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Tohono O'odham Young Voices

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    Ep. 44 Justice for Raymond Mattia Sr. (baht)

    14 MAY 2024 · *Content warning the following contains discussions surrounding experiences with border patrol and graphic descriptions of violence, and even death, that may be triggering, or traumatizing to some audiences. Please take care while listening* On May 18, 2023, Raymond Mattia Sr. (baht) a respected member of the Tohono O’odham community, was tragically shot and killed by Border Patrol agents. This incident, highlights the frequent and invasive interactions between Border Patrol and the Tohono O’odham people with the use of excessive force.  This episode highlights the family and community members that have organized peaceful protests, and are pursuing legal action, emphasizing the need for greater oversight of Border Patrol operations.  Raymond's death has brought attention to issues of accountability and transparency within the Border Patrol, his family has been vocal about the excessive force used and the lack of accountability, calling for immediate reforms to prevent future tragedies within the community.  There is a growing call for solidarity and support from other communities to raise awareness and catalyze societal change.This incident underscores the urgent need for a comprehensive review of Border Patrol practices, the family's advocacy for justice highlights the ongoing struggles of militarization across the Tohono O'odham Nation, may we continue to stand in solidarity with the family in their efforts.  *for NON O'odham listeners. (BAHT) is a O'odham phrase meaning to respect those who have passed and keep them at peace. 
    Played 45m 40s
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    Ep. 43 HEMAJKAM - Learning From The Community

    2 MAY 2024 · In this season finale of Tohono O’odham Young Voices, we thank the listeners for your support, as we also reflect on season eight's accomplishments, and preview season nine's focus on uplifting Indigenous stories.  This episode highlights personal updates from us, including Tina's work with community radio, Napoleon's new teaching role at San Carlos Apache College, and Bree's dual degree pursuit.  We also discuss Community projects, including a permanent exhibit at the Mexican American Heritage Center and Museum, an NEH-funded sound-based project, and the San Xavier Allottees Association's podcast initiative. Next, we reflect on community events and conferences, underscoring their role in promoting engagement and cultural preservation. Key episode discussions from season eight are revisited including one with Kiana Pete and season nine's focus on topics like Indigenous rights and missing and murdered Indigenous women is previewed, kicking off with an episode about Raymond Mattia Sr. (baht). We want to thank all the listeners who came to support us and gave us words of encouragement as we dive into deeper topics in our communities around justice and awareness that could be challenging for some listeners. Follow and check out some of the amazing Indigenous communities doing similar work to us and support!  Here are helpful links to learn more about the topics we discussed in our conversation: https://www.tribalselfgov.org/about/ https://usindigenousdatanetwork.org/us-indigenous-data-sovereignty-governance-summit/ https://www.nativeamericacalling.com/friday-april-19-2024-remembering-the-1974-navajo-border-town-murders/ https://grbc.tv/ https://www.pursuitfilms.com/blog/the-girl-scout-murders Music By- Famous Ones "Love You To The Moon & Back (Interlude)" Chica De Mis Suenos Epidemic Sound - Jobii, LM. Styles "Kerfuffle" Midnight Haze
    Played 1h 18m 18s
  • Ep. 42 Defining Indigenous Self-Determination

    22 APR 2024 · This conversation is Hosted by Tina, Co-hosted with Napolean, featuring guest Kianna Pete (Dine). Kianna is a scholar, advocate, freelance writer, and Indigenous education & policy researcher from New Mexico. Working with tribes of the southwest, environmental justice organizers, and legal scholars, she promotes Indigenous self-determination and equitable education. Kianna also provides free educational resources on social media about Indigenous organizing around issues of climate change and tribal rights. Kianna's project title: The Formation of Tribal Reservation Border Towns: Navigating Dine Identity in “Injun-Killing” Spaces. Examination of Tribal Reservation Bordertowns - relatively new concept to Indigenous studies that responds to the ensuing violence against Native Americans.  Helpful links: Book - Red Nation Rising - https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHVKb284SkhONVV0cmppaXptclFIU0c0NFl2QXxBQ3Jtc0ttb1VNVEREbXUwdGt2R0pLdm1GTFd3Q1VldWt2b2JSbFhCTWZSNVh5Y1pNVHR2Xzc1ZkFvVWJqTjM2dGNBYkZUeTZfZHI1SjBXSE5MRExYVVFjNS1mYTUycGM4b2tGYlBTRFBGanFqblpYZDRvVktBUQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fbooks%2Fedition%2FRed_Nation_Rising%2FgbRHEAAAQBAJ%3Fhl%3Den%26gbpv%3D1%26printsec%3Dfrontcover&v=JPFHPXBn_r0 The Everyday Violence of Indian Country's "bordertowns" - https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbU9MMzZhSXliNTdGMkZyWWN6eUw4TEVvc2JTQXxBQ3Jtc0tsdi1rVlBxakEtTXNBM2ZMSjNzYmlKRVNqc29HMnVkc19nRmU0TVhBTkkzcGRKd0REVVJwdk56WjJGdFA3ZDFZVjlQNGMySGt2Qk5iV1dhZWZuc0xWbnhjZnNlZnFKaTN4bTYwZVpqRHpnUXZTTFBMTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.hcn.org%2Fissues%2F53-6%2Fideas-books-the-everyday-violence-of-indian-countrys-bordertowns%2F&v=JPFHPXBn_r0 The Amerian Indian Movement: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMjHxththQA&t=0sA Broken Circle" NHD Documentary Instagram https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbF9GbkllSXlnYzJlSWJ2UElrdElYUnVIeTh6UXxBQ3Jtc0tsZVJWUTBwYkRmOXJ3MG5WRHZvaWNTZHdWYjVlMUF0dllCQm5XVmtxN0JuVl9RNEZWejRrY2MxMjN2QUtkVG5CWldqNmx5amJDVGQyanNjVGs5Yk9ubW1Kdy1pUHhDbkNsdmdzZmIyRVdRX0NwSGxXVQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fkianna_pete%2F%3Fhl%3Den&v=JPFHPXBn_r0 Tohono O'odham Young Voices: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGtrYjM3U0tyLWt0Ny1RVlVNa05VUEpsQkY5Z3xBQ3Jtc0trWXBRQUdlMTh4VGc5SHc2UlVpU2pMRExWRk5QNXpLQUljVjlVQ0cwV1pYQk1lMjliOTBLN2NFenk2clhMSDBPTUhzUncxTENRc3cyRGtaWm05SHhaTUtzYmhRd1o1Smo1ZFZTeW5uZlQ2dU9BYWhibw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.toyoungvoices.com%2F&v=JPFHPXBn_r0
    Played 48m 47s
  • Ep. 41 Ties to the land

