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Yesterday I Ran - Today I Am A Warrior

  • Book Intro - Yesterday I Ran - Today I Am A Warrior

    4 FEB 2022 · Introduction: *** My Online Book Podcasts are here***   I walked away from everything! I didn't take or steal anything as some have believed. I just left house, cars, furniture, church, marriage and relationships. The few things I took were sentimental and had belonged mostly to my deceased mother. I had packed slowly for months and everyone knew the day I was leaving. I didn't sneak away! I said, "Farewell!"   After so many years my life as it existed was over! Never would anyone understand the state of despair in which I resided. For years I prayed to die every day. I wouldn't commit suicide because I believe in Hell. I definitely did not want to go there! I needed to go away...   Jesus tells a story called The Parable of the Prodigal Son. He left over riches… I left to Live. Suicide had haunted me from childhood.   I worked under a spawn of hell, I had a boss who tried daily to hurt me. After surviving several heart attacks, I sat in the bed terrified of death. Especially after it had come so close to me. DEATH I could feel it lurking near by. One false move and IT would have me bound.   When I got ill I was forced out on Workers Compensation from my 28 plus year job. I wasn't too proud to beg, so I begged them! No light duty for me! They just threw me out after I was injured.   By then my hands and arms had suffered injuries from years of repetitive motion. The injuries had spread through both hands, elbows, up into my shoulders and started down my back. I was diagnosed with cervical and thoracic soft tissue damage. I was in constant severe pain. Once I entered into physical therapy they discovered that my left side had a partial paralysis from the heart condition. My lower back and leg had also suffered injury.   I was a wreck, unwanted, over weight, injured and ugly. So much more was going on when my marriage went into full failure. I just wanted to sit quietly in a rocking chair, read a book, serve God, and talk to myself. My children were grown, my family and real friends were busy or struggling themselves. … Daddy and Momma were in the ground!   I found myself in a foreign land, with all new people. My lips were silent… I just watched and listened! I cried many broken hearted tears daily until I would fall asleep. I never mentioned God unless asked. I wasn't in the mood for religious discussions. I had already been an ordained minister for over 20 years prior to meeting them all.   The families who surrounded me and cared for me through my illness and despair were sent by God to make sure I lived. I could tell many wondered… “Who is this strange lady and from where had she come?" While discerning their very thoughts and various reactions towards me... I just smiled. I loved them and they loved me. I had been given a whole new family with aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. All of their friends embraced me and added me to their hospitality.   Spiritually I was lost in a place far away from my Father's House. Forgiveness and healing started forming in me when I realized… I had been clad in new clothes, a Robe and a Ring a Strength from above. I was no longer afraid to die. I was ARMED by God. I was no longer a prodigal daughter but I had become a Warrior. Injured in battle I had earned my “PURPLE HEART!” Book by: Barbara Nutt-Duffey Hammonds Prodigal Daughter Book Series Music by: King Dvyce Song - “Run 2 U” by King DEDICATION AND MEMORY In loving memory of my eldest son Overseer Nathaniel Duffey, III you encouraged me to finish my books. I am so saddened that you flew away to God before they could be finished. My son Minister Nashon Duffey, you are sweet and wonderful, a Graphic Artist and Music and BEATS KING like none other. Thank you for always being there for me. My daughter Pastor Nayeena Limenih you are lovely, and amazing inside and out. You are my wind beneath me. You and the "Divine Family” saved my life. In loving memory and care for my husband of (9) months, Timothy Kent Collier you helped me so much even when you were struggling to live. You kept a word of encouragement on your lips. Write Barbara! I certainly cannot forget my loving, sweet and supportive husband, Reginald E. Hammonds. You came to find me straight from Heavens Gates and I love you. “Yesterday I Ran - Today I Am A Warrior” Prodigal Daughter Book Series Barbara Nutt-Duffey Hammonds Tried In the Fire Ministries, Incorporated www.triedinthefireministries.org Email: armedwarrior4god@aol.com Cover design: Nashon C. Duffey Duffey Family Graphic Design & Printing Email: kingofheartsla@gmail.com
    Played 7m 34s
  • Ch 1 Journey Up Till Now

