Podcast Cover

True Crime Black

  • Explicit

    AI Wrongfully Arrests Black Man

    26 JUN 2023 · Please consider supporting the show by becoming a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/blackcoldcase Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/truecrime.black/ Track info: Halloween Horror Creepy Piano by Alex-Productions Music promoted by “FM Free Music” Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbExCNW8zZXVYYVp3dEZPMEpGdTl2eFdhQmllQXxBQ3Jtc0tsLUhpVE95R3hnem55XzdqMjZ6VU9BMHZzSE01R2kzcWszbTdIQWk3UnZRYklkc1M1QW5PUUpFaklGcjRadzVXc3ZOYS1fazdkU3dWMWVrMHQ2YjBjWGU4ODJUdHFVY2dZaXMzLWw0Skc0RXhvd1Rudw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3gtRvy8&v=giQt1QaAhWw FM Free Music Download: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW8yWU51bE1BX01UcVJYalhhNEl0eVo1bTJ0QXxBQ3Jtc0tuME5XM2ZzUDFjeW5zb2RQbTVvVFZZaGp2X2dQLVVDWWh3UGtBYVlrNEFPWG80RVRZYVV0XzlVZldaS2tFOHJ1SzlrYmVjVnB5SVF5ZF9VWThXc0kxU2Q3NTJJN2lWMVNLOW9RWGJ1X054N0t2a1Z2UQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fhypeddit.com%2F40qrzq&v=giQt1QaAhWw Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Music provided by Alex-Productions: Halloween Horror Creepy Piano by Alex-Productions Author Download: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbG90SEE1R1RIUE9ZS3E4aGh6ZnpjeVpub2xWUXxBQ3Jtc0ttR2lFVEp5TG5GTkk2TUtZU2tsQ1B6VkotTnhzWlFfLTIxMy1OQXU4RGxDMkhpN3ZNeTFmTmxZNTlrTEZjWG1KUTdkaDlhVWxqTzVBVFl2QWNnVU9qMXVuUzB4ZENmMnl1RWdtZjNFU0VDcUNjaFg4cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fhypeddit.com%2Ftrack%2Fvm0bx3&v=giQt1QaAhWw Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio ----- In an effort to provide clearer visual evidence of Mr. Reid's appearance, his lawyer, Mr. Calogero, collected photographs and videos from the family and forwarded them to the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office on Wednesday, November 30, five days after the initial arrest. Approximately one hour later, Mr. Calogero received a call from an officer who informed him that the police were retracting the warrant. The reason behind this decision was the discovery of a mole on Mr. Reid's face, which the alleged purse thief did not possess, thereby establishing a distinguishing feature that exonerated Mr. Reid. “Thousands of dollars for something I didn’t do,” he said.
    Played 13m 58s
  • Explicit

    Who Is Charlie Chop-Off?

    7 JUN 2023 · Please consider supporting the show by becoming a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/blackcoldcase Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/truecrime.black/ Track info: Halloween Horror Creepy Piano by Alex-Productions Music promoted by “FM Free Music” Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbExCNW8zZXVYYVp3dEZPMEpGdTl2eFdhQmllQXxBQ3Jtc0tsLUhpVE95R3hnem55XzdqMjZ6VU9BMHZzSE01R2kzcWszbTdIQWk3UnZRYklkc1M1QW5PUUpFaklGcjRadzVXc3ZOYS1fazdkU3dWMWVrMHQ2YjBjWGU4ODJUdHFVY2dZaXMzLWw0Skc0RXhvd1Rudw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3gtRvy8&v=giQt1QaAhWw FM Free Music Download: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW8yWU51bE1BX01UcVJYalhhNEl0eVo1bTJ0QXxBQ3Jtc0tuME5XM2ZzUDFjeW5zb2RQbTVvVFZZaGp2X2dQLVVDWWh3UGtBYVlrNEFPWG80RVRZYVV0XzlVZldaS2tFOHJ1SzlrYmVjVnB5SVF5ZF9VWThXc0kxU2Q3NTJJN2lWMVNLOW9RWGJ1X054N0t2a1Z2UQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fhypeddit.com%2F40qrzq&v=giQt1QaAhWw Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Music provided by Alex-Productions: Halloween Horror Creepy Piano by Alex-Productions Author Download: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbG90SEE1R1RIUE9ZS3E4aGh6ZnpjeVpub2xWUXxBQ3Jtc0ttR2lFVEp5TG5GTkk2TUtZU2tsQ1B6VkotTnhzWlFfLTIxMy1OQXU4RGxDMkhpN3ZNeTFmTmxZNTlrTEZjWG1KUTdkaDlhVWxqTzVBVFl2QWNnVU9qMXVuUzB4ZENmMnl1RWdtZjNFU0VDcUNjaFg4cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fhypeddit.com%2Ftrack%2Fvm0bx3&v=giQt1QaAhWw Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio ----- Despite the increase in crime in the area, few could ever imagine the horror the community was about to face. On a rooftop at 222nd East 121st Street, no more than two blocks from his home, was the body of eight-year-old Douglas Owens, lying in a pool of his own blood. He’d been viciously stabbed 38 times in the neck, chest, and back. Douglas’s genitals had been slashed and almost severed, still attached to his body by a flap of skin. Curiously, his shoes had been removed. It was a gruesome attack, and there was some evidence he may have been sexually assaulted as well. The police in Harlem would immediately investigate the case. Luckily, it would take just 2 weeks for them to get some help from the public.
    Played 15m 12s
  • Explicit