    7 MAR 2024 · DeShawn Davis is a young environmentalist exploring traditional O’odham Jewedga (O’odham lands) in Southern Arizona. He currently works as a Next Generation Ranger at Saguaro National Park and is also an involved participant in the Eco Truths for Indigenous Youth. His passion for science-based programs and work experiences have provided him with the knowledge and the tools to excel in the STEM world. He also embraces his deep cultural connections and access to ancestral lands. The critical role we have as Native/Indigenous people to protect sacred sights, nature, animals, etc. is important especially when working in the National Park Service; to educate and share historical facts, and cultural perspectives, and update the narrative that local tribes are more than just a chapter in history books, but that we are still here evolving and thriving while still holding on to our cultural inheritance. Recorded: January 2024 Background music by: Guustavv “Barranca” and Bomull “älv” For more information about Deshawn's involvement, check out these articles and interviews! Next-generation ranger camp https://www.nps.gov/sagu/getinvolved/next-generation-ranger-corps.htm Eco Truths for Indigenous Youth https://ironwoodtreeexperience.org/community/projects/ecotruths-for-indigenous-youth-2/
    Played 44m 37s
  • Ep. 40 Palestine & O'odham Homelands: Uncovering Shared Struggles

    29 NOV 2023 · In this thought-provoking episode, join us as we dive deep into the intersecting worlds of Indigenous issues and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Tina Andrew, Executive Producer, and co-host Napoleon Marrietta lead a dynamic discussion, bringing together a diverse panel of experts. Dr. Christopher Wise, a seasoned professor with a wealth of experience in Africa and the Middle East, adds academic depth to our conversation. Another special guest Amy Juan, drawing from her firsthand experiences in Palestine-Israel, offers a unique perspective that uncovers striking parallels between the O'odham and Palestinian lifestyles and experiences living within' a militarized environment. Throughout the episode, our conversation centers on key themes such as colonization, land rights, and cultural preservation, spotlighting the universal nature of these struggles. The parallels between the experiences of Indigenous people and Palestinians serve as a lens to examine complex global issues. We emphasize the importance of understanding historical and cultural contexts as we explore the intricate web of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This dialogue challenges listeners to think critically about these issues beyond mainstream narratives, inviting them to explore deeper dimensions of historical, political, and social significance. Ultimately, this episode offers a multifaceted exploration of global conflicts, Indigenous issues, and the profound impact of personal narratives on our collective understanding of complex social and political dynamics. Tune in for an enlightening and engaging conversation that aims to broaden your perspective on these pressing global issues. Background music: Dusty Decks "Top Glare", Ahmad Kaabour "Ounadikom", Hannes "Summer 3000" Recorded: November 22, 2023
    Played 1h 38m 17s
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    Ep. 39 Mato Wayuhi

    8 NOV 2023 · Episode 39 was co-hosted by Bre, Tina, and Mia with special guest https://matowayuhi.net/. Mato is Oglala Lakota from the Pine Ridge rez in South Dakota. He is mostly known as a multidisciplinary artist who composes his own music, raps, and is brining his own unique sound to mainstream media. His recent work is infamously heard throughout the https://www.fxnetworks.com/shows/reservation-dogs series seasons one through three which he composed as well as acted as Young Bucky in season three, which is sadly the final season of the show. The impacts he's making and the roads he's paving for younger generations to follow or not follow, are at least recieving recognition from all walks of life. Bringing that indigenous sound for the universe to hear, staying true to his own individualism as an artist, while intigrating his Oglala Lakota roots, his talent does not disappoint! The interview Mato, shares his music journey that eventually led him to also compse music for https://ondisneyplus.disney.com/show/launchpad-season-2." We hope you enjoy the conversation! Background music by: https://open.spotify.com/artist/70rrdlPO77vFHx1GLER7WT?si=d23ySc0aRfa5xi4JMkh37w Recorded: October 30, 2023
    Played 55m 34s
  • Ep. 38 Meet Dr. J, O'odham Scholar