    16 FEB 2022 · Eight years had passed since this whole season started. My sister Chanel had lay in the bed dying of breast cancer and no one but God could stop this evil thing... When Chanel died I fled away to a faraway land. What follows in these books is the result of God’s dealings with me over a number of years, and I am sure that God has not yet finished His dealings. In no means is it my intention to hurt or slight any one with my stories. I can only say that I have been commanded to write them in spite of some opinions. May these words help those who understand or may be facing a similar struggle. May they also understand that it is important to be transparent in this Christian walk. There is a place we eventually come to in the Lord, at which we have reached the end of what we can do carnally or naturally. Book by: Barbara Nutt-Duffey Hammonds Yesterday I Ran - Today I Am A Warrior Prodigal Daughter Book Series Music by: Darryl Udell, Jr. Song - Peculiar Memories
    Played 21m 45s
  • Ch 2 - My Exceedingly Sorrowful Soul

    16 FEB 2022 · Suddenly I began to feel something circling at the top of my head. It felt like warm oil! It began to slowly encircle my body and ease down from the crown of my head towards my feet. Calmness began to overtake me and as this feeling reached my toes, all of a sudden my tears were completely gone. I stepped from the wall, looked around the room at my crying friends and said, “I’ve got to go! I have work to do.” God gave me oil for my ashy soul… Book by: Barbara Nutt-Duffey Hammonds Yesterday I Ran - My Exceedingly Sorrowful Soul Prodigal Daughter Book Series Music by: King Dvyce Song - Rent Collecta by King
    Played 8m 19s
  • Ch 3 - God Has The Final Say So?

    25 FEB 2022 · I believe in the power of prayer. Though the Doctors count you out God has the Final Say So! Over the years and through some struggling times, I had to deal with heart conditions. After suffering from several silent heart attacks, collapsed arteries and blockages they sent me home with a bottle of nitroglycerin and not much hope. But God! My husband died then my son died in less than a year. Within months I developed a disease from stress called Graves Disease… What kind of name is that? Graves, Graves… something was trying to take me next… To my grave. I was sick like never before, a hellish thing had grabbed my body… But God! Book by: Barbara Nutt-Duffey Hammonds Prodigal Daughter Book Series Music by: Darryl Udell, Jr. Song - Peculiar Melodies
    Played 24m 51s
  • Ch 4 - How To Know You Are Hearing From God?

    25 FEB 2022 · "He that hath an ear let him hear what the Spirit is saying..." Are you listening? Where is your ear? And to what is it tuned? Do you know the voice of the Lord? Have you spent any time getting to know Him? He knows you... but do you know Him? I want you to know that even the devil, the enemy knows you. He told some folk in the Bible... “Jesus I know and Paul I know… But who are you?" Counterfeit Christians! Pretending to be somebody else; when all you have to be is yourself for God to speak to you. Stand in your own calling! Book by: Barbara Nutt-Duffey Hammonds Prodigal Daughter Book Series Music by: Darryl Udell, Jr. Song - Peculiar Melodies
    Played 26m 34s
  • Ch 5 - Milk Drinkers

    25 FEB 2022 · Babies can't process or even chew enough on the meat of God. They try to just swallow what they are not ready for or even capable of digesting. Henceforth we see the Apostle Paul dealing with the Corinthian Church. He says, “I should be able to give you the MEAT of the Word by now... But I come back and find I still have to give you milk. I can't even give you the weightier matters or things of the spirit because you are still carnal (fleshly and having baby fights... walking like unbelievers)” Book by: Barbara Nutt-Duffey Hammonds Prodigal Daughter Book Series Beats by: King Dvyce Song - “Basically” by King
    Played 8m 1s
  • Ch 6 - Attack With The Word Of God!

    25 FEB 2022 · Sharing a prayer time with my friend… We were assigned to intercede for our Nation. This came forth! We are jamming the communication lines and recapturing territory for the Kingdom of God. Press, press, and persist in the OFFENSIVE. Do not go back to the sluggardly ways of the DEFENSIVE by simply holding and maintaining your ground.... God says, “Attack with His Word going before us.” Book by: Barbara Nutt-Duffey Hammonds Prodigal Daughter Book Series Beats by: King Dvyce Song - “Leave My Side” by King
    Played 4m 53s
  • Ch 7 - Back Seat Driver

    25 FEB 2022 · I was starting work on Monday morning, a new job in Los Angeles. The rushing began, I was not quite able to determine my travel time as of yet. So I started off on the wrong foot, I was late to work. It seemed like some great time bandit or late demon had attached itself to me. No matter what I tried, I always seemed to be rushing like a mad woman, or to quote my Mom, “Flying like a bat out of hell.” One day as I was driving fast… I had a back seat driver. Book by: Barbara Nutt-Duffey Hammonds Prodigal Daughter Book Series Beats by: King Dvyce Song - “In My Mind (The Force)” by King
    Played 12m 41s
  • Ch 8 - I Command Ye Winds!

