Podcast Cover

YOUR Health Vibes with Elana

  • From hardship to Hero, Turning struggles into POWER!

    26 JUN 2024 · From hardship to hero, turning struggles into POWER! Join us on "Your Health Vibes with Elana" as we welcome our inspiring guest, Deb Krier, a true Cancer Warrior, gifted communicator, and renowned business podcast host. Together with your host, Elana Feldman, we'll explore stories of resilience, strength, and transformation. Discover how to harness your struggles and turn them into sources of power and inspiration. Tune in to NEWStreamingNetwork.com for this powerful episode and let’s embark on this journey of empowerment and healing together! Join Elana Thursdays, bi-weekly at 12:00 pm ET to begin raising your vibration, heart, body, mind and soul.  Elana’s journey is to raise your heart, body and soul vibes to the next level so you can transform your life today! She is a highly motivated professional who welcomes a broad scope of responsibilities. Being highly creative, innovative, with outstanding communication/interpersonal skills, she has embraced her fitness and life coaching abilities which has allowed her to be successful working together with those of diverse ages and backgrounds both individually and in a group setting. For the past number of years, she has been motivating and teaching Seniors, Cancer Patients and Children to be the best they can be and live life to the fullest! Join Elana, bring your vibes to the next level, let her be the gateway to empower you to be the best you and be, heart, body, mind & soul!  Contact Elana: Email: ef11ca@gmail.com Telephone: 562-235-8410 YourHealthVibes.com Deb is not only a seasoned entrepreneur with a background in communications, marketing, and public relations but also a cancer advocate whose personal journey through Stage 4 triple-positive breast cancer and thyroid cancer has been truly transformative. In 2022, she founded tryingnottodie.LIVE is a commendable initiative empowering those navigating the complexities of cancer. Her unwavering commitment to turning struggles into strengths, fostering hope in the cancer community, and promoting resilience align seamlessly with the values of your podcast as the founder of tryingnottodie.LIVE and the host of "The Business Power Hour" podcast, Deb brings profound insights into holistic health, wellness, and spirituality. Her website: https://tryingnottodie.live/. Deb's podcast: The Business Power Hour Social Links: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deborahkrier/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1465660477225232
    Played 44m 26s
  • Shifting Perspectives: Illuminating Life's Path with Lara Arguijo

    21 JUN 2024 · Welcome to Your Health Vibes on the NEW Streaming Network.com! Today, we embark on a transformative journey of shifting perspectives and illuminating life's path. Joining us is the remarkable Lara Arguijo, a certified ThetaHealing instructor, Reiki and Sound Healer, whose wisdom and compassion guide us towards profound healing and growth. Host, Elana, and together with Lara, we explore the power of theta healing, reiki, and sound therapy in enhancing well-being and spiritual evolution. Join us as we delve into this enlightening discussion, offering invaluable insights and practices to empower you on your journey towards holistic wellness and fulfillment. Lara is a passionate ThetaHealing instructor, dedicated to empowering humans and animals worldwide through the transformative power of energy and Theta healing. As an adept energy, Theta and sound healer, Lara utilizes a blend of ancient wisdom and modern techniques to facilitate deep healing and spiritual growth. Additionally, Lara shares wisdom and inspiration through her podcast, "Healing Highs with Lara," guides transformative retreats, facilitates healing circles, and conducts heart-opening cacao ceremonies and meditations. With a heart-centered approach, Lara is committed to fostering holistic well-being and facilitating profound shifts in consciousness.  Connect with Lara: Email: illuminatelife11@gmail.com Website: http://www.illuminatelife.co/  Join Elana Thursdays, bi-weekly at 12:00 pm ET to begin raising your vibration, heart, body, mind and soul. Elana’s journey is to raise your heart, body and soul vibes to the next level so you can transform your life today! She is a highly motivated professional who welcomes a broad scope of responsibilities. Being highly creative, innovative, with outstanding communication/interpersonal skills, she has embraced her fitness and life coaching abilities which has allowed her to be successful working together with those of diverse ages and backgrounds both individually and in a group setting.  For the past number of years, she has been motivating and teaching Seniors, Cancer Patients and Children to be the best they can be and live life to the fullest! Join Elana, bring your vibes to the next level, let her be the gateway to empower you to be the best you and be, heart, body, mind & soul!  Contact Elana: Email: ef11ca@gmail.com Telephone: 562-235-8410 YourHealthVibes.com
    Played 33m 36s
  • Empowering paths to wellness for Chronic Illness Warriors!