    What Happened To Keeshae Jacobs?

    8 MAY 2023 · Please consider supporting the show by becoming a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/blackcoldcase Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/truecrime.black/ Track info: Halloween Horror Creepy Piano by Alex-Productions Music promoted by “FM Free Music” Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbExCNW8zZXVYYVp3dEZPMEpGdTl2eFdhQmllQXxBQ3Jtc0tsLUhpVE95R3hnem55XzdqMjZ6VU9BMHZzSE01R2kzcWszbTdIQWk3UnZRYklkc1M1QW5PUUpFaklGcjRadzVXc3ZOYS1fazdkU3dWMWVrMHQ2YjBjWGU4ODJUdHFVY2dZaXMzLWw0Skc0RXhvd1Rudw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3gtRvy8&v=giQt1QaAhWw FM Free Music Download: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW8yWU51bE1BX01UcVJYalhhNEl0eVo1bTJ0QXxBQ3Jtc0tuME5XM2ZzUDFjeW5zb2RQbTVvVFZZaGp2X2dQLVVDWWh3UGtBYVlrNEFPWG80RVRZYVV0XzlVZldaS2tFOHJ1SzlrYmVjVnB5SVF5ZF9VWThXc0kxU2Q3NTJJN2lWMVNLOW9RWGJ1X054N0t2a1Z2UQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fhypeddit.com%2F40qrzq&v=giQt1QaAhWw Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Music provided by Alex-Productions: Halloween Horror Creepy Piano by Alex-Productions Author Download: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbG90SEE1R1RIUE9ZS3E4aGh6ZnpjeVpub2xWUXxBQ3Jtc0ttR2lFVEp5TG5GTkk2TUtZU2tsQ1B6VkotTnhzWlFfLTIxMy1OQXU4RGxDMkhpN3ZNeTFmTmxZNTlrTEZjWG1KUTdkaDlhVWxqTzVBVFl2QWNnVU9qMXVuUzB4ZENmMnl1RWdtZjNFU0VDcUNjaFg4cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fhypeddit.com%2Ftrack%2Fvm0bx3&v=giQt1QaAhWw Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio ----- It all occurred on one autumn night on September 26, 2016. 21-year-old Keeshae Jacobs had made plans to spend the night over at her friend’s house in Richmond Virginia. She left her home at around 11:00 pm that Monday night. Her mother, Toni Jacobs, had given her instructions to send her a text when she arrived at her friend's house so that she knew Keeshae had made it safely. Keesahe did just that, at 11:41 pm. She concluded her text by telling her mother that she loved her and would see her the following morning. Toni proceeded with the rest of the night having no idea the importance of that text message. It would be the last time that she ever heard from her daughter. Tragically, Keeshae never returned home the next day, and she hasn’t been seen since.
    Played 12m 41s
  • Explicit

    Was Lennon Lacy Lynched?

