A weekly look at what's growing in Baton Rouge's lawns and gardens with local experts from Clegg's Nursery.

Episodes & Posts
15 FEB 2025 · It's warm! It's cold! It's warm again! Then it's cold again! This week on the WJBO Lawn & Garden Show, Scott and Zane from http://www.cleggsnursery.com talk about our weather whiplash and how to approach the change of seasons while riding this temperature rollercoaster!
The two also touch on the right plant for the right place, weed control timing and take your questions!
Join us Saturday mornings between 8 and 9 am for the WJBO Lawn & Garden Show! Give us a call at (225) 499-9526 or leave us a message anytime when you listen to WJBO on our free iHeartRadio app!
And if you're on the app, add WJBO and the Lawn & Garden Show as presets today!
8 FEB 2025 · This week on the WJBO Lawn & Garden Show, Butch & Chris from http://www.cleggsnursery.com talk about how plants are confused with this warm weather - they think it's spring already! So there's lots of tips about how to approach fertilizing right now. There's also plenty of questions about the fate of citrus trees after the cold snap - they'll share what could be signs of life, but the best advice for now is to wait.
Also advice on treating brown patch, along with your questions on roses, rooting cuttings and more!
If you'd like to be part of the WJBO Lawn & Garden Show, give us a call at (225) 499-9526 Saturday mornings between 8 and 9am! You can also leave us a message anytime on our free iHeartRadio app using the Talkback Mic when listening to the show live on WJBO or catching up with the podcast! Just tap that red microphone button!
1 FEB 2025 · Zane & Scott from http://www.cleggsnursery.com are your experts this week on the WJBO Lawn & Garden Show! They'll go over some of the cold weather impact questions you're asking at the nursery and what steps you should take if your plants or trees were impacted.
Also, it's potato time! Zane & Scott talk about growing potatoes and why they, along with carrots, are great for kids to get planting!
Plus, caller questions on dealing with sticker grass, satsuma trees, and more!
If you'd like to be part of the WJBO Lawn & Garden Show, give us a call Saturday mornings at 8am! You can reach us at (225) 499-9526 or by leaving a message anytime using the Talkback Mic on the free iHeartRadio app...like right now, if you're listening to the podcast! Click or tap the microphone above to record your message.
25 JAN 2025 · The intern Anna-Clare, Butch and Braden from Clegg's Nursery are this week's hosts for the WJBO Lawn & Garden Show! They talk about next steps after our historic snowfall earlier this week, and also look ahead to what you can think about planting in the coming months!
Plus YOUR questions on snow impacts to your lawns and gardens!
If you'd like to be part of the WJBO Lawn & Garden Show, give us a call at (225) 499-9526 Saturday mornings from 8 to 9 am! Call earlier in the hour to avoid the rush!
You can also leave us a message anytime by using the Talkback Mic on our free, new and improved iHeartRadio app!
18 JAN 2025 · This week on the WJBO Lawn & Garden Show grown by http://www.cleggsnursery.com, the Intern, Butch and Zane talk about our upcoming visit from Old Man Winter, and what you should and should not be doing to prepare!
Also they take caller questions on gardenia plants, dealing with agressive bamboo, fighting poa annua weeds, what to do with some fast-growing vegetables, and potential cold weather impacts for crinum lillies!
If you'd like to be part of the WJBO Lawn & Garden Show, give us a call at (225) 499-9526 Saturday mornings at 8am! Or leave a message anytime by using the Talkback Mic on our new and improved free iHeartRadio app!
18 JAN 2025 · This is the WJBO Lawn & Garden Show from 1/11/25, featuring Zane and Scott from http://www.cleggsnursery.com!
28 DEC 2024 · It's Braden, Butch and the Intern this week on the WJBO Lawn & Garden Show with Clegg's Nursery! They go over what you should NOT be doing in your lawn right now (fertilizing) and what you should (weed control)! Also, a look at what vegetables and more are available at the nursery, and why you shouldn't be putting tomato seed in the ground right now, but in a container instead.
That and your phone calls as we wrap up another year of the WJBO Lawn & Garden Show!
Remember, you can be part of the show by calling (225) 499-9526 Saturday mornings between 8am and 9am. Call early in the show to beat the line and have plenty of time for your question! You can also leave us a message at anytime using the Talkback Mic on our free iHeartRadio app!
PROGRAMMING NOTE: The WJBO Lawn & Garden Show's next live show will be on January 11. See you then!
21 DEC 2024 · This week on the WJBO Lawn & Garden Show, Zane and Braden from Clegg's Nursery talk about last-minute gifts, why it's a good time to get your soil tested, prepping for your spring garden & more!
You can be part of the WJBO Lawn & Garden Show! Give us a call between 8 and 9am Saturday mornings at (225) 499-9526 or use the Talkback Mic on our free iHeartRadio app to leave us a message anytime when catching up with the podcast!
14 DEC 2024 · It's OG week on the WJBO Lawn & Garden Show with the original growers Butch and Scott from http://www.cleggsnursery.com! Butch says it's time to treat if you're seeing brown patch after our recent frost and talks about the scale he's seeing on his citrus trees! The two cover plenty of other topics, and then tackle your questions on reviving a 15-year-old citrus tree, how to kill stink bugs or assassin bugs, and also what to do with older camellia bushes!
If you'd like to be part of the WJBO Lawn & Garden Show, give us a call between 8a and 9a Saturday mornings at (225) 499-9526 - that's 499-WJBO! You can also leave us a message using the TalkBack Mic on our FREE iHeartRadio app! Make sure you update to our newly refreshed app with more features!
30 NOV 2024 · This week on the WJBO Lawn & Garden Show - well, the title is a direct quote from Zane who's joined by Braden this week from Clegg's Nursery!
So they'll talk about plants and stuff, plus camellias, cold weather - including bringing your plants inside to stay warm, weed control, Christmas trees, poinsettias, pansies, petunias and more! Speaking of weed control, a caller wants to know if it's too late to spray for Virginia Buttonweed.
FYI - the WJBO Lawn & Garden Show will be a best-of replay on December 7 but we'll be back live on December 14! So get those questions ready and give us a call between 8a and 9am at (225) 499-9526 - that's (225) 499-WJBO! You can also leave us a message anytime by clicking the Talkback Mic button when listening to the show live or during our podcast on our free iHeartRadio app!
A weekly look at what's growing in Baton Rouge's lawns and gardens with local experts from Clegg's Nursery.
Author | WJBO Newsradio |
Organization | iHeartRadio |
Categories | Home & Garden |
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