
Art & Adaptation: Weathering the Storm in Tivoli Park

Sep 14, 2024 · 16m 3s
Art & Adaptation: Weathering the Storm in Tivoli Park

01 · Main Story

1m 42s

02 · Vocabulary Words

12m 7s


Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Art & Adaptation: Weathering the Storm in Tivoli Park Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more: Story Transcript: Sl: V Tivoli parku je...

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Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Art & Adaptation: Weathering the Storm in Tivoli Park
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Story Transcript:

Sl: V Tivoli parku je bil pozni poletni dan.
En: It was a late summer day in Tivoli Park.

Sl: Maja je stala ob vhodu v umetniški paviljon.
En: Maja stood at the entrance of the art pavilion.

Sl: Pogledala je oblake na nebu.
En: She looked up at the clouds in the sky.

Sl: Izgledali so temni.
En: They appeared dark.

Sl: Vedela je, da se dež bliža.
En: She knew the rain was coming.

Sl: "Razstava mora biti popolna," si je mislila.
En: “The exhibition has to be perfect,” she thought to herself.

Sl: Anže je sedel na klopi blizu paviljona.
En: Anže was sitting on a bench near the pavilion.

Sl: Opazoval je svoje slike.
En: He was looking at his paintings.

Sl: "Ali so dovolj dobre?" se je spraševal.
En: “Are they good enough?” he wondered.

Sl: Njegova umetnost je bila zanj nekaj posebnega, vendar ga je strah, da drugim ne bo všeč.
En: His art was something special to him, but he was afraid that others might not like it.

Sl: Maja je prišla do Anžeta.
En: Maja approached Anže.

Sl: "Hej, Anže! Kako gre?" je vprašala z nasmehom.
En: “Hey, Anže! How's it going?” she asked with a smile.

Sl: Anže je vzdihnil.
En: Anže sighed.

Sl: "Nisem prepričan, Maja. Moja umetnost morda ni dovolj dobra za razstavo."
En: “I’m not sure, Maja. My art might not be good enough for the exhibition.”

Sl: Maja je sedla zraven njega.
En: Maja sat down next to him.

Sl: "Tvoja umetnost je edinstvena," mu je rekla.
En: “Your art is unique,” she said to him.

Sl: "Ljudje bodo cenili tvoje delo. Prosimo te, da sodeluješ."
En: “People will appreciate your work. We need you to participate.”

Sl: Anže je razmišljal.
En: Anže thought for a while.

Sl: Maji je zaupal.
En: He trusted Maja.

Sl: Njena strast in energija sta ga navdihovali.
En: Her passion and energy inspired him.

Sl: "Prav, poskusil bom," je dejal.
En: “Alright, I’ll give it a try,” he said.

Sl: Maja je bila vesela.
En: Maja was pleased.

Sl: Vendar je bil še en problem.
En: However, there was another problem.

Sl: Oblaki so se zbirali, napovedovali so nevihto.
En: The clouds were gathering, threatening a storm.

Sl: Maja je hitro ukrepala.
En: Maja acted quickly.

Sl: "Moramo prestaviti razstavo noter," je odločila.
En: “We need to move the exhibition inside,” she decided.

Sl: Anže in drugi so začeli prenašati umetnine v notranjost paviljona.
En: Anže and the others began moving the artworks inside the pavilion.

Sl: Ko so končali, so se nebo odprla in dež je začel padati.
En: Once they were finished, the sky opened up, and the rain started to fall.

Sl: A znotraj je bilo toplo in suho.
En: But inside, it was warm and dry.

Sl: Kmalu so obiskovalci začeli prihajati.
En: Soon, visitors began to arrive.

Sl: Med njimi je bil tudi lokalni kurator umetnosti.
En: Among them was the local art curator.

Sl: Maja je videla priložnost in spodbudila Anžeta, da se pogovori z njim.
En: Maja saw an opportunity and encouraged Anže to speak with him.

Sl: "Pozdravljeni, jaz sem Anže," je rekel sosedu.
En: “Hello, I’m Anže,” he said, introducing himself.

Sl: Kurator je z zanimanjem opazil Anžetove slike.
En: The curator observed Anže’s paintings with interest.

Sl: "Zelo zanimivo," je komentiral.
En: “Very interesting,” he commented.

Sl: Preprosta pohvala je Anžetu dala nov pogum.
En: A simple compliment gave Anže new courage.

Sl: Na koncu razstave je kurator povabil Anžeta, da sodeluje tudi na večji galerijski razstavi.
En: At the end of the exhibition, the curator invited Anže to participate in a larger gallery exhibition.

Sl: Anže je bil presenečen, a vesel.
En: Anže was surprised but delighted.

Sl: S Majo sta se poslovila od gostov.
En: He and Maja bid farewell to the guests.

Sl: "Uspelo nam je," je rekla Maja, oči so ji sijale.
En: “We did it,” Maja said, her eyes shining.

Sl: Po razstavi je Anže začutil novo samozavest.
En: After the exhibition, Anže felt a new sense of confidence.

Sl: Vedel je, da bo še naprej delil svojo umetnost.
En: He knew he would continue to share his art.

Sl: Maja pa je spoznala, kako pomembna je prilagodljivost.
En: Maja realized how important adaptability is.

Sl: Skupaj sta se veselila uspeha in novih priložnosti.
En: Together, they celebrated their success and new opportunities.

Sl: Tivoli park je sijal v pozni večerni luči, njuna skupna zgodba pa je zaživela s svetlostjo ljubezni do umetnosti in skupnosti.
En: Tivoli Park glowed in the late evening light, and their shared story came to life with the brightness of love for art and community.

Vocabulary Words:
  • exhibition: razstava
  • pavilion: paviljon
  • clouds: oblaki
  • curator: kurator
  • compliment: pohvala
  • approached: prišla
  • unique: edinstvena
  • appreciate: cenili
  • opportunity: priložnost
  • courage: pogum
  • farewell: poslovila
  • adaptability: prilagodljivost
  • confidence: samozavest
  • threatening: napovedovali
  • storm: nevihto
  • gathering: zbirali
  • participate: sodeluje
  • glowed: sijal
  • entrance: vhodu
  • visitors: obiskovalci
  • encouraged: spodbudila
  • paintings: slike
  • delighted: vesel
  • sparkling: sijale
  • energy: energija
  • trust: zaupal
  • passion: strast
  • observe: opazil
  • weather: vreme
  • artwork: umetnine
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Organization Kameron Kilchrist

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