    28 APR 2023 · Please consider supporting the show by becoming a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/blackcoldcase Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/truecrime.black/ Track info: Halloween Horror Creepy Piano by Alex-Productions Music promoted by “FM Free Music” Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbExCNW8zZXVYYVp3dEZPMEpGdTl2eFdhQmllQXxBQ3Jtc0tsLUhpVE95R3hnem55XzdqMjZ6VU9BMHZzSE01R2kzcWszbTdIQWk3UnZRYklkc1M1QW5PUUpFaklGcjRadzVXc3ZOYS1fazdkU3dWMWVrMHQ2YjBjWGU4ODJUdHFVY2dZaXMzLWw0Skc0RXhvd1Rudw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3gtRvy8&v=giQt1QaAhWw FM Free Music Download: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW8yWU51bE1BX01UcVJYalhhNEl0eVo1bTJ0QXxBQ3Jtc0tuME5XM2ZzUDFjeW5zb2RQbTVvVFZZaGp2X2dQLVVDWWh3UGtBYVlrNEFPWG80RVRZYVV0XzlVZldaS2tFOHJ1SzlrYmVjVnB5SVF5ZF9VWThXc0kxU2Q3NTJJN2lWMVNLOW9RWGJ1X054N0t2a1Z2UQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fhypeddit.com%2F40qrzq&v=giQt1QaAhWw Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Music provided by Alex-Productions: Halloween Horror Creepy Piano by Alex-Productions Author Download: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbG90SEE1R1RIUE9ZS3E4aGh6ZnpjeVpub2xWUXxBQ3Jtc0ttR2lFVEp5TG5GTkk2TUtZU2tsQ1B6VkotTnhzWlFfLTIxMy1OQXU4RGxDMkhpN3ZNeTFmTmxZNTlrTEZjWG1KUTdkaDlhVWxqTzVBVFl2QWNnVU9qMXVuUzB4ZENmMnl1RWdtZjNFU0VDcUNjaFg4cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fhypeddit.com%2Ftrack%2Fvm0bx3&v=giQt1QaAhWw Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio ----- "Football was the constant that ran through Lennon’s life since he started out as a pee Wee. He was very serious about being a professional, and very passionate about it. He never changed his mind, or wavered from the course." Those are the fond memories of Lennon’s brother, Pierre Lacy. Lennon’s friends also remembered his love for the game, and specifically his excitement for the competition against the West Columbus Vikings. Sadly though, Lennon would never get to make it to the NFL. He never even got to play in the big game that he spent so many days getting himself prepared for. On August 24, 2014, Lennon’s body was found at the swing set in the middle of a trailer park. His body was hanging from the top of the swing set. Devastatingly, his body was discovered just 12 hours before the game against the Vikings was set to start. of a trailer park with nearly all white residents. His body had been discovered twelve hours before the big game.
    Played 13m 4s
  • Explicit

    The Disappearance of Terrence Woods Jr.

