Join Joss & co-hosts for totally unacceptable perspectives on breaking news & current events. Live Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays from 9pm GMT - 10pm CET - 4pm EST

WTFR Weekly News & Current Events Roundup
WTFR Weekly News & Current Events Roundup
WTFR (We Think Freely Radio)Episodes & Posts
21 SEP 2024 · Joss is being super daring with a title such as this. I think he's pushing to see what he can get away with before he gets his door smashed in at 4am by uniformed thugs working for Emperor Starmer. Dunno, battering criminals with fluffy cushions might be a tad strong there.
Anyway, there's the usual demoralising drivel meted out to us by MSM, which Joss adds flavouring to, so you taste the sh** slightly less. Then there's some video about an asteroud which is supposedly coming in 2029, but alas not hitting the earth, so we'll all have to continue putting up with woke b*ll*cks for the foreseeable future. Ack well.
Finally, once the radio segment of the show ends, Joss shares a video passed onto him by Studio8424 (aka Mark Watson). From the Shannon Joy Show, we hear about the tragic Alexis Lorenze, who suffered serious reactions to THREE vaccines which were forced upon her as a prerequisite for receiving treatment for a medical condition.
Read it here - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13867389/woman-claim-blind-bruise-swelling-vaccine-reaction-superdose.html
Watch it here (2h 9m mark) - https://rumble.com/v5fo0el-the-shannon-joy-show-friday-sept-20.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
Have a great weekend everyone, & please like & share.
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WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
18 SEP 2024 · Joss in a particularly ranty mood, very much reflecting the sentiments of the nation. Mega p---ed off at how our disgusting & avaricious establishment judge us way more harshly than "THEY" judge their own kind?
It is time to call THEM out at every turn. Each & every time THEY virtue signal about something, or pontificate about how much WE need to give up because of Climate Changeâ„¢, we challenge THEM about why THEY are suppressing technology which would improve the lives of millions, both financially & health-wise... That's just one example, & on this show, I have an example.
Enjoy the ranting, I know I do.
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...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US).
WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
14 SEP 2024 · Joss doing the news whilst trying to avoid bad luck.
If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR
You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on...
...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US).
WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
11 SEP 2024 · Joss speaking freely as a free man who desires to live in a world based on the same ideals. Current events & less evolved ideals discussed.Â
If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR
You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on...
...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US).
WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
8 SEP 2024 · Yes I am... well I did, & here it is.
If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR
You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on...
...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US).
WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
5 SEP 2024 · Joss & Marty are indeed bashing Bolshevics belligerently. Plus there's other news.
Not doing a big write-up for this show as I'm already due to upload another show, plus I need to go to bed. It's late at the time of typing this.
If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR
You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on...
...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US).
WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
5 SEP 2024 · Still playing catch-up with uploading videos. I've just picked the wife up from a night shift, got home at 8:15 in the morning & I'm on it like a car bonnet, like I was yesterday evening with Wednesday's show. It's Sunday morning by the way.
Anyway, I'm tearing the politicians a new one, with humour & whiskey. That's what I like to do, especially on a Friday if I'm doing this alone, which I was because Marty couldn't make it.
The good news is I haven't as yet had my door kicked in by Starmer's fascist police force, who have traded their jackboots for pink stilettos with matching tutus, & rainbow flags. Mind you, if they were to come and arrest me, I'd have plenty of time to escape out the back door & over the fence because the camera would see them approaching then doing the Jerusalema Dance on my front lawn, before busting the door jamb, traumatising the kids, pinning me down, cuffing me & frog-marching me into the back of a meat wagon for the high crime of continuing to be true to myself about who I am, & not pretending to be what I'm not - thus living a lie, in order to not offend someone who possibly wasn't born here.
Anyway, it didn't happen. I'm still here to tell the tale of what could've been, but hasn't, & yet has to some, who may or may not be genuine cases, who've been arrested & jailed for saying what they think.
If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR
You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on...
...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US).
WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
24 AUG 2024 · Well this was a fun show, Joss adopted the role of comedian for most of it, but then it would've been difficult to be serious about much of what was covered news wise. Marty joined for a bit, but had to take off early because his back was playing up, so Joss carried on being an idiot to the bitter end.
Yep, the acronym "BBC" & the word "paedophile" appeared in the same sentence. See link... https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/08/23/bbc-used-paedophile-drivers-30-years/
David Lammy takes us all for morons by suggesting we should all stamp our feet & make strange noises in celebration of something something Ukraine. Whatever. There's plenty of other funny stuff too. Sometimes the MSM just hands you your show.
If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR
You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on...
...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US).
WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
21 AUG 2024 · Join Joss & Marty for this week's midweek propaganda & lies round up. We discuss bad things, & good ways to fix them.
If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR
You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on...
...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US).
WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
17 AUG 2024 · Joss & Marty doing what the title suggests, although Joss has a sideckick for most of the show - his youngest daughter.
We discuss breakdancing for some reason, & we also discuss fraud. We talk about completely over the top arrests whereby people in the UK are quite literally being arrested for wrongthink now.
Let's see how long it takes before Joss gets his front door kicked in by Labour Party Stasi, & dragged off to jail for daring to talk about what the majority of people in the UK are thinking... or maybe we're not quite that fallen yet.
If you find value in what you see/hear today, please consider supporting WTFR on https://www.patreon.com/WTFR
You can catch WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) every Tue, Wed & Fri LIVE on...
...from 9pm UK, 10pm central Europe, 4pm eastern time (US).
WBN324 is an internet radio station which broadcasts internationally on multiple platforms 24/7 - 365 days a year, & often garners way more listeners that most mainstream channels. WTFR is grateful to WBN for hosting us, & giving us way more reach than video platforms alone.
Join Joss & co-hosts for totally unacceptable perspectives on breaking news & current events. Live Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays from 9pm GMT - 10pm CET - 4pm EST
Author | WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) |
Organization | WTFR (We Think Freely Radio) |
Categories | News Commentary |
Website | - |
wtfr@protonmail.com |
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