    2 JUN 2024 · Welcome to Your Health Vibes on the NEW Streaming Network.com! Today's episode is dedicated to empowering paths to wellness for Chronic Illness Warriors. Joining us is the inspiring Deborah Bircham, from Live Well with Chronic Illness, is a a mindfulness teacher and naturopathic health coach, whose expertise and compassion guide us toward holistic healing. Host, Elana, and together with Deborah, we explore transformative approaches to health and well-being. Join us as we navigate this enlightening discussion, offering invaluable insights and support for those on their journey to reclaiming vitality and joy amidst chronic illness. Join Elana Thursdays, bi-weekly at 12:00 pm ET to begin raising your vibration, heart, body, mind and soul. Contact Elana - 562-235-8410. Email: yourhealthvibes@gmail.com Elana’s journey is to raise your heart, body and soul vibes to the next level so you can transform your life today! She is a highly motivated professional who welcomes a broad scope of responsibilities. Being highly creative, innovative, with outstanding communication/interpersonal skills, she has embraced her fitness and life coaching abilities which has allowed her to be successful working together with those of diverse ages and backgrounds both individually and in a group setting. For the past number of years, she has been motivating and teaching Seniors, Cancer Patients and Children to be the best they can be and live life to the fullest! Join Elana, bring your vibes to the next level, let her be the gateway to empower you to be the best you and be, heart, body, mind & soul! Contact Elana: Email: ef11ca@gmail.com Telephone: 562-235-8410 YourHealthVibes.com Deborah, from Live Well with Chronic Illness, is a Mindfulness Teacher and Naturopathic Health Coach and she specializes in supporting people living with long-term health conditions and chronic pain. She works with a combination of tools, including nutrition and lifestyle coaching, mindfulness, hypnotherapy and psychotherapy pain-management techniques. She has a particular interest in the mind-body connection and how we can support our own wellbeing through self-care and self-compassion practices, as well as diet and lifestyle changes. She lives with chronic pain, MCAS, Dysautonomia and Lyme Disease and uses her own lived experience of long-term illness to enable her to fully understand and support her clients. She is motivated by wanting to ensure that others have the information and support they need to empower them on their health journey, and to give others the support that she didn’t have when she first became unwell. She believes that having a chronic illness shouldn’t prevent you from being able to live a happy and meaningful life, and she supports people to find out what that looks like for them. You can find out more about Deborah on here website, here. https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmhCUklTUHRQYkhudHIyNGdQLXpOY1pXdWtkQXxBQ3Jtc0tsSFA5N3NLTC1FVFZUVlU1REJDNXdnWDFNRXZBX1loZ2xpY1dHbGpZel9EUE1xRC1wYVhRQ1p0VS1UbTFEbHpOSTRJUnY3VTRaZVBpX1NlTVBsYVhYb1Vpdmx6dWtuQm9Qc1o3WVpNdTBXOWJLMFpuQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Flivewellwithchronicillness.co.uk%2F&v=ThYNeokeiv0 www.NEWStreamingNetwork.com. home of GoingBoldMedia.com, GoingSoloMedia.com, and WGSN-DB Going Solo Network Radio, Podcasts and TV. Syndication - 46 Countries, all 50 States, and on over 56 various platforms with over 6 million listeners!
    Played 36m 2s
  • Step Into Spring with Elana