    26 APR 2023 · Please consider supporting the show by becoming a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/blackcoldcase Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/truecrime.black/ Track info: Halloween Horror Creepy Piano by Alex-Productions Music promoted by “FM Free Music” Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbExCNW8zZXVYYVp3dEZPMEpGdTl2eFdhQmllQXxBQ3Jtc0tsLUhpVE95R3hnem55XzdqMjZ6VU9BMHZzSE01R2kzcWszbTdIQWk3UnZRYklkc1M1QW5PUUpFaklGcjRadzVXc3ZOYS1fazdkU3dWMWVrMHQ2YjBjWGU4ODJUdHFVY2dZaXMzLWw0Skc0RXhvd1Rudw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3gtRvy8&v=giQt1QaAhWw FM Free Music Download: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW8yWU51bE1BX01UcVJYalhhNEl0eVo1bTJ0QXxBQ3Jtc0tuME5XM2ZzUDFjeW5zb2RQbTVvVFZZaGp2X2dQLVVDWWh3UGtBYVlrNEFPWG80RVRZYVV0XzlVZldaS2tFOHJ1SzlrYmVjVnB5SVF5ZF9VWThXc0kxU2Q3NTJJN2lWMVNLOW9RWGJ1X054N0t2a1Z2UQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fhypeddit.com%2F40qrzq&v=giQt1QaAhWw Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Music provided by Alex-Productions: Halloween Horror Creepy Piano by Alex-Productions Author Download: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbG90SEE1R1RIUE9ZS3E4aGh6ZnpjeVpub2xWUXxBQ3Jtc0ttR2lFVEp5TG5GTkk2TUtZU2tsQ1B6VkotTnhzWlFfLTIxMy1OQXU4RGxDMkhpN3ZNeTFmTmxZNTlrTEZjWG1KUTdkaDlhVWxqTzVBVFl2QWNnVU9qMXVuUzB4ZENmMnl1RWdtZjNFU0VDcUNjaFg4cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fhypeddit.com%2Ftrack%2Fvm0bx3&v=giQt1QaAhWw Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio ----- In 2018, 26-year-old Terrence Woods Jr. returned to the United States after spending several years abroad. Terrence worked in television production and his career took him to many different television sets. When Terrence returned to the United States, he went home to Maryland where he was from. Being close with his family, he was more than happy to be home. Shortly after returning home, Terrence got a job with Raw TV. He would find himself traveling to Montana and Idaho to work on a show called Gold Rush. It was during this time that Terrence began acting out of character. Just a few days after arriving on set, Terrence went to his supervisor and asked for some time off. He told his supervisor that his mother was sick and having surgery and he needed to go home and be with her. This would end up being a lie. Terrence’s family was shocked when they learned he’d fabricated a story like that. That was not like him at all. Nevertheless, his supervisor believed the story and he was set to return home on October 10. Sadly, Terrence would never make it to that day.
    Played 12m 57s
  • Explicit

    The Murder of Kristyana Jackson/What Happened To LaMoine Allen & Kreneice Jones?

    24 APR 2023 · Please consider supporting the show by becoming a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/blackcoldcase Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/truecrime.black/ Track info: Halloween Horror Creepy Piano by Alex-Productions Music promoted by “FM Free Music” Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbExCNW8zZXVYYVp3dEZPMEpGdTl2eFdhQmllQXxBQ3Jtc0tsLUhpVE95R3hnem55XzdqMjZ6VU9BMHZzSE01R2kzcWszbTdIQWk3UnZRYklkc1M1QW5PUUpFaklGcjRadzVXc3ZOYS1fazdkU3dWMWVrMHQ2YjBjWGU4ODJUdHFVY2dZaXMzLWw0Skc0RXhvd1Rudw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3gtRvy8&v=giQt1QaAhWw FM Free Music Download: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW8yWU51bE1BX01UcVJYalhhNEl0eVo1bTJ0QXxBQ3Jtc0tuME5XM2ZzUDFjeW5zb2RQbTVvVFZZaGp2X2dQLVVDWWh3UGtBYVlrNEFPWG80RVRZYVV0XzlVZldaS2tFOHJ1SzlrYmVjVnB5SVF5ZF9VWThXc0kxU2Q3NTJJN2lWMVNLOW9RWGJ1X054N0t2a1Z2UQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fhypeddit.com%2F40qrzq&v=giQt1QaAhWw Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Music provided by Alex-Productions: Halloween Horror Creepy Piano by Alex-Productions Author Download: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbG90SEE1R1RIUE9ZS3E4aGh6ZnpjeVpub2xWUXxBQ3Jtc0ttR2lFVEp5TG5GTkk2TUtZU2tsQ1B6VkotTnhzWlFfLTIxMy1OQXU4RGxDMkhpN3ZNeTFmTmxZNTlrTEZjWG1KUTdkaDlhVWxqTzVBVFl2QWNnVU9qMXVuUzB4ZENmMnl1RWdtZjNFU0VDcUNjaFg4cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fhypeddit.com%2Ftrack%2Fvm0bx3&v=giQt1QaAhWw Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio ----- 7-year-old Kristyana Jackson attended Mary Daly Elementary School in 2012. She was described by everyone as a bright and loving little girl with big dreams and a big heart. Kristyana loved to express herself in many different ways. She loved to dance and sing. She also loved to read and swim. That year, she was a new big sister to her newborn little brother. Her parents, John and Kimi Jackson had been together for more than a decade. They had only 2 children, Kristyana and her 8-month-old brother. John worked at a factory in the area and Kimi worked as a hairdresser. When the couple wasn’t working, they loved spending time with their kids. Things were looking great for the loving family. Sadly, their lives would be changed forever on one summer night. ----- The area of Woodville Mississippi had to bear witness to a family’s tragedy. 2 toddlers were playing in front of a grocery store back in the early 90s. That was a time when the country was really coming to grips with the loss of innocence that children were going to have to endure. Predators were seemingly at every corner waiting to grab a young child and disappear for as long as they could get away with it. And that's what the police believe happened in this case. The 2 toddlers suddenly vanished without a trace. What happened to them? Sadly, We still don’t have any answers. This is the case of LaMoine Allen and Kreneice Jones.
    Played 12m 10s
  • Explicit