    29 OCT 2023 · This episode is co-hosted by Tina and Napolean with guest Dr. Jacelle Ramon-Sauberan (Tohono O'odham). Tune in as we take a deep dive into Dr. J’s dissertation research and background in journalism. She is from Wa:k Ceksan (San Xavier District) of the Tohono O’odham Nation just South of Tucson, Arizona. Tina has known Dr. J and has over the years followed her work in the community, both as a student and as a professional. The journey in journalism for Jacelle started at a young age as a bear essential news reporter up until her college years where she fulfilled her dream to be a journalist for Indian Country Today. As she transitioned into the doctoral program at the University of Arizona, Jacelle began to focus more on her community of Wa:k (where the water rises) also known as San Xavier and its history of land and water. Growing up she often heard stories of the jewed (land) and the impacts that have affected it til this day. It wasn’t until she began her own research that she unearthed community and surrounding local stories that helped her piece together what all those impacts were for Wa:k O’odham. Sapo! With permission from Dr. J, if you would like a copy of her dissertation please feel to email us at https://gmail.com to receive a pdf copy. Background music by: baegel “Training Montage” and Dusty Decks “Top Glare” Recorded: October 2023
    Played 1h 41m 13s
  • Ep. 37 Dr. Paulette Steeves

    20 OCT 2023 · In this episode host Tina Andrew is joined by two strong, educated, indigenous women who both work in the field of archaeology. https://paulettesteeves22.wixsite.com/drpaulettesteeves (Cree-Métis) is a renowned indigenous archaeologist who's work is groundbreaking for all indigenous/native communities. In her research, Steeves argues that, "Indigenous peoples were present in the Western Hemisphere as early as 100,000 years ago, and possibly much earlier. She has created a database of hundreds of archaeology sites in both North and South America that date from 250,000 to 12,000 years before present, which challenges the Clovis First dogma of a post 12,000 year before present initial migrations to the Americas." Her book, "The Indigenous Paleolithic of the Western Hemisphere," focuses on reclaiming the history of the deep past of Indigenous people in North and South America during the Paleolithic.Our second guest is a former team member of the podcast, Genesis, a Yoeme anthropologist, Entrepreneur, and Land Defender, works as a field archaeologist in Arizona. She shares her experiences and the challenges she's faced with in academia, and field work. Backgroung music by: Ambre Jaune "Chant for Quisqueyat" and Matt Large "Llevame Lejos de Aqui" Recorded: October 2023
    Played 1h 12m 31s
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    Ep. 36 Rooted In Waila Music

    9 OCT 2023 · In this episode we went live with waila/Tejano musician https://www.facebook.com/stevieray.vavages. Tune in as Stevie goes in depth about his upcoming and his musical journey that is rooted in the Tohono O’odham social music called Waila. The word waila is derived from the Spanish word Baila, which means “to dance.” Growing up Stevie was surrounding by music and inspired by family who played in a waila band called Thee Express. He was taught the guitar at a young age and has sense then stayed committed to his dream of playing along side musicians he used to practice and study in his beginning years as a musician. Today, he is living in Texas, playing with the infamous Jaime DeAnda, original frontman of Jaime y https://tejanonation.net/2021/08/28/classic-jaime-y-los-chamacos-album-unrivaled-remastered-for-digital-release/! He has also shared the stage with and/or recorded with popular musicians such as Albert Zamora, Max Baca, Flaco Jimenez, and even cellist Yo-Yo Ma. In this interview Stevie not only talks about his musical journey but shares his more personal everyday life experiences as well. https://www.youtube.com/live/eAoXKdy8VXU?si=h1LbW7wUMk61KYP_ Music by: Thee Express "Arabian Cumbia" "Greasewood chote", Stevie Ray Vavages "Express Chote" and American Indians "Cry Babe (waila)" Recorded: September 2023
    Played 1h 19m 40s
  • Ep. 35 O'odham Harvester

    31 AUG 2023 · In this episode Exec. Producer, Tina and guesthttps://www.artists-at-work.org/tanisha-tucker-lohse share their last thoughts about our partnership with the https://www.artists-at-work.org/ as it comes to an end. Over the past months Tanisha has been a mentor to the entire podcast team, sharing her time, knowledge, and engaging the community through hands on cultural experiences. We've had the opportunity to learn from Tanisha during the spring and summer harvesting seasons. Tune in as she shares what her time was like participating in the AAW program and how this past harvesting season went. Also check out our website to see what recipes Tanisha has shared with you! https://www.toyoungvoices.com/ Recorded: August 2023
    Played 33m 5s
Located in southern Arizona, this show shares episodes discussing local tribal events, topics, cultural perspectives, history, education, etc.

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