discussion about the human nature of continually seeking success and fulfillment. (18:10 - 19:26) The concept of defining success as a state rather than a place, and reflecting on the long-term impact of current actions. (19:26 - 20:59) Real-world considerations in career planning, including practical needs and balancing them with intrinsic values. (20:59 - 22:24) Personal stories about finding balance and the importance of self-reflection in defining career success. (22:24 - 23:55) Discussion on the role of emotions in career decisions and personal growth. (23:55 - 25:31) Contrast between career-driven and personal-driven approaches to defining success. (25:31 - 27:11) Reflections on feeling unsuccessful at career peaks and the journey towards finding personal fulfillment. (27:11 - 29:53) Insights into the common narrative of achieving success and then seeking deeper meaning in life. (29:53 - 30:45) Final thoughts on the individual nature of defining success and the importance of inner reflection. (30:45 - 32:30) The darker side of letting external motivators drive you. (32:30 - END) Final thoughts and wrap-up -------------------------------------------------------------- For more tips, frameworks and episode summaries follow the Work Flow Podcast on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-work-flow-podcast/?viewAsMember=true and on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workflowshow/ If you have feedback about the show, or ideas for topics youd like us to cover, shoot us an email at workflowshow@gmail.com
    Played 36m 40s
  • Ep.11 - Getting unstuck in your career, following your interests, making impact and more with Katy Culver, Career Coach BizOps @ Dover

    21 DEC 2023 · In this episode, we chat with Katy Culver, Career Coach and BizOps @ Dover. Join us while we explore and shine the light on the strategies and frameworks you need to avoid being stuck in a job that’s no longer serving you. Katy coaches professionals on how to realize their dream careers. she understands that everyone’s story is unique and so will be their prescribed career path. Some prefer climbing the ladder and other times calls for the “lillypad” approach. Sometimes the path means sticking it out, other times it means changing your role completely. The question is left up to you. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (01:00) Welcome, Katy Culver! (02:40) Partnering with People to Realize their Career Dreams (04:30) What Does This Process Typically Look Like? (08:00) What should people do if they start feeling like it's time for a role and/or job change? (10:55) Networking as a way to find your path and continue growing in your role (14:20) The importance of understanding your internal purpose and "why" (17:00) It's not a matter of who you know, it's who knows you (19:45) Thinking like an Owner to Accelerate your goals (22:00) Work with your manager to help negotiate time for passion projects (24:50) Making the switch from a large company to a startup (25:30) Career advancement: The Lillypad Approach vs the traditional ladder approach (27:30) How to approach the job search with confidence (28:50) Back to Lillypad concept and pulling from Katy's experience to expound on the principle (34:30) Check in with yourself (35:00) What's next for Katy? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more tips, frameworks and episode summaries follow the Work Flow Podcast on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-work-flow-podcast/?viewAsMember=true and on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workflowshow/ If you have feedback about the show, or ideas for topics youd like us to cover, shoot us an email at workflowshow@gmail.com
    Played 42m 18s
  • Ep.10 - Reading the Room and Leaning into Your Personality

    7 DEC 2023 · Being yourself at work can not only make things more enjoyable, it can also help you build relationships and get stuff done. Careful though, because there is a time and a place to let your personality shine. Where are the boundaries? What are the best practices? Sam and Derek share some stories from their experience and talk about ways to read the room to know how much to let on and when. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more tips, frameworks and episode summaries follow the Work Flow Podcast on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-work-flow-podcast/?viewAsMember=true and on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workflowshow/ If you have feedback about the show, or ideas for topics youd like us to cover, shoot us an email at workflowshow@gmail.com
    Played 42m 18s
  • Ep.09 - Driving Influence Through Storytelling & Being True to Yourself with Michael Gibeault, CIO @ Qlik