    The Murder Of Markia Benson/Aesha Muhammed's Disappearance

    21 APR 2023 · Please consider supporting the show by becoming a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/blackcoldcase Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/truecrime.black/ Track info: Halloween Horror Creepy Piano by Alex-Productions Music promoted by “FM Free Music” Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbExCNW8zZXVYYVp3dEZPMEpGdTl2eFdhQmllQXxBQ3Jtc0tsLUhpVE95R3hnem55XzdqMjZ6VU9BMHZzSE01R2kzcWszbTdIQWk3UnZRYklkc1M1QW5PUUpFaklGcjRadzVXc3ZOYS1fazdkU3dWMWVrMHQ2YjBjWGU4ODJUdHFVY2dZaXMzLWw0Skc0RXhvd1Rudw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3gtRvy8&v=giQt1QaAhWw FM Free Music Download: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW8yWU51bE1BX01UcVJYalhhNEl0eVo1bTJ0QXxBQ3Jtc0tuME5XM2ZzUDFjeW5zb2RQbTVvVFZZaGp2X2dQLVVDWWh3UGtBYVlrNEFPWG80RVRZYVV0XzlVZldaS2tFOHJ1SzlrYmVjVnB5SVF5ZF9VWThXc0kxU2Q3NTJJN2lWMVNLOW9RWGJ1X054N0t2a1Z2UQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fhypeddit.com%2F40qrzq&v=giQt1QaAhWw Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Music provided by Alex-Productions: Halloween Horror Creepy Piano by Alex-Productions Author Download: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbG90SEE1R1RIUE9ZS3E4aGh6ZnpjeVpub2xWUXxBQ3Jtc0ttR2lFVEp5TG5GTkk2TUtZU2tsQ1B6VkotTnhzWlFfLTIxMy1OQXU4RGxDMkhpN3ZNeTFmTmxZNTlrTEZjWG1KUTdkaDlhVWxqTzVBVFl2QWNnVU9qMXVuUzB4ZENmMnl1RWdtZjNFU0VDcUNjaFg4cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fhypeddit.com%2Ftrack%2Fvm0bx3&v=giQt1QaAhWw Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio ----- "It was a very, very senseless, sadistic murder. Whoever committed this murder is someone that we believe she knew," said Upper Darby Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood. Markia Benson’s body was naked in her bathtub. She had several burns throughout her body due to the scalding hot water that was running onto her skin. As the police made their way through her apartment, they found that her home was in a state of disarray. The furniture in her apartment had been knocked over and there were papers thrown all over the floor. There was also a hateful message — directed at women — written on the wall in red lipstick. The exact message has never been revealed by the investigators. They believe that Markia knew her killer and that it was personal. They explain that the lack of forced entry, or signs that point to it, shows that Markia had to willingly allow that person into her apartment. Markia had been killed by being struck with a blunt object to her head and neck. She was murdered at around 9:30 am. ----- During the week, Amaru would stay with his father. During the weekends, he would stay with his mother. For Aesha though, the weekends weren't enough. That led to her making a big decision. On November 23, 2000, Aesha told Amaru's father that she wanted to spend more time with Amaru. Anthony agreed, resulting in Aesha ecstatically picking her son up on November 27. Under this new arrangement, they were going to be able to stay together until December 8. Sadly, Ayeesha's excitement would be overridden by the tragedy that would ensue. Just a week later, Aesha and Amaru were gone.
    Played 14m 11s
  • Explicit

