Podcast Cover

WTFR: Guest Appearances

  • WTFR Featuring Guest Katy Daly - Discussing Spirituality & Elite Control Mechanisms - Part Two

    29 NOV 2023 · Part two of two. I am joined by Katy Daly - a fellow co-host on Sunday Long Live Radio, which, funnily enough, broadcasts every Sunday from 11am UK, midday CE, & 6am EDT on the following platforms https://dlive.tv/ReaBow?ref=reabow also https://rumble.com/c/RedPillRadio & https://www.talkstreamlive.com/program/world_broadcasting_network Katy & I have never spoken before, although we listen in to each other's segments on SLLR, & nine times out of ten we agree with what each other say. This has been going on for at least two years, so it made for a real treat for both of us to have this wonderful unrehearsed conversation on air. The topic of discussion revolved mainly around Christianity, versus deceptive occult knowledge which is used to influence how many people live their lives. Whilst I don't call myself a Christian these days, I was involved with the church some years ago, & had fervent beliefs. For personal reasons, I had to take my own path, which led to a greater understanding of why I suffered so much in younger years. I could say, rather than God healing me, He gave me the tools to fix myself. I hope you enjoy the conversation, I certainly did, & hope Katy will join me again in the near future. The following links are recommended by Katy for educational purposes... https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnymF_jIY3hnoGFwqwcwoTHkEpYCZFCK6&si=unh4FhrKbNMU7_85 https://youtube.com/watch?v=I11L71PD3Lw&si=GY6VKUyswRyAFoyF https://youtube.com/live/xE4p8a1ytcA?si=q3Hr3N8kK4-u2usl https://youtube.com/live/YRisyio2ZGE?si=x0x54mg12xoG50kX https://youtube.com/live/uPpq_b3kUXU?si=wtYJUguM8Nx47B8V Please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://www.wbn324.com/ https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net/ ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 1h 28m 14s
  • WTFR Featuring Guest Katy Daly - Discussing Spirituality & Elite Control Mechanisms - Part One

    23 NOV 2023 · Part one of two. After a half hour catch-up of the usual bovine excrement meted out to us by professional liars pretending to be journalists, I am joined by Katy Daly - a fellow co-host on Sunday Long Live Radio, which, funnily enough, broadcasts every Sunday from 11am UK, midday CE, & 6am EDT on the following platforms https://dlive.tv/ReaBow?ref=reabow also https://rumble.com/c/RedPillRadio & https://www.talkstreamlive.com/program/world_broadcasting_network Katy & I have never spoken before, although we listen in to each other's segments on SLLR, & nine times out of ten we agree with what each other say. This has been going on for at least two years, so it made for a real treat for both of us to have this wonderful unrehearsed conversation on air. The topic of discussion revolved mainly around Christianity, versus deceptive occult knowledge which is used to influence how many people live their lives. Whilst I don't call myself a Christian these days, I was involved with the church some years ago, & had fervent beliefs. For personal reasons, I had to take my own path, which led to a greater understanding of why I suffered so much in younger years. I could say, rather than God healing me, He gave me the tools to fix myself. I hope you enjoy the conversation, I certainly did, & hope Katy will join me again in the near future. The following links are recommended by Katy for educational purposes... https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnymF_jIY3hnoGFwqwcwoTHkEpYCZFCK6&si=unh4FhrKbNMU7_85 https://youtube.com/watch?v=I11L71PD3Lw&si=GY6VKUyswRyAFoyF https://youtube.com/live/xE4p8a1ytcA?si=q3Hr3N8kK4-u2usl https://youtube.com/live/YRisyio2ZGE?si=x0x54mg12xoG50kX https://youtube.com/live/uPpq_b3kUXU?si=wtYJUguM8Nx47B8V Please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://www.wbn324.com/ https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net/ ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 1h 52m 9s
  • WTFR Discusses Communitarian Law With Guest Laurence Cumbie (aka Lark In Texas), Part One