    28 APR 2024 · Step into a season of rejuvenation and vitality with Elana, the host of Your Health Vibes show on the NEW Streaming Network.com! As nature awakens, so too can your health and wellness journey. Join Elana as she guides you through expert insights, practical tips, and inspiring stories to help you harness the energy of spring and optimize your well-being. Whether you're seeking to revitalize your fitness routine, nourish your body with wholesome foods, or cultivate mindfulness and inner balance, Elana is here to support and empower you every step of the way. Get ready to embrace a vibrant new chapter in your health journey. Welcome to Step Into Spring with Elana, only on the NEW Streaming Network.com. Join Elana Thursdays, bi-weekly at 12:00 pm ET to begin raising your vibration, heart, body, mind and soul. Contact Elana - 562-235-8410. Email: yourhealthvibes@gmail.com Elana’s journey is to raise your heart, body and soul vibes to the next level so you can transform your life today! She is a highly motivated professional who welcomes a broad scope of responsibilities. Being highly creative, innovative, with outstanding communication/interpersonal skills, she has embraced her fitness and life coaching abilities which has allowed her to be successful working together with those of diverse ages and backgrounds both individually and in a group setting. For the past number of years, she has been motivating and teaching Seniors, Cancer Patients and Children to be the best they can be and live life to the fullest! Join Elana, bring your vibes to the next level, let her be the gateway to empower you to be the best you and be, heart, body, mind & soul! Contact Elana: Email: ef11ca@gmail.com Telephone: 562-235-8410 YourHealthVibes.com www.NEWStreamingNetwork.com. home of GoingBoldMedia.com, GoingSoloMedia.com, and WGSN-DB Going Solo Network Radio, Podcasts and TV. Syndication - 46 Countries, all 50 States, and on over 56 various platforms with over 6 million listeners!
    Played 27m 53s
  • Design Your Destiny Building the Life You Deserve

    24 APR 2024 · Shannon Crotty is a wife and mom of three who lives in West-Central Wisconsin. She is the Founder and CEO of Polka Dot Powerhouse, a global connection company for women. https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa09LVllYWDFmSmRuUEdiZndoMWhmTW9xejl3Z3xBQ3Jtc0tsLUVyZHJwM1JOc2J1RHIyMUE0R2VBSzVkQzVDS2hCaFdhU3BQTGtDMFZtTFdHLUJ4bGVZcGpWMFQyenAwUE1HTGJ2anRuUXlsaHRzSWRMbVdIMDhkUmplblpyZUtfc3A5a2pDakpNUi1hM19pWGdaVQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.polkadotpowerhouse.com%2F&v=Ik1CZQVNJyw Shannon is also the founder and visionary behind The Deep End Planner as well as the author of the #1 Best-selling book - No One Is Peeing In the Deep End – A survival guide for launching a dream. Also, as a sought-after speaker, Shannon not only empowers audiences to be more authentic versions of themselves, but she also provides tools for them to rein in their focus to allow them to more easily reach their goals and launch their dreams. Shannon loves golf, travel, style, fitness, and the good ice. You can learn more about Shannon by visiting www.shannoncrotty.com. Contact Elana - 562-235-8410. Email: yourhealthvibes@gmail.com Elana’s journey is to raise your heart, body, and soul vibes to the next level so you can transform your life today! She is a highly motivated professional who welcomes a broad scope of responsibilities. Being highly creative, and innovative, with outstanding communication/interpersonal skills, she has embraced her fitness and life coaching abilities which has allowed her to be successful working together with those of diverse ages and backgrounds both individually and in a group setting. For the past number of years, she has been motivating and teaching Seniors, Cancer Patients, and Children to be the best they can be and live life to the fullest! Join Elana, bring your vibes to the next level, and let her be the gateway to empower you to be the best you and be, heart, body, mind & soul! Contact Elana: Email: ef11ca@gmail.com Telephone: 562-235-8410 www.YourHealthVibes.com www.NEWStreamingNetwork.com. home of www.GoingBoldMedia.com, www.GoingSoloMedia.com and WGSN-DB Going Solo Network Radio, Podcasts and TV.
    Played 37m 3s
  • Highly Sensitive Souls Tapping Into Their Gift with Jim Rajan