    The Strange Disappearance of Daffany Tullos

    19 APR 2023 · Please consider supporting the show by becoming a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/blackcoldcase Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/truecrime.black/ Track info: Halloween Horror Creepy Piano by Alex-Productions Music promoted by “FM Free Music” Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbExCNW8zZXVYYVp3dEZPMEpGdTl2eFdhQmllQXxBQ3Jtc0tsLUhpVE95R3hnem55XzdqMjZ6VU9BMHZzSE01R2kzcWszbTdIQWk3UnZRYklkc1M1QW5PUUpFaklGcjRadzVXc3ZOYS1fazdkU3dWMWVrMHQ2YjBjWGU4ODJUdHFVY2dZaXMzLWw0Skc0RXhvd1Rudw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3gtRvy8&v=giQt1QaAhWw FM Free Music Download: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW8yWU51bE1BX01UcVJYalhhNEl0eVo1bTJ0QXxBQ3Jtc0tuME5XM2ZzUDFjeW5zb2RQbTVvVFZZaGp2X2dQLVVDWWh3UGtBYVlrNEFPWG80RVRZYVV0XzlVZldaS2tFOHJ1SzlrYmVjVnB5SVF5ZF9VWThXc0kxU2Q3NTJJN2lWMVNLOW9RWGJ1X054N0t2a1Z2UQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fhypeddit.com%2F40qrzq&v=giQt1QaAhWw Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Music provided by Alex-Productions: Halloween Horror Creepy Piano by Alex-Productions Author Download: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbG90SEE1R1RIUE9ZS3E4aGh6ZnpjeVpub2xWUXxBQ3Jtc0ttR2lFVEp5TG5GTkk2TUtZU2tsQ1B6VkotTnhzWlFfLTIxMy1OQXU4RGxDMkhpN3ZNeTFmTmxZNTlrTEZjWG1KUTdkaDlhVWxqTzVBVFl2QWNnVU9qMXVuUzB4ZENmMnl1RWdtZjNFU0VDcUNjaFg4cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fhypeddit.com%2Ftrack%2Fvm0bx3&v=giQt1QaAhWw Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio ----- In 2017, a family was hopeful. They thought that, after nearly 30 years, they’d finally found their missing loved one. The woman was the same age as their missing loved one would be. The woman had the same name as their loved one, though she spelled it slightly differently. She even looked like a spitting image of some of the members of the family. It had to be her, right? Sadly, it wasn’t. The woman’s birth certificate would prove that she wasn’t the adult version of the missing child they’d been looking for. So what is the family to do now? How are they supposed to find their missing child? It would seem that their last hope is for someone to hear the story and remember something that could bring some answers. This is the case of Daffany Tullos.
    Played 14m 31s
  • Explicit

    What Happened To Logan Schiendelman?

    17 APR 2023 · Please consider supporting the show by becoming a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/blackcoldcase Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/truecrime.black/ Track info: Halloween Horror Creepy Piano by Alex-Productions Music promoted by “FM Free Music” Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbExCNW8zZXVYYVp3dEZPMEpGdTl2eFdhQmllQXxBQ3Jtc0tsLUhpVE95R3hnem55XzdqMjZ6VU9BMHZzSE01R2kzcWszbTdIQWk3UnZRYklkc1M1QW5PUUpFaklGcjRadzVXc3ZOYS1fazdkU3dWMWVrMHQ2YjBjWGU4ODJUdHFVY2dZaXMzLWw0Skc0RXhvd1Rudw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3gtRvy8&v=giQt1QaAhWw FM Free Music Download: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW8yWU51bE1BX01UcVJYalhhNEl0eVo1bTJ0QXxBQ3Jtc0tuME5XM2ZzUDFjeW5zb2RQbTVvVFZZaGp2X2dQLVVDWWh3UGtBYVlrNEFPWG80RVRZYVV0XzlVZldaS2tFOHJ1SzlrYmVjVnB5SVF5ZF9VWThXc0kxU2Q3NTJJN2lWMVNLOW9RWGJ1X054N0t2a1Z2UQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fhypeddit.com%2F40qrzq&v=giQt1QaAhWw Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Music provided by Alex-Productions: Halloween Horror Creepy Piano by Alex-Productions Author Download: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbG90SEE1R1RIUE9ZS3E4aGh6ZnpjeVpub2xWUXxBQ3Jtc0ttR2lFVEp5TG5GTkk2TUtZU2tsQ1B6VkotTnhzWlFfLTIxMy1OQXU4RGxDMkhpN3ZNeTFmTmxZNTlrTEZjWG1KUTdkaDlhVWxqTzVBVFl2QWNnVU9qMXVuUzB4ZENmMnl1RWdtZjNFU0VDcUNjaFg4cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fhypeddit.com%2Ftrack%2Fvm0bx3&v=giQt1QaAhWw Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio ----- A young man’s family hopes that a new Investigation Discovery special program can help them find their missing loved one. In May of 2016, a 19-year-old from Tumwater Washington disappeared. Drivers spotted his car abandoned on I-5 with his wallet, cash, food, and his cell phone. The Investigators in this case don’t have any evidence of foul play, but consider the missing person’s case suspicious nonetheless. “This case bothers me, big time,” said Thurston County Detective Frank Frawley. He expressed that he can’t say one way or another if the young man is alive or dead. That is the most frustrating part for all of those involved. This young man just vanished into thin air and left little to no evidence behind that could help us figure out what happened to him. The hope is that the attention on this case will help spark someone’s memory. This is the case of Logan Schiendelman.
    Played 15m 30s
  • Explicit

