Insightful and entertaining discussions about paddle sports. Based in Michigan.

Episodes & Posts
12 FEB 2025 · Season 3 is officially here! No more offseason BS! The guys have talk about their new podcast equipment (1:53), discuss the upcoming Sloppy Boys live pod (4:40) and remove the curtain to come up with a Worst Friends Glossary update live (8:03). Plenty of guest are expected this year (13:39). Find out who. Tim is working earnestly on his book, which leads downa rabbit hole of how "It's All Connected" to Brian ENo, David Lynch (RIP), Toto and an HBO documentary (16:30). During Mick at the Movies (28:21), Colin lists his favorite Irish actors. After the break, the hosts share upcoming paddle and travel plans, and Colin makes a HUGE announcement (40:29). Prospecting for gold (47:08) and paddling trips (54:14) rounds out the episode. Like and Follow the Worst Friends Paddle Pod on https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100093346454047 and https://www.instagram.com/worstfriendspaddlepod/
3 JAN 2025 · The guys ring in 2025 with a HUGE change - the Ketchup is gone and replaced by Paddle Prattle (2:03). Big news in the paddling world is reported during Sup with SUP? (16:29) Tim goes all in on Moana 2 and the film industry during a STREAM OF CONSCIOUSNESS (33:50). After the break Colin and Tim share their New Years Paddlelutions (37:45) before showing their appreciation for the streaming platform Pluto (55:33). Colin then takes the Pluto Quiz! (69:09). Email the show at worstfriendspaddling@gmail.com.
12 DEC 2024 · Tim and Colin for a Christmas special noteably absent of any holiday discussion. But they do cover plenty of ground! Tim has a few people he's tired of seeing and hearing about (1:12). Colin offers up some thoughts on the election (9:39). The guys talk about podcast ratings and the timelessness of the paddle pod (12:00). Will there be tariffs on SUPs? (14:33) Does Colin or Tim have any good recommendations in the way of movies or TV shows? (27:55) Who will lead the Department of Podcast Efficiency? (38:11) After these questions are answered, Colin and Tim talk Gladiator 2 (40:25), which leads into a conversation about paddling on film and a new website idea, Mr. Fin (44:28). The Worst Friends ponder attending the Paddling Film Festival (56:29) and share ways to maintain a paddle bod (61:08). Like and follow the Worst Friends Paddle Pod on Facebook.
29 OCT 2024 · The Gruesome Twosome present their scariest epsiode yet! The guys talk petrifying fall paddles (1:14). Tim presents a Halloween concoction - a potion if you will - that Jack Nicholson would love (11:09). Colin talks about some near-zombies he saw in concert before the guys discuss Tom Petty's paddling songs, and his spooky songs (22:38). Colin administers the Bob Dylan or Bro Country exam (32:25) and discusses the pains of aging he realized were affecting him during a golf outing (42:00). Vampires and other frightening things are making their way to the small screen (59:43) and Will Ferrell's movies are ranked (63:38).Â
3 OCT 2024 · All godd things must come to an end. In the season finale, Tim talks about his Peach Lake Paddle and the Immaculate Rental (3:40), Colin talks about making that bread (8:43), literally, not like money. Tim holds an impromptu private film festival (11:18) and Colin announces unsanctioned season awards (35:22), even though technically there are only Midseason Awards. The guys take a ride in the Paddle Pod Time Machine (57:17) and Tim administers the OG Worst Friends Quiz (58:56) to an unsuspecting Colin.
19 SEP 2024 · SUPtember continues with another PADDLEGANZA! The Men of the River, Tim and Colin, issue a clarification regarding fertizlizer and herbicide (1:43). Tim claims Beetlejuice Beetlejuice proved Hollywood is back! (3:31) Colin pitches a new movie in the Twisters family (6:10) and the guys reflect and Gary Cole and Gary Coleman (17:45). A big Rest in Paddling goes out to James Earl Jones (22:35) and Tim asks the question - are the folks at Paddle Antrim fans of the pod? (27:37). Colin runs down his return to the Au Sable River (36:20), Tim recaps his Pere Marquette River paddle (44:50) and the convenience of car-spotting is discussed (64:20). This episode is sponsored by US-12 Marine & BatteryMan.Â
10 SEP 2024 · The guys kick off SUPtember by discussing the paddles they didn't take. And then they pivot to recent paddles on Derby Lake and Kent Lake (5:52). Tim finds what he's looking for during the U2 paddle (10:58), the guys bail on the Detroit River (21:34) and beach chorizo (23:46) leaves Colin feeling Dazed and Confused. Final paddles of the season, fall paddles and Colin's 100th logged paddle (33:29) are discussed before the guys go Hollywood. Speaking of Hollywood, is it back? (47:22) Finally, for some reason, the guys show their appreciation for Stephen Root and Michael Rooker (65:13). This episode is sponsored by US-12 Marine & BatteryMan.
21 AUG 2024 · Tim and Colin reunite on this episode of Michigan's original Prestige Podcast, but is Tim paddled out? The guys talk back pain (2:21), before Tim recaps his vacation and the concept of water strolls (5:49). Was Tim's wife serious when she said he could get a new board? (17:31) Famous people encounters (20:26) are discussed before Colin talks abotu his vacation plans - both those spoiled and successful (23:17). Finally, the guys run down their annual multi-day river trip, dubbed Flote a Deux (38:40). After talking about this year's trip, they start planning for next year (71:30). This episdoe is sponosored by US-12 Marine & BatteryMan in Jerome, Michigan.Â
30 JUL 2024 · The Belle Isle Bad Ass Mike Rudell returns for Season 2. Mike and Tim discuss falling off a paddle board backward (:48) and Mike talks about paddling past the silo murals on the Maumee River (4:06). After that, Mike talks about addling the Detroit River (8:10) and Greenland paddles (17:39). Tim's wife told him he can get a new paddle board (23:45) and the Belle Isle Bad Ass and Iron Man of SUP talk nicknames (28:00). Tim rolls out a segment titled "Let me Tell ya Bout that Dry Land" as the two discuss running (31:40). A potential gathering of the SUPaloes (48:48) and Mike's ever-growing Facebook group (52:33) are also covered! This epsidoe is sponsored by US-12 Marine and BatteryMan.
15 JUL 2024 · It's the Midseason Finale! Tim discusses his appreciation for sandbars (2:!8) and tries SUP fishing (8:40). Colin has some impromptu meet-and-greets with some of the show's biggest fans (12:18) and hits up a Great Lake (13:58). Skac starts to break in his new board (18:36) and becomes a campground trendsetter. Something Sweet, Somethign Salty and fans who follow directions are covered (27:42) and Tim introduces a new segment - This Person Should be Listening (29:07). Colin does a midseason summer movie preview during Mick at the Movies (38:20) and tries his hand at the Missconsin Quiz (48:43). Then, the Midseason Finale ceremonies finally begin when the guys discuss their paddle stats and notable trips (57:00). At last, te Midseason Awards Committee announces winners (65:08). This episode is sponsored by US-12 Marine & BatteryMan.Â
Insightful and entertaining discussions about paddle sports. Based in Michigan.
Author | Tim Barnum |
Organization | Tim Barnum |
Categories | Leisure |
Website | - |
worstfriendspaddling@gmail.com |
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