UFO Buster Radio will be rebranded as The Tempest Universe 1/1/21!
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Visit www.thetempestuniverse.com

Episodes & Posts
11 DEC 2015 · This is the first episode of UFO Buster Radio with Manny Moonraker and Big O. Join us as we discuss UFOLOGY and Paranormal events. Contact us by email at: Big.O.est.1982@gmail.com, ufobusterradio@gmail.com, or on Twitter @ufobusterradio , @Big_O_Est_1982.
Call the show anytime at (972) 290-1329.
18 DEC 2015 · Hosts briefly discuss 1947 events relevant to Ufology. The OZone segment includes a discussion concerning Stephen Bassett's effort over the years to force UFO disclosure from government sources.
Call the show anytime at (972) 290-1329.
24 DEC 2015 · This episode we open up with a recent UFO report from Montana. Images of a UFO were captured by Dr. Richard O'Connor which happens to have been a long time friend of Jesse Marcel Jr.
Article link: http://www.greatfallstribune.com/story/life/my-montana/2015/12/22/ufo-captured-clancy-man-believes-proves-exist/77773710/
In the O-ZONE, Big O tackles UFOLOGY and what it means to the everyday citizen.
Contact Big O: Big.o.est.1982@gmail.com
Call the show anytime at (972) 290-1329.
31 DEC 2015 · This episode we enter the paranormal realm with a news article from Tennessee detailing Stones River Paranormal’s event for overnight stays at a haunted hospital. The event is scheduled for January, so be sure to read the article if interested.
Article link: http://nooga.com/171916/paranormal-investigators-offer-overnight-experience-at-abandoned-hospital/
In the O-ZONE, Big O tackles haunted locations including a Spaghetti Warehouse restaurant with a deadly elevator and the infamous Cassadaga. The town is a small unincorporated community located in Volusia County, Florida, just north of Deltona. It is especially known for having a large number of psychics and mediums, and has consequently been named the "Psychic Capital of the World".
To contact Big O: Big.o.est.1982@gmail.com
Call the show anytime at (972) 290-1329.
7 JAN 2016 · This episode we return to UFOs and discuss the recent YouTube video depicting an active vortex over the Large Hadron Collider and orb like UFO. The video was recorded by a U.S. tourist on December 07 2015. Also, Manny gets himself suspended from Facebook.
Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZXvwrKhj4w
In the O-ZONE, Big O tackles the recent proclamation by Hilary Clinton that she will get to the bottom of the UFO Phenomena if elected president.
Link to article: http://www.cnn.com/2016/01/04/politics/hillary-clinton-area-51-aliens/
To contact Big O: dabigo82@gmail.com, or on Twitter @Big_O_Est_1982.
TO contact Manny: ufobusterradio@gmail.com, or on Twitter @ufobusterradio
Call the show anytime at (972) 290-1329.
10 JAN 2016 · This episode we return to UFOs and discuss the potential dark links between NASA’s JPL, Scientology, and the occult.
Relevant Links: http://nypost.com/2013/08/17/revealed-scientologists-new-mexico-desert-landing-pad-for-spaceship-after-nuclear-catastrophe/
In the O-ZONE, Big O tackles the countless videos and images from the Mars rover Curiosity that appear to have bones, creatures, and evidence of a possible Martian civilization.
Relevant Links: http://mysteriousuniverse.org/2015/06/one-step-closer-to-skeleton-on-mars-as-hip-bone-is-found/
To contact Big O: dabigo82@gmail.com, or on Twitter @Big_O_Est_1982.
TO contact Manny: ufobusterradio@gmail.com, or on Twitter @ufobusterradio
Call the show anytime at (972) 290-1329 and leave us a message with your point of view, UFO sighting, and ghostly experiences.
18 JAN 2016 · This episode we return to the topic of the paranormal. We briefly talk about a recent incident that occurred to a news crew out of Harrisburg, PA. While reporting on a local resident’s ghostly encounters in her own home, something strange happened to the team. Checkout the video in the link below.
Relevant Links: http://www.wpoc.com/onair/the-laurie-deyoung-show-47519/real-life-haunted-house-scares-news-12631619/
In the O-ZONE, Big O Mediums, psychics, government connections, and shares his own personal account with a medium.
Relevant Links: Heidi Jaffe’s website http://www.heidithemedium.com/
To contact Big O: dabigo82@gmail.com, or on Twitter @Big_O_Est_1982.
TO contact Manny: ufobusterradio@gmail.com, or on Twitter @ufobusterradio
Call the show anytime at (972) 290-1329 and leave us a message with your point of view, UFO sighting, and ghostly experiences.
24 JAN 2016 · This episode we return to the topic of the potential for alien life through discussions relating to recent discoveries about the yet to be seen Planet 9. We briefly talk about possible connections to the Planet X theories and the dreaded Nibiru.
We also touch base with the almost forgotten alien structure story about star KIC-8462852 which initially created a stir about an alien megastructure and later downplayed to asteroids interfering with its light source. The story, while not in the scope of the media anymore, still continues to evolve.
Relevant Links:
To contact Big O: dabigo82@gmail.com, or on Twitter @Big_O_Est_1982.
TO contact Manny: ufobusterradio@gmail.com, or on Twitter @ufobusterradio
Call the show anytime at (972) 290-1329 and leave us a message with your point of view, UFO sighting, and ghostly experiences.
1 FEB 2016 · This episode includes clips of the strange sounds being heard around the world and being posted on websites such as YouTube. Many believe these are the sounds of doom and referred to as signs of the Apocalypse.
On the O-Zone, Big O discusses NASA astronauts and their reports of UFOs. Famous astronauts like Edgar Mitchell and Buzz Aldrin have reported and/or shown support for the idea that the UFO phenomena does have an extraterrestrial origin.
Relevant Links:
For the O-Zone
YouTube Recordings
To contact Big O: dabigo82@gmail.com, or on Twitter @Big_O_Est_1982.
TO contact Manny: ufobusterradio@gmail.com, or on Twitter @ufobusterradio
Call the show anytime at (972) 290-1329 and leave us a message with your point of view, UFO sighting, and ghostly experiences.
7 FEB 2016 · This episode we hold a moment of silence in memory of Edgar Mitchell. The former U.S. Astronaut and UFO truth seeker passed away on February 4th at the age of 85. Also, we discuss recent activities by David Cotes and his attempt to launch a privately funded Cubesats into low orbit in an effort to identify UFOs. We urge everyone to participate in the crowdfunding effort below on KickStarter.
Relevant Links:
Passing of Edger Mitchell
Cubesat Campaign
For the O-Zone
In the O-Zone Big O discusses the ongoing conspiracies concerning structures on the Moon and Mars. Is NASA really covering up the existence of artifact from previous civilizations or even current visitors?
To contact Big O: dabigo82@gmail.com, or on Twitter @Big_O_Est_1982.
TO contact Manny: ufobusterradio@gmail.com, or on Twitter @ufobusterradio
Call the show anytime at (972) 290-1329 and leave us a message with your point of view, UFO sighting, and ghostly experiences.
UFO Buster Radio will be rebranded as The Tempest Universe 1/1/21!
Visit www.thetempestuniverse.com
Visit www.thetempestuniverse.com
Author | The Dark Horde Network |
Organization | The Dark Horde Network |
Categories | Philosophy |
Website | thetempestuniverse.com |
thedarkhordellc@gmail.com |
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