True Wealth, with hosts Dave Basconi and Maria Smith, is a spiritual show about real life living.

Episodes & Posts
20 OCT 2020 · In this episode of True Wealth, the series finale, Catholic evangelists Dave Basconi and Maria Smith discuss God's Justice and Mercy. Dave describes mercy as God's dome covering us and sheltering us. If we leave God's mercy and depart from the dome we then encounter God's justice.
Link to an amazing conversion story - a turning to God's mercy:
"Jewish Harvard Professor Roy Schoeman Becomes Convinced Catholic"
16 OCT 2020 · In this episode of True Wealth, Catholic evangelists Dave Basconi and Maria Smith discuss the recent beatification (October 10, 2020) of Blessed Carlo Acutis who died in 2006 at the age of 15. Blessed Carlo had a profound love for Our Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and before he died he set up a website of Eucharistic Miracles all over the world. (October 12, 2020)
Two short videos:
7 OCT 2020 · Could you stand the Gaze of God peering into the depths of your soul? It is what will happen to each one of us at the moment of our death. For Father Kevin, a priest in a southeastern Connecticut parish, this encounter with God - some call it an "illumination of conscience" - happened during his lifetime, in his 20's. This very real and very personal experience, this face to Face meeting with Our Lord, took him from being a bartender and bouncer to eventually becoming a diocesan Roman Catholic priest.
In this episode of True Wealth, Dave Basconi and Maria Smith also discuss Father Federico's video (link below) on confession, titled "How to Have a Clear Conscience," in which Father Federico tells us it's not enough to stop doing sinful things - although it is certainly a crucial beginning - but we must also grow in knowledge, we must educate and form our conscience, and grow in virtue. "Virtue is a stable disposition; it is excellence that has become a habit."
How do we form our conscience and grow in virtue? The Catechism (1785) tells us, "In the formation of conscience the Word of God is the light for our path..."
Father Federico video "How to Have a Clear Conscience" (and attain joy and peace of heart!):
29 SEP 2020 · In the Gospel reading of Sunday, September 20th, a landowner pays a day's wages to all his hired workers, the same wage to those who worked all day and to those who worked but briefly towards the end. Is this fair? Dave Basconi brings out a great point that this landowner pays everyone a day's wage so that each laborer could take care of himself and his family, so that no one would be left in poverty. (September 28, 2020)
22 SEP 2020 · In this episode of True Wealth, Catholic evangelists Dave Basconi and Maria Smith present on growth in holiness. To grow in holiness is a two-step process: first the natural or physical and then the spiritual or supernatural. Saint Paul tells us, in 1 Cor 15:46, "But it is not the spiritual which is first but the natural, and then the spiritual." It is natural to work, to labor, and the greatest labor we can do is prayer, which is both a natural and a supernatural work. Everyone is called to labor in the Lord's Vineyard. (September 21, 2020)
16 SEP 2020 · The Liturgy of the Eucharist comes after the Liturgy of the Word.
During the Eucharist time collapses - we are there, at the foot of the Cross! In the video (link below) Father says that after we receive Communion and go back to our seat this is the moment we can obtain anything we ask for in prayer. There are many good things to pray for, for ourselves and our loved ones, for physical healing as well as emotional, mental and spiritual healing. The best thing to pray for is to know and do God's Will. Ask Our Lord sincerely to desire His Will at that moment and always.
God has one plan for us:
Plan A: Become a Saint!
Plan B: God has no plan B. Neither should we:)
Link to the video we refer to (it starts at the 6:00 minute spot):
It's an excellent presentation and explanation of the Mass by Father Frederico. (September 14, 2020)
1 SEP 2020 · In this episode of True Wealth, Catholic evangelists Dave Basconi and Maria Smith ask if you were asked to define what the Mass is in one sentence what would you say? Dave says, "The Mass is a mission to take us from a state of sin to a state of grace." Maria says, "The Mass is both the re-enactment of Holy Thursday - Good Friday and also the transportation which carries us into our eternal home."
Link to the video we refer to (it starts at the 6:00 minute spot):
It's an excellent presentation and explanation of the Mass by Father Frederico.
25 AUG 2020 · In this episode of True Wealth, Catholic evangelists Dave Basconi and Maria Smith speak on Acedia, also known as Sloth, one of the seven deadly sins. They also go off on tangents and so their beginning conversation centers quite a bit on painting. More house painters are men but more women enjoy painting the rooms in their homes. Why is this?
And yes, a person can be both very active and "lazy" because the spiritual sin of acedia or sloth is doing anything or everything that you should not be doing while neglecting the one thing you should be doing.
Two resources to check out:
Acedia & Me, by Kathleen Norris
The Noonday Devil: Acedia, the Unnamed Evil of Our Times
by Jean-Charles Nault
19 AUG 2020 · In this episode of True Wealth, Catholic evangelists Dave Basconi and Maria Smith present on the question: Can man rule mankind? Can a human being, utilizing only his own human nature, rule society with justice and wisdom? (August 17, 2020)
11 AUG 2020 · In this episode of True Wealth, Catholic evangelists Dave Basconi and Maria Smith touch upon various topics: Gratitude and appreciation, sacrifice, the problem of evil, conquering fear through love, pleasure vs happiness and joy, love as the right response to people, and the truth as a source of great power - it hits a nerve, it plants a seed that may be dormant, even for a very long time, but is always waiting to sprout and blossom. (August 10, 2020)
True Wealth, with hosts Dave Basconi and Maria Smith, is a spiritual show about real life living.
Author | WCAT Radio |
Organization | WCAT Radio |
Categories | Religion & Spirituality |
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