1 FEB 2025 · In this episode, Joseph and Elaine continue on to Insidious 3 fully expecting it to go downhill and IT DOESN'T! So far, we think this is the scariest movie in the franchise but we're holding that opinion until we watch the rest.
LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE! Let us know what you think is the scariest movie in the franchise. Thank you for joining me on my new channel, Wait Whaaat Are You Watching!Â
I'm both fascinated and scared by the paranormal so I need guests and subscribers to sit with me and watch some of the scariest movies and documentaries I've never been able to watch alone! Sit back, relax, and grab some popcorn (and my hand), and let's get scared together!
Disclaimer: This video is NOT sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links, meaning I'll receive a small commission if you buy something. All proceeds go towards my youtube channel and every little bit helps! Thank you in advance.
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