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What's The Buzz NY

Nancy Lombardo
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    NYC based Comedian Nancy Lombardo has performed her unique comedy from coast to coast. She was a leading member of the award-winning comedy troupe The First Amendment, performing with the...

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    NYC based Comedian Nancy Lombardo has performed her unique comedy from coast to coast. She was a leading member of the award-winning comedy troupe The First Amendment, performing with the likes of Robin Williams and Bruce Willis. Nancy was a comedy consultant to John Leguizamo's Off-Broadway hit Mambo Mouth and wrote additional comedy material for his HBO Special, The Talent Pool, as well as a staff writer/performer for Leguizamo’s H.I.P- FOX show, House of Buggin. TV credits include The Colin Quinn Show NBC, Saturday Night Live “All my Children” PBS, network and cable television Comedy Tonight, Nickelodeon and the Comedy Channel. She can be seen weekly on The Nancy Lombardo Show channel 56/83 NYC and live worldwide on WWW.MNN.ORG channel 56. She has written for Penthouse and Cracked magazine and created Ms. Quotable, a comic strip for Lady's Circle Magazine. Also a winner of the Toyota Comedy Festivals "Laughter in Motion” and a Cable Arts Insight Comedy Award." Spot-lighted more than once in *Backstage, as both comedian/writer, she currently indulges her taste for the irreverent in her Stand Up Comedy and show, Color Me Crazy. Nancy is creator of MOMEDY™, part of the International Mamapalooza Festival. https://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/NancyLombardo
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    Author Nancy Lombardo
    Organization Nancy Lombardo
    Categories Comedy
    Website www.spreaker.com
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