    22 NOV 2023 · Michael Gibeault is the Cheif Information Officer at Qlik. We bring him on the pod to talk learn about: - His unique ability to rally teams through storytelling and metaphor - Building relationships through being relatable and vulnerable - Being yourself at work - Reading the room - and so much more! Michael was a wealth of knowledge and this episode is packed with ways to fine tune your mindset at work in the early stages of your career. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (0:55) - Mike G Intro and Background (4:10) - Mike's Storytelling Origin Story and Has Always Been Skilled at This? (5:00) - At What Point Did You Realize Storytelling Was a Tool Worthy of Mastering? (6:30) - Approaching Storytelling in a Professional Setting (8:20) - Story Time with Mike - The Telephone Pole Story (10:30) - The Impact Stories Have on People and Teams and How It Maps to Messaging (12:00) - Story Time with Mike - The Don't Put Down the Burrito Story (14:03) - The Importance of Levity and Reading the Room to Break Up the Tension (17:30) - Building Relationships in a Virtual Environment (19:44) - Reading the Room and Being Yourself to Accelerate Your Professional Career (25:00) - Pick Your Spots (32:00) - Using Stories to Get Your Message Across Through Simplicity (37:50) - Using Personal Experience to Learning and Memory (38:38) - Wrap Up -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more tips, frameworks and episode summaries follow the Work Flow Podcast on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-work-flow-podcast/?viewAsMember=true and on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workflowshow/ If you have feedback about the show, or ideas for topics youd like us to cover, shoot us an email at workflowshow@gmail.com
    Played 41m 4s
  • Ep.08 - The Hidden Power in Asking for Help

    9 NOV 2023 · Asking for help at work can be daunting. You may be nervous, don't want to inconvenience others, or just don't know how to ask. This can lead to spinning your wheels, not shipping work, and a buildup of disatisfaction. In this episode, Derek and Sam reframe asking for help in a positive light. They discuss how engaging someone for help is actually a compliment to them, and an aknowledgement that you matter. Have a listen, and let us know what you think! workflowshow@gmail.com -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:45 - Why asking for help is difficult within the culture we live 02:40 - What is mattering 03:50 - The overlap between mattering and stoicism 04:30 - Why are people hesitant in asking for help 07:00 - The consequences of not asking for help 07:40 - A tool - find a mentor 10:30 - Finding a mentor is easier than you think 12:00 - Balancing asking for help with providing value 14:30 - How to ask for help from someone you have no relationship with 17:30 - Don't start from nothing. Do some homework first 18:30 - At what point do I consider myself stuck and in need of help 20:00 - A personal story from Sam 24:50 - The importance of relationships and why it's more relevant now than ever 29:45 - Using AI as a tool to help -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more tips, frameworks and episode summaries follow the Work Flow Podcast on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-work-flow-podcast/?viewAsMember=true and on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workflowshow/
    Played 32m 34s
  • Ep.07 - Finding Purpose, Creativity, and Effectiveness at Work by Asking "Why?"

    26 OCT 2023 · Finding purpose in your role, but also in the day to day tasks or projects you carry out, is powerful. It allows you to sharpen your focus, increase effectiveness, and paves the way to career satisfaction. In this episode we explore some ways to find purpose by asking "why?". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1:00 introduction 1:35 brick layers story 3:05 why is why important 4:30 example from Sam: how not having a clear why can have negative impact 6:20 is it practical to find purpose in everything, really? 7:30 how the traditional school system does it wrong (backwards) 9:30 how to find why in every day tasks 11:20 start at the expected result and work backwards to find the why 14:30 seeking feedback before, during, and after to keep yourself on track 15:55 using documentation to help contextualize and set objectives 20:00 how to explain the why to others and influence their behavior 23:30 zooming in to the individual or specific group to connect the task at hand to their why and your personal why 28:00 seeking purpose out proactively 32:15 artificial intelligence example - seeking purpose 38:45 dont assume others know the why. asking questions can be the key for others as well -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more tips, frameworks and episode summaries follow the Work Flow Podcast on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/the-work-flow-podcast/?viewAsMember=true and on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/workflowshow/
    Played 45m 4s

Sam Magnant & Derek Bisson explore how stuff really gets done in the working world. They share stories and interview top talent in tech and business, providing frameworks and advice...

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Sam Magnant & Derek Bisson explore how stuff really gets done in the working world. They share stories and interview top talent in tech and business, providing frameworks and advice that can be used in real life, on the job, every day.
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