10 DEC 2023 · Welcome everyone to Blog Talk Radio and the Voice of Change. Today is the ending program is this current series, "What Makes Healing Possible?" The conversation today will be centered around the use of movement and visualization by use of the mind for health, healing and well-being. Although many teachings touch on the power of visualization and movement, it is the Teaching and Practice of QI GONG that brings all 4 of these together in one practice: VISUALIZATION, MOVEMENT, SOUND OR VIBRATION AND BREATH. It has been discovered through the centuries by the Masters of Qi Gong, when you bring all of these aspects together, the results are even greater! Why, you might ask? What I've learned is that health is improved and healing is made possible as the channels of the body are opened and the Qi is able to flow easily. All of these practices work together for greater health, healing and well-being. I am a Certified Group Practice Leader with www.SpringForestQiGong.com I feel that this organization founded by Master Chunyi Lin is excellent for learning Qi Gong and being able to improve one's health. Feel free to visit my website: www.TheArtOfLivingLife.org