A Scenic Hike and an Unexpected Lesson at Lake Bled
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A Scenic Hike and an Unexpected Lesson at Lake Bled
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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: A Scenic Hike and an Unexpected Lesson at Lake Bled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: https://www.fluentfiction.org/a-scenic-hike-and-an-unexpected-lesson-at-lake-bled/ Story Transcript: Sl: Meglice so se...
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Story Transcript:
Sl: Meglice so se počasi dvigale nad jezero Bled, razkrivale so pogled na otok s cerkvijo sredi jezera.
En: The mists were slowly rising over lake Bled, revealing a view of the island with a church in the middle of the lake.
Sl: Jesensko listje okoli jezera je bilo živo rdeče in oranžno.
En: The autumn leaves around the lake were a vibrant red and orange.
Sl: Maja in Anže sta hodila ob obali, z nahrbtniki in palicami v rokah.
En: Maja and Anže were walking along the shore, backpacks and walking sticks in hand.
Sl: "Dan je res prelep za pohodništvo," je rekla Maja, pri čemer je skrivala bolečico v glasu.
En: "The day is really beautiful for hiking," said Maja, masking the pain in her voice.
Sl: Občudovala je okolico, njen obraz pa je bil bel.
En: She admired the surroundings, but her face was pale.
Sl: "Je res, ampak ne izgledaš dobro.
En: "It is, but you don't look well.
Sl: Si prepričana, da si v redu?
En: Are you sure you're okay?"
Sl: " jo je vprašal Anže, ki ni mogel skriti svoje skrbi.
En: Anže asked, unable to hide his concern.
Sl: Maja je prikimala in se nasmehnila.
En: Maja nodded and smiled.
Sl: "Samo malo sem utrujena, želim priti do tiste razgledne točke.
En: "I'm just a bit tired, I want to reach that lookout point.
Sl: Potem se vrneva," je zagotovila.
En: Then we'll head back," she assured him.
Sl: Toda Anže je videl, da njena hoja ni več tako energična.
En: But Anže noticed her steps were no longer energetic.
Sl: Njena odločnost ga je skrbela.
En: Her determination worried him.
Sl: Pot sta nadaljevala po poti, obdajala sta ju vetrič in šelestenje suhih listov pod nogami.
En: They continued along the path, surrounded by a gentle breeze and the rustle of dry leaves underfoot.
Sl: Ko sta se vse bližala razgledni točki, je Maja nenadoma zastala.
En: As they got closer to the lookout point, Maja suddenly stopped.
Sl: Njena glava je bila težka, svet se je začel vrteti.
En: Her head felt heavy, and the world began to spin.
Sl: "Maja," je zavpil Anže, ko jo je videl, kako kleca.
En: "Maja," shouted Anže as he saw her kneel down.
Sl: Pohitel je k njej in jo ujel, preden je padla na tla.
En: He rushed to her and caught her before she fell to the ground.
Sl: "Oprosti, Anže.
En: "Sorry, Anže...
Sl: Zelo slabo mi je," je zašepetala in zaprla oči.
En: I'm feeling very unwell," she whispered and closed her eyes.
Sl: V tistem trenutku je Anžeta prešinilo, da njeno stanje ni nekaj, kar lahko spregledata.
En: At that moment, it dawned on Anže that her condition wasn't something they could ignore.
Sl: Poklical je pomoč in ji dal piti vodo, medtem ko jo je držal pokonci.
En: He called for help and gave her some water while holding her up.
Sl: Ko je Maja spet odprla oči, je bila v ambulantnem vozilu.
En: When Maja opened her eyes again, she was in an ambulance.
Sl: Anže je sedel poleg nje, njegova roka je nežno držala njeno.
En: Anže sat next to her, his hand gently holding hers.
Sl: "Mislila sem, da zmorem," je pojasnila tiho.
En: "I thought I could manage," she explained quietly.
Sl: "Pomembno je, da zdaj poskrbiš zase.
En: "The important thing is to take care of yourself now.
Sl: Še bova hodila skupaj, ko boš boljša," je dejal toplo.
En: We'll hike together again when you're better," he said warmly.
Sl: Ambulantno vozilo se je premaknilo, veter zunaj pa je prinašal vonj jesenskega listja.
En: The ambulance moved, and the wind outside carried the scent of autumn leaves.
Sl: Maja in Anže sta se spogledala, v tihem razumevanju, da bo njuno naslednje potovanje drugačno.
En: Maja and Anže exchanged a look, in silent understanding that their next journey would be different.
Sl: Ta izkušnja jima je pokazala, kako krhki so lahko načrti.
En: This experience showed them how fragile plans can be.
Sl: Naslednji teden, ko se je bližal praznik Vseh svetih, sta se znova srečala pri kavi.
En: The following week, as All Saints' Day approached, they met again over coffee.
Sl: Maja je bila vidno boljša in sproščena.
En: Maja was visibly better and more relaxed.
Sl: "Naslednjič bom poslušala svoje telo in prijatelje," se je zasmejala.
En: "Next time, I'll listen to my body and friends," she laughed.
Sl: Anže je prikimal, vesel, da se je njegova prijateljica naučila pomembno lekcijo.
En: Anže nodded, glad that his friend had learned an important lesson.
Sl: In tako sta prijatelja na obali jezera Bled doživela nepozaben dan, ki jima je pokazal pomen skrbi zase in za druge.
En: And so, the friends on the shore of lake Bled had an unforgettable day that taught them the importance of taking care of themselves and others.
Sl: Njuna pustolovščina se bo še nadaljevala, a tokrat bolj preudarno in z razumevanjem, da je zdravje najpomembnejše.
En: Their adventure would continue, but this time more thoughtfully, understanding that health is paramount.
Vocabulary Words:
- mists: meglice
- revealing: razkrivale
- vibrant: živo
- shore: obala
- backpack: nahrbtnik
- masking: skrivala
- pale: bel
- concern: skrb
- energetic: energicna
- determination: odločnost
- breeze: vetrič
- rustle: šelestenje
- underfoot: pod nogami
- kneel: kleca
- ambulance: ambulantno vozilo
- manage: zmorem
- scent: vonj
- fragile: krhki
- approached: bližal
- relaxed: sproščena
- experience: izkušnja
- unforgettable: nepozaben
- adventure: pustolovščina
- heads: glave
- heading: približevati
- assured: zagotovila
- spoil: spregledati
- hold: držal
- important: pomembno
- understanding: razumevanje
Author | FluentFiction.org |
Organization | Kameron Kilchrist |
Website | www.fluentfiction.org |
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