
A Family's Unplanned Journey to Togetherness

Sep 16, 2024 · 17m
A Family's Unplanned Journey to Togetherness

01 · Main Story

1m 44s

02 · Vocabulary Words

13m 2s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: A Family's Unplanned Journey to Togetherness Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: V megli zgodnjega jesenskega jutra, ko so...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: A Family's Unplanned Journey to Togetherness
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Story Transcript:

Sl: V megli zgodnjega jesenskega jutra, ko so prvi hladni vetrovi začeli barvati listje v odtenke oranžne in rdeče, je družina Mateja, Jure in njuna hči Neža prispela v Bled.
En: In the calm of an early autumn morning, as the first chilly winds began to paint the leaves in shades of orange and red, the family of Mateja, Jure, and their daughter Neža arrived in Bled.

Sl: Jezero, obdano z veličastnimi Julijskimi Alpami, je mirno ležalo pod njimi, kot zrcalo, ki je odsevalo modro nebo in skrivnostni grad na pečini.
En: The lake, surrounded by the majestic Julian Alps, lay peacefully below, like a mirror reflecting the blue sky and the mysterious castle on the cliff.

Sl: Mateja je že dolgo načrtovala ta piknik.
En: Mateja had been planning this picnic for a long time.

Sl: Hotela je, da bo dan poseben in popoln.
En: She wanted the day to be special and perfect.

Sl: Nekako je čutila, da družina potrebuje več skupnih trenutkov, preden njihova najstniška hči popolnoma razvije krila in poleti v svet odraslih.
En: Somehow, she felt that the family needed more time together before their teenage daughter fully spread her wings and flew into the adult world.

Sl: Jure je ta dan želel preživeti v sproščenem druženju, daleč od vsakodnevnega vrveža.
En: Jure wished to spend the day relaxing and far from the daily hustle and bustle.

Sl: Vse se je začelo lepo.
En: Everything started beautifully.

Sl: Mateja je pripravila košaro z doma narejenimi dobrotami.
En: Mateja prepared a basket filled with homemade treats.

Sl: Jure je izbral najlepši kotiček ob jezeru.
En: Jure picked the loveliest spot by the lake.

Sl: Neža je s seboj vzela svoje najljubše knjige in fotoaparat, da ujame jesenske trenutke.
En: Neža brought her favorite books and camera to capture the autumn moments.

Sl: A prav tega jutra je Neža prejela nepričakovano novico.
En: But that very morning, Neža received unexpected news.

Sl: Na rutinskem pregledu so ji zdravniki zaznali nekaj, kar je zahtevalo dodatne preiskave.
En: During a routine check-up, doctors detected something that required further examination.

Sl: Mateja je bila zaskrbljena, vendar je Neža trmasto vztrajala, da ne bodo spreminjale načrtov.
En: Mateja was worried, but Neža stubbornly insisted they wouldn’t change their plans.

Sl: "Hočem ta piknik, zaupam zdravnikom," je vzkliknila Neža.
En: "I want this picnic, I trust the doctors," Neža exclaimed.

Sl: Mateja je gledala v moža, ki se je spogledoval z jezerom, razpet med tiho vsklajevanje in spoštovanje Nežine želje.
En: Mateja looked at her husband, who gazed at the lake, torn between silent coordination and respecting Neža's wishes.

Sl: Družina je razprla odejo na travi, hladno sonce pa jih je grelo, ko so sedli k obedu.
En: The family spread a blanket on the grass, and the cool sun warmed them as they sat down to eat.

Sl: Neža je s smehom pripovedovala o zabavnih trenutkih v šoli.
En: Neža laughingly shared amusing school moments.

Sl: Toda nenadoma se ji je obraz zazibal v bolečinski grimasi.
En: But suddenly, her face twisted in a painful grimace.

Sl: Tistega trenutka je Mateja občutila, da mora ukrepati.
En: In that moment, Mateja felt she had to act.

Sl: Vse njene skrbi in strahovi so se zgrnili nad njo, ko je ravnala, kot da se čas ustavi.
En: All her worries and fears overwhelmed her as if time had stopped.

Sl: Jure je takoj stekel k avtu, pripravljajoč vse, da bi Nežo nemudoma odpeljali v bolnišnico.
En: Jure immediately ran to the car, preparing everything to take Neža to the hospital right away.

Sl: Ob poti je Mateja čutila, da se nekaj v njej spreminja.
En: On the way, Mateja felt something changing within her.

Sl: "Ne bom več toliko načrtovala," si je ponovila v mislih, "naučiti se moram uživati v vsakem trenutku, kajti nič, res nič, ni gotovo.
En: "I won't plan as much anymore," she repeated in her mind, "I must learn to enjoy every moment because nothing, truly nothing, is certain."

Sl: "Ko so prispeli v bolnišnico, je družina obnovila svojo povezanost v teh negotovih urah.
En: When they arrived at the hospital, the family renewed their bond in those uncertain hours.

Sl: Mateja je čutila, kako se njena ljubezen prepleta z Novimi spoznanji in močjo njene družine.
En: Mateja felt how her love intertwined with new insights and the strength of her family.

Sl: Jure je bil ob njej kot neomajna podpora.
En: Jure was beside her as unwavering support.

Sl: Neža je celo tam, med belimi stenami bolnišnice, našla mir, saj je vedela, da je obkrožena z ljubeznijo.
En: Even there, within the white walls of the hospital, Neža found peace, knowing she was surrounded by love.

Sl: Skozi preizkušnje so spoznali, da je življenje nepredvidljivo, a dragoceno.
En: Through the trials, they realized that life is unpredictable but precious.

Sl: Vrline in lepote družine ne temeljijo na popolnih načrtih, temveč na zmožnosti, da si med seboj stojijo ob strani.
En: The virtues and beauty of family do not rely on perfect plans but on the ability to stand by each other.

Sl: Ko je Neža prejela dobre novice o svojem zdravju, so skupaj odšli iz bolnišnice, vedoč, da bo njihov naslednji piknik še bolj poseben, ker so ga doživeli v svojem srcu že na poti do tja.
En: When Neža received good news about her health, they left the hospital together, knowing their next picnic would be even more special because they had already experienced it in their hearts on the way there.

Vocabulary Words:
  • calm: megla
  • chilly: hladni
  • majestic: veličastni
  • castle: grad
  • cliff: pečina
  • spread: razvije
  • wings: krila
  • hustle and bustle: vrveža
  • blanket: odeja
  • amusing: zabavne
  • grimace: grimasa
  • overwhelmed: zgrnili
  • examination: preglede
  • stubbornly: trmasto
  • coordinating: vsklajevanje
  • routine: rutinski
  • unwavering: neomajna
  • unexpected: nepričakovano
  • virtues: vrline
  • treasures: dragoceno
  • intertwined: prepleta
  • realized: spoznali
  • picnic: piknik
  • preparations: pripravljajoč
  • diagnose: zaznali
  • delighted: veselo
  • captivate: ujame
  • journey: pot
  • embark: odhajajoč
  • circumstances: okoliščine
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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