    25 FEB 2022 · We had experienced a great Conference. Many blessings and healings transpired during these powerful services. Storms started to set down around us the night before we were all scheduled to return home. When we made it to the airport it was growing dark. Once we took off the plane was climbing higher and higher. The stewardess pulled out her cart, greeting and serving drinks to the passengers. All of a sudden there was a crash… Whackkkkk! Whackkkkkkk! The plane dropped violently like something tried to snatch it out of the air. Everyone screamed in terror. The stewardess also screamed, dropped her drinks and ran to her seat to buckle in for safety. As we plunged and jerked in the lightning and winds, the stewardess did not have time to lock her cart; so it was crashing back and forth down the aisle. In a move of urgency, an Evangelist sitting next to me sat up and opened her mouth... She began to command the air in the name of Jesus!!! I am sharing with you a “Life Changing Experience.” Book by: Barbara Nutt-Duffey Hammonds Prodigal Daughter Book Series Beats by: King Dvyce Song - “Pluto Star” by King
    Played 13m 43s
  • Ch 9 - Home On A Wing And A Prayer!

    25 FEB 2022 · There was a tingling presence all in the car. You could feel the presence of God all, over our skin. My husband and I looked at each other and puzzled I asked, "How did we get here?" He being the driver said, "I don’t know!" We both were very startled and half asleep. I looked at the clock for some reason and only forty minutes had passed since we had left my Mom’s house. We pulled into our driveway, stopped and just sat there trying to figure out what had just happened. We got out of the car finally, still in shock and discussing how neither of us remembered the trip. Book by: Barbara Nutt-Duffey Hammonds Prodigal Daughter Book Series Beats by: King Dvyce Song - “Flash Flood” by King
    Played 7m 33s

Book Introduction:   I walked away from everything! I didn't take or steal anything as some have believed. I just left house, cars, furniture, church, marriage and relationships. The few things...

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Book Introduction:
I walked away from everything!
I didn't take or steal anything as some have believed. I just left house, cars, furniture, church, marriage and relationships. The few things I took were sentimental and had belonged mostly to my deceased mother.

I had packed slowly for months and everyone knew the day I was leaving. I didn't sneak away! I said, "Farewell!"
After so many years my life as it existed was over! Never would anyone understand the state of despair in which I resided. For years I prayed to die every day! I wouldn't commit suicide because I believe in Hell.
I definitely did not want to go there! I needed to go away...
Jesus tells a story called The Parable of the Prodigal Son. He left over riches…
I left to Live. Suicide had haunted me from childhood.
I worked under a spawn of hell, I had a boss who tried daily to hurt me. After surviving several heart attacks, I sat in the bed terrified of death.
Especially after It came so close to me.
I could feel it lurking near by, one false move and it would have me bound.
When I got ill I was forced out on Workers Compensation from my 28 plus year job. I wasn't too proud to beg, so I begged them! No light duty for me, they just threw me out after I was injured.
By then my hands and arms had suffered injuries from years of repetitive motion. The injuries had spread through both hands, elbows, up into my shoulders and started down my back. I was diagnosed with cervical and thoracic soft tissue damage. I was in constant severe pain. Once I entered into physical therapy they discovered that my left side had a partial paralysis from the heart condition. My lower back and leg had also suffered injury.
I was a wreck, unwanted, over weight, injured and ugly. So much more was going on when my marriage went into full failure. I just wanted to sit quietly in a rocking chair, read a book, serve God, and talk to myself.

My children were grown, my real friends were busy or struggling themselves.
… Momma was in the ground!
I found myself in a foreign land, with all new people. My lips were silent… I just watched and listened! I cried many broken hearted tears daily until I would fall asleep.

I never mentioned God unless asked. I wasn't in the mood for religious discussions. I had already been an ordained Minister for over 20 years prior to meeting them all.
The families who surrounded me and cared for me through my illness and despair were sent by God to make sure I lived. I could tell many wondered… "Who is this strange lady and from where had she come?" While discerning their very thoughts and various reactions towards me... I just smiled. I loved them and they loved me. I had been given a whole new family with aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews. All of their friends embraced me and added me to their hospitality.
Spiritually I was lost in a place far away from my Father's House.

Forgiveness and healing started forming in me when I realized… I had been clad in new clothes, a Robe and a Ring a Strength from above. I was no longer afraid to die. I was ARMED by God.

I was no longer a prodigal daughter but I had become a Warrior. Injured in battle I had earned my “Purple Heart!”

Book by: Barbara Nutt-Duffey Hammonds
Book: Yesterday I Ran Today I Am A Warrior
Prodigal Daughter Book Series

Barbara @ #FireMinistries
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