    27 SEP 2023 · Communitarianism = a blend of communism & capitalism. Or one could say "Public-Private Partnerships." Or one could even say "a merger of corporate & state power" aka FASCISM. The elites know that fascism is an unattractive word, & that they won't be able to sell it to us. Hence they came up with a less harsh, slightly flowery sounding name - communitarianism. The elites are hoping to God (or praying to Satan or whatever) that not too many people notice what THEY are up to. I invited Laurence Cumbie on the show in order to help you notice. Communitarian law is everything which leaves a sour taste in your mouth. Every hurdle you run into when you try to make plans for your future. Every time you are silenced, or criticised for simply having an opinion which differs from the norm. Green taxes. COVID mandates. Anything & everything which tries to herd people "for the greater good." All these things emanate from the communitarian agenda. For those who heard the live show on Friday 22/09/2023, I apologise for Laurence's audio: I've done what I can to clean it up, & I've added graphics & text for clarification. This is Laurence's 2nd guest appearance on WTFR, & I'm happy to say he's agreed to come back & go into greater detail on this multifaceted, all-encompassing subject. In order to overcome the creep of communitarianism, we must understand both ourselves & our enemy. We need to KNOW our individual sovereignty (unalienable rights, as opposed to inalienable rights), then apply what we know when dealing with those who attempt to render us helpless. Unalienable (un-a-lien-able) rights are those God-given rights we were born with, which cannot be traded away. Laurence's website - https://tinyurl.com/larkintexas Brundtland Report: https://www.are.admin.ch/are/en/home/media/publications/sustainable-development/brundtland-report.html Agenda 21: https://sdgs.un.org/publications/agenda21 GRIN Technologies: https://www.grin-x.com/ The Future Of Policing Using Pre-crime Technologies: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbestechcouncil/2018/08/14/the-future-of-policing-using-pre-crime-technology/ Please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://www.wbn324.com/ https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net/ ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 1h 48m 45s
  • WTFR With Guest Lark In Texas Part Two

    24 AUG 2023 · Part two of an enlightening conversation with guest Laurence, aka "A Lark In Texas." We continue discussing an unwanted disease called communitarianism, what it is, who is behind it, & how it is affecting our everyday lives. Here are some more interesting links which Laurence shared with me: Magnetobiology and Organisms https://alarkintexas.wixsite.com/website/post/magnetobiology-and-organisms The Devil's Dictionary (Ambrose Bierce, 1911) defined the word IDIOT as... https://thedevilsdictionary.com/i.html Pilpul for Beginners https://gilad.online/writings/2020/5/18/pilpul-for-beginners Nonlinear Warfare - A New System of Political Control (2014) https://www.filmsforaction.org/watch/nonlinear-warfare-a-new-system-of-political-control-2014/ Priceless: How the Federal Reserve Bought the Economics Profession It was the template used to buy up all the professions! https://www.huffpost.com/entry/priceless-how-the-federal_n_278805 700 Years Banking Cabal by William Stuart https://youtube.com/watch?v=vKMXDLiMi28&feature=youtu.be Fed Admits Crony Truth About Pandemic QE: "it creates new bank deposits" Best Evidence (John Titus) https://youtube.com/watch?v=n1xgQeCiu6k All the Plenary's Men Best Evidence (John Titus) https://youtube.com/watch?v=2gK3s5j7PgA Why Communitarianism is NOT Your Friend https://rumble.com/v2avar4-why-communitarianism-is-not-your-friend.html Neurolinguistic Programming, "For the Community" https://rumble.com/vzpce6-neurolinguistic-programming-for-the-community-.html Please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://www.wbn324.com/ https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net/ ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 1h 4m 32s

    23 AUG 2023 · Laurence Cumbie aka A Lark In Texas joins me to discuss COMMUNITARIANISM, which is a blend of capitalism/corporatism & communism/socialism. This is the system being implemented globally, which is what is behind 15 minute city & "climate change" agenda, among other nefarious happenings in the world today. This is part one of a 3 hour discussion. I'll upload part two as soon as I'm able. Here are some useful links to look at, which will help build a better picture of what communitarianism is: American National Radio Network (Teach Me True History class) https://www.podbean.com/ea/pb-5pdyu-13496ff From Lark's website https://alarkintexas.wixsite.com/website/post/on-communitarianism-collected-musings-april-2020 3 C's and a Few Wyrds More https://alarkintexas.wixsite.com/website/post/3-c-s-and-a-few-wyrds-more PTL Media Now https://youtube.com/watch?v=ERG0fpLC910&feature=youtu.be Moral Relativism, Bioethics, Game Theory, and Communitarianism https://alive528.com/videoEmbed/623/moral-relativism-bioethics-game-theory-and-communitarianism?channelName=RaisingTheFrequency The Cost of Moral Relativism? https://www.veteranstodayarchives.com/2015/12/09/the-cost-of-moral-relativism/ More links to follow in part two. Please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://www.wbn324.com/ https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://wtfr.net/ ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 1h 54m 43s
  • WTFR - MANX COVID ENQUIRY With Guest Richard Cox

