
A Magical Wedding at Lake Bled: Love, Tradition, and Romance

May 22, 2024 · 15m 40s
A Magical Wedding at Lake Bled: Love, Tradition, and Romance

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

11m 52s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: A Magical Wedding at Lake Bled: Love, Tradition, and Romance Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: Sončni žarki so...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: A Magical Wedding at Lake Bled: Love, Tradition, and Romance
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Story Transcript:

Sl: Sončni žarki so svetlikali na gladini Blejskega jezera, ko sta Luka in Nina stopila iz čolna.
En: The sun's rays sparkled on the surface of Lake Bled as Luka and Nina stepped out of the boat.

Sl: Prišla sta na tradicionalno slovensko poroko.
En: They had come to a traditional Slovenian wedding.

Sl: Veselje in smeh sta napolnila obalo.
En: Joy and laughter filled the shore.

Sl: Luka je bil visok in zmeraj nasmejan, Nina pa temnolasa in s svetlimi očmi.
En: Luka was tall and always smiling, while Nina had dark hair and bright eyes.

Sl: Držala sta se za roke in hodila proti cerkvi, ki je stala na otoku sredi jezera.
En: They held hands and walked towards the church that stood on the island in the middle of the lake.

Sl: Na čolničku, ki ju je peljal proti otoku, sta že zaslišala glasbo in petje.
En: On the little boat that brought them to the island, they could already hear music and singing.

Sl: Zvoki harmonike in pesmi so jima napolnili srce s toplino.
En: The sounds of the accordion and songs filled their hearts with warmth.

Sl: Na cerkvenem dvorišču so že stali svatje, oblečeni v pisane narodne noše.
En: In the churchyard, guests were already standing, dressed in colorful traditional costumes.

Sl: Domačini so pozdravljali mladoporočenca.
En: Locals greeted the newlyweds.

Sl: “Koliko ljudi!
En: "So many people!"

Sl: ” je vzkliknila Nina.
En: exclaimed Nina.

Sl: “Takšne poroke še nisem videla.
En: "I've never seen a wedding like this."

Sl: ”“Lepa je, kajne?
En: "It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Sl: ” je rekel Luka.
En: said Luka.

Sl: “Prišla nama bo v spomin za vedno.
En: "We'll remember it forever."

Sl: ”Obred se je pričel, ko sta ženina in nevesta stopila na plavajoče obroče, ki so jih gostje vrgli v čudovito zeleno vodo jezera.
En: The ceremony began as the bride and groom stepped onto floating rings that the guests had thrown into the beautiful green waters of the lake.

Sl: Zven zvončkov, ki so jih vaščani obesili na drevesa okoli cerkve, je odmeval po celotnem otoku.
En: The ringing of bells, which the villagers had hung on the trees around the church, echoed across the entire island.

Sl: Po končanem obredu so se zbrali vsi svatje na veliki jasi ob jezeru.
En: After the ceremony, all the guests gathered in a large meadow by the lake.

Sl: Nato so postregli z okusnimi slovenskimi jedmi: žganci, klobase, in prekmurska gibanica.
En: Then, they were served delicious Slovenian dishes: žganci, sausages, and prekmurska gibanica.

Sl: Luka se je smehljal, ko je videl Nino uživati v hrani.
En: Luka smiled as he watched Nina enjoy the food.

Sl: V ozadju so ljudje plesali kolo in dekleta so nosila vence iz rož na glavi.
En: In the background, people danced in a circle, and the girls wore flower wreaths on their heads.

Sl: Naenkrat je začelo rahlo deževati.
En: Suddenly, it started to rain lightly.

Sl: Gostitelja sta hitro postavila velike platnene strehe nad mize.
En: The hosts quickly set up large canvas canopies over the tables.

Sl: Noben dež ni mogel pokvariti tega dne.
En: No rain could spoil this day.

Sl: Nasprotno, dežne kaplje so dodale še več romantike.
En: On the contrary, the raindrops added even more romance.

Sl: Luka je zwalil Nino v ples in skupaj sta se vrtela pod dežnimi kapljami z zvoka harmonike v ozadju.
En: Luka pulled Nina into a dance, and they twirled together under the raindrops with the sound of the accordion in the background.

Sl: Kmalu so zvezde razsvetlile večerno nebo.
En: Soon, stars lit up the evening sky.

Sl: Ognji so zagoreli in toplota je napolnila zrak.
En: Fires were lit, and warmth filled the air.

Sl: Luka in Nina sta sedla na skalo ob jezeru.
En: Luka and Nina sat on a rock by the lake.

Sl: Gledala sta vodo, ki je bila zdaj mirna in tiha.
En: They watched the water, now calm and silent.

Sl: “Luka,” je tiho rekla Nina, “Današnji dan je bil popoln.
En: "Luka," Nina said softly, "Today has been perfect."

Sl: ”“Tudi zame,” je odgovoril Luka in jo nežno objel.
En: "For me too," Luka replied, gently hugging her.

Sl: Pod zvezdami, ob zvoku oddaljenih smehov in glasbe, sta Luka in Nina vedela, da bosta ta trenutek nosila v srcu za vedno.
En: Under the stars, with the sound of distant laughter and music, Luka and Nina knew that they would carry this moment in their hearts forever.

Sl: Poroka je bila več kot samo slavje - bila je priložnost, ko sta se zaljubila še globlje in skupaj začutila čarobnost Blejskega jezera.
En: The wedding was more than just a celebration—it was an opportunity for them to fall even deeper in love and to feel the magic of Lake Bled together.

Sl: In tako sta končala dan, srečna in polna nepozabnih spominov.
En: And so they ended the day, happy and full of unforgettable memories.

Vocabulary Words:
  • sparkled: svetlikali
  • surface: gladini
  • stepped: stopila
  • joy: veselje
  • laughter: smeh
  • shore: obalo
  • heart: srce
  • rings: obroče
  • bells: zvonce
  • echoed: odmeval
  • meadow: jasa
  • rain: deževati
  • canopies: strehe
  • raindrops: dežne kaplje
  • twirled: vrtela
  • stars: zvezde
  • calm: mirna
  • silent: tiha
  • hugging: objel
  • groom: ženin
  • bride: nevesta
  • wreaths: vence
  • costumes: noše
  • guests: svatje
  • delicious: okusne
  • hosts: gostitelja
  • singing: petje
  • opportunity: priložnost
  • traditional: tradicionalno
  • memories: spominov
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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