    Senseless Shootings Vol. 1

    16 APR 2023 · Please consider supporting the show by becoming a Patron: https://www.patreon.com/blackcoldcase Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/truecrime.black/ Track info: Halloween Horror Creepy Piano by Alex-Productions Music promoted by “FM Free Music” Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbExCNW8zZXVYYVp3dEZPMEpGdTl2eFdhQmllQXxBQ3Jtc0tsLUhpVE95R3hnem55XzdqMjZ6VU9BMHZzSE01R2kzcWszbTdIQWk3UnZRYklkc1M1QW5PUUpFaklGcjRadzVXc3ZOYS1fazdkU3dWMWVrMHQ2YjBjWGU4ODJUdHFVY2dZaXMzLWw0Skc0RXhvd1Rudw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F3gtRvy8&v=giQt1QaAhWw FM Free Music Download: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbW8yWU51bE1BX01UcVJYalhhNEl0eVo1bTJ0QXxBQ3Jtc0tuME5XM2ZzUDFjeW5zb2RQbTVvVFZZaGp2X2dQLVVDWWh3UGtBYVlrNEFPWG80RVRZYVV0XzlVZldaS2tFOHJ1SzlrYmVjVnB5SVF5ZF9VWThXc0kxU2Q3NTJJN2lWMVNLOW9RWGJ1X054N0t2a1Z2UQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fhypeddit.com%2F40qrzq&v=giQt1QaAhWw Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0 Music provided by Alex-Productions: Halloween Horror Creepy Piano by Alex-Productions Author Download: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbG90SEE1R1RIUE9ZS3E4aGh6ZnpjeVpub2xWUXxBQ3Jtc0ttR2lFVEp5TG5GTkk2TUtZU2tsQ1B6VkotTnhzWlFfLTIxMy1OQXU4RGxDMkhpN3ZNeTFmTmxZNTlrTEZjWG1KUTdkaDlhVWxqTzVBVFl2QWNnVU9qMXVuUzB4ZENmMnl1RWdtZjNFU0VDcUNjaFg4cw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fhypeddit.com%2Ftrack%2Fvm0bx3&v=giQt1QaAhWw Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio ----- In this episode of True Crime Black, we are introducing a new type of segment. When it comes to the unsolved cases of black victims, one of the harsh realities we need to acknowledge is that Black victims are disproportionately affected by gun violence more than any other race. For that reason, a lot of the unsolved cases we cover involve the shooting deaths of black men, women, and children. Sadly, a lot of those cases provide little information to work with. That has led to True Crime Black covering the cases in what will be called “Senseless Shootings”. Here is volume 1.
    Played 12m 16s

The True Crime genre doesn’t always include equity in its storytelling. Every day, there are black victims of heinous murders, stalking, assault, robberies, and many more. Those cases are not...

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The True Crime genre doesn’t always include equity in its storytelling. Every day, there are black victims of heinous murders, stalking, assault, robberies, and many more. Those cases are not presented with the same context and background that the cases of others have the benefit of receiving. True Crime Black is seeking to change that one case at a time. New episodes every Monday (Patreon subscribers get Ad-free episodes).
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