    24 JUL 2023 · A whistleblower (Registered nurse Zandra Lewis) has come forward on the Isle-Of-Man, to expose mistreatment of residents of a "care" home as a result of mandates meted out by the Manx government. Once again, misuse of Midazolam rears its ugly head, which has resulted in misleading death stats wrongfully chalked up as COVID deaths. One video of the whistleblower has gone viral, garnering almost 400 thousand views in under a week - HERE https://twitter.com/ng16322/status/1681318602404941827?t=2jIJyJ9JhBRTfS0F0OVuAg&s=35 Guest Richard Cox joins us to discuss Zandra Lewis's bravery, & his involvement in the ongoing Manx COVID enquiry, and has provided related information... HERE https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSlp-eGYl1DAp85OG7Nj0wGVnZNh2K2EEDJm4jFVrXKAmeo5U1uAsguSLEVTNOt2YRPW2QKeXn1jzLd/pub#id.72yoc9xyingy Full Zandra Lewis whistleblower video HERE https://www.bitchute.com/video/45ZyErhMuL9c/ Please share this video & the information embedded. You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://www.WBN324.com https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://trovo.live/s/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone. Please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR
    Played 2h 36m 7s
  • WTFR Featuring Guest Brendon O'Connell on Multipolar World Order

    3 MAY 2023 · On this 3rd chat with Brendon, we discuss the Multipolar World Order (NEW New World Order), the suggested collapse of the dollar - or not, microchips, machine learning, the Talpiot Program, & other subjects affecting the world today. This video is edited to just under two hours. After hours we continued the conversation, & covered some subjects which are controversial, & may be upsetting to some listeners. We did so with the best of intentions, & mean no ill to any individual or group... If you would like to see the full unedited version, please subscribe to our Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/WTFR Brendon O'Connell has worked tirelessly for a number of years exposing Israeli corruption & how it affects the west - especially America. PLEASE NOTE, NEITHER BRENDON, NOR ANYONE AT WTFR ARE ANTI JEWISH. By exposing the truth, innocent people are saved from needless suffering. You can find Brendon's most essential videos here - https://tinyurl.com/4mzy9e6c Also you can find very useful information on the following Substack... https://dividedconquered.substack.com/ Please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://www.WBN324.com https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://trovo.live/s/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 1h 54m 58s
  • After Hours Chat with Viscount Christopher Monckton, April 2023

    26 APR 2023 · This is a continuation of an earlier show which can be heard here https://www.spreaker.com/episode/53595955 For many watching, it will be apparent that I struggled to get a word in edgeways at times, but I wanted the Viscount to get this point/opinion across on a number of controversial topics. Whether or not we agree with all of his views is a another matter. By being pro free speech, we cannot be hypocritical by shutting anyone down. We hear them out, & at the appropriate moment we counter those opinions with reason & questioning - exactly as the Viscount has done with the climate debate. Please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://www.WBN324.com https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://trovo.live/s/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 1h 3m 43s
  • WTFR Featuring Guest Viscount Christopher Monckton on the Climate Changeâ„¢ Scam. April 2023

    20 APR 2023 · This is the 2nd time the Viscount has been a guest on our show. We discussed the grave implications of ignoring the pure evil behind Climate Change™. The climate is always changing, by virtue of the fact that no two days are the same, & because of more long range solar cycles, which professional climate alarmists always (deliberately) neglect to mention. The fact is, a dirty bunch of communists (known more recently as communitarians) are Hellbent on taking down the west, & their deadliest weapon against us is deception. All western governments & all political parties which are ALLOWED to carry any weight have been poisoned with the climate scam, which is hitting us all in the pocket, & will ultimately wrest from us our freedom, privacy & property - which is of course the ultimate goal of the enemies of life itself. It's time we-the-people pushed back HARD against this. Viscount Monckton has devised a plan to expose the fact that there is no substance whatsoever to any of the so-called "settled science" we are beaten half to death with daily. Please share this video around, & let's help destroy this wicked agenda completely. Part two to follow. You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://www.WBN324.com https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://trovo.live/s/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 1h 56m 9s
  • WTFR Joss on the Multipolar World Order

    14 APR 2023 · Okay so this isn't a guest appearance... This is a clip from a live radio show where I take a look at geopolitics from a non-western centric perspective to explain how the west is being made redundant. To quote R Buckminster Fuller, "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on... https://www.WBN324.com https://dlive.tv/WTFR https://trovo.live/s/WTFR https://wtfr.net ...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US). WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
    Played 22m 45s
A collection of shows usually recorded on Tuesdays, which is our chosen day for guest invites. You'll hear from experts, activists, victims, whistleblowers & more.

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