    16 MAR 2024 · "Highly sensitive souls tapping into their gift and letting go of thinking and allowing themselves to feel!" on Your Health Vibes with Host, Elana. www.NEWStreamingNetwork.com. home of www.GoingBoldMedia.com, www.GoingSoloMedia.com and WGSN-DB Going Solo Network Radio, Podcasts and TV. A Former award-nominated producer and director at MTV-UK Networks and other TV production companies in London, Jim Rajan has now been running a successful worldwide practice as a Professional Seer, Healer, and Teacher for over 17 years. Jim’s method ‘The Healing Ceremony’ has been called mesmerizing and has changed the lives of countless people around the world. The foundation of his work is in guiding sensitives and intuitives to unlock their potential and transform their suffering. Jim has a dedicated global following of over 9000 people on the meditation app InsightTimer for his Guided Visualisations, Healing Music, and monthly Live Visualisation Workshops. A self-taught musician, composer, and producer, Jim has produced work for artists in London UK, Canada, and North America as well as his albums. His work is currently available on Spotify, iTunes and InsightTimer Jim works diligently with artisan instrument makers to produce specialist musical instruments that he uses in his work and workshops to create unique experiences. Jim is a teacher, storyteller, poet, and the author of The Book Of Journeys and Boost Your Life in 30 Days (The Daily Affirmation Series). In 2023 after many years of giving workshops, Jim finally opened ‘The Subtle Qualities School’. A central hub where sensitives, empaths, and intuitive come together in exploration, refining sensibilities, attuning themselves to their higher calling, and building a new sense of mission and purposefulness Jim Rajan Website: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbFpWaUZ2a3RRc1lURVB1ZE1Id3Z5bTFpZVJzUXxBQ3Jtc0tuZWdOby1SSmVFOEJ6bG4wczVBSlFSMnFtQi1CN3ZmeFFTZWhDX2gtN3NwWHBZMGtfMlBxRWlsaTZBU2RYdEVlSGw3VmNxQkRLaHU4TnlyczJXNFRtN1FMZHlLZ2Jmal9XQXJXVmYzNGotR2dZTEVUVQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fjimrajan.com%2Fjim-rajan%2F&v=ZcNHW89xMFs Contact Elana - 562-235-8410. Email: yourhealthvibes@gmail.com Elana’s journey is to raise your heart, body, and soul vibes to the next level so you can transform your life today! She is a highly motivated professional who welcomes a broad scope of responsibilities. Being highly creative, and innovative, with outstanding communication/interpersonal skills, she has embraced her fitness and life coaching abilities which has allowed her to be successful working together with those of diverse ages and backgrounds both individually and in a group setting. For the past number of years, she has been motivating and teaching Seniors, Cancer Patients, and Children to be the best they can be and live life to the fullest! Join Elana, bring your vibes to the next level, and let her be the gateway to empower you to be the best you and be, heart, body, mind & soul! Contact Elana: Email: ef11ca@gmail.com Telephone: 562-235-8410 www.YourHealthVibes.com
    Played 45m 4s
  • The Confidence Code Decoding Comfort Zones and Powering Up

    16 FEB 2024 · The Confidence Code: Decoding Comfort Zones and Powering Up with Vesta Hager, Motivational Speaker, Coach, Retreat Maven & Podcast Host on the Your Health Vibes with Elana show. Hello, health enthusiasts! Welcome to 'Your Health Vibes with Elana,' the show where wellness takes center stage. I'm Elana, your host, and today we're diving into the realm of confidence and empowerment with the incredible Vesta Hager. Vesta, a motivational speaker, coach, retreat maven, and podcast host, is here to decode comfort zones and power up our lives. Join us for an inspiring conversation as we unlock 'The Confidence Code,' exploring the pathways to self-assurance and personal growth. Let's harness the power within on 'Your Health Vibes with Elana Join Elana Thursdays, bi-weekly at 12:00 pm ET to begin raising your vibration, heart, body, mind and soul. Contact Elana - 562-235-8410. Email: yourhealthvibes@gmail.com Elana’s journey is to raise your heart, body and soul vibes to the next level so you can transform your life today! She is a highly motivated professional who welcomes a broad scope of responsibilities. Being highly creative, innovative, with outstanding communication/interpersonal skills, she has embraced her fitness and life coaching abilities which has allowed her to be successful working together with those of diverse ages and backgrounds both individually and in a group setting. For the past number of years, she has been motivating and teaching Seniors, Cancer Patients and Children to be the best they can be and live life to the fullest! Join Elana, bring your vibes to the next level, let her be the gateway to empower you to be the best you and be, heart, body, mind & soul! Contact Elana: Email: ef11ca@gmail.com Telephone: 562-235-8410 YourHealthVibes.com More about Vesta: Vesta is a dynamic motivational speaker with over a decade of experience as a speaker, trainer and now an author. She encourages and coaches women to amplify their authenticity and empower them to embody their role as the Leading Lady of their own lives. Dream. Decide. Do. are the pillars that drive her and help her lead the way. She believes the more women living their dreams, the better the lives of all. Vesta is also the co-host of The What's Next Podcast. Connect with Vesta: www.vestatalks.com
    Played 43m 6s
  • Unlock your true self by stepping aside from your barriers

    16 FEB 2024 · Join today's show Unlock your true self by stepping aside from your barriers! Host, Elana of Your Health Vibes Show in Put some FUN back into your chair www.NEWStreamingNetwork.com. home of GoingBoldMedia.com, GoingSoloMedia.com, and WGSN-DB Going Solo Network Radio, Podcasts and TV. Contact Elana - 562-235-8410. Email: yourhealthvibes@gmail.com Elana’s journey is to raise your heart, body, and soul vibes to the next level so you can transform your life today! She is a highly motivated professional who welcomes a broad scope of responsibilities. Being highly creative, and innovative, with outstanding communication/interpersonal skills, she has embraced her fitness and life coaching abilities which has allowed her to be successful working together with those of diverse ages and backgrounds both individually and in a group setting. For the past number of years, she has been motivating and teaching Seniors, Cancer Patients and Children to be the best they can be and live life to the fullest! Join Elana, bring your vibes to the next level, let her be the gateway to empower you to be the best you and be, heart, body, mind & soul! Contact Elana: Email: ef11ca@gmail.com Telephone: 562-235-8410 YourHealthVibes.com More about Amy... Amy Mitchell is a seasoned professional with over 25 years of corporate experience. She graduated with a degree in spiritual psychology from the University of Santa Monica in 2007, which has profoundly shaped her approach to life and work. Alongside her corporate endeavors, she is deeply passionate about resin art and crafting energy-intention jewelry. Her daily focus revolves around guiding herself and others through paradigm shifts, self-awareness, and fostering healthy interpersonal relationships. As an artist and mentor, she is dedicated and passionate about sharing her art and the transformative power of creativity, psychological insights, and spirituality You can reach Amyon instagram @amymitchell_art @woowooheart.
    Played 43m 3s
  • Live In YOUR Own Lane with Guest, Cece Shatz, Doyenne of Relationships

    15 FEB 2024 · We're here to talk about "Living in Your Own Lane". What does it mean to live in your own lane? It means to not compare yourself with others and instead focus on living authentically and according to your values, dreams and desires. In this show, we'll be sharing tangible tips that will help you make positive changes in order to create a life that you love. Are you ready? Let's get started! Join today with Empowerment Coach, Elana Feldman as we talk about transforming your heart, body & soul and Cece Shatz, Doyenne of Relationships, Divorce, Dating & Relationship Coach WGSN-DB Going Solo Network 24/7 Live Streaming Radio, TV & Podcasts - #1 Internet Singles Talk Network (www.goingsolomedia.com) for a Complete Singles Connection (www.goingsolonetwork.com) & Going Solo Community (www.goingsolocommunity.com). A bit more about Cece... Cece Shatz is the “Doyenne” of Relationship Loss, Divorce, Transition into Dating, Dating, Single Parent’s Support and helping Singles learn to live their BEST lives. She is an inspirational Divorce and Life Transition Coach, Public Speaker with a unique style of healing from within. Her intuitive skills reach beyond to those who are struggling in coping and redefining their lives. Cece has relate-ability as she has the “been there done that” approach to life. She has fondly been called the Life Changing Coach - Your Best Friend .... Your Mentor! Websites: www.GoingSoloMedia.com - Singles Talk Radio, TV & Podcasting www.GoingSoloNetwork.com - Going Solo Singles Connection www.GoingSoloDirectory.com - Singles Go-to Professional Directory Contact: Elana Feldman Your Health Vibes with Elana Show Advance Cancer Exercise Specialist, Aqua Aerobics, Chair, Yoga, Balance, Stability, Oncology Reiki, Fall Prevention Educator Email: ef11ca@gmail.com Telephone: 562-235-8410 YourHealthVibes.com
    Played 48m 12s
  • Embracing Your True Self & Living a Life You Love!

    15 FEB 2024 · Are you ready to unleash your true self, strip away all of life's distractions and discover what really matters in your life? Welcome to this special video series. Today we will be talking about embracing our true selves and living a life that is filled with joy and fulfilment. We have all grown up in a world where it feels like we have serious limitations, but the truth is that the only one who can truly limit us is ourselves. It's time to let go of fear and doubt and step into our most empowering authentic selves. Join me as we embark on this amazing journey together! Join today's show - Embracing Your True Self & Living a Life You love! Join Host, Elana of Your Health Vibes Show WGSN-DB Going Solo Network 24/7 Live Streaming Radio, TV & Podcasts - #1 Internet Singles Talk Network (www.goingsolomedia.com) for a Complete Singles Connection (www.goingsolonetwork.com) & Going Solo Community (www.goingsolocommunity.com). Thank you to our sponsor - Jazz Angels - Barry Cogert. Southern California native, Barry Cogert’s love of music began during high school in the late 1970’s playing bass in, “Willie Aames and Paradise,” a rock band that toured the country and performed on several television variety shows. Jazz Angels is the cool place to be for young people and their families. Their main gala, Jazz on the Greens on Sunday, 8/27 from 3-7pm in Cypress CA is the perfect place to understand what Jazz Angels does. The event features the famous Tom Scott playing alongside Jazz Angels youth musicians. Info can be found at jazzangels.org or @jazzangelsl Contact Elana - 562-235-8410. Email: yourhealthvibes@gmail.com Elana’s journey is to raise your heart, body and soul vibes to the next level so you can transform your life today! She is a highly motivated professional who welcomes a broad scope of responsibilities. Being highly creative, innovative, with outstanding communication/interpersonal skills, she has embraced her fitness and life coaching abilities which has allowed her to be successful working together with those of diverse ages and backgrounds both individually and in a group setting. For the past number of years, she has been motivating and teaching Seniors, Cancer Patients and Children to be the best they can be and live life to the fullest! Join Elana, bring your vibes to the next level, let her be the gateway to empower you to be the best you and be, heart, body, mind & soul! Contact Elana: Email: ef11ca@gmail.com Telephone: 562-235-8410 YourHealthVibes.com More about Margaret Hansen: Margaret Hansen is a transformational speaker, certified life coach and writer. In addition, she is a trainer of Infinite Possibilities workshops and certified as a practitioner of The Emotion Code, a process to release negative trapped emotions from the body. Contact Margaret: Email: travelwoman723@gmail.com Website: https://margaretkhansen.com/
    Played 33m 47s

Elana’s journey is to raise your heart, body and soul vibes to the next level so you can transform your life today! ​ She is a highly motivated professional who...

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Elana’s journey is to raise your heart, body and soul vibes to the next level so you can transform your life today! ​

She is a highly motivated professional who welcomes a broad scope of responsibilities. Being highly creative, and innovative, with outstanding communication/interpersonal skills, she has embraced her fitness and life coaching abilities which has allowed her to be successful working together with those of diverse ages and backgrounds both individually and in a group setting.​

For the past number of years, she has been motivating and teaching Seniors, Cancer Patients, and Children to be the best they can be...to live their lives to the fullest!

Join Elana, bring your VIBES to the next level, let her be the gateway to empower you to be the best you can be... Heart, Body, Mind & Soul!

WGSN-DB Going Solo Network 24/7 Live Streaming Radio, TV & Podcasts - #1 Internet Singles Talk Network (www.goingsolomedia.com) for a Complete Singles Connection (www.goingsolonetwork.com)

Contact Elana - 562-235-8410. Email: yourhealthvibes